Wellington,#2Consumer Comment
Sat, October 10, 2009
My son has been a student of Zentao Martial Arts school since March,2009. This school does teach kids to toughen up, they're not just given away belts. They learn to be able to defend self if bullied or physically threatened. Yes, this school is for kids and adults who don't come to collect belts but to learn to defend self in real life situations. I know Mr Evan Drew since March,2009. He is very passionate about Martial Arts. My son attends this Martial Arts school 6 days a week, and I've never seen or suspected that Mr. Drew uses drugs or any illegal substances. I'm a registered nurse myself, and in my line of work I've been dealing a lot with drug users/abusers.From my experience, I would be picking it up immediately.
The ripoff report was written by very bitter, prejudiced and vendictive person. That's my honest opinion. Some people getting very happy whenever spill dirt at other people.
west palm beach,#3General Comment
Thu, October 08, 2009
We share a common interest, and that is martial arts instruction, "the words beating up
weak children" for the untrained professional instructor or parent may seem very abusive or down rite criminal, if this was the case Mr. Drew (Martial Arts hall of fame inductee) would of suffered the consequences 5 years ago when he opened up his first school. As a matter of fact there are some students in his school that have parents in Law enforcement, or Law enforcement Officers themselves...
Sparring as you call "beating up on the weak", is a redundant aspect of MMA, Karate, Kung-fu, Muay Thai any contact sport. Sir or Madam martial arts is a pugilistic sport that enables the "weak" to defend themselves from any act of aggression by constant and diligent training.
With that I am not trying to excuse any oversight the instructor or instructors may have had, during a class where by an advanced student may have gone overboard, but again blaming the instructor degrading him calling him a drug addict is totally un-called for. His curriculum covers all aspects of a beginner or a child's best interest in the martial arts
I am sorry if I have offended you in any way, I apologize in advance. please rebut this post if I am inaccurate in any way. thanks for reading (character reference)