  • Report:  #237302

Complaint Review: Ezgaming.com - Internet

Reported By:
- Chicago, Illinois,

www.ezgaming.com Internet, U.S.A.
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I ordered 1000g from Ezgaming.com for an in-game virtual use on the game World of Warcraft. I only received 699 of the 1000g I paid for.

First, after a few days of waiting for the in-game mail delivery of my order I became concerned as they boast a 24 hour delivery on thier site. I contact them via thier live chat and they tell me my order is not found. I give them my paypal transaction and that does the trick, they create my order manually and promise me it will be delivered in 48 hours. A few days go by and I receive email telling me they delivered a partial payment of my order via in-game mail. I check it out and have received nothing from them. I check it again the next day in case of lag and again, no delivery from them. I have received two more emails by this time saying my order is 1g away from being complete, though I have actually received nothing. I speak with them via email and live chat and eventually they agree to meet me in game and do a face to face trade. I get a partial payment of 699g, which is awesome and I am happy, and am told the rest will come at a later time. I trust them as they are attempting to make my situation right. Now, it's been almost 3 full weeks since I initally placed the order and over a week from when I had my in-game fact to face trade and they have sent me emails saying the looked for me, though its at off-peak hours either late at night or early afternoon and conveniently I'm asleep or at work. I email them with my phone number and availabity of when I am usually logged on the game and they email me back saying to log on live chat and arrange a meeting. Tonight I do so and am told I need to wait longer, though I'm continually reassured by them I have the 'utmost priority'. 3 weeks and my order is still incomplete. I'm fed up with dealing with these shady people. I am not the only one who has not been getting what they promise: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff235158.htm

I have various emails, I will post a few with what I sent and thier responses:

EMAIL #1 - Sent by me


I have made my order information available below. I seem to be having a delivery problem. I made a purchase on your website almost two weeks ago now. A few days go by and I have received nor heard anything via in-game, email or by phone from you. I am concerned as your site states delivery usually within 24 hours, so I write an email and get a response to get on live chat because I paid with Paypal and sometimes it doesn't automatically

generate the order on your end. The helpful fellow on live chat manually entered my information and informed me it would be approximately 24 more hours for delivery.

A couple more days go by and again I have received nor heard anything via in game, email or by from you. I am concerned again, so I start up the live chat and am assured it will be soon that my purchase will be delivered, the stock was down and its being filled now. A couple more days go by, we are at a week now, and I receive 3 emails from throughout the day stating partial

payments have been deposited totalling 998g (I ordered 1000g). I am excited, yay it's finally here! I log in and check my in-game mail and there is nothing from ezgaming.com, no gold delivered. I double check the email times and it has been 13 hours since the first email was sent surely it would have arrived by then. Thinking there has been some kind of mistake, I log on the live chat on your website and explain the problem. They apologize, confirm my information (which was correct, the bit she verified with me) and that

the gold was delivered. I ask the agent to double check because I have not received anything in-game. The agent does and comes back with the same answer, it has been delivered, but they will re-deliver another 1000g this

one time.

Okay, I'm a bit upset and ask for my money back the agent on live chat refuses saying it's not possible and tell me as soon as the stock is up they will re-deliver. Reluctantly I accept as I have no choice, though I am tired of waiting days and days for my $160 real dollars purchase. Just for the record, no gold was delivered later... by way of delayed delivery. I never

received anything. Now, 3 days or so have gone by and I just received another email, which states a partial payment of 127g has been delivered, when I checked it the email was 3 and a 1/2 hours old. I log in and check my mail, nothing. No gold no delivery to my character at all again. I know mail in-game is occasionally slow but I've never experienced anything over a couple hours delay. At 3 1/2 hours, now 4 it should be showing in my mailbox though it is not. I am writing this in hopes I can stop the delivery before they deliver more because I am not receiving it again. There is something

wrong somewhere... some information is being mixed up. I am receiving emails telling me stuff is being delivered yet nothing is showing up in game. I am in the process of asking blizzard if they can provide a log of mail

transactions to and from my character on these days, or for any other way to verify if mail is being delivered/received or not so I have something

physical to show you.

I am very concerned. I need a phone number to contact someone to speak with them about this because the live chat is too impersonal and isn't correcting

the issue. I am happy to take the 1000g and not request a refund, though if this continues to say gold is delivered and is not reaching me, I will have

to insist and find an avenue to get a refund. I don't want the amount to

reach another 1000 and then just tell me too bad when I tell the agent in

live chat I didn't get the second round of deliver either. I will list my

information below and please feel free to call me at xxxxxxxx and speak

with me about this as I need this straightened out. $160 is just too much

money to just forget about. Here is my game information please double and

triple check with the deliverer of the gold that he is delivering to the

right information. Maybe spelling my name wrong, is gold being returned to

your deliverer. Is he delivering on euro server instead of US server where I

am, wrong server, wrong faction... a number of possibilities and I hope

someone can look into this as I'm losing out here :(

I sent a second one before they responded to mine as I was logged in thier live chat service and was dealing with someone there, here is what I wrote:

I sent the below email just before I spoke online with the live chat agent.

Susanna L. was who I chatted with. She informed me of the same information

that the 127g was recorded as delivered. I still have not received this gold

or any of the other from the emails earlier in the week. After a nice chat

about the situation, Susanna L. told me she could note on my account with

you that an agent will meet me in game face to face for delivery. Email will

be sent to me once currency stocks are there. I just hope this will solve

it... if the gold is being sent supposedly with the right information and

I'm not getting it then it's a possibility if there is an oversight on the

deliverers part that they won't be logged in with the correct info or if

it's my name he has wrong he won't be able to whisper me. A phone call would

be real nice and easy xxxxxxxxxx. This way we can work it out real time

over the phone and get this taken care of. Contact me by phone so we can get

this right, please. It's obviously something wrong my delivery and a phone

call and a face to face trade in-game would be the easiest, most efficient

customer service experience. Please do me right and don't do me like:


Sorry I had to bust that out, but I'm almost in that situation and I'm

worried about it. The recent-ness of this is what is bothering me the most.

Last thing ya need is more of those floating around.


Thank you for you email, and we apologize for the delay in the response.

Firstly, we would like to apologize for all the confusion we have made on those previous email. Unfortunately, we do not offer a hotline service currently. If you have any concerns or inquiries, please feel free to contact us through email or go to livehelp system through our website.

Regarding to our order, I have just confirmed with my Specialist Team and I am pleased to inform you that we will be able to redeliver your order of 1000 gold again.

Please be informed that the original order was completed successfully; and as a gesture of goodwill on this occasion only we will re-deliver. Nevertheless, to make sure this time you receive the said amount, we would need to do a "FACE TO FACE" delivery to ensure prompt delivery. According to our record, your order information is correct. However, due to some unknown reason you're not able to receive it. Please be advice that our IT department has been noticed about the delivery problem and they're investigating it now. We'll try our best to find the possible solution for this issue as soon as possible.

Unfortunatly, I regret to inform you that we have discovered we do not have enough stock to fulfill your order. We'll prioritize your order and send you an email for arranging delivery time once restocked for your server. We would like to apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and would like to thank you in advance for your patience with us.

If there is anything else we might do to help in regards to your order, please do not hesitate to let us know and we will accommodate you at once.

Best Regards,

Derek L.

EZGaming Customer Support


Email: [email protected]

A little perterbed after many hours spent writing emails and being logged in thier live chat service here is EMAIL #3 from me after I did receive a partial delivery and been waiting a few days for the rest:

Okay, I met with Rushakj (in game character on your end) and he delivered 699 gold to me. I was very happy, it was the first actual gold I have received from you. I have to say he said wait and he put up a another 699 gold in trade after a couple minute wait and highlighted it green. I could have been an a*****e and took the extra 398 gold and said too bad so sad, but being an honest person I reminded him that I only needed 301 more gold to fulfill my transaction and closed the 2nd trade. He told me to wait again and a couple minute later he informed me that the rest would be delivered at a later time. I was a bit confused as he obviouisly had the gold ready. Well now I received an email at 2:48am last night saying the rest was delivered by mail. Of course I log in and check my mail, nothing again. Big surprise, I havent received any mail from your people. Now the email says a total of 1950 gold has been delivered and my order is now complete. My order was 1000g and I actually received 699g. Needless to say I am extremely upset and will be posting my grievences on as many websites, such as ripoffreport.com, to complain as I can. This is absolute bullshit, I did not get what I paid for and I got piss-poor customer service on top of this. I know this is not the only occurance with your company as I have seen one complaint already posted on ripoffreport.com about you not following through at all with another customer and I had one of your live chat people screw up and send me a message meant for another customer that pretty much said too bad so sad. It will catch up to you and it wont be worth it. I have bought gold twice in the past from 2 different sites and had to play the waiting game, but never got ripped off. I am still owed 301g and demand this be delivered to me in person. If you will not do this, prepare to hear from me many times again. I will be reporting you and attempting to reverse my paypal payment. I have time and I love to screw people that screw people. I love thieves about as much as I love turds.

Heh, got a little nasty but d**n I paid for a service and am basically being told I'm a liar! Here is thier response:


Thank you for emailing us with your concern.

I have just confirmed with my Specialist Team and I am pleased to inform you that we will be able to redeliver your order again. As I can see in our record, we have delivered your order under xxx. Please be informed that the original order was completed successfully; however as a gesture of goodwill on this occasion only we will re-deliver.

Unfortunately, we do not have enough stock to complete your order at this time. I am very sorry for any inconvenience caused. It usually takes up to 24 hours for us to restock. Please be assured that as soon as we have restocked, we will be sending you a confirmation email when its done to arrange face to face trade with you.

Should you have any further inquiries, please feel free to send us a reply, or come visit us at our livehelp located at our website and at the bottom of this email.

Best Regards,

Joyce P.

EZGaming Customer Support


Email: [email protected]


I want to thank you for taking my grievance seriously. I recognize you

are trying to make the situation right and I really appreciate that. I

understand it's a situation thats hard for either side to confirm when

there is a complaint, but I would not go to these lengths if something

was not wrong.

I am not able to be logged on before 5:30pm central time and will try

to be on often as I can between 5:30pm and 11pm central time the next

couple days. Feel free to call me at xxxxxxxxxx during those times

if I am not on and I can log in.


Several emails with times they looked for me. Last from them told me to log in live chat and arrange a meeting and as I put above was again put off being told to wait so now I am posting here hoping someone will see they are ripping people off and if you must buy some gold DO NOT BUY FROM EZGAMING.COM SHITTIEST EXPERIENCE EVER!


Okay, I have done everything you have asked and I keep getting jerked around. I'm sick of it. I paid for 1000g and I received 699g from one in game trade. You sent me emails saying gold was delivered by mail, though I never got one of these in game. I just know was on your live help after 3 weeks of waiting for my order to be complete I'm told I'm given the utmost priority but would you mind waiting another 48 hours. BULLSHIT, everytime I've been told my order is priority but I'm continued to ask to wait a couple more days each time. I logged on your live chat twice tonight, first guy told it would be mailed to me in-game... didn't even realize thats where my f**king problems lays with you guys and I had to tell him to read my file or whatever the hell you have on me carefully and he will see that I have met ingame for delivery. He comes back and apologizes and tells me he alerted an agent and that within a half hour I will be contacted. Two hours later of waiting for a tell in game...nothing from you guys as usual. So I wait another hour to log back on your worthless live chat and get told your stock is out (even though my character has utmost priority from the 10 times before I had to log on this f**king live chat) and I have to wait 48 hours. KEEP THE f**kING 301 GOLD! ITS GOING TO BE MY f**kING PLEASURE TO POST IN EVERY REALM FORUM EVERY WEEK BLASTING EZGAMING.COM AND LINKING AS MANY COMPLAINTS FROM ALL THE WEBSITES I CAN MUSTER LIKE THIS ONE: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff235158.htm and when I post my complain I'll be sure to email it to you so you can check out what your would be customers will be reading and then you can understand why your going to lose some business. You can't just rip people off without reprecussion.


Chicago, Illinois

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