  • Report:  #827443

Complaint Review: Family Respiratory and Medical Supply - Internet

Reported By:
Daniel - Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America

Family Respiratory and Medical Supply
5522 Harford Rd Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I would like to take some time from my day to provide some information about Family Respiratory and Medical Supply to those seeking employment.  This is not a company you want to work for.  Let me tell you why.  Your self esteem will be 6 feet under when he is done with you.

The business practices adopted by Ken Suter are questionable at best.  Throughout my employment I witnessed several accounts of this behavior.  The worst part of this behavior is the hostile work environment he creates.

Everyone is always living in fear.  Don't do this.  Don't do that.  If you do this, I will fire you.  If you disagree with me, I will fire you.  People need their jobs and have nobody to speak up to at the company since his wife is the HR representative.  He approved one person's vacation and that person did not act exactly the way Ken wanted.  Ken then told that person their vacation time was cancelled.  Is that right?  Ken had told me to take some comp-time for some long hours I put in, but not tell the "Black" ladies upstairs about it because they will want something for free also.

There were times when something would not go exactly Mr. Suter's way and he would explode into a rage.  One day something happened and he stormed through the office yelling and screaming..."You, you, you and you...get your @sses up to my office, NOW!!"  You could hear him yelling through two walls and the ceiling.  After the meeting in his office he got in his car and left black tire marks pulling out of the office.  This was the worst event, but each time he got angry and left the office he would return with glassy eyes and vanish to his office the remainder of the day and not come out.  This man needs mandatory drug testing on a regular basis.  Ken Suter sits on the board of directors at a large hospital here in Baltimore...they need to look into his behavior and business practices.

I would like to invite anyone reading this article to search on this website for Kenneth Suter (http://casesearch.courts.state.md.us/inquiry/inquiry-index.jsp).  You will see a sexual harassment lawsuit against him and assault charges against his sons.  One day we were in the warehouse and a Shania Twain song came on the radio.  Ken said, "Phew, I would like to * her where she *".  

The profanity that came from Mr. Suter's mouth would make a sailor blush.  It was always "F" this.  "F" that.  I hear he actually had the nerve to fire someone in the Felton, DE office for swearing.  How can this happen?  A President/CEO of a company should lead by example.  

The last thing on my list is the fact they charge for direct deposit.  I verified with his bank that they do not charge him for this service, but he charges each employee $2 per paycheck.  If 50 employees do DD each month that is $200 per month or $2600 per year.  I am sure we paid for his vacation a few times over...or his weed supply!

This is not a company a professional needs to work for.  It is very painful to sit back and watch what his current employees go through on a daily basis.  If you are lucky enough to come across this report, don't waste your time on this company...you will be sorry.  Apply for a job at McDonalds until you can find something permanent.

Best of luck.

5 Updates & Rebuttals


Glen Rock,
Worked for FRMS

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, April 16, 2017

 I am a former employee of Family Respiratory and Medical Supply and I must say something. Although it is true that Mr. Suter could cuss like a sailor and would show his temper. The man was very good to me. I worked there for 3 years. It was at times hard to work with him I admit that. And it is true that he was charged with sexual harassment and spent 6 weekends in jail. But he never treated any of his employees bad. The harassment charges were bought up by 2 young ladies who dressed well lets just say trashy. Mr Suter told them time and again to not dress this way. They didn't listen,he fired them they sued. In 2003 I had to have a total knee replacement, I told Ken I needed to be pulled from standby per my Dr. He said Ok. I need you more during the day then on standby. I was shocked that he agreed,but the big surprise was yet to come. In May of 2003 I had my surgical procedure. After the surgery I came back to work. At first I worked in the office, then back on the road. The whole time I was also doing PT at the out patients clinic. Let me make this shorter, I was not supposed to be working. I let him know he said I will miss you around here and Jim he said " Don't worry about anything, we take care of our family " He paid me for the rest of year. He has his faults, but this guy is a good friend. I have never been treated with the same respect from other employers like he treated me. I don't know what it's like working for Lincare (since Mr Suter sold his business to them) but working with him was not that bad.

Screwed Ex-Employee

Talking Trash?

#3Author of original report

Tue, September 24, 2013

I came across these reports and wanted to chime in.  The former Director of IT was one of the few people at this company who knew what was going on and gave a crap about his coworkers.  That Director of IT is still a great friend and is always there to help.  He would never go around sabatoging wireless networks to make a dollar.  The only thing I know he did was go around locating unsecure wireless networks and offer services to secure those networks.  Can't blame someone for trying to earn money by helping others, right? 

Olive Oyl in Felton DE needs to stop spreading lies about people just because they woke up and got the hell out of Dodge and found a new job because they got tired of the verbal and mental abuse dished out by a egotistical person we call Nepoleon.



Truth About IT Director

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, September 11, 2013

 The IT Director was given an ultimatum not to be there when the owner returned from his vacation, as he was found out through records that he was taken to court for threats as well as driving around in his car breaking into networks so he could charge people to fix them. Very shady. That's why he left his old state and relocated.  If it was true that the IT Director resigned on his own, what kind of person would resign and walk out while the owner was on vacation anyway?!


Management covering their you-know-what!

#5Author of original report

Thu, September 05, 2013

 The statement about the prior Director of IT is false.  I have seen the resignation letter and I know management is lying about this. Management is just trying to place blame somewhere else to make themselves feel better. The owner did not fire the Director of IT....he was on a cruise to the Bahamas when this person turned in their resignation.




False Statements by Disgruntled Former Staff

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, September 03, 2013

 I worked for Family Respiratory and Medical Supply for many years and just came across these postings.  I can honestly say that these statements are not true.  Family Respiratory was the best place I ever worked.  I believe that those who made these comments were disgruntled employees that lost at their unemployment hearings.  For example, there was an I.T. guy from Tennessee that the owner fired because of a questionable background.  The lawsuits that were mentioned in the above posting were not directed at the owner, but were directed at upper management of the company, from two employees that were terminated.

It is very unfortunate that rather than find another job, or try to make oneself better, people instead have to spend time bad-mouthing someone who was very generous to the staff, offering better benefits than most small businesses offer, while also taking care of a significant number of indigent patients (those who couldn't afford their medical equipment received it for free, donated, and services received were at no charge as well).

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