  • Report:  #164975

Complaint Review: Famous Poets Society - International Poets - free Poetry Contest - Talent Oregon

Reported By:
- quitters never win and winners never quit, South Carolina,

Famous Poets Society - International Poets - free Poetry Contest
21 Pobox Talent, 97540 Oregon, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This "company" known to have many names one of which includes famous poets society is deceptive. If you are reading this report and you are one of the many that are a victim of their scams remember that you're not dumb. Easy for me to say, but I am one of those too. I will tell you my short story about how i am invovled and what i think of this "company".

I was given a clipping in the news paper in 2003 for a FREE POETRY CONTEST. It all began. I am a talented writter so i entered. I recieved the same letter as many of the other rip off reports indicate(Our 10th Anniversary. We will honor you as a famous poet for 2004 and present you with a trophey, etc. I received this letter on my birthday.

Now, I am a college student with an a average; therefore, you do not have to be dumb to get sucked up into this kind of scam; mere excitment can aid the process. It seemed "to good to be true" as I read on.

Being a single parent I couldn't afford to travel to Reno from where I live. Luckily for me then they would have over 500.00 of mine; however, I did choose to purchase 1 copy of the book that my poem and a few other peices would be in. (Great Poems Of The Western World). Which totaled @ $85 something.

They said I would recieve a type set to make sure everything was correct, that I did get, but nothing more. It's easy for the company to defend themselves as they are indeed good decievers.

I was promised the book in six months (TWO YEARS AGO). I called back-nothing fancy or proffesional just a jittery voice saying it will be anouther two months.I have a considerable amount of intution and it became more obvious as the months passed on with no copy of this anthology. Call back-yes for the one that said quit gripping(to put it nicely) and just call the people and ask.

This is what i got. 6mths, no it will be two more, no, now it will be anouther month well actually anouther and anouther how many more months?? I won't waste any more time I have came to my conclusion WHICH IS THERE IS NO BOOK; THEY LIE, STEAL, SCAM

I think that this company needs to get their act together they are TOTALLY unproffesional AKA not a company at all.


the loss of money for the cost of the book I havent recieved.

the loss of the money for shipping, etc.

the loss of a personal photo.

my altered self-esteem/willingness to share my poetry.


They obviously think this is either funny(THIS BEING SCAMMING PEOPLE), non detramental to their morality and others sense of self, very proffitable, or they just dont give a s**t. OR ALL OF THE ABOVE.

SOOOOOOOO "FAMOUS POETS SOCIETY" if you aren't a BIG SCAM, which your defending that you are not.

How come there are OVER 80 reports on you guys??

How come though you say you do not hide behind anything. You put people off and put them off take their money and give nothing? (HEY isnt that a THEIF?) NOTHING BUT FALSE HOPE AND EMPTY PROMISES!!

I have felt physically ill since all of this hit me. I have felt writing perhaps is something I should not do anymore. I have become obsessed with lack of sleep to strive for justice. Which ultimately would be not only what I paid for, but for evidence that this is a company is either on the up and up or NOT. It would be easy to send a few people a copy of the book they paid for and never send a few hundred others theirs. It would be easy to also send them what they payed for to seemingly not be a scam and then 5 years later the individual finds their self being sued because they published a book of their original work that included the same poem sent to famous poets (THAT THEY STOLE AND CALLED THEIR OWN).

I understand an extra three weeks but promises of month after month untill the end of 2005 FREAK YOU GUYS!

I will finish by saying you guys if Lavender is a color and aurora is defined as 1 the goddess of dawn, a suburb of denver, or the dawn, doesn't this sound like a FAKE NAME?

Come on people how many people have you seen in the yellow pages named aurora? Ohh and The celestial arts commission. Celestial meaning of the heavens BAAH sure. TO earn respect you must proove your worthy, and though innocence until prooven guilty is the way things work. Innocence can be defined by me regarding this company as still getting away with putting people off and deception.

I will heal from this and continue to write. I will belive in myself and my own book of poetry that is being published next year. I will also open up my eyes and see things for what they really are and perhaps maybe one day this company can do the same. They have sooo many excuses which may appear valid,but only to be followed by an empty mailbox.

I will ignore those that discourage me and hold onto my dreams forever and though a lot of people may loose their money and some feeling within their heart for their own poetry we should all reflect and see how this could be a learning exsperince.

If I receive my copy, if they change their attitude and everyone of these reports are updated I will then CONSIDER the possibilty of them as simply unorganized and unproffessional, but since I am not the law or anything but a mere writer they are guilty untill proven innocent.

If we can all unite and inform others of this and the other companies to make a stand for honesty and our deserving recongnition a ripple will be seen and anouther and another and anouther.


Never lie cheat or steal

quitters never win and winners never quit, South Carolina

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1 Updates & Rebuttals

Never lie cheat or steal

quitters never win and winners never quit,
South Carolina,
Well this has surely been a roller coaster ride for me.

#2Author of original report

Sun, December 04, 2005

Getting excited, feeling let down then feeling satisfied. I have recieved everything promised from this company. Though the book greatest poems of the western world has a lot of type errors in it i am pleased because i recieved what i was told i would and was not lied to. If this company would surrender to more in depth exsplanations instead of vague responses they could prevent a lot of "rumors" as well as sleepless nights for many poets. It took sooooo long to recieve my book as promised that, yes, it did begin to look like a lie. I guess sometimes it is hard to see the truth when you can only see what you look for sometimes. When the truth seems apparent perhaps it isn't. I'm glad that this is over i feel a sigh of relife. And LO and behold Lavender Aurora is a "real name" i guess. opps~ well she has a beatiful picture of her family on the book. So good luck to all of you. And if anyone from FPS is reading this, Please offer the suggestions above to other employees, because all of these reports could be prevented. If the poets are the reason the book takes so long to get out because their not sending their forms in on time, then perhaps you could make a FIRM date and any late ones are not elligable any longer after that date to prevent pushing book printing further nad further away. Though the words i said in my report came from honesty and the way i felt so do these in my update. So to everyone thinking of entering the FPS contest i say "go for it", but exspect a Looooonnnnnngggggg time befour recieving anything from them,exspect to feel like it's never going to happen and that you have been ripped off untill they get their act a little more organized or something. Cheers have a great X-mas 2005....bye everyone

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