  • Report:  #914704

Complaint Review: Florida Technical College - Orlando Florida

Reported By:
Current Faculty Member - Winter Park, Florida, United States of America

Florida Technical College
Challenger Parkway Orlando, Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Dear Dave,

Being that I am a current employee and have seen many people come and go and us faculty getting yelled at for things that are not in our control I have some questions. Students have brought this site to many of our attention and questions just get side stepped.

1. If FTC was doing a great job, why are we as a school listed on here? I never see UCF, Rollins College, Seminole or Valencia anywhere listed on here. Only our school, both students and faculty have posted. I think we all deserve a viable answer and not some made up happy answer that you believe is going to satisfy all of us.

2. We as faculty were told we were topped out and no raises were going to happen, have you gotten a raise Dave? I see that tuition has gone up and admissions reps make good money and we instructors are not, we work long hours and don't we deserve to be compensated yearly as I am sure you are. We all see the vacations you take, the high end car you drive  and we are not able to afford them but you sure make us work long hours. We love our jobs and went to school to obtain our degrees. Take care of us and we will take care of the college how hard is that. We as employees are your greatest asset!

3. Why did the regional director of admissions come to a meeting and blast us for students attendance as that is not in our control. If admissions was not so worried about making the numbers and enrolling drama, financially unstable oriented students that could care less about being in school we could take care of the ones that are here and wanting to make a difference. We are also tired of chasing those deadbeat students down. Other colleges never do that to their students. If they do not show they are dropped. We want to treat this as a college not a prison and have those daily retention meetings. Mike Zucharri should never be in a faculty meeting.

4. You have lost some great faculty in the last year or so what are you going to do to retain us and help us achieve our professional goals.We have been talking about a union and that will get us what we want.

5. Why are students complaining about financial aide FASFA and saying FTC is doing fraudulent things with the money? Gary was let go for something and that makes us all nervous. Do what is right by the student and lets make this a legitimate college, one we can all be proud of and not be on this board ever again.

6. Why are people hired that are not qualified to be in their positions. I was there when the business instructor left a few years ago as Bernadette and Gabe got into it with him as he was trying to do his job which he did very well. Students and faculty really liked him,  his replacement had no clue what she was doing and she was eventually asked to leave.  We were so happy when Bernadette was FIRED as she was a TERRIBLE Dean and not qualified to be in that position what so ever. Look at what it cost FTC, some great instructors leaving and many students that dropped.  Who's bright idea was it to hire her with only an associate degree. Most Deans require at least a masters degree. We all want to know that answer?

We all look forward to your reply on here.

FTC Faculty Member

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Grow up

United States of America
Dumb teacher!

#2General Comment

Thu, July 26, 2012

Dear teacher As a student, I think you should worry about us passing our basic medical skills test, instead of what kind of car someone drives!,,,,,,,what about teaching us what we should know!,,,,,,,,??? Dumb teachers at FTC. I learned more in High School! Now I'm in college with my teachers complaining in class! I pay to go to school at thi college?

Current Student

United States of America

#3Author of original report

Mon, July 23, 2012


I as well as other faculty have read your response to those questions and it left more questions. We are afraid to say anything as we cold get fired. This is our only source and am glad you are reading and responding to this.

1. I really don't know - I wish people would just come to me. I will always see everyone, anytime, for any reason. I believe we are a good college, and they are too.
How could you not know, have you read what is written on here. It is not the best stuff and like we have said, other schools are not on here. It seems like our school is about money and others have seen it. Look at our drop rate as that should give you an indication.

2. Yes we have in fact had some raises, and no I have not taken one in two years.  I wish I had a vacation, I have not taken a vacation in over 2 1/2 years. My car is a personal one and in no way paid by the
Some raises?? All of us instructors should get raises after all we work long hours and are stuck in senseless meetings all the time. We were told all of us were TOPPED OUT! You did not explain that one.  And while you drive a nice car some of us instructors are barely getting by. Think about that as we work long hours and dedicate ourselves to the educating of students that could not get into a community college. Why not take a year and make what we instructors make (35,000 - 50,000) and work the hours we do (split shift long hours) and you will then have a change of heart on that. Be like the TV show Undercover Boss and you will then see and get the real story of facts.

I would love to take care of you, and think quite honestly that I do. Come to see me. You are all my greatest asset, I agree.
Give us our hard earned raises and some praise and quit telling us we are topped out. And no more retention meetings, I am sure Rollins, UCF, Seminole, and Valencia colleges never do that.

3. I did not know he did, but I would disagree, attendance is in the hands of teachers. Why as an instructor would you think otherwise? But on both counts, I will look into it. We do drop students that don't come back, but I do encourage trying hard to keep them.
if you are in charge you should know all that goes on with your executive team. He was there and yelled at us. That is no way acceptable to us as he is not our boss and should never be in those meetings at ll.
That goes to show you that we are all about money. I think next meeting he comes to all of us faculty will walk out.

4. We have very little loss in academics - who specifically are you referring to?
You lost some of the Information Technology, Medical, and Criminal Justice instructors. To many names to remember.

5. Our financial aid is audited and above board at all time, and Gary resigned to attend college and will probably be assuming his position upon completion of his degree.
After our ACICS visit then Gary was fired for complaints he is not coming back. Where is that school answer coming from. He was plain and simply fired. Many students complained about FASFA and Pell grant money and a few said they are owed money and it is not being distributed back to them.

6. I liked Chris a lot, but he wanted to relocate to New York and did. She was not a good as Chris on some levels, and did a good job on others. I thought Chris was very helpful and again, I liked him too. 
He did not want to relocate back to NY as some of us communicate with him from time to time. He was not treated the best by Gabe and Bernadette and I remember the meeting he was drenched by a super soaker and spoken to in a demeaning manner in which he was constantly ridiculed as Gabe and Bernadette did it in front of students and us faculty. I do not blame him for leaving. A year after he left he gets a huge book deal as an author. That could of been our school getting that publicity if he had stayed. You instead did nothing to keep him but you then promoted Gabe, can you see something wrong with that?  Can you see how us faculty see favoritism as if Chris did any of that to students he would of been fired. I am surprised Chris did not sue the school for a hostile work environment, as he would have won that case. He was a great instructor and we all still miss him. He did great things for our students and was a go to guy. I am sure where he is now they must love him You should read his reviews on www.ratemyprofessor.com as they are outstanding.

Sims was not as good as Chris and students complained about her. Hence her not being here. McCaullife is ok but he has no spark in his teaching as he is older but did you not fire him and then bring him back.What was that about?

7. Bernadette took that position with I think the best of intentions, and she was actively enrolled in college. I think her desire to leave was the best decision for her personally.
Plain and simple she had a personal agenda and was not qualified for that position. She caused a lot of drama on our campus and when she was asked to leave so did the drama! She had no training as a dean and would yell of if she did not like us faculty, she would also find a way to get us out. Look at some of the medical staff and criminal justice that she was in charge of. You lost Chris because of her. Plus, many colleges hire only those in that position that have graduate degrees not actively seeking a bachelor degree. We do not miss her at all and like Dr. Barretto and Dr. Penn.  Both had advanced degrees and are very good at what they do.

David Ruggieri

Answers Requested

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, July 23, 2012

 I am glad that you are either a current or former employee, and you helped teach our students, if you know me than you know how much I appreciate your efforts.
Please, I will answer any and all questions. I am proud of FTC and constantly attempt to make it a better place. But I will address your questions.
1. I really don't know - I wish people would just come to me. I will always see everyone, anytime, for any reason. I believe we are a good college, and they are too
2. Yes we have in fact had some raises, and no I have not taken one in two years.  I wish I had a vacation, I have not taken a vacation in over 2 1/2 years. My car is a personal one and in no way paid by the company. 
I would love to take care of you, and think quite honestly that I do. Come to see me. You are all my greatest asset, I agree. 
3. I did not know he did, but I would disagree, attendance is in the hands of teachers. Why as an instructor would you think otherwise? But on both counts, I will look into it. We do drop students that don't come back, but I do encourage trying hard to keep them.
4. We have very little loss in academics - who specifically are you referring to?
5. Our financial aid is audited and above board at all time, and Gary resigned to attend college and will probably be assuming his position upon completion of his degree. 
6. I liked Chris a lot, but he wanted to relocate to New York and did. She was not a good as Chris on some levels, and did a good job on others. I thought Chris was very helpful and again, I liked him too. 
7. Bernadette took that position with I think the best of intentions, and she was actively enrolled in college. I think her desire to leave was the best decision for her personally.

Please reach out to me personally and let me help where I can - and thanks for being upfront and vocal.


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