  • Report:  #607307

Complaint Review: God Live Ministries And Church Paul Keaton Guy Kemp Pastor Guy - Las Vegas Nevada

Reported By:
Anonymous - USA, Nationwide, United States of America

God Live Ministries And Church Paul Keaton Guy Kemp Pastor Guy
Somewhere in the USA Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I can verify a similar report on this site about Guy Kemp. Apparently he has alias's now, so I also am referring to Pastor Guy. Guy Kemp is his real name. He is probably in his late 50's or 60's now. A detective out in Henderson (Nevada if I remember right) has been onto him for a while. These 3k wire transfer scams are typical of him. I'll share my story.

He used to be a radio personality (google "Guy Kemp" and "radio") and you'll see a few sites with his biography. He even has a brother in the local news media too out in LA, Garth Kemp (I'm sure his brother is legit though).  I mention this because if you ever speak to Guy over the phone, he'll sound like a radio guy (boomy voice) and will probably talk up as many media connections as he can. And since there is some evidence on the net that he did once work in radio, you'll have some reason to believe him.  And in my case, the scam was related to his ex-radio career and  I found out from other people afterwards that he'd used this same story with them. 

Long story short, he said his "tech-talk" radio show was sometimes given promo TV's and computers from sponsors to review, and afterwards his show was allowed to sell them. Wire him money through Western Union, and he'll mail you great stuff.  Okay, so who is stupid enough to believe this. Guy Kemp will work someone for months before pitching the wire scam. And since my company was in the tech-industry, Guy picked up on that and contacted me to be interviewed on his show. I think he even did a fake interview with me because I found out months later he'd long since been fired or quit from that show. So over a few months, I'd hear from Guy every week or so, just chit chat mostly, but always prefaced with "hey I mentioned you on the radio today". This was before internet streaming was really around, so I had no way to verify any of it. So like the last report on this site, the money got sent, weeks went by, and no goods were ever sent. 

It gets worse.  Guy will lie about the well being of his own family to get money. When the jig is up, even when he knows that you know he's a liar, he might even try to pull one last scam, and literally sob to you over the phone about the death of a child or a tragic accident to get money.  And Guy, if you're listening, you probably know who I am from that last bit. I caught you in that lie and I still feel sorry for that. Not for me, but for you brother. You crossed a major line that day as a parent, and you knew it then. 

So there it is. My guess is Guy is close to a gambling city. And I doubt he had a stroke and is living in Florida (per the last report). 

5 Updates & Rebuttals

Amber KEMP

United States
I would like to have these posts that I wrote (Amber Kemp) the daughter of Guy Kemp taken down please.

#2General Comment

Sat, January 27, 2024

I would like these comments that I posted about my father taken down please. I was dealing with alot of health issues back then and was very upset that I could not find my father at the time. I did get in touch with "HARMONY" at some point via email, facebook and text. Never actually spoke to her on the phone or saw her in real life, so I still don't know if that really was her I was conversing with. I'm a bit freaked out I might have given out senstive, personal information to someone that may have zero assocation with "HARMONY" and maybe used my empathy as a weapon to get information about my father. I feel terrible about it now honestly. I have learned a great deal about my father's past in the last few years, and I honestly am so sad to know alot of events that took place in his life before I was even born. It really makes a HUGE difference on how I see him and how other people should as well. I'm pretty sure the super negative people writing these comments in the first place that I have no clue even existed, know exactly what I am talking about and it actually makes me pretty sick to my stomach that they would have the balls to even say one terrible thing about my dad given their role in some of the situations. I am not afraid to take any questions if needed to get these comments that I posted taken down. I don't hide behind a computer and I own up to things always. Not that I have anything to "own up to", I am making a point that I am an honest and truthful person that will go to great lengths to protect anyone I care about-family, or friends. Family's go through things in life. REAL familys go through things in life. Fight, disagree, don't talk for years, fight over money, buisness, etc. That is called LIFE and being a human being. So on my behalf I would like to take down any comments I made on here, after I bascially "took the bait" like an idiot. I do hope whoever wrote these awful things about my father will have the deceny to take them down somehow or at least admit who you are since it sounds like your accusing my father of saying one of his children died. That's news to me since me, my sister and my little brother are all still alive and doing well. Please feel free to reach out to me whenever. Like I said, I have nothing to hide and I am not a trouble maker. I would like for my dad to be able to rid himself of this kind of online abuse, and I am taking the first step to make that happen. His own daughter. YOU (whoever you are) should as well. Or at least talk to me about these issues even if it is 10 years later. I am pretty sure you know my dad must have been in a real bad postion most likely, and doing this just put salt in the wound. Not to mention you probably must know me a little and knew my kind,  VERY HONEST, and empathic self who most likely would have taken the bait (which I did) and made it so I released very senstive, private information to someone who probably has ZERO assocation with "HARMONY". That alone is low on your part. I feel bad for you and I sure hope that is not the way you go through life. Preying on peoples kids like that for information. Be a better detective and don't pull that kind of gross crap on people. I hope nothing but the best for you in life, and sure hope that whatever it is your looking for from me and my family is over and you have moved on with your life. Like I said if you need to talk to me (his daughter Amber Kemp) feel free to email me here or facebook me. I'm not hard to find. I will have no problem making a call or even facetime to whoever you are and listen to whatever it is you would like to inform me on. I know some real pieces of work who truly have taken advantage of people and I can say my dad is not one of them. Especially knowing that terrible s**t he's been through in his life. It makes me sad I didn't know any of this sooner. My dad deserves a great comeback... so does my entire family. We are good people, and I am going to be the first to set it straight with apologizing to my dad here. I'm so sorry dad. I love you. Short and sweet and to the point. My dad knows. 


From a truly embarrased and sorry daughter,

Amber Rhae Kemp 


Las Vegas,

#3UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Fri, May 09, 2014

Hello Harmony, I am Rebecca Kemp. I am also a daughter of guy kemp. We have been looking for you for a while, would love to talk to you. Please contact me at [email protected].

Amber Kemp

Henderson ,

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, April 26, 2014

harmony- please find me on Facebook. Amber Rhae Kemp


San antonio,

#5General Comment

Sun, March 09, 2014

Amber... I think we are related. Additionally, it sounds like he treated our mothers the same way.  I would love to hear from you and learn more about this person. I'm interested in hearing from anyone else that has information about him.



United States of America
Amber Kemp

#6General Comment

Mon, September 06, 2010

I am this horrible human being's adopted daughter. Who took all my money when I was a model. And mental and psychically and who knows what else happened with my brother and sister. He is a horrible rip off artist and a bad person. He mentally abused my mother and lied,  cheated, gambled and who knows what else. I have no idea where he is, but in all honesty I hope he might be dead to make my life have closure. This guy needs to be behind bars or maybe taken out. I'll sign my name on this and give an email if anyone knows his where a bouts....Because I want to know!!

Amber K


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