Phoenix,#2Consumer Comment
Tue, November 08, 2011
First, buying consumer electronics from some nameless guy in a parking lot should be a clue. This kind of equipment is more commonly found in stores. Of course, most of the suckers that buy this stuff assume that they're going to get a great deal on some hot merchandise (which IS commonly sold out of a van in a parking lot). One thing required by just about all scams is the greed of the victim.
"Whaldorf 306HT Home Theater system Box retail Value 1999.00 "
Let me guess. It said $1999 on the box, didn't it? That's the other clue that you're getting scammed. Go to any big box electronics store and look at the boxes of equipment. You won't see a big retail price printed on the box. It's only done for the junk that these scammers sell.