This company wrote me an excellant refence letter. They came in my apartment for inspections every few months for almost three years. They lied straight out and took me to court for eviction, when I talked to them on a regalar basis about moving. I gave them a two month written notice. They charged me for made up rediculas thing such as$75 because my refridgerator wasnt as claen as they like,carpet, blinds,they charged rent after I had already moved out. Letters from my landlord and electric company that states that I had astablished new residence on july 6, they continued to charge me rent and at a greater rate because lease ended. It gets better, they own the water company they charged me a water bill up until September, then when I called them to tell them I had a lawyer they went back and falseified the paper work. Unfortunately for them I have all origianl bills. The company I work for has an office on the complex, I was so imbarassed to learn , that the police had come to evict me when I hadnt been their in two months.I gave notice of two months left at time my lease ended,cleaned aprtment, my room mate did leave some things in his room, but my 600.00 deposite should have well covered that. they took me to court ,only to have it dismissed,then charged me attourney fees, court cost,and added additional made up charges. I work very hard as a single mother careing for others who are sick, at the time I was told of this I had just been released from hospital from having a tumor removed from my breast,my son,5, father passed away 3 years ago,leaving us broken emotionally,financally, and struggling to survive. Why? I was kind ,paid my rent on time, why would someone do this to someone? more importantly why are they allowed to get away with it!!!!!! They are thieves, that prey on the weak. Why is our government allowing this, who is ther to protect the innocent?