  • Report:  #1093751

Complaint Review: Harvey Greenwald - North Richmond Hills Texas

Reported By:
Bmed - Bay Area, California,

Harvey Greenwald
5016 Strummer Rd. North Richmond Hills, 76180 Texas, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

We were recruted to this scam by a trusted financial advisor intermediary, Beverly Campos of Novato, to provide growth capital for our bio-med devices company.  We needed $50M, but by the time we had an agreement in place, they had raised it to $100M!  We met with Harvey and Dirk at Harvey Greenwald's Texas "ranch"  and the deal had some elements that weren't disclosed prior to our getting there.  

They said they would found our company, using medium term notes that they said they owned.  The only thisg we had to do was put down $1M in a loan to start the trading of the notes and we would get our funding in 2 months.  The "loan" would be guaranteed by the notes.  

Being wary, we did some deeper research and found that Greenwald has major fraud indictments and claims going back 30 years.  Wagenaar had been arrested 4 times by interpol from money transport and Robinsons rap sheet goes back 20 years.  We spoke to two of his victims of fraud and the stories were chilling.  We also spoke to people who had given Greenwald and his St. Augustine Trust money and they had nothing but delays and excuses.  Bev Campos is a willing schill in all this.

The bottom line:  If you give these crooks any money, it's gone.  You will never see it again.  You will never be funded.

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