  • Report:  #459277

Complaint Review: Home Depot - Savannah Georgia

Reported By:
- Savannah, Georgia,

Home Depot
11180 Abercorn St. Savannah, Georgia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Ronnie & Lisa XXXXX 06 June 2009


Savannah, GA 31419

Mr. Doug Coleman

General Manager

Home Depot

11180 Abercorn St

Savannah, GA

Mr. Coleman;

I am writing this letter to express my extreme dissatisfaction to my entire experience while dealing with your Home Depot store located at 11180 Abercorn St, in Savannah, GA. On the date of 14 May 2009, I paid for the purchase of my door in full (a total of $1,135.68 minus the measurement fee). Prior to this time I spoke to the sales person, Rocco who informed me that they could install not only the door but also the side lights for cheaper than Lowes' could. After some finagling on the price we finally decided to go with Home Depot and agreed on the final aforementioned price. It would seem that we made a mistake.

When the installer came out originally, he informed me that it would be no problem to install the windows separately from the door (which is, as I would like to remind you, one of the arrangements that Home Depot sells the doors in). When we finally returned to the store, there was a note in your system saying that your installer felt uncomfortable installing our sidelights. Due to this unexpected surprise, of which I would like to point out that no one deemed it necessary to inform us of until we came into the store prepared to buy, we decided to go back to Lowes' to see what they had to offer. In an effort to re-earn our business your employee, Rocco, called us back to tell us that on top of what we had already negotiated we could get the door for 20% less if we just came back due to some special or other. The problem we ran into was that he was misinformed. After some discussion with the management we finally agreed on a price and paid the money for the instillation a few days later.

The scheduled time for instillation was to be Saturday, June 6th 2009, between the hours of 2 PM, and 4 PM as per a call by the installer. When we called at 3:30 PM, just to check up on the status, as we had not received a call at that point and were getting worried as we had dinner and entertainment reservations, we were informed that the installer had picked up the door an hour prior (2:30 PM). We live 20 minutes away from the this stores location.

We did not receive any call from the installer nor from Home Depot to inform us that the installer would be late / delayed, but had to call both of them. After repeated calls to both Home Depot and the installer he finally arrived almost an hour late to his latest scheduled arrival time (arrived at 5:45 PM). Due to this we were forced to cancel our dinner and entertainment reservations that were scheduled for later that evening (7 PM considering a 2 hour instillation) and that we had already paid a fee for in advance as we were planning on a big name company to keep their word with the installation.

We were informed, first of all, that the installer had just recently had a car problem and, after another call, we were told that he was a few houses down from us performing another install and would be 30 minutes away. In speaking with the installer we found all of this to be false as he only had a battery problem earlier this morning, per his word and contrary to what Home Depot told us. Furthermore, contrary to what we were told by both Home Depot and the installer, he was not working on a door at either of the properties he mentioned (I know both owners at what he and Home Depot said he was working at and stopped in to check as we have gotten nothing but lies from this store to date).

In speaking with the homeowners at the two locations the installer and the associate at Home Depot mentioned I came to the conclusion that there was no installer at their location doing any work! I am prepared to have both homeowners say so in writing! I find it disgraceful that not only your installer but also your associate, Tasha (whom I was on the phone with continually trying to figure out what was going on), would deem it necessary to lie to me when I am spending this much money at your establishment. Why not just tell me that your installer is running late for some reason or another? All in all this does not account for the fact that the installer nor a single one of your employees at your store failed to contact my wife and I when the installer knew that he would be late (especially considering we have received calls from both your store and installer previously and know they have the correct number(s).

Furthermore I find it disgraceful that not only the associates of this store but also its contracted employees would lie to a customer like this. I ask you this sirWhat else are your associates lying about? How am I, a hardworking consumer, expected to trust anything that your employees say, sell, or any service I receive from your location? Also, considering this, why in the world should I or anyone else considering spending our hard earned money either decide to, or continue to shop at your establishment considering the business practices you have shown me?

I find it appalling that a company as big and as nationally recognized as Home Depot does not think more of its customers interests and the impact to their daily lives than to continually lie to them and otherwise fail to keep them informed on any change that will impact their schedules further than need be. Putting this into perspective, what would your company do if you told me you would install at a certain time and I was not there? I find it disgusting as a business practice that this company would have its salesperson say one thing, do another, and then, on top of all that when you finally do have the chance to make amends and get my business, fail to inform the customer in a blatant attempt to have them come in anyway just to spend money at this store.

I also find it hard to believe that when a company as large as Home Depot or one of its contracted employees makes a promise as to what they can do, they can fail to keep it and then outright lie about it believing that the customer is either to misinformed or to ignorant to check up on the status of a job that has cost them over a thousand dollars. To put this in another lightwhat if I promised to pay the monthly payments on a Home Depot card but failed to do so? I can reasonably expect to believe that I would be treated with much less patience and understanding than I have showed with this store and its installer.

Finally, when the installer, Adam, finally showed up to his appointment, almost an hour late I might add, he informed us that he could put in our sidelights for $150 each on the side!!! This more or less is what Home Depot offered to do them for yet the original contractor, his boss, said he was uncomfortable with in doing. Why is it now that your installer claims he can do them outside of a Home Depot contract? Is he just saying that he can do them now and get more money in his pocket while telling Home Depot he can't in an effort to finagle his way into more of my hard earned money??? Is this what I have to expect from Home Depot? Maybe I should have gone with your competitor. While they were slightly more expensive, they at least were honest with me (as far as I could tell).

In light of these developments I have come up with a solution to my problem that I think may, in hopes, get your attention. The installer employed by Home Depot and in general, your employees at Home Depot itself have both failed to live up to their promises and expectations, while I, as the consumer have lived up to mine in so far as I have paid you in full and up front in addition to being at my location on time and taking time out of my schedule enjoying time with my family to be here for an instillation that your employee showed up late at. I am giving this letter to you, Doug Coleman, the General Manager at extension 311 in addition to e-mailing, faxing and / or mailing a copy to your Regional Manager (whoever that is as your employees do not know, or just do not wish to say at the moment for one reason or another).

Furthermore, I am posting a copy of this letter on the following websites; www.ripoffreport.com, and www.craigslist.com so that others may see this and, hopefully, avoid this company and its shoddy business, and customer service practices. I sincerely hope that your business practices return to a much better way of treating your customers. Provided it does so, I will be more than happy to either remove, and or make an update to my posts on the aforementioned national websites in addition to returning to shopping at your establishment.

As it stands now, and unless drastic changes are made in the way your company conducts business, I will not be considering your business for any more of my home improvement needs, regardless of what they are. I will also point everyone I know in a different direction for their home improvement needs as well in an effort to save them considerable time, money and heartache. I sincerely hope that you take this matter to heart and revamp your businesses practices.

Thank you for your time and your consideration in this matter.

Ronnie X. XXXXX (SSG, USA)


Savannah, Georgia


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3 Updates & Rebuttals




Sat, August 22, 2009

Let me first say that your approch to this was correct.  Any time that a customer feels so wronged that they post on a site like this is terrible.  I dont know why the associates or managers in that store lied to you, that is deffinetly not what should have been done. 

I wanted to say also that those numbers that you were given or maybe not given, but should look for is customer care.  There number should be listed at the HD website.  That will not get you into direct contact with the district or regional manager, but you will have a chance to state  your case, and they will let the appropreiate people know.  Also that will be checked up on by the district manager and can go higher up than that if you keep escalating it.  In this case I think you should.  

I am appalled at HD actions in this case, however I would like to say that yes they are a corporate giant, but that not every store is the same and is deffinetly not operated like this one that you mention.



#3Consumer Comment

Tue, June 09, 2009

Did you get your door installed? I think it is common for installers to try and make a little money on the side. All you have to do is say no. So, how was the installation? The quality of work is the important issue. You still had time to cancel the deal. As far as the installers being late well, I have never seen them or delivery personnel on time and that's with any store. No, I don't work for Home Depot but, I do buy a lot of items there. I just can't tell if you were ripped off or not due to your ranting and my losing interest.


This Home Depot Store continues to lie

#4Author of original report

Tue, June 09, 2009

This is in reference to the store located at 11180 Abercorn St. in Savannah, GA. I posted previously on the deceitful practices of this particular store and would like to provide an update. When I called to find out the information of their regional / district manager I was given a wrong address and name after finding out that I would have to speak to a manager to get it. The first question I have to pose is that why do employees not know who they work for? The name and address I was given after finally convincing a manager to speak to me was as follows; Tim Pardue 5481 W. Waters AVE Tampa, FL 33634 A simple address search on Google proved this to be false (it was a beverage company). Why the continued lies? The manager I spoke with was Doug (perhaps the same Doug Coleman that is the supposed general manager of this store). Since I did not get a truthful reply from this store I decided to look up their corporate website. When I found it I sent a letter to their higher ups. I also found that Home Depot does not directly send contact information for its regional / district managers so that a wronged consumer can contact them directly. Is this in an effort to shun those of us who have a sincere complaint to be dismissed by a lower paid employee who may not be able to solve anything? In checking I have found that my e-mail to corporate was forwarded to One of our Senior Resolution Expediters (As per the practices of home depot and the word of the gentleman I spoke to at their corporate office). I would have hoped that a nationally recognized chain would treat its customers better than when I asked to speak to a manager I was given an expediter to solve my problem. Turns out I was wrong. Maybe Home Depot could save money and pass it on to its consumers provided they hired less expediters and let managers do their job!!! After the way I have been treated by this store, why should I expect anything different from its corporation? It would seem that it is trying to pass the buck like its stores. After all, I'm just a little fish like the rest of the readers of these sites. Why should my complaint, or that of others, be given any diligence to their actual managers, movers, and shakers? I guess they are too busy for the little fish. I sincerely hope that they decide to take a look at the websites I have decided to post on, namely, www.ripoffreport.com (with whom I am posting an update in addition to the Savannah Craigslist Rants and Raves section) and to also see how their employees are destroying their business in addition to what its customers really feel about how we are treated. To the Managers; you could learn a lot from these sites!!! While I speak only for myself, I urge all of you to contact the corporate office in Atlanta and tell them how you've been treated, good or bad. I am sure that there are good apples in this mix of bad and they should not be involved in a mass punishment. The people that actually do their jobs and do not try to swindle the customer should NOT BE AMONG THE PUNISHED!!! I would like to say that I am posting this in addition to posting on other websites outside of the control of Home Depot Corporate in an effort that others, and myself can not be lost in the shuffle. On a side note, when I asked the employee who I spoke with on the phone (a manager named Craig) who the regional / district manager was I was given false information!!! YET AGAIN!!! When will their lying end? I can only hope that my internet posts have done something to get their attention and that they wish to keep it from their corporate office and others reading these sites. I will be checking. I would like to point all of the readers of this forum, and others, to other stores. Be it to Lowes' or to a local dealers (the latter being the most likely considering the way Ive been treated by a national chain already in this area). The people at this store have apparently gotten too big and forgotten who made them what they are and also who pays their bills. To the managers (Store, General, District, and Corporate); I am not going to let this go! I WILL be treated fairly, with respect, and I will hold you all accountable to your actions and that of your employees. If I am not treated as a consumer should, I will continue posting, and re-posting, until I, and others decide to either drive you out of business or we remind you of who you really work for and what we demand as customers! The original letter, along with its update, will be mailed on Tuesday, 09 June 2009, to the store manager as we received service too late to mail on Saturday, there is no post on Sunday, and as (which is admittedly my fault) has been posted late on Monday. Very Respectfully, Ron

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