  • Report:  #25085

Complaint Review: hotel san remo - las vegas Nevada

Reported By:
- santa ana, ca,

hotel san remo
san remo.com las vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Durring our three night stay at hotel san remo the boiler went down over a dozen times. Every time one of us would go to take a shower the water would be cold, or it would go cold as you were showering.

Every time this would happen I would call or go to the front desk to complain. Each time I was reassured that the problem was not normal and it would be fixed shortly. One clerk suggested that we talk to the weekday manager to get a discount for our inconvienience.

On Monday morning when We went to check out we spoke to the weekday manager who denied that there were any problems. There were three other groups that reported the same problem. After hearing this the manager set us aside and said that she would investigate the issue.

upon returning the manager admitted that there were some issues over the weekend, but not to the extent that we were reporting. She stated that there was nothing that she could do about our current bill. She did offer us discounts on a future visit if we would return.

After having shampoo in my hair and the water go cold on me, then to have to waste my vacation time over and over again to remidy this issue. Next to be called a liar. I was then expected to return in the future, I think not.

I called my credit card company to put a hold on any charges from san remo only to find out that they had already charged my card. I never signed my bill and I was refused even to see a copy of it. To top it all off I was over charged.


santa ana, California

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