  • Report:  #970788

Complaint Review: House Hunters LLC - Las Vegas Nevada

Reported By:
RCM - SF, California, United States of America

House Hunters LLC
968 Dry Falls St Las Vegas, 89142 Nevada, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
I found an ad in Craigslist for a home available for a Lease Option. I called the number in the ad: (650) 263-3209

And I was told over the phone that the home owner of the house that I am interested in doing a lease option has signed up with www.newhousehunters.com and that all I needed to do was call the owner to set up a walk through. And the owner's
information will be available in their  website.

However, I needed to pay $40.00 and this information would be made available to me.
But, this was not the case, I never received the login information. And my Realtor friend was able to find the owner info in Public Records which we contacted and the Home Owner had no idea their home was being advertised!

Further,  I did some research and found that the website merely aggregates pre-foreclosure data and the bulk of home owners don't know that the home is being advertised their system posts the listing using the Google maps pictures.

this was  the property I was interested in.
Gadenside Home (Craiglist Ad)
I requested a cancellation  on  the following grounds:

1)Services not received (I have not received the login information and never logged in)

2)Services not as advertised. (Ad states property is available for a lease option, but the owner is not even aware the home is being advertised).

3)Bait and switch tactic (the Craiglist ad appears in the lease section but no lease option is available, instead the I ended up signing up for membership in for their website, and no login was ever provided.)

I never heard back from House Hunters LLC regarding my cancellation and refund request.   

Other complaits I have found:
Webutation Complaints
ScamBook Complaits
Better Business Bureau Review (F rating on House Hunters LLC)
Some Craigslist Ads

3 Updates & Rebuttals


11917 Borg Ct.,
Red Flag! They only sell you a listing

#2General Comment

Wed, July 10, 2013

Oh let me tell you a story... 

My family was searching for a new home for rent when we came across an attractive listing in Bakersfield, CA, where we live. Although the home was across town, the front (the only picture offered) looked nice enough and we decided to pursue the "opportunity."

So I replied on Trula seeking more information and an appointment to view the property. An hour later I got a form email reply that did not answer my request for a viewing. First Red Flag. 

I called a phone number on the email and was placed on hold for awhile, before talking to a human. Wow, are they really that popular? Then I asked for the agent named in the email and got silence. I learned it was a call center in LA, not Bakersfield. Second Red Flag.

Next, I was directed to a website where I could pay just $40 (per month) and get the listing. I had to do this before I could speak with anyone about the property or to view it. Pay to view it? Third Red Flag.

I decided to start doing some research. I Googled newhousehunters.com with "ripoffreport" and read the above comments. After reading the third comment posted by what appears to be an insider (methinks you doth protest too much...) I decided to really get into this issue. 

Naturally, I expect some businesses to have an entry on here now and then because there are always unhappy customers, but what I learned next fried me to the point I decided to write this one up. 

Anyway, I decided, based on the Trulia entry, to go for a drive, 30 minutes, across town. No, you can't call me lazy, I'm the king of due diligence. 

I located the property. There were no signs, it was a bit run down from its picture (taken from Google street view and posted to Trulia) however a notice on the door explained the water had been shut off that same day. Lockboxes for keys were attached to some outdoor plumbing. The house was obviously in some state of sale. 

I was told by NHH via Trulia that the house was for rent or purchase as a pre-forclosure. I was told by the reply email and the agent on the phone that I could either rent or buy the property after ponying up my $40. 

The website had a bunch of listings, which were interestingly all from the same dates. The website isn't updated daily, just periodically it seems, Red Flag Number Four. 

So I decided all wasn't right with newhousehunters.com, and their relationship with Trulia might be questionable. 

I Googled the property and it came up, by address, associated with a local realty company. The property had gone into forclosure and was already sold, on June 26. This was July 9... Yeah, that sounds like a fishy tactic. Bait and switch? I dunno, I'm not a lawyer, but no reasonable person would find ethical qualms about suchwork. I mean, they're having people pay $40 to look up a listing that hasn't been on the market for two weeks... Seriously?

The real-estate agent, who is well known locally, told me that you should never be required to put money up front just to view a proeprty. Also, he explained that property lists are free, just go to each property management company's website or office. You don't need to pay for them. 

So here's the deal. Newhousehunters.com isn't for the ordinary joe. Except they're selling themselves to him for $40/mo. This is decpetive. 

NHH gives you a list, a dated list at that, for a subscription to their website. From that list you can contact an agent and either rent or buy the property. However, there's no need to use NHH at all. The information they provide is otherwise free, public record, and is not unique in any way, and is entirely acessable to any real estate agent. The agent I called pulled it up by address in about 20 seconds. 

They're making money off suckers providing percieved value for a service you can get for free. 

I know because I did the entire routine. I made the call, talked to their rep, took the drive, did my research, and spoke to a genuine and reputiable real estate agent. 

These guys are posting properites that aren't even on the market. 

I'm sure I'll get blasted in a rebuttal. I don't care. That's probably another sign that somebody's lying... You'll figure it out. 

Don't take my word for any of this. Call a real estate agent. Do your own research. Don't pay $40 for a silly, outdated list. These guys aren't offering you anything you can't get for free. 

Sorry NHH, but you really need to change your game because it's not clear at all what unique value you're actually offering. It seems to me, you're just taking advantage of the uneducated. You need to be more accurate, more timely, and more upfront. Don't try to get me, an average guy just trying to rent a new home, to sign up for your subscription list. Whatever business you're in, it's not for me. Stop marketing yoruself to my in Trula and over the phone. 

Who's gonna buy your cow when they now know the milk is free?


San Luis Obispo,
United States of America
Trying to figure out how they are useful?

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, February 02, 2013

I called these people today, tried to slow the lady down, but she would not. I signed up anyhow so I could see what was up with it. She stated they take care of the deed run down and a whole bunch of other things when I read the web site that does not seem to be the case. They do not even tell me to get hold of. Maybe you could explain how I am suppose to do this, since there is no telephone listed, and all I have is Trustee info and a phone number if you could tell me is that who I get hold of I would  greatly appreciate it.

Veracity Brave

San Luis Obispo,
United States of America
The Great American Pastime of Sloth....

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, January 02, 2013

I actually came across this complaint by sheer accident, but I'm grateful I did because reading that ridiculous tirade absolutely made my day...I signed up with house hunters about 6 weeks ago, also responding to an ad that I saw on Craigslist for a house that, by all appearances, was for rent. When I initially heard the words "pre-foreclosure" and "listings", I became a bit skeptical and was tempted to write this off as just another scam, but I'm glad I didn't.

Upon further inquiry, I was able to ascertain the fundamentals of how this works - and as with most things that are worthwhile you get out of it what you put into it, ergo why 6 weeks after calling them, I JUST moved into a house that I'm paying less for than I was for my old apt that was smaller!

Did I have to actually contact these property owners myself? YES - but it was NOT difficult to contact the homeowners, the previous owner of the house that I'm proud to say I'm now the deeded owner of, was quite happy to hear from me and, the way I remember it, they tell you that (if you're paying attention). I did call two different times and spoke to two different representatives, who said exactly the same thing in the exact same order, so they're probably a scripted company...which means that the calls are probably recorded and that they are held to strict rules about what they can and can't say, which is one reason I (reluctantly at first) surrendered my billing information and signed up for the service. Those companies are usually legit.

Anyhow, back to the point at hand....because lazy people who like to run around committing libel and slander on small businesses that are actually providing a good service (especially if I have benefited greatly from their services) vexes me beyond belief, let me addresss these nonsense claims one at a time:

Lie #1: Services not received (They provided me with my login information immediately at the end of the call...if you choose not to log in, that's your own decision after you've made the conscious decision to purchase it....not to mention the fact that you can't call something a scam if you havent even seen what it is, which you can't if you don't log in - so which is it?)

Lie #2: Services not as advertised (The listings did say a monthly payment amount, which WAS accurate, although it did not specify whether it was lease rent whatever, but that was clarified within the first 10 seconds of the call).....as for the homeowners not being aware? I didn't encounter that..

Lie #3: Bait and switch...(Seriously????? totally not an example of that...WAY out of context...calling about places to live and getting information about places to live (paid or not) does not constitute a "switch"....this applies more to companies who post false employment listings or modeling auditions and force you to pay for a job that doesn't exist, that term is so overused by overreaching whiny people it makes me sick)

In conclusion, this is just another tragic example of the great American pastime of sloth....in this great country of ours, unfortunately there are far too many people who are quick to slander and defame perfectly legitimate businesses for no other reason than they expect someone to come to their house, carry them into the car, drive them over to a home and hand them the paperwork, and all for free of course....HA...Meanwhile I'm LOVING my new house and it's thanks to House Hunters LLC (although their website is newhousehunters.com).... 1000000000000 thanks to those guys as I toast to the enjoyment of MY new home and head off to cook in MY kitchen...Yes I have their back, as I would any company that does good by me. Ignore this libelous nonsense complaint - I hope this B!+<& gets sued for libel, slander and defamation

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