This was supposed to be a free trial of 3 face creams called Image Revive Anti aging serum, Face Replen Anti-aging Cream and Hydroderm Anti-aging Cream. No where on the website did I see that I have to cancel in 14 days or I'd be shipped cream every 30 days or that it would cost $155 CAD. I called the bank and they gave me the name of the company because it doesn't appear on the receipts. They have a whole website that isn't really a site bcause all it has is a customer service number. Customer Service said by ordering the samples I agreed to accept shipments every 30 days (it says so apparently in the fine print). I read that and didn't see anything that said that. There seems to be no recourse. I have cancelled the card that they used do it can't happen next month. By the way, the cream is crap.