  • Report:  #902949

Complaint Review: Jamie Noffsinger - Graham Washington

Reported By:
Tax Payer - USA, Arizona, United States of America

Jamie Noffsinger
1210 Main Graham, Washington, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Jamie is collecting military benefits which total over $2,000 a month for being a wife.
her husband Ryan served in the military and claims to have several problems which he to
received benefits each month. Jamie claims that she is a care giver to her husband however on Facebook you can clearly see that Ryan is in no need of any special care. pictures show him out in the yard cutting grass, having a squirt gun fight with his kids. he can bathe himself, brushes his teeth, he can cook and clean....this man appears to be physically capable.

They brag on facebook that they are retired. it upsets me because people take advantage of the benefits an lie to get them and it doesnt seem that it has to be proven to collect this money. what happened to pride and doing the right thing? I'm a tax payer and the more i hear about people milking the government the more scared i get that they will bleed us dry and then what? Are we supposed to just keep offering up more of our money to pay for those who dont want to work and find loop holes and programs they can jump on. I am all for helping those in need but i am no longer willing to sit by and watch the dead beats live in a better house and drive a nicer car and get free medical just to sit on their rear ends.

5 Updates & Rebuttals

Tax Payer

United States of America
Apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

#2Author of original report

Wed, June 27, 2012

Just informed that Jamie's mother Patricia J. Ruebhausen has a warrant out for her arrest for check fraud 

see http://justicecourts.maricopa.gov/FindACase/caseInfo.asp?casenumber=JC2012-105671

and her Sister Jennifer Charwell served prison time last year for credit card theft.

Tax Payer

United States of America
Reporting the Fraud

#3Author of original report

Tue, June 26, 2012

The military has an email address to report fraud which is :   [email protected]
I did send an email and they responded within a day however without a social security  number or
the claim # they used to get the benefits they said that they couldnt help me. very upsetting because
how many of us would know that information about someone! I am going to keep trying though.

there are so many good people in the world that i feel if we all try to stand up for what's right maybe one day we will win against these types of crimes.

thanks for feedback


Whistle blower

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, June 26, 2012

I don't know about this particular situation but I would research to see if there is a whistle blower hotline.

Several years ago I was familiar with some school systems defrauding the USF funding. I found a hotline, reported them and they were investigated and got in serious trouble.

Posting it here won't help except maybe to encourage others to report it too. I don't know enough about it to even search but I encourage you to find someone to report it to.  Someone cares. This is not a VA issue but maybe someone there could help you get started.

Tax Payer

United States of America
Glad to know i'm not alone

#5Author of original report

Tue, June 26, 2012

Couldnt have said it better. dont get me wrong i am a very caring person and if someone is truly down and in need then yes i am willing to help those that help themselves. venting feels good but i really would like to do something about it. this is our country and the thieves are taking over and us tax payers need to stand up and say "No More"


United States of America
No more freebees!

#6General Comment

Tue, June 26, 2012

I see this same thing all around me. People who are manipulating the system to get a free ride that the rest of us are paying for! It's bad enough that these people, who don't deserve it, are receiving large chunks of our tax dollars but they also have the nerve to brag about how clever they are in pulling off their scam and expect the rest of us to be impressesed with their skills of theft.    

Theft is really what it is when people receive incomes from the government, our tax dollars, when they only way they can qualify for such beniftslie is to lie and cheat the system.

When are we going to wake-up and take a stand against these types of looters of our Country?

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