Riverside,#2Author of original report
Thu, December 14, 2006
No, it was not research. I was stressed and short on time because of my busy day and had over extended myself for my 1st grandchild (girl) 1st birthday. Yeah I should have known better. I figured that out already. Secondly, I make a living helping people and do not charge excessive fees for our services... ie.... my company does not get rich off of people's backs as we handle primary Bankruptcy. Been part of the who's who's click and would rather lay my head on the pillow at night knowing I did the right thing. To bad more people can't do that. See "Clinic" in the name means just that "Clinic". Yeah I should have have known better. This is the 1st time I have ever given my info over the internet and I can assure you that it will be the last. The easier softer way out is not always the best. But thanks for the reminder.
Anderson,#3Consumer Comment
Wed, December 13, 2006
why, oh why, would you EVER even consider visiting/using/whatever an operation called Jefferson Cash Advance, etc.? Is this research for a client? Well, never mind.... There have been enough articles in various financial publications and newspapers that we all should know by now that anything called Cash Advance, PayDay Loan, Car Title Loan and so on are offering simply really bad deals.