  • Report:  #447531

Complaint Review: Jennifer Scalzi - Folsom California

Reported By:
- Folsom, California,

Jennifer Scalzi
300 Sutter St Folsom, 95630 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Jennifer had asked for this young mom to stay with her she was soon to have a baby, well she had the baby and then kicked out the mom and infant, and would not let them get into the home to collect their belongings. The Folsom police department had to be called. Now she apparently teaches at a local school "Foster Parenting Classes" how can one teach this when she has been so evil. She kicked out a young mom and child. How does this constitute as proper actions by someone who claims to be a teacher of foster parenting. She was very adamant that this mom could not get her stuff until she felt like it. WOW what a teacher, what a poor example of a teacher!!!


Folsom, California


10 Updates & Rebuttals


Jennifer Scalzi a great mother, counselor, friend, and confidant

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, July 29, 2009

Jennifer Scalzi is being personally attacked by an illiterate, conniving, and immoral individual who needs psychological treatment and to attend AA meetings. The things that this individual is saying about Jennifer are extremely egregious, defamatory, and are ripe for litigation. The Jennifer Scalzi I know has been a women whom has counseled and guided me through my college education, helping me navigate the tumultuous task of picking classes, finding a major, and being a cheerleader along the way. She has been a personal friend and confidant to my mother for longer than I can remember. I have seen her open her home to people, raise two amazing children by herself, and manage to have a successful career helping all those she encounters (whether they realize it or not). I have known Jennifer probably fifteen years now and can personally vouch that she has always been giving of herself, and will take you under her wing to help you through tough times. This is what she did to the so called poor innocent victim portrayed by barracuda. She took in a single mother whom couldn't see she was getting a gift from Jennifer. Instead, Jennifer was used and taken advantage of by this woman and this is how she is repaid by having her reputation attacked. Well, I think that it can be shown now that there is plenty of evidence portraying Jennifer in all her goodness.


Jennifer Scalzi a great mother, counselor, friend, and confidant

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, July 29, 2009

Jennifer Scalzi is being personally attacked by an illiterate, conniving, and immoral individual who needs psychological treatment and to attend AA meetings. The things that this individual is saying about Jennifer are extremely egregious, defamatory, and are ripe for litigation. The Jennifer Scalzi I know has been a women whom has counseled and guided me through my college education, helping me navigate the tumultuous task of picking classes, finding a major, and being a cheerleader along the way. She has been a personal friend and confidant to my mother for longer than I can remember. I have seen her open her home to people, raise two amazing children by herself, and manage to have a successful career helping all those she encounters (whether they realize it or not). I have known Jennifer probably fifteen years now and can personally vouch that she has always been giving of herself, and will take you under her wing to help you through tough times. This is what she did to the so called poor innocent victim portrayed by barracuda. She took in a single mother whom couldn't see she was getting a gift from Jennifer. Instead, Jennifer was used and taken advantage of by this woman and this is how she is repaid by having her reputation attacked. Well, I think that it can be shown now that there is plenty of evidence portraying Jennifer in all her goodness.

Count My Blessings

Granite Bay,
Jennifer Scalzi Throws Out Whom? Get Your Story Straight

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, July 28, 2009

I am truly appalled by the comments made by the anonymous concerned. Barracuda. I met Jennifer Scalzi two years ago when I had to restart my life as a single mom. I hadn't worked in over thirteen years and Jennifer saw qualities and attributes that I had when I couldn't see them myself. She helped me build confidence so I can stand strong and be responsible. She has guided me through very difficult times with love and kindness and I have witness this grace with many others. My question to the concerned is how does a pregnant girl end up at someone else's door and expect to be taken care of and for how long? How many people would even think about opening up their home to someone who obviously has gotten themselves into a ruff situation? It sounds like someone didn't appreciate the generosity that had been handed to them and took advantage of the situation. How long can you use someone? If concerned is so concerned, why didn't you extend your hand to the girl and the infant since you obviously know her or you wouldn't know about what happened? The truth is that the girl was ready for the next step and Jennifer's had already help set her up in a new place, including furniture and other household items. I love Jennifer Scalzi and I am amazed not just because of what she has done for me, but for the endless hours of giving unselfishly to others and being able to turn the other cheek when people slander and intentionally try to hurt her. Thanks for being the inspiration you are to others Jennifer!

Wronged In Folsom

wronged in Folsom

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, July 28, 2009

It's unfortunate in today's society when you try to do the right things there's someone who has to try and knock you down. I'm a police officer and was involved in the mentioned complaint the night in question. There are many things that occurred prior to this event not mentioned and should be. Jennifer has been an advocate of assisting single moms, counseling mothers with education options and needed assistance for years. Jennifer has fostered multiple single mothers and assisted in raising their children in many different ways. Unfortunately some people are beyond being helped. In this particular situation the individual had a great opportunity and blew it. The expecting mother has been thru many difficult times in her life and I wouldn't take that away from her. However, her ability in this particular situation to follow basic rules of the house and care for her newborn child was too much for her to handle. The young lady preferred to live the way she wanted and ignore the person that was trying to help her. Jennifer not only provided a roof over her head but assisted her with the child and placed the Child and her mother above her own needs as she always does. Jennifer provided food, shelter and guidance asking nothing in return for months, she bought things for the mother and child before and after they child was born, she started a college fund bank account for the child with her own money and many other things, to many to list. The reason this transpired is because this young mother needs to grow up and except responsibilities on her own. The incident didn't go down as said, the young lady in question had many opportunities to make better choices and she didn't, when she was told she had to follow the rules or leave she chose to leave. The young lady had plenty of time to move and had already physically left the premises days prior leaving all her belongings to deal with when she felt appropriate. The young women decided to move her stuff at 10 p.m. without warning, when she was advised to come back the next day at a decent hour she threw a fit not becoming of a mother but a child herself. The police were called by this individual, although I was off duty I was there, the police told the young lady she needed to leave and come back when time was appropriate. The situation was mediated and handled without incident. There was no need for Jennifer to suffer this kind of negative press from someone who is obviously bitter for whatever reasons. I hope that the person who feels the need to do this can feel better about themselves since it seems to me they have their own issues and sometimes trying to knock others down makes people feel important or better about themselves. I feel that these sites are a good way for people to get the word out about an individual or company that are up to no good, but to slam someone who has done nothing is a sad thing. Jennifer you are an amazing person and society is better with people like you, please keep doing what your doing in life and don't be discouraged by others who have nothing better to do with their time. Wronged in Folsom!


Mind your own biz "concerned"

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, July 28, 2009

I'm absolutely shocked reading these lies. Anyone who knows Jennifer, knows that she has helped hundreds of needy foster children! This situation was toxic to Jennifer. This girl was a horrible little brat and used Jennifer for everything she had. I'm sorry that you are only hearing a selfish little girls story and not the truth. This girl is a master manipulator. Born and raised into it. Its disgusting! Jennifer tried to help her get her life straight and teach her how wonderful her life CAN be.... which ended up being a HUGE mistake because now all she does is cause more and more problems for Jennifer! This has to end! And Diane needs to get a life, get some help and stop trying to make trouble!!! Act your age! Not your daily alcohol consumption!


Beware Barracuda Sharks on the Attack!!!

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, July 28, 2009

In response to the above article, I would like to give a different perspective on the character of Jennifer Scalzi other than the one given by "Barracuda". I have known Jennifer Scalzi for over 15 years; in fact, it is now closer to 17 years. Jennifer was my college counselor . As a single parent with limited resources available Jennifer helped me immensely. I can tell you she was very helpful to me and helped me navigate the college system of school grants, scholarships, and programs that could assist me. She also helped me with enrollment for classes while in attendance in college and helped guide me along in my college career. Truly, Jennifer was the angel that I needed to complete my school experience. Never once did she make me feel that she was better than me in anyway. She was the angel that lifted me up and helped me get on my way. She always had kind and positive things to say to me to help and encourage me. Currently, I have been a Sacramento County employee for the past almost 12 years. I am a Social Worker and love my job. I am not sure that I could have gotten here without Jennifer's loving guidance, and her encouragement. I need to tell you that my son completed his college degree several years ago and you might have guessed it his counselor was also Jennifer Scalzi. He had a wonderful experience with her as well. But, I will leave that for him to tell you about Jennifer's character in his own rebuttal statement. The article made a personal attack on Jennifer Scalzi, stating she was an evil person. Like I said my experience with Jennifer was anything but evil. She was most helpful and instrumental in helping me to succeed with my schooling, as well as my son's. I will always be grateful for her guidance and direction. My understanding is that Jennifer will not tolerate alcohol or drugs in her home or for anyone under the influence to be in her home. As a teacher this is an admirable trait and a good example for her to show to others and for that I commend her. Furthermore, Jennifer has always been helpful to those who are willing to help themselves and I know for sure she even helps those that are willing to give up alcohol and drugs should they choose to accept her help. Fortunately, most people do understand that there are always two sides to every story and the other side was not mentioned in the article. Neither was the character of Jennifer Scalzi and all the good she does in the community. Jennifer, hold your head high from all the good that you do for others and remember the man upstairs knows the complete truth of the matter.


Jennifer is Attacked by Noisy Meddeling People that Don't Know the Truth

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, July 27, 2009

Is this revenge from a jealous female that is dating someone..... maybe, that Jennifer used to date??? COME CLEAN BARRACUDA In response to the above article, I would like to give a different perspective on the character of Jennifer Scalzi. One that is not tainted by jealousy and the wish for revenge. (Could this be the evil behavior that BARRACUDA is blaming Jennifer for)??? I have known Jennifer Scalzi for over 15 years; in fact, it is now closer to 17 years. Jennifer was my college counselor . As a single parent with limited resources available Jennifer helped me immensely. I can tell you she was very helpful to me and helped me navigate the college system of school grants, scholarships, and programs that could assist me. She also helped me with enrollment for classes while in attendance in college and helped guide me along. Truly, Jennifer was the angel that I needed to complete my school experience. Never once did she make me feel that she was better than me. She was the angel that lifted me up and helped me get on my way. She always had kind and positive things to say to me to help and encourage me. Currently, I have been a Sacramento County employee for the past almost 12 years. I am a Social Worker and love my job. I am not sure that I could have gotten here without Jennifer's loving guidance, and her encouragement. I need to tell you that my son completed his college degree several years ago and you might have guessed it his counselor was also Jennifer Scalzi. He had a wonderful experience with her as well. But, I will leave that for him to tell you about Jennifer's character in his own rebuttal statement. The article made a personal attack on Jennifer Scalzi, stating she was an evil person. Like I said my experience with Jennifer was anything but evil. She was most helpful and instrumental in helping me to succeed with my schooling, as well as my son's. My understanding is that Jennifer will not tolerate alcohol or drugs in her home or from anyone under the influence to be in her home. Neither will she tolerate this from friends and former friends. As a teacher this is an admirable trait and good example for her to show to others and for that I commend her. Fortunately, most people do understand that there are always two sides to every story and the other side was not mentioned in the article about the character of Jennifer Scalzi and all the good she does in the community. Jennifer, hold your head high from all the good that you do for others and remember the man upstairs knows the complete truth of the matter. Stand your ground and keep your principles un-recovered addicts will make your life hell!!!


Jennifer is Attacked by Noisy Meddeling People that Don't Know the Truth

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, July 27, 2009

Is this revenge from a jealous female that is dating someone..... maybe, that Jennifer used to date??? COME CLEAN BARRACUDA In response to the above article, I would like to give a different perspective on the character of Jennifer Scalzi. One that is not tainted by jealousy and the wish for revenge. (Could this be the evil behavior that BARRACUDA is blaming Jennifer for)??? I have known Jennifer Scalzi for over 15 years; in fact, it is now closer to 17 years. Jennifer was my college counselor . As a single parent with limited resources available Jennifer helped me immensely. I can tell you she was very helpful to me and helped me navigate the college system of school grants, scholarships, and programs that could assist me. She also helped me with enrollment for classes while in attendance in college and helped guide me along. Truly, Jennifer was the angel that I needed to complete my school experience. Never once did she make me feel that she was better than me. She was the angel that lifted me up and helped me get on my way. She always had kind and positive things to say to me to help and encourage me. Currently, I have been a Sacramento County employee for the past almost 12 years. I am a Social Worker and love my job. I am not sure that I could have gotten here without Jennifer's loving guidance, and her encouragement. I need to tell you that my son completed his college degree several years ago and you might have guessed it his counselor was also Jennifer Scalzi. He had a wonderful experience with her as well. But, I will leave that for him to tell you about Jennifer's character in his own rebuttal statement. The article made a personal attack on Jennifer Scalzi, stating she was an evil person. Like I said my experience with Jennifer was anything but evil. She was most helpful and instrumental in helping me to succeed with my schooling, as well as my son's. My understanding is that Jennifer will not tolerate alcohol or drugs in her home or from anyone under the influence to be in her home. Neither will she tolerate this from friends and former friends. As a teacher this is an admirable trait and good example for her to show to others and for that I commend her. Fortunately, most people do understand that there are always two sides to every story and the other side was not mentioned in the article about the character of Jennifer Scalzi and all the good she does in the community. Jennifer, hold your head high from all the good that you do for others and remember the man upstairs knows the complete truth of the matter. Stand your ground and keep your principles un-recovered addicts will make your life hell!!!


Jennifer is Attacked by Noisy Meddeling People that Don't Know the Truth

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, July 27, 2009

Is this revenge from a jealous female that is dating someone..... maybe, that Jennifer used to date??? COME CLEAN BARRACUDA In response to the above article, I would like to give a different perspective on the character of Jennifer Scalzi. One that is not tainted by jealousy and the wish for revenge. (Could this be the evil behavior that BARRACUDA is blaming Jennifer for)??? I have known Jennifer Scalzi for over 15 years; in fact, it is now closer to 17 years. Jennifer was my college counselor . As a single parent with limited resources available Jennifer helped me immensely. I can tell you she was very helpful to me and helped me navigate the college system of school grants, scholarships, and programs that could assist me. She also helped me with enrollment for classes while in attendance in college and helped guide me along. Truly, Jennifer was the angel that I needed to complete my school experience. Never once did she make me feel that she was better than me. She was the angel that lifted me up and helped me get on my way. She always had kind and positive things to say to me to help and encourage me. Currently, I have been a Sacramento County employee for the past almost 12 years. I am a Social Worker and love my job. I am not sure that I could have gotten here without Jennifer's loving guidance, and her encouragement. I need to tell you that my son completed his college degree several years ago and you might have guessed it his counselor was also Jennifer Scalzi. He had a wonderful experience with her as well. But, I will leave that for him to tell you about Jennifer's character in his own rebuttal statement. The article made a personal attack on Jennifer Scalzi, stating she was an evil person. Like I said my experience with Jennifer was anything but evil. She was most helpful and instrumental in helping me to succeed with my schooling, as well as my son's. My understanding is that Jennifer will not tolerate alcohol or drugs in her home or from anyone under the influence to be in her home. Neither will she tolerate this from friends and former friends. As a teacher this is an admirable trait and good example for her to show to others and for that I commend her. Fortunately, most people do understand that there are always two sides to every story and the other side was not mentioned in the article about the character of Jennifer Scalzi and all the good she does in the community. Jennifer, hold your head high from all the good that you do for others and remember the man upstairs knows the complete truth of the matter. Stand your ground and keep your principles un-recovered addicts will make your life hell!!!


Jennifer Scalzi is being victimized

#11Consumer Comment

Mon, July 27, 2009

I happen to know both parties mentioned and will say that this is a perverted attempt to attack someone who did in fact take a young mother to be into her own home and supported her both financially and emotionally as she went through a tough time. Not to mention encouraged her in her education and helped her for months with the daily care of a new baby while treating her with love as if she was her own daughter. Wow - doesn't Jennifer sound horrible I will not commit the same crime as Barracuda (the author of this report) and use this type of forum to attack the young mother but I will say that it was time for her to take responsibility for herself and move out. The fact that she chose to make it seem like she was kicked out onto the streets is a shame. She already had her new place and just because she wanted to move out at midnight and Jennifer said "no that is too late at night, let's do it in the morning" you want to say "she could not get her stuff until she felt like it" - c'mon that is really stretching it. So draw what conclusions you wish but I have known Jennifer for years and have also done business with her. I can honestly say that Jennifer is one of the most ethical, caring and fair people I have ever known. I have also had the privilege of meeting a few of the foster children and foster parents who have been wonderfully and powerfully impacted because Jennifer was involved in their lives. You want to know about Jennifer's character, talk to these people. I suppose that by now I should not be surprised by how low some people will go in their attempts to discredit another. But I am not surprised when they hide behind an anonymous screen name. Speaking of which Barracuda..... what an appropriate name for you. You know Merriam-Webster says: "One that uses aggressive, selfish and sometimes UNETHICAL methods to obtain a goal" As someone who also works in education, I am very honored to know that Jennifer Scalzi is an educator and will continue to touch lives for years to come.

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