Accosted outside our hotel in Honolulu, the presentation on Just Dreams was riddled with lies that could not be verified during the presentation. No one in the presentation provided their last name or a business card. They use creative semantics to sell the dream of discounted luxury vacations at extremely low costs to those who buy into their services. They don't let you interact with any other participants once the presentation starts. You can't go to the bathroom and they watch you turn your cell phones off.
While thims might sound very understandable, it is part of their ploy to keep purchasers benighted in ignorance. They say that at the end of the presentation if you say NO then that's it. Of course it's not it. They try and pressure you and continuously cut the price. So if you sign up at all and do it right away you likely overpaid. Once you leave the office and go to their website, you find travel destinations similar to their presentation; however, there are no contact names, addresses, or links for buyers who want to cancel their transaction. Even their website offers little info and of course no name contacts anywhere. There are no services available for travelers who want to stay less than 7 days in a single location. That was not the concept they were selling during the presentation, which offered vacations/travel opportunities of one and two days, and to a wide variety of locations. The website has limited destinations that come and go.
We bought into Just Dreams in June 2013, but immediately looked into a right of recission. After several months of not paying their billings, Just Dreams turned our account over to a collection group called "Universal". These people put us on their 3-times-a-day auto phone messaging, which is tantamount to harrassment. I have had NO ONE to report this situation to, or to submit a written complaint until now.