  • Report:  #241300

Complaint Review: KASAMBA THE HIGH PRIESTESS - Internet

Reported By:
- new york, New York,

Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

SHE IS A FAKE AND A FRAUD DONT GO TO HER. I have been going to shelley for a while now and i just learned that she is nothing but a scam artist. She has repeatedly over charged me on many different occassions and I ALWAYS WAS LOYAL CUSTOMER TO HER. She takes advantage of people, makes us believe that she is trying to help and then charges my credit card repeatedly



new york, New York

16 Updates & Rebuttals



#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, May 30, 2007

Just a heads up to all who read this post....I have just been informed, or threatened rather, by the person (lets not mention any names YET) who posted this stating that they are going to post my name and more slander against me (most likely under another false name), so be it, but you heard it here first. I am not going to play childish games. This is so crazy to be that obsessed and mad because someone won't talk to you anymore. It is also CRAZY to think that I would stoop to your level when you can clearly see it is not me. I have better things to do.


Isn't it funny how the truth comes out??

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, May 25, 2007

I love the new layout on here, because now it shows who REALLY posted the FALSE claim on me. If you look at the top now next to Reported by you will see Catatina. Funny. She used to be a friend of mine. Apparently because her name is all over this now she feels he had to drag me down too. I have proof now, because she signed this "jennifer" but it says who really posted this as Catatina. Thanks Alot old friend. I contacted my lawyer for slander.


United Kingdom
Stupid Question Chris

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, May 18, 2007

You know when I first read these rip off reports I was shocked at what some of the experts on kasamba were doing. Later on I realized I was more shocked at the clients and their endless accusations. This post for example is a false assumption.. Chris your question is pointless. Why would psychics bother to tell you you're a nutter? They know already you're a trouble maker just like this client posted this false accusation on high priestess. Since experts are being slammed here on rip off and some rightly so, I want to slam some of the idiotic things posted by clients. Chris your point is not as intelligent as you think. It's obvious and boring and you never stop repeating it as if you're going to get the pullizer prize here. Go and help some people and do something useful with your mind instead. You're making us clients look bad.


Good question Chris!

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, May 14, 2007

Chris, You just don't hear about a Psychic saying, "Hey, I can't take your money because your going to file a Ripoff Report and you will never hear about the other Kasamba Psychic calling each other and saying, "Watch out, the next client you get will file a Ripoff Report against you!" You will never hear a Psychic yell out to the EMT, "It is too late, stop the CPR, they have gone to the light!" The only prediction that will come true is that like the Hounds of Hades, Kasamba psychics will chew up your bank account!


some kasamba people are fake

#6Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 03, 2007

some of the people on kasamba are totally fake. Love healings, spells, medititon. its just so frustrating. i lost a lot of money that way, but i had some people on kasamba actually give free readings. there is one that i did not like and it was brandyanne. she said some very hurtful things and her prediction was too far down the line and the guy is back as well as that guy's sister!


Responce to "Chris"

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, April 30, 2007

Actually "Chris" I can honestly say that I did not see this coming. I am not going to lie and say that I did, and I am not going to get into the drama that is on this site and argue with you about it. Most of the time I can't read for myself because there is always wishful thinking and/or doubts when it comes to yourself, just like any HUMAN BEING. So you are right I didn't see this coming, but it seems to me that since EVERYONE on this post stuck up for me, here comes someone with DRAMA to add something in that is negative. That is ok, I can handle that. But if you read the post, it doesn't talk about me being a bad reader, it slanders me saying that I took some one's identity and double charged them. Which we know is not true and cannot be true. So regardless, I answered your "dare" and I am being honest, if that is not good enough than oh well. I am not going to be involved in this drama, and actually I didn't have to answer to you, I only have to answer to my family, loved ones, and my God and Goddess, but see the difference is that I don't hide behind false names and false facts and I actually can stand up for myself without being an ignorant idiot that tries to stir up unnecessary trouble.


Grand Junction,
High Priestess needs to answer up!

#8Consumer Suggestion

Mon, April 30, 2007

Ok, another kasamba complaint. I will ask the same question these "psychics" love to avoid. If you are such a fantastic fortune teller why did you not see these dispuptive events upcoming in YOUR OWN LIFE? I would love an answer to this! Where were you incredible powers when it came to these events? Could you not "forsee" disruptions in your life and business? How can you help others when you cannot help yourself? I doubt if you will answer, but I would love to see you try and respond without looking foolish.


United Kingdom
A note to clients

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, April 29, 2007

If you think you are being over charged then write to kasamba to sort it out. I've had my credit card pre authorized before and fallen into the same thinking that the expert did it. Now I think it's only fair you write an apology to who you are accusing here of cheating you out of money . If not I would suggest this expert takes legal action for slander against you.


rebuttal to the false accusation

#10UPDATE Employee

Tue, April 03, 2007

Firstly i would like to say that the accusation on High Priestess is definitely FALSE! I'm had many readings done by High Priestess and she NEVER pretended to be my friend and 'take my identity and double charge credit card'. Advisors doesn't have that authority AT ALL to do that it's all through Kasamba and we all know Kasamba is dumb for that. When i was in panic about my situation she emailed me back right away to look into the situation and didn't even mention $$ at all. If she is out to get your money, you would see her at $20min NOT give you free follow ups. Heck she even chatted with me and didn't even mention hiring at all of which i felt bad. It's true most of her clients are regulars, just read her feedbacks and you'll find that. I'm very confident in Shelly's abilities and there's no doubt she's a genuine soul who's just trying to help people. I hope your accusation is based on impulse and with time you'll have calm down and see the big picture of this situation. Please don't go around accusing readers like this as it hurts not only their reputation to others (although i highly doubt people will stop going to her because of this report) as it also hurts their feelings as well. I hope you got the billing issue sorted out with Kasamba. Rina


I am The High Priestess

#11UPDATE Employee

Tue, April 03, 2007

I am the Advisor that was mentioned in this post. This post is saying that I double charge my clients. Which any expert on there knows it is NOT TRUE, because we don't have access to that part of the kasamba business. We only take the calls. The payments are all handled by kasamba. All I can say is if you feel you were wronged, than I am Sorry, but you really need to take this up with Kasamba and if you had contacted me first than I would have went to kasamba also on your behalf and asked why you were being charged double for my services. I am sure the charges that you see are pending charges since kasamba will do that, to make sure that it is covered, in which they are removed soon after. But blaming me is wrong. I have done nothing but try to help people. At first I was really mad when I read this (as you can tell in my first rebuttal), now that I have thought about it I am really actually hurt by this. I worry about my clients hours after I have talked to them, think about ways that I could help them further, and actually have done a LOT of follow up email readings for FREE OF CHARGE. 85% of my clients are regulars and they do come to me because I do care. No I am not just saying this, I am saying this from the bottom of my heart. So I am sorry that you feel that I did this to you. If you write to me on Kasamba I will contact them on your behalf and tell them to check into it. But please don't slander my name just to make yourself feel better, because all you really did was deter some from coming to me that I probably could have helped. If you have been one of my regulars, as you have stated, than obviously I was helping you too. It is really sad that this had to happen. Why do people feel that everyone in this world is out to get them or hurt them? All I can say is I am not one of them.


I'm Amazed At What I've Read

#12Consumer Suggestion

Mon, April 02, 2007

I've read through five Kasamba Reports in the past few days. Before that I didn't know these reports existed. I've heard of KU from a friend who works on Kasamba and I met her before she ever started working there. I joined Kasamba almost four years ago and have found the site a very pleasant company to work for but I must admit after reading these reports and learning of all the scams some psychic advisors are using and even seeing my own Advisor name used in one location I am amazed how I got dragged into this mess. I also keep to myself. I am amazed learning about how a group of psychics share client information and use it to defraud the client by wowing them with pre-knowledge of their situation or even physical appearance. What a shame ! What happened to just saying I'm not connecting with you today ? Can't be 100 % any of the time and maybe maybe truth be told a genuine and gifted psychic is proably 35 to 50 % accurate most of the time. No one can bring back your lover unless they get his address from you , go pick him up and drive him to you. No one can cast a spell and make happiness rain down on you. No one can heal your illness over the internet unless I suppose divine intervention is taking place but I don't believe God would say " Oh hey, let's charge this person a grand to clear up their liver problem ! " Some things aren't meant to be charged for. Good psychic insight combined with good common sense when applied can be a help to you. I've known some clients who get mad when told the relationship is not going to work and that is in the first response before being hired. They ask another question about his feelings, whatever and this after they say he ignores me and says he doesn't want me around. I don't even try to tune in because you should believe him the first time. If someone says they don't want you around right now believe them please. Going to a psychic to have a reading is not going to change that person's mind. Some get mad for being told the common sense truth, hurry and hire so they can leave a one star rating, then go right off to another psychic that will tell them he loves you , he's scared and they spend hundreds with that psychic until what they're been told doesn't prove out. I also heard some psychics live together, share info with quite a few other psychics and unknowingly these poor clients who want comfort and truth happen upon one of them and feel so overwhelmed and awed by what they could * see * without knowing a thing about them. This to me is a real scam and I myself had a weird experience of being contacted outside of kasamba and asked to help out a couple advisors who thought they had a demon in their house. I've been watching and see that they both are going sky high with ratings chanrging over 15.00 a minute and sit here wondering which one is on as who ???? I read these ratings and feel so sad for the clients but I don't feel contacting Kasamba will change things. I do believe some there have the power to finger point some of us out if we make complaints. I also feel some of these crooked advisors have the ability to somehow trace us down, get another advisor to send us a email to our offsite mailbox ask us for help and then use that to report to Kasamba we are giving out personl information when we haven't. I do this because I enjoy helping people and honestly once the intial reading is done and that wow factor is out of the way your advisor should be one whom you trust. If you see an advisor with nothing but 5 Star ratings, take a second look behind how it's being done. Until I read these reports I wondered how are some advisors that accurate all of the time. I feel now I understand. I also want to comment on the high prices and personally why I raised my rate. I myself think it's outrageous however when I see you going to someone charging over 15.00 a minute and leaving rave reviews besides feeling compasion for you the client I also feel you'll gladly pay a lessor fee when the starry gazed view subsides. Higher fees does mean fewer clients but it also means a client who does come to see me expects straight forward insight into your problem with honesty but kindness. I have told quite a few clients to move on, end the relationship and see if your outlook doesn't improve. At a higher fee those clients leave a decent rating. At a lessor fee comes all the disgruntled clients who've already spent thousands at $0.99 a minute getting predictions that didn't pan out and now they aren't happy hearing me tell them to move on. So I and other advisors like me who really care get bad reviews. I read some views on paying taxes. I'm glad to say I have reported my income from the beginning and feel wonderful for being honest and want to say that an advisor who would cheat on that needs help and guidance themselves. When we do something we know is fraudulant or illegal what should we expect ? I believe what we put out there will come back to us and I pray I continue to be able to put forth the best energy I can so I'm not looking over my back. There are good psychic advisors on Kasamba I'm certain there must be. If you have one you'd like to try and can't afford the fee ask them to lower it to a fee you can afford. If they will, they truly care but don't reward them by leaving hateful ratings for telling you the truth of what they see for you. I also do free readings and I'm sure many other good advisors have done their share as well. I don't abuse the chat window because honestly I don't know if Kasamba would like us using their chat program free. We make money they make money and although sometimes I find it frustrating I understand the economics of it. I want to close by saying I have no opinions of the advisors mentioned in these responses as I don't know them personally however, take more heed of who is slinging the dirt than the one it's being throw at. I hope this helps as I do believe there is client info sharing going on. I never would have thought it but again after reading all these reports I have to believe what makes sense to me. I also pray those advisors who are in on this and scamming the clients by also getting readings from each other and leaving page long flattering mind boggling ratings get a nice big bite in the a*s when karma comes knocking. I personally would be fearful of sowing so much negative energy. You can run but you can't hide. With many blessings and much peace. I won't respond to any rebuttals. This is my first and last time posting.


I'm Amazed At What I've Read

#13Consumer Suggestion

Mon, April 02, 2007

I've read through five Kasamba Reports in the past few days. Before that I didn't know these reports existed. I've heard of KU from a friend who works on Kasamba and I met her before she ever started working there. I joined Kasamba almost four years ago and have found the site a very pleasant company to work for but I must admit after reading these reports and learning of all the scams some psychic advisors are using and even seeing my own Advisor name used in one location I am amazed how I got dragged into this mess. I also keep to myself. I am amazed learning about how a group of psychics share client information and use it to defraud the client by wowing them with pre-knowledge of their situation or even physical appearance. What a shame ! What happened to just saying I'm not connecting with you today ? Can't be 100 % any of the time and maybe maybe truth be told a genuine and gifted psychic is proably 35 to 50 % accurate most of the time. No one can bring back your lover unless they get his address from you , go pick him up and drive him to you. No one can cast a spell and make happiness rain down on you. No one can heal your illness over the internet unless I suppose divine intervention is taking place but I don't believe God would say " Oh hey, let's charge this person a grand to clear up their liver problem ! " Some things aren't meant to be charged for. Good psychic insight combined with good common sense when applied can be a help to you. I've known some clients who get mad when told the relationship is not going to work and that is in the first response before being hired. They ask another question about his feelings, whatever and this after they say he ignores me and says he doesn't want me around. I don't even try to tune in because you should believe him the first time. If someone says they don't want you around right now believe them please. Going to a psychic to have a reading is not going to change that person's mind. Some get mad for being told the common sense truth, hurry and hire so they can leave a one star rating, then go right off to another psychic that will tell them he loves you , he's scared and they spend hundreds with that psychic until what they're been told doesn't prove out. I also heard some psychics live together, share info with quite a few other psychics and unknowingly these poor clients who want comfort and truth happen upon one of them and feel so overwhelmed and awed by what they could * see * without knowing a thing about them. This to me is a real scam and I myself had a weird experience of being contacted outside of kasamba and asked to help out a couple advisors who thought they had a demon in their house. I've been watching and see that they both are going sky high with ratings chanrging over 15.00 a minute and sit here wondering which one is on as who ???? I read these ratings and feel so sad for the clients but I don't feel contacting Kasamba will change things. I do believe some there have the power to finger point some of us out if we make complaints. I also feel some of these crooked advisors have the ability to somehow trace us down, get another advisor to send us a email to our offsite mailbox ask us for help and then use that to report to Kasamba we are giving out personl information when we haven't. I do this because I enjoy helping people and honestly once the intial reading is done and that wow factor is out of the way your advisor should be one whom you trust. If you see an advisor with nothing but 5 Star ratings, take a second look behind how it's being done. Until I read these reports I wondered how are some advisors that accurate all of the time. I feel now I understand. I also want to comment on the high prices and personally why I raised my rate. I myself think it's outrageous however when I see you going to someone charging over 15.00 a minute and leaving rave reviews besides feeling compasion for you the client I also feel you'll gladly pay a lessor fee when the starry gazed view subsides. Higher fees does mean fewer clients but it also means a client who does come to see me expects straight forward insight into your problem with honesty but kindness. I have told quite a few clients to move on, end the relationship and see if your outlook doesn't improve. At a higher fee those clients leave a decent rating. At a lessor fee comes all the disgruntled clients who've already spent thousands at $0.99 a minute getting predictions that didn't pan out and now they aren't happy hearing me tell them to move on. So I and other advisors like me who really care get bad reviews. I read some views on paying taxes. I'm glad to say I have reported my income from the beginning and feel wonderful for being honest and want to say that an advisor who would cheat on that needs help and guidance themselves. When we do something we know is fraudulant or illegal what should we expect ? I believe what we put out there will come back to us and I pray I continue to be able to put forth the best energy I can so I'm not looking over my back. There are good psychic advisors on Kasamba I'm certain there must be. If you have one you'd like to try and can't afford the fee ask them to lower it to a fee you can afford. If they will, they truly care but don't reward them by leaving hateful ratings for telling you the truth of what they see for you. I also do free readings and I'm sure many other good advisors have done their share as well. I don't abuse the chat window because honestly I don't know if Kasamba would like us using their chat program free. We make money they make money and although sometimes I find it frustrating I understand the economics of it. I want to close by saying I have no opinions of the advisors mentioned in these responses as I don't know them personally however, take more heed of who is slinging the dirt than the one it's being throw at. I hope this helps as I do believe there is client info sharing going on. I never would have thought it but again after reading all these reports I have to believe what makes sense to me. I also pray those advisors who are in on this and scamming the clients by also getting readings from each other and leaving page long flattering mind boggling ratings get a nice big bite in the a*s when karma comes knocking. I personally would be fearful of sowing so much negative energy. You can run but you can't hide. With many blessings and much peace. I won't respond to any rebuttals. This is my first and last time posting.


Double Charges

#14Consumer Comment

Sun, April 01, 2007

I thought I was being double charged too. I use my paypal there with my account. Well The first time I used them I they withdrew the fee twice.. or so it seemed. But about 4 or 5 days later after one cleared the other was put back into my account. Paypal assured me before this that is was a common practice. Since Debit/Bank cards and the like are used as Credit cards many companies often reserve this money. Once the transaction is completed however the 'hold' on the money is put back in your account. I had this happen with another company as well . So now rule of thumb is I make sure I have twice what I need. Its a pain yes. But If I feel I need to receive the service then I do put up with the minor inconvience. Now as for the person reported here I have no idea, I haven't used that category just yet.

No One


#15Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 30, 2007

Hello. It appears that the issue here is that the person who filed this report is unaware of kasamba's practice of credit card preauthorizations, on which see here: kasamba.com/Advice/Help/SecondLevel.aspx?ID=89 "In order to avoid unnecessary charges, a method called preauthorization is often used in such cases to verify that the credit card in use is valid. During this process, which takes place at the beginning of each session, our system contacts your bank and asks it to reserve a certain amount to be used when the session is completed. This amount, although not a real charge, may appear on your credit card statement as a pending charge. At the end of the session, when the fee is final, your card is charged and the money is taken from the reserved (preauthorized) amount. However, if the session is closed with no fee (for example, no service received), then the reserved amount is automatically cleared within a few days, depending on your bank's policy." Experts are not responsible for this practice.


You should not say things you are not sure of!!!

#16UPDATE Employee

Thu, March 29, 2007

First off i want to point out that i dont know this expert or anything like that, but it just seems to me that this is a very serious accusaton here. I am a expert on kasamba and i can honestly say that we as experts have no access to client personal information or payment information. That is Kasambas part. If you feel you were over charged, double charged or anythng like that than you should contact the company and complain to them, not accuse an expert. Saying they stole your identity through this means cannot be true. I am sure kasamba could clear this up for you. But just something to think about, you really should not accuse someone if you are not 100% sure they are responsisble for it. That is just really wrong.


and to add....

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, March 29, 2007

I DO NOT have access to charging anyone's card. Again, CONTACT KASAMBA and ask them if we have access to anyone's information or credit card or anything to do with the payment and they will flat out tell you no! IF you were repeatedly charged then it is news to me and you really need to take that to Kasamba and ask them why! Demand your money back if they are overcharging you! Don't blame me for this. Besides I get the idea that this whole entire claim is BULL and I should not be dragged into this whole drama on this site. It is crap. Just another expert trying to pick on others. If you want to get on the highest ratings, do your work, stop harassing others. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OTHER EXPERT ON THERE, I KEEP TO MYSELF SO YOU NEED TO DO THE SAME AND STOP SLANDERING INNOCENT PEOPLE! Get a life!! I am sure I am not the only one that you posted about. It seems alot of name changing going on here. But I will figure this out and I will NOT stand for it. That is all I have to say, for now.

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