  • Report:  #280523

Complaint Review: KASAMBA - Internet

Reported By:
- toronto, Ontario,

kasamba.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I spent A LOT of money on Kasamba, maybe a couple of thousands. Stupid? YEAH. There were times when I had asked for a refund, but Kasamba did nothing. But that's all in the past now, all I can do now is share with you my experience. I'm not here for drama (as what I found in a lot of the forums previous). I am here to present to you my own personal experience with each EXPERT I had used. Whatever you do to the information I present to you is totally up to you. (I'm going to go one by one looking at my history list)

PennyC: 19.90 USD/minute -> made a prediction of an event that was supposed to happen. She described the guys I was supposedly going to meet, their names, how they look like and how I will meet them. At that time it seemed impressive, but did not happen at all. She also predicted that the guy in question is in-love with me, said that the reason why he and I aren't together is because he's been hurt in the past. Sounds familiar? YOU BET. She gave a date when he's supposed to come around, never happened. When asked, she just moved up the date.

Michael Gordon: 4.85/minute (now Michael G). Okay, this guy was an interesting one. First time I used him, he was accurate on describing the guy in question and was able to provide me his PHYSICAL description (unlike all the other psychics who say "I can't see physical appearance as I read on energy"...oh please!) So that was impressive. His predictions did not come true, and when asked why, he would just move up the date. But when I asked him to describe for me an event that happened in the past, he was quite accurate, not 100% but about 90%. So though his predictions do not come to past, when asked to account for a past event, he's quite good. The next few times I came back to him, his readings weakened, felt like he was making stuff up.

shoshone: 1.87/minute. I personally love this woman because even though her prediction never came to past, she is just so genuinely caring. I know she's not in it for the money. She's more of a friend to me than a psychic expert. She's someone I can just chat with when I'm feeling down and she gives me advice. She's awesome. I respect her deeply.

jasper13f: 1.99/minute. She never made any predictions but did give me insight on my situation. She seemed to be reading from a book, understandable since she uses Tarot. I dont have much to say about her.

Mystic Diana: 1.99/min. -> generic stuff. prediction did not happen needless to say.

Voodoo Love Queen: 8/min. WHERE DO I BEGIN. NO CONNECTION TIME, JUST ASKED TO HIRE RIGHT AWAY. She just said things I wanted to hear. I asked her what the guy does not like about me.. and she said there isn't any. OH PLEASE. I know I'm not perfect. Anyways, she said that she'll do a spell for me for free. I told her that I do not want a spell if it means manipulating him. She said it's not manipulating him since he already does have feelings for me and just needs to be pushed into letting me know. LOL. it's been months and nothing's changed. Predictions did not happen.

Psychic Vermont: 4.98/min. Took a lot of time to connect with me, ensured that I was comfortable. Some given information were wrong but I felt she was telling me the truth. She said the situation will be cyclical and will be frustrating for me. She was right.

David-james: 6.99/min. LOL okay...generic..generic..generic. He did say I was gonna "bed" him. It clearly didn't happen. He seemed rude when I asked what the guy in question looked like (to verify his reading).. he said "don't you know what he looks like?" LOL, clever.

Psychic Aurora: 2.99/min. predictions didn't come to past.

Jesska Filiu: 8.49/min. SHE IS SERIOUSLY VERY DISAPPOINTING. She does NOT give connection time, doesn't even ask for your question. She tries to guess what your question is. It wasn't until the clock was already $56 then she goes "what is your question?" I can't believe I was so stupid to continue on with the reading. I should've closed it when she wasn't hitting the question. She made a prediction about him proposing the year after, which is completely ridiculous because he and I are so young. Needless to say, he did not proposed. (It's been a year).

Kevins Karma: 15.9/min. (now known as Honest by nature). I was impressed b/c he was able to pick out the initials of the people in question. This was of course before I read several reports here saying that there's a group where these experts exchange information, so this must be how he got their initials. Now that I'm reading it over, not only did his predictions not come to past, but the info he was giving me at the time was FALSE as well. Totally made it up.

Fruno: 3.99/min. This guy seemed nice, so he earned my trust right away. His predictions did not come to past. Now that I look at it, his words could've applied to anyone. He took advantage I must say. How disappointing. Totally FAKE.

Mysticenchantess: 4.99/min. no connection time. but i hired anyway. pure BULL***T. So generic that I closed the session right away before she could continue whatever bull***t she was trying to make up.

LadySerene: 5.70/min. I asked her to look at a situation from the past (a situation that happened a long time ago that happened behind my back) because I wanted to know what took place. A few months later, confrontations happened and it turned out that her information was wrong.

Katharine: 4.99/min. She doesn't ask for your question right away, instead she tries to teach you about metaphysics. I suppose that's good if you're up for a chat but when you just want answers it might be frustrating. She was the only one who said he did not have feelings for me but made a prediction about me and him being in a relationship by December this year. So I don't know yet.

SpiritSpeaker: 8.99/min. LOL. This was a RIDICULOUS reading. He predicted that the guy in question and I will kiss in a month around a lake. He clearly watches too many romantic movies. Prediction did not happen. I knew it would not. For $8.99/min.. what a joke.

Lidia: 9.99/min. Totally made it up..generic made up stuff. I did not let her finish b/c she started going on about divorce papers..

PatheFinder: 0.75/min. She acted as if she genuinely cared, wanted to know what happened. When I was describing to her the situation, she got frustrated and closed the window on me. LOL. I tried coming back but would not reply back.

Amber humphreys: 8.75/min. I have nothing bad to say about Amber. She's really sweet. She was my most recent reading and what she predicted so far have happened.

Experts I used that I did not pay b/c I refused to hire:

OneGoodSoul - GENERIC.

HighPriestess - oddly enough, her chatting style is similar to that of OneGoodSoul... her reading is also generic.

TruthSpeaker - LOL, she refused to give me service. I should be thankful that she saved me money. She's totally rude though... REALLY REALLY REALLY RUDE.

JenniferW - claimed to give me a FREE reading because she was giving me bad news. Alright that's fine with me, but if you can't describe the guy in question or say something that I ALREADY KNOW to verify your statements, then don't expect me to believe you. She got annoyed with me and started swearing... in her words i was "f***ing ungrateful" Yeah, I'll really believe your words now. (sarcasm).

Jesska Filiu: 8.49/min. SHE IS SERIOUSLY VERY DISAPPOINTING. She does NOT give connection time, doesn't even ask for your question. She tries to guess what your question is. It wasn't until the clock was already $56 then she goes "what is your question?" I can't believe I was so stupid to continue on with the reading. I should've closed it when she wasn't hitting the question. She made a prediction about him proposing the year after, which is completely ridiculous because he and I are so young. Needless to say, he did not proposed. (It's been a year).

thewizardstar - she refused to take my call b/c I was too skeptic she said and that I did not have an open mind. (if you're so great, why don't you prove me wrong and give me TRUTHFUL predictions?)

karma apple - got information wrong

psychic beth - now that i think of it, i think she's actually kinda real, i wasn't sure why i didn't hire at that time.

psychic aura magic - generic.

fabreez - generic.

psychic services by laura - somehow she closed the window before we even "connected" then she wouldn't take my call.

golden eye - got annoyed with me i tried asking for more questions and closed the window.

psychic chat with sandina - did not take my money but gave me a helpful advice

I used to have an old Kasamba account, which I had deleted before I made a new one which i used for all the psychics above. I don't have the history for all the psychics I used in my old one, but this is what I can remember:

Joel - tells you what you want to hear. predictions didn't happen.

reflectivesoul - first reading came to past. the readings after did not.

sara fina - prediction did not come to past. generic.

master z - HE WAS AN EXPENSIVE ONE. He could not give me specific information... info could apply to anyone!!! predictions did not happen.

gypsy raven - interesting read. i can't say whether her predictions real or not as it will happen 3 years from now. (she won't say what she thinks you want to hear)

Mystic Lady Jade - generic.

CindySD - oddly enough, some of the information she gave were downright accurate - physical description and such. though, predictions did not past.

--thats all i can remember from my old account -

ANYWAYS, I know how addictive psychics are. Please think twice before hiring them. Often our emotions can override our logic. If predictions do not past, do not go back to the same reader to ask what happened because chances are, they'll get it wrong again. Secondly, do not look for confirmations by going to more readers. WAIT and have patience. If it does not come to past, then there's your answer (that the expert was wrong). There's no need to look for verification by going to other readers and spending more money. SPENDING MORE MONEY WILL NOT HELP YOU GET WHAT YOU WANT.

If you're emotionally unstable, talk to a friend or a therapist. Not KASAMBA's PSYCHICS. DO NOT WASTE MONEY.

anyways, I just want everyone to know that I AM OFFICIALLY DONE WITH KASAMBA. ALL THIS IS NOW BEHIND ME. I have heard enough from other people's complaints and how badly this company treats their consumers (by rejecting to gve refunds or to listen to people's complaints). I'm posting this report and will not look back to this nor will I ever use Kasamba ever again. Thus, you can re-post and rebuttals if you want, but I will not reply and probably won't read it since this is all behind me.



toronto, Ontario


31 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, December 17, 2010

This mysticladyjade is bad news, she's very scaryb and only wants your money and to hurt you.

B. Baggins

United Kingdom
My opinion

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, April 20, 2008

I have read all the posts on here and its seems that the one main point is overlooked.......... I am a spiritulist and have had reading on Kasamba and have found many fake physics (my opinion) and only one i would trust, though i wont name her. When you have a reading you must take what your told and use it to the best of your ability. Nobodys future in set in stone, and nobody is responsible for how things and relationships work out in your life but YOU. A genuine medium or reader will be able to accuratly, or to a good degree describe past events and how things are at the present and this is what a prediction is based on. A good reader will not tell you "this is what will happen" but will tell you "if you do/say this etc, this could happen for you". We are all responsible for what path we take in life and if things dont work out as planned for you, dont blame someone who might have genuinly tried to help you out. Dont get me wrong, i disagree with the many "physics" on the site who are anything but desperate people, feeding on peoples's insecurities and hopes to make a pretty penny or two, but dont let it affect your judgment of all the readers. The money that some of them charge is absurd, and if you took the time to find out a genuine medium in your local area you could be pleasantly surprised at the difference. They will generally charge you around 20 at the most for an hour to 2 hour reading IN PERSON, and wont ask your DOB or any questions but will read you without you even giving them any information. I can understand why sites like these can be addictive and destructive and i agree that Liveperson should completely change their attitude to their experts and do proper check-ups before allowing someone to become an expert. It is a shame that something that could do a lot of good for a lot of people is ruined by shameless, money grabbers that ruin genuine medium's reputations, but such is life i suppose. In the end all i am saying is use a good, genuine reading for what it is.......a reading, and take things with a pinch of salt. Nobody knows the situation your in better than you, so use your own intuition to guide you to. I have made the mistake of following the genuine advise of a medium but not used the knowlegde i have on the situation myself and messed up and yes, predictions havent come true, because i didnt take the path i was being guided on because i made bad choices or didnt listen to good advise. Be guided down the path you want to take, dont be led to do anything that you feel isnt right or wont work. Fate does not exist, only your freewill. Apologies for the appalling spelling or grammer. ;)

B. Baggins

United Kingdom
My opinion

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, April 20, 2008

I have read all the posts on here and its seems that the one main point is overlooked.......... I am a spiritulist and have had reading on Kasamba and have found many fake physics (my opinion) and only one i would trust, though i wont name her. When you have a reading you must take what your told and use it to the best of your ability. Nobodys future in set in stone, and nobody is responsible for how things and relationships work out in your life but YOU. A genuine medium or reader will be able to accuratly, or to a good degree describe past events and how things are at the present and this is what a prediction is based on. A good reader will not tell you "this is what will happen" but will tell you "if you do/say this etc, this could happen for you". We are all responsible for what path we take in life and if things dont work out as planned for you, dont blame someone who might have genuinly tried to help you out. Dont get me wrong, i disagree with the many "physics" on the site who are anything but desperate people, feeding on peoples's insecurities and hopes to make a pretty penny or two, but dont let it affect your judgment of all the readers. The money that some of them charge is absurd, and if you took the time to find out a genuine medium in your local area you could be pleasantly surprised at the difference. They will generally charge you around 20 at the most for an hour to 2 hour reading IN PERSON, and wont ask your DOB or any questions but will read you without you even giving them any information. I can understand why sites like these can be addictive and destructive and i agree that Liveperson should completely change their attitude to their experts and do proper check-ups before allowing someone to become an expert. It is a shame that something that could do a lot of good for a lot of people is ruined by shameless, money grabbers that ruin genuine medium's reputations, but such is life i suppose. In the end all i am saying is use a good, genuine reading for what it is.......a reading, and take things with a pinch of salt. Nobody knows the situation your in better than you, so use your own intuition to guide you to. I have made the mistake of following the genuine advise of a medium but not used the knowlegde i have on the situation myself and messed up and yes, predictions havent come true, because i didnt take the path i was being guided on because i made bad choices or didnt listen to good advise. Be guided down the path you want to take, dont be led to do anything that you feel isnt right or wont work. Fate does not exist, only your freewill. Apologies for the appalling spelling or grammer. ;)


Los Angeles,
Psychic Chat with Sandina FRAUD

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, April 11, 2008

Ooh boy she did take my money and very inaccurate



#6Consumer Comment

Sat, November 17, 2007

whats really funny here is that some of you think that you are entitled to a refund? thats just plain hilarious! why do you think you deserve a refund? did someone hold a gun to your head and make you go to kasamba.com? im betting by the sounds of some of you it would have been everyday! and probably every psychic on the site! Did anyone force you to go to kasamba.com and spents thousands of dollars? No they didnt did they? Are you idiots? Yes you are! It took you $4,300.00 to realise that something wasnt right? thats just plain pathetic. You have no one to blame except yourselves and its time your took some responsibilites for not having the brains to realise that something was wrong. You are stating to everyone quite clearly that you dont have a brain! and that you cant think for yourself! Dont say to the psychic "I THINK ITS TIME FOR ME TO GIVE UP" why do you even need to log on to tell a psychic that? JUSTTT DOOO ITTT! THINK FOR YOURSELF! When you were having readings by these psychics. did they give you any evidence at all? anything that would make you think that there was a possibility that they could have been wrong? what proof did they give you? Are you saying that they gave you enough proof so that you kept going back time and time again? Unless a psychic can keep proving to you time and time again or come up with hard core facts then DO NOT go back to them as you can be sure that what they predict is going to be wrong! You made the mistake of believing people over and over again. This is your problem. you dont need a refund. you need a brain and you all need to take responsibility for your actions and stop blaming the psychics because NO ONE MADE YOU GO CALL THEM OR KEEP GOING BACK TO THEM! It was a choice that you made on your own! it was your stuff up, and you think you should be compenstated? Learn from your mistakes and take control of your own life instead of depending on psychics to think for you!


To You Don't Say:

#7UPDATE Employee

Thu, November 15, 2007

The new site layout is something that both clients and experts aren't entirely pleased with. So you're not alone there! And thank you for your impartial response. It's probably the most reasonable response I've seen amongst the Kasamba debates here on ROR. I'm glad you're pleased with your reading and are not bashing psychics just because they aren't your cup of tea.

You Dont Say

West Covina,
I dont know who is being Really dishonest here..

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, November 13, 2007

This is interesting. Fake psychics, psychic that are too generic, psychic that prediction didn't come true, psychic you refuse to pay cause they had wrong information. I was drviven by the spirit (smile) to go these these wonton ones on Kasamba. And I found the ratings to be very good for most of the readers you to claimed to give wrong information or too generic. Perhaps you are a psychic person on Kasmaba trying to discredit other psychics. or just a person picking names from these reports. I don't know who is telling the truth here. I just know that someone is not being honest. Look I don't know who you are or what your motive is here, however I am not sure about your motives and will leave it at that. You are truly promoting these psychics you are bashing because I read and went to see! (Looks away in guilt cause I hired and was very pleased with what I was told). I actually had a hard time on the kasmaba site the format is all mixed up to me, but I did indeed find those you wrote about some I couldn't find. But I was not unimpressed. I think people who read this should look at the stats (the ratings and reviews). will I ever use kasamba again. no, I will be honest. I will not, use them again for a psychic reading, However I was impressed and I like the reading, I got very much and all her information was mostly accurate, However , I am not into all this psychic stuff, I may use the computer help tho..that I need!


I'm not laughing

#9UPDATE Employee

Tue, October 30, 2007

I'm not laughing at anyone or anything, and I haven't been over the past few weeks while I have watched you guys post and post and post away. There are numerous issues that have been raised, and the issue (from my perspective) seems to be that you have unclear goals and dissimilar agendas in regard to what, exactly, you are trying to accomplish with all of this. Are you trying to "bring Kasamba down" and "expose the fraud intrinsic in a psychic reading"? If so, your goal probably won't be achieved- mainly because many psychic readers are not frauds, so there is nothing intrinsically fraudulent in a reading. Or, are you trying to "clean up Kasamba"? Again, if this is the case, then you will need to highlight what you feel is broken. If you are talking about refunds and billing, then that has nothing to do with any Expert as Experts have no control over that. You know, Kasamba is not an evil place. I am sure there are many readers who cheat or lie or tell people what they want to hear. But I know for a fact that there are several readers who do not engage in that behavior at all. I also know that tact is something that needs to be learned- it is a skill, and it develops over time. I have learned how to give people the truth as I see it without coddling while at the same time helping clients to see the silver lining of the situation- as there always is one. I personally do not understand why some Experts don't grasp that many clients are actually looking for the truth (and no, I don't have any "information" on particular Experts or inside information about their practices as I do NOT belong to any internet group or coalition of Experts). In my experience, someone will leave you a low rating but then come back to tell you that you were right later on- and request another reading because you were so accurate with them-- and then they become regular clients and leave feedback that clearly reflects what you did for the client-- not how you made the client "feel" while in the session. In defense of ALL Experts on Kasamba, however, I would like to say the following: Clients who come in for a live chat can SOMETIMES be hard to deal with. I have always felt that some clients (not all) have unrealistic expectations for what a reading will "do" for them. A reading won't DO anything-- only YOU can do something for yourself. A reading helps you THINK about what is happening in your life and make better choices about situations and people in it. How many times have I had new clients in asking for a "physical description"? Too many to count. How many times has a new client asked me for "dates and names and places"? Many. How many times have new clients come in and told me something to the effect of, "I don't believe this because 12 other people told me the opposite"? Again, far too many to count. In most of these cases, I wind up refusing to read for the client and referring the client to someone else who I feel to be ethical and honest (based on my OWN experiences with having a particular Expert read for me personally-- yes, paid). And yes, I have on several occasions suggested that psychological counseling may be appropriate and helpful, and I have ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS encouraged ALL my clients to be ACTIVE decision-makers- to exercise personal AGENCY in their lives-- to not ever "wait" if they don't want to wait-- to not ever feel trapped by someone else's behavior or attitude toward them. Readings are tools- not prediction making-machines. Though predictions come up in readings, they relate to the whole of the reading and are predicated on what has come before and what is happening now. In my experience, long term predictions will hold much less water than will short term predictions, simply because situations change over time and the minutia of life (that is sometimes not apparent in a reading) can alter the course over time. And yes, I usually give short term predictions because 1) they are usually verifiable in a very short period of time and therefore help the client actually see the path ahead of her and 2) because I find them to be much more powerful than long term predictions. Sheesh, when I read for myself, I tend to only look at the next few days or a week- maybe a month-- because that kind of reading highlights the PATH, and I can literally see it unfold. As I have always said, a good reading is a reading that is 1) accurate in the present 2) is empowering and helps you see what your path is like (emphasis on YOUR, not "his" or "hers"-- YOUR), 3) takes your well-being into consideration and 4) hopefully- at least most of the time- produces relevant predictions. Number 4 is actually the least important on this list- I hope you know that. Blessings to you~


North Carolina,

#10Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 30, 2007

I have read your response Susan and have no problem with it. It was honest. Take care.


New York,
Karen...Please read my response re: Janice

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, October 30, 2007

If Karen would have read my response that I did not know Janice was still seeking Kasamba's services and supported some of the "Experts" - she would understand that as soon as I read that post - I put an e-mail on the Yahoo Group site titled "VERY CONCERNED". I have received multiple e-mails from other members stating they are also "shocked" and "concerned". You have realize that we in the group had no control of what Janice was doing. She started the group and invited us to join as a collaborative effort to submit our documentation for her to compile and submit to Kasamba. I will honestly (as I have always been in my posts) state that she and I have had a ongoing e-mail correspondence where I continually ask what the timeframe is on the completion of this report - I requested that she provide me with a copy for me to distribute in the United States - she kept informing me that it was an "any day now" scenario. I did what I could to discern what was actually going on - but, she had the "report". Other members of the group have "discussed" this with me via e-mail and we all concur. What I am asking is that you realize this and refrain from "lumping" us all together. All I ever wrote on this site in support of Janice is that she is not a "Kasamba employee" and that I've supported her great efforts to take this on. Yes, I had concerns and I was attempting to address them with her directly via e-mail. Not thru the Yahoo Group site. Once again, all the documentation was in her possession and she is in Australia. I kept in touch with her, relayed my concerns about elongating the process and she kept asking for my patience. As you will read, when I say her "admission" on the site on 10/28 I became alarmed. I immediately e-mailed her and strongly stated how her post damaged our credibility and she did not see the issue. I'm sure any of you - regardless of you "opinion" of me can see what happened here. If I didn't approach her in a certain manner, I was running the risk of her taking all the documentation which I KNOW she has and throwing it away or worse. When I attempted to joing the Yahoo Group that she coordinates - she required that I submit "proof" that I wasn't an "insider"/Kasamba employee. I sent her 1 short page of a "reading" and blacked out any details/names. Many of these other group members have submitted volumes and volumes of transcripts and she is in possession of them. Do I think she wasn't doing the best she could for us? I have to say, Yes - because I have no "proof" to think otherwise. Is she emotionally charged about this issue - yes - is this process taking an eternity - yes - has she taken a hell of a lot of crap and insults - yes - but, she's fought back as well. I kept sending her e-mails stating the ROR is not the venue for this fight - offered to assist her in compiling the "report" time and time again - she declined. She kept insisting it was "almost done" and asked me to have continued patience and support her plan (supporting e-mails are available - anything I post here is supported by my documentation). So - before you "crucify" and "laugh" at us all - take into consideration that YES we were in support of her - BUT - we had NO idea she was still seeking services and she doesn't think that is an issue as she has continually stated "not all at Kasamba are frauds/scammers".....she is entitled to her opinions and has apparently spent endless hours working on this with other members. We ALL are communicating via e-mail - nobody - including the adversaries that post on here - has any proof of who anyone really is. The bottom line is I wanted to proove to Kasamba that MANY of our claims ARE legitimate and this was my only opinion - because when 1 person says something - it is NOT the same level of credibility is MANY say something. Does anyone get that yet? Thank you, "Freya" for saying that LivePerson IS making changes and attempting to clean up the "mess" that Kasamba.com was - I have been posting that for MONTHS. So - before you write that I have posted this because I "know I'm sunk" - or your "Ha Ha Ha's" - know that I am still going to pursue my goal. I feel I am entitled to some level of restitution/refund and I am still committed to bringing these issues to the general public. There are many group members that are on the same page as me and we will proceed the best way we can. "One bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch" Our hands were tied - and we had no reason to question that Janice was not completely negative about Kasamba. com. It is correct - the truth always DOES come to the light - hopefully, the rest of TRUTH will come out as well - the indisputable tactics in attempt to make money by the Kasamba "Experts".


New York,
Response to Kasamba Expert/Leucadia, California

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, October 30, 2007

I have read your lengthy assessment of me and once again state everyone is entitled to their opinion. The issue for me with your response is you state several times that I need to evaluate the "weight of my argument" and determine if my goal is to warn the unsupecting public or seek revenge as a "stalker". WHY do you feel responsible for giving me advisement? You wrote quite a list of insulting titles for me and have put several labels on me - obviously in an attempt to insult me - which is of no consequence or value. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and their version of the facts. I don't believe that stating I was declined services by "Experts" and you personal opinion of me is of any value to this ongoing issue. You certainly don't take any time to dispute my factual claims - you just took the opportunity to slam me with personal insults without factual information other than your stated reason for denying me services - yet, you hide behind your actual username so I cannot even dispute if you did or did not deny me services, or if I even attempted to contact me. Cowardly approach. If you'd like to disclose exactly "who" you are/were at that time I will check my records and if you did deny me your services, I will gladly admit that in a post. I find it curious that you choose to attack me with name-calling, which is clearly a personal opinion because you do not state what exactly are your credentials to assess a person's mental status or motivations. Yes, I am seeking financial restitution from Kasamba - that is my right. I also have the right to free speech as an American Citizen and I'm not sure who authorized you to have the title of "Judge". When an "Expert" takes that amount of time to write a lengthy assessment of what they perceive to be my motivation, history with Kasamba and reiterate supposed events using name calling and insults - I welcome that - all that does is once again confirm the tactics of the Kasamba "Expert". I've only had one other "Expert" surface with supposed facts and an assessment of my mental status and that was Raven Franks - and it was in a direct response to attempt to defend herself. I have posted the facts (which I have documentation to support) and my opinions which I am entitled to do. I see that when I was slammed for supposedly writing the incorrect refund process/policies of the site - I responded with the exact name of the "Expert" I contacted directly by Kasamba's instructions - and I put a detailed account of that transaction on this site. NO ONE responded or disputed that. So - keep the negative comments, labeling and insults coming - it's standard behavior of the Kasamba "Expert" on this site - but, you might want to try to establish some kind of credibility by stating some actual facts to support your claims. Which "Expert" are you? - what is the date of your declined services? Give me some varifiable proof to your claims and I will respond appropriately. A customers "state of mind" and "motivation" is only an opinion - which you certainly are entitled to - but, regardless of that - facts are facts - and documentation IS documentation. Put your "money where your mouth is". I find it entertaining that you labeled me as a "stalker" and seeking revenge towards the "people that brought me to seek" a Kasamba "Expert" in the first place.....I can provide you multiple "readings" with Raven Franks where she clearly states "not to give up", "continue to wait", "go ahead and contact" _______ "again", "call that person" - SHE continually "advised" me to continue to pursue what I was doing AND "predicted" that there would be results, steps taken and a positive outcome to my efforts. Again - provide me with a "place" to send these transcripts and I will be more than willing to provide the documentation to support my statements. Anyone can say anything - but, what is in writing is fact. So, if I was a "stalker" and "mentally unstable" and "seeking revenge" WHY didn't Raven Franks WITH ALL HER EXPERIENCE and her stated "counseling" abilities make that assessment and "advise" me to "stop seeking revenge" and "stop contacting" the people she encouraged me and directed me to contact stating there would be results - SHE EVEN GAVE ME TIMEFRAMES OF WHEN THE RESPONSES WOULD COME!! LOL!! So, perhaps she had a different "assessment" of me because she took my calls - $4,300.00 of my calls. Apparently, she had no issues with me until AFTER I spoke up - then I got (which I have) e-mail after e-mail where she states I "was seeking revenge", "relentlessly pursuing these people", etc., etc. As long as the "money train" was speeding down the track - she had nothing but "empathy" and "support" for EVERYTHING I was trying to accomplish and she continued to encourage me to pursue my goal. HMMMMMM....food for thought. Once again, I can produce these transcripts where I clearly state, "I think it's just time for me to give up" and she responds, "No, I don't think you should, give it a little longer, I know it's only days/even hours away, I can feel it"....want some entertaining reading? Give me an address. Thanks for your "advice" - I'll take your concern for me as a compliment. (wink)


Janice's defense?

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, October 30, 2007

Janice is responsible for her own actions and I am not going to defend or criticize her. It's none of my business what she does, and I fail to see why it should be yours.


The disturbing part.

#14Consumer Comment

Tue, October 30, 2007

What I find sick and disturbing is that, literally as these posts were being made by Janice, expressing her distaste for Kasamba.com's practices and it's Psychics.. She was STILL CALLING THEM, feeding them money. It is so unsettling. The group knows they are done for. S, Janice, Lucy .. They haven't even bothered trying to 'spin' or defend this. Why? Because they know it is over. Janice has destroyed everything for them. And they KNOW IT.

Kasamba Expert

Come on Susan

#15UPDATE Employee

Tue, October 30, 2007

You're digging yourself deeper and deeper into a hole with this Suzzi. You lost a lot of money going to fraudulent psychics and now you're going off on the same vendetta against them (all of them -- good, bad and indifferent) that you were on against the people that led you to seek psychic advice in the first place. We're not supposed to give away the details of your personal situation because you are (or were) a client. But you have no compunctions about posting details about the sessions that you had with various experts a means of proving your point. And I know for a fact you fabricated at least one of them, in your effort to try to give your argument more weight. You have no problem undermining the credibility of the experts who refused to read for you. In your way of thinking, they're just as guilty of deception as the ones who fed you full of lies. But you can't have it both ways Suzzi. It doesn't work like that. Some experts refused to read for you because your emotional instability was (and is) immediately apparent. I was one of those experts. I have one word typed in the notes section of my folder for you (which I'd typed there after you came to my chat room and I declined to take you on as a client.) That one word is "stalker." If what you're saying elsewhere is true and all of the experts on Kasamba were soul-less money grubbing shysters who share transcripts, then why did anyone decline to read for you Suzzi? Why didn't we all just sit there and feed your fantasy while laughing all the way to the bank? Because it's not true. Just as it's not true that every client who goes to a psychic is ignorant, naive, desperate or crazy. According to you, the psychics who read for you were frauds and the ones who refused to read for you were frauds. But you can't have it both ways here. This vendetta of yours seems to be way more about trying to recoup your financial losses and making someone PAY for making a fool out of you than it is about wanting to spare others some perceived affront. The experts that are and were scamming clients should be removed from the site and unfortunately the ones who are not and were not are going to be casualties of your wrath. But you, Suzzi, need to think good and hard about how much weight your argument carries when it's becoming clearer and clearer that this is more about your own personal crusade than it is about wanting to help anyone else.

Sick Of It

United Kingdom
Re: Honest Psychic Online

#16Consumer Comment

Mon, October 29, 2007

I understand that Children need to be fed, etc. But why not get a normal/eithical job and do this Psychic reading as a side-line (for entertainment purposes!) if this is the case... I mean, really... It is a well known fact 'mostly' desperate vulnerable people use Psychics... You know that... Everyone knows THAT!! Clients come to you for direction, not entertainment. We all know the disclaimer is only there to protect for litigation purposes... Do you think we all just fell of the turnip truck! I know lots of good psychics out there. Honest ones who know how to give good honest readings, but in a kind manner. I wouldn't call it sugar-coating... I would call it tactful and offering constructive ways to handle a particular situation or person. I, for one, always use a particular site of phone psychics I will not mention here, but they have never steered me wrong due to their high ethical nature. Sure, they cost... but they are worth it if you are really lost, etc. They act more like spiritual advisors and counsellors with great insight - which is what I believe a good Psychic is. Now, I have had a reading very recently with a Reader on K, who told me certain things about the people I care for most and it shocked and hurt me. I do believe she had the people in question confused and messed up, because what she said was not true to the nature of these people I knew. I left the reading feeling very anxious and frightened. So I spent the next 40 mins on the phone to a trusted psychic getting clarity and once again believing in my own intuition, which is by the way, the most important thing we need to do as souls. My advice for all of those clients that follow me is don't have too many readings. They can become addictive, and you just don't know 'who' is REALLY giving you the reading - It can be ANY person off the street, as the qualifications are NOT checked, etc.; especially on Kasamba. Be kind to yourself, and if you feel something isn't right, don't just accept what the psychic says as TRUTH. We all have our own truths. For example, a reader may see your best friend as 'using' you... YOU however, know the TRUE dynamics of your situation and why you and this person have this relationship with eachother... TRUST IT. To the Psychics out there. Please remember you are playing with peoples' lives here. Mostly vulnerable and desperate people, so be kind by helping them SEE the light - not taking their money and leaving THEIR children HUNGRY!! This is ethical to me! If you really believe in Spirituality, you would know that. If you are there for the money only... WELL... one day you will learn that you CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU WHEN YOU GO... and I feel SORRY for YOU and your path in life...


North Carolina,
Susan, S, Janice, Lucy, All the rest

#17Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 29, 2007

All I have to say to the lot of you is LMFAO. Janice STILL gives Kasamba her money and continues to be on this board making a big fuss about the crooked website but STILL gives them her money!! How SICK is that?! Now let's watch the sugar coating start flying around this forum now. Lets watch how they try to justify Janice's continued use of the corrupt website. Lets watch how they still play the victim after their precious Janice has admitted to STILL SPENDING HER HARD EARNED MONEY ON THIS CORRUPT WEBSITE SHE IS TRYING TO BRING CHANGE TO!! Pothetic! LMFAO. Kudos to Katie. Now Janice's account is hacked into. LMFAO. WOW! I can't stop friggin laughing. These threads can be really amusing. What's in the dark ALWAYS come to light. Janice defenders to the rescue! Strategize your responses for they will be extremely comical to read.


To An Honest Psychic Online

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, October 29, 2007

Your post was quite scary. You stated readers do tell clients what they "want to hear" in order to get a good rating. The rating is made in a split second, the information passed on to the client may last for months. Honesty is always the best policy, and I have no doubt clients appreciate the truth much more than being fed lies. Those readers who tell the client the truth would find they will likely have a repeat client, possibly for years. Those readers who tell the client a 'fairy tale' will never see that client again once they realise they've been fed lies. Isn't it every readers goal to build a repeat client base? Filling their heads with false hope is not the way to do it. It's sad when readers feel they have to lie to clients in order to survive. There goes any credibility they might have had.


think about this..it is real attempt to postulate a solution

#19Consumer Comment

Sun, October 28, 2007

Ok we know kasamba has a lot of traffic. We also know that this traffic has been on a steady decline for the past twelve months. We know that a lot of psychics are honest and can provide a real guidance to people. I won't go into the ones that have helped me because at this point I don't think too many would want to have their name linked to mine- even in a postive way (lol..I don't blame them at all). I am aware of the issues that Kasamba experts face on a DAILY Basis and that they have for years stuggled in a volitile and unstable workplace. And no, I am not a psychic. I know because people emailed me and told me. It is not that diffiuclt to do. The KV emails go to me and when someone says I don't want to join your group but i used to work at Kasamba and I want to talk to you I email them back. I understand how organisations function so it is not too difficult to see that their assessments are correct. I did my PhD on workplace change and I understand what happens in such places. To preempt..no I cannot spell because I am dyslexic and honestly I can't be bothered to run the spell check these days but yes I do have a PhD. Ok, just suppose we were on the level here. I know it is hard to believe with all this garbage going on but try to imagine that a few people put all this information together not to 'out' or trap people and take their livlihoods away from them but to say to the company 'look what your structures, polcies and practices' are doing to people. what IF they actually listened and the frauds couldn't use Kasamba anymore as their private little goldmine. What if the research included a list of suggestions that were easily implemented and their efficacy was backed by good evidence. what if the 'traffic' actually went to the good, kind and legitimate readers because the expectations of the clients were not raised by the frauds who promise the world in a spell or manta and then took the money and run. What if psychics were not pressured to compete with outrageos prices and could earn the same money by spending a few minutes longer with their clients rather than by having to deal with frauds on all levels. What if there were a mechanism in which experts could actually be assured would get their complaints and views to the management and the management, by agreement, listened. What if someone actually gave up a good deal of their time to put this togther for no other reason that they stumbled into it through a set of circumstances: they posted on a ripoff site when they were at an emotional low point and got vilified so they got together with others and did some research and people started talking to them-not the idiots but real people with real concerns what if they did this for a few months and actually kept fronting up to a site that abused them because they wanted to find more poeple to join because they found they were getting emotionally better just from the contact with other people who understood what it was like to be ripped of by frauds and wanted to pass that on to others What if during this process they realised that the introduction of a few structural measures could benefit both the legitimate experts and the clients What if they found out the new management of K actually was interested in what clients want because they want to expand and so this might be a window of opportunity that may never come again What if a few people actually had the gumption to organise themselves and tell the management what the problems are and how they might be ameliorated. What if by doing all this, the legitimate experts, who have kids to feed yet, feel pressured to compete by the unrealistic standards set by the frauds actually got a better deal-maybe they could relax a little when talking with clients..maybe spend a few more minutes doing the reading .. what if that happened..what if a small group of fat, frumpy, dissaffected, bitter (have i left anything out girls?? lol) women who could never get a man and if we did would get dumped..actually stuck together long enough and had enough brains and gumption to do something about it. Of course history tells us that has never happened..groups of people banding together have never produced change...have they???


United Kingdom
You could not have made yourself clearer Susan...

#20Consumer Comment

Sun, October 28, 2007

These people simply choose to ignore the facts and simply cannot get their heads around the fact that some people in this world choose to be pro-active about experiences they have had or opinions that they hold. Whether it be saving the rain forest or saving the local declining hedgehog population or confronting frauds. As you have said time and time and time again....IF they are not fake psychics, why the hell would they even CARE? Why do they not get a life of their own and leave us to do what we want to do? It doesn't make sense, they don't make sense and thank god, it doesnt really matter. We have the facts, we have the support, and we are gonna do what we are gonna do, regardless. I very much doubt that anyone who keeps posting here the same old waffle about how "unstable" any of us are, is anything but a very scared fake psychic anyway. I mean really, do they think that posting insulting comments is going to make us go away? that is desperate if you ask me.


New York,

#21Consumer Comment

Sun, October 28, 2007

THANK YOU!! for clearly stating that "Psychics are entertainers and they ARE NOT EXPERTS". That just substantiates our claim that Kasamba advertises fraudulently. They encourage those that visit the site to "contact one of Experts". It clearly doesn't state "contact one of our entertainers". Trust me we ALL KNOW ALL of you do what you need to do cause the "rent is due and the children are hungry" - NOW - but, when you are new to the site and read the RIDICULOUS profiles and their claims and you are NOT privy to the fact that the reviews are manipulated and staged....you get mislead....these people are professionals and quite good at their game. I thank you SO much for confirming what I've been saying for months!! IF the site stated what you stated - NONE of this would be happening - but, alas, the rent wouldn't be paid and the kids would be hungry.


New York,

#22Consumer Comment

Sat, October 27, 2007

AGAIN!! with the assessments that we are "hysterical", "can't move on", "need counseling" (although the "Experts" never advised us of that when we were paying by the minute)(WINK)...NO ONE is "running around with torches screaming off with their heads." All we are doing is providing factual information to protect future victims and the animated/emotional defensive posts are stemming from and in direct response to the ridiculous still trying to blame and cover. Perhaps you aren't reading CAREFULLY - the only thing that we are posting on this site is information and responses to the attacks we get from the "Experts". I will AGAIN say and STAND by my statement that IF the "Experts" are legitimate AND we are all "pathetic crazy people" then WHY respond? The very fact that the "Experts" are bashing the forthright and honest previous customers of Kasamba AND EACH OTHER is only a CLEAR indication that there is cause for concern and justification to defend yourselves. IF you are legitimate and the "disclaimer" covers all accusations....then WHY post. More importantly the "Experts" are posting just as often at the group AND they are nasty. If you read the posts from the group all we do is share information, encourage new posters to join us and respond to the incredible accusations posted by the "Experts". I know I keep my posts to the subject and the facts. I don't insult and attack the "Experts" in a personal manner. Everything I post on this site is factual information or clarifications/corrections that are in a direct response to what the "Experts" are writing. IF YOU ARE SO "SICK AND TIRED" OF READING THE "HYSTERICAL" POSTS OF THE KASAMBA VICTIMS GROUP....STOP READING THEM. (WINK) Once again - the defensive/accusatory posts of the "Experts" proove ONE thing and ONE thing only....we ARE accomplishing our goals and the scam artists are feeling it in the wallet. YIPEEEEEE!


Stop blaming the psychics...client demands create unwarranted situations!

#23Consumer Suggestion

Sat, October 27, 2007

I am a psychic, who feels that for the most part, all of you are wrong. Read the fine print which is listed in most Psychic Websites, establishments or places on the internet..."FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY" At what point after spending countless thousands of dollars will you grasp the concept that Psychics are entertainers, not experts... Believe it or not, they are NOT God, and no they do not always have 100% viable solutions to your problems. You pay for a service, not the answer. The service is that someone is giving you their honest impression of a situation. That is what you pay for, be it delivered live, on a phone or in email. Psychics in Kasamba(and other organizations) are victimized by the set up of the feedback system. Its brilliant from the part of Kasamba, as it allows for the clients to control their psychic, which then removes the responsibility OFF of Kasamba and their staff...thus the 5 star system. Problem with that system is that if you happen to be a psychic working with in any website offering this system, you immediately are faced with the choice of either... 1. Giving your client what they want to hear, because any other answer will result in a negative form of feedback or 1 star, etc. or 2. Tell them the truth and hope they are honest and will give you the proper feedback for your services.(but after attempting this a few times and getting a neg for giving the wrong answer, you usually move back to option one) Now just give your heads a shake for one minute here.... If you are faced with that choice and your rent is due, your kids are hungry and the only income you have coming in is from such places, what would you share with YOUR clients? You already know what you would do...so get honest with yourself. Now before you go off on a bender and get completely angry about being ripped off.... It is my view that the Psychics are at an unfair advantage from the demanding, and ignorant clients who feel that if the 'answer' isn't what they wanted to hear, they have a right to neg the psychic. If the Psychics are not granted the same opportunity back, it is called manipulation, and you as clients already know, you manipulate your favorite psychics every day just so that someone can pat you on the back and tell you everything is going to be alright....well it isn't alright. This entire Rip Off report is a Rip off, as anyone can post anything they like, with out valid proof on any person they find is not meeting their expectations. It is ridiculous and allows for further manipulation and victimization to any and all psychics out there. If you have a report, then proof should be required in order to file a claim. As there is no proof on either side, then all claims should be removed. My recommendation to psychics...get your own website and put your energy into marketing yourself outside of these giant organizations that not only victimize you, but manipulate your time, energy and clientelle. You CAN make it out there, just trust in yourself and your gift. Most of you came into this feild honestly, and really do want to help people, so I recommend you work outside of those organizations, you will be happier, and so will your clients. -An Honest Psychic Psychic Online U.S.A.


Stop blaming the psychics...client demands create unwarranted situations!

#24Consumer Suggestion

Sat, October 27, 2007

I am a psychic, who feels that for the most part, all of you are wrong. Read the fine print which is listed in most Psychic Websites, establishments or places on the internet..."FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY" At what point after spending countless thousands of dollars will you grasp the concept that Psychics are entertainers, not experts... Believe it or not, they are NOT God, and no they do not always have 100% viable solutions to your problems. You pay for a service, not the answer. The service is that someone is giving you their honest impression of a situation. That is what you pay for, be it delivered live, on a phone or in email. Psychics in Kasamba(and other organizations) are victimized by the set up of the feedback system. Its brilliant from the part of Kasamba, as it allows for the clients to control their psychic, which then removes the responsibility OFF of Kasamba and their staff...thus the 5 star system. Problem with that system is that if you happen to be a psychic working with in any website offering this system, you immediately are faced with the choice of either... 1. Giving your client what they want to hear, because any other answer will result in a negative form of feedback or 1 star, etc. or 2. Tell them the truth and hope they are honest and will give you the proper feedback for your services.(but after attempting this a few times and getting a neg for giving the wrong answer, you usually move back to option one) Now just give your heads a shake for one minute here.... If you are faced with that choice and your rent is due, your kids are hungry and the only income you have coming in is from such places, what would you share with YOUR clients? You already know what you would do...so get honest with yourself. Now before you go off on a bender and get completely angry about being ripped off.... It is my view that the Psychics are at an unfair advantage from the demanding, and ignorant clients who feel that if the 'answer' isn't what they wanted to hear, they have a right to neg the psychic. If the Psychics are not granted the same opportunity back, it is called manipulation, and you as clients already know, you manipulate your favorite psychics every day just so that someone can pat you on the back and tell you everything is going to be alright....well it isn't alright. This entire Rip Off report is a Rip off, as anyone can post anything they like, with out valid proof on any person they find is not meeting their expectations. It is ridiculous and allows for further manipulation and victimization to any and all psychics out there. If you have a report, then proof should be required in order to file a claim. As there is no proof on either side, then all claims should be removed. My recommendation to psychics...get your own website and put your energy into marketing yourself outside of these giant organizations that not only victimize you, but manipulate your time, energy and clientelle. You CAN make it out there, just trust in yourself and your gift. Most of you came into this feild honestly, and really do want to help people, so I recommend you work outside of those organizations, you will be happier, and so will your clients. -An Honest Psychic Psychic Online U.S.A.


Stop blaming the psychics...client demands create unwarranted situations!

#25Consumer Suggestion

Sat, October 27, 2007

I am a psychic, who feels that for the most part, all of you are wrong. Read the fine print which is listed in most Psychic Websites, establishments or places on the internet..."FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY" At what point after spending countless thousands of dollars will you grasp the concept that Psychics are entertainers, not experts... Believe it or not, they are NOT God, and no they do not always have 100% viable solutions to your problems. You pay for a service, not the answer. The service is that someone is giving you their honest impression of a situation. That is what you pay for, be it delivered live, on a phone or in email. Psychics in Kasamba(and other organizations) are victimized by the set up of the feedback system. Its brilliant from the part of Kasamba, as it allows for the clients to control their psychic, which then removes the responsibility OFF of Kasamba and their staff...thus the 5 star system. Problem with that system is that if you happen to be a psychic working with in any website offering this system, you immediately are faced with the choice of either... 1. Giving your client what they want to hear, because any other answer will result in a negative form of feedback or 1 star, etc. or 2. Tell them the truth and hope they are honest and will give you the proper feedback for your services.(but after attempting this a few times and getting a neg for giving the wrong answer, you usually move back to option one) Now just give your heads a shake for one minute here.... If you are faced with that choice and your rent is due, your kids are hungry and the only income you have coming in is from such places, what would you share with YOUR clients? You already know what you would do...so get honest with yourself. Now before you go off on a bender and get completely angry about being ripped off.... It is my view that the Psychics are at an unfair advantage from the demanding, and ignorant clients who feel that if the 'answer' isn't what they wanted to hear, they have a right to neg the psychic. If the Psychics are not granted the same opportunity back, it is called manipulation, and you as clients already know, you manipulate your favorite psychics every day just so that someone can pat you on the back and tell you everything is going to be alright....well it isn't alright. This entire Rip Off report is a Rip off, as anyone can post anything they like, with out valid proof on any person they find is not meeting their expectations. It is ridiculous and allows for further manipulation and victimization to any and all psychics out there. If you have a report, then proof should be required in order to file a claim. As there is no proof on either side, then all claims should be removed. My recommendation to psychics...get your own website and put your energy into marketing yourself outside of these giant organizations that not only victimize you, but manipulate your time, energy and clientelle. You CAN make it out there, just trust in yourself and your gift. Most of you came into this feild honestly, and really do want to help people, so I recommend you work outside of those organizations, you will be happier, and so will your clients. -An Honest Psychic Psychic Online U.S.A.


Stop blaming the psychics...client demands create unwarranted situations!

#26Consumer Suggestion

Sat, October 27, 2007

I am a psychic, who feels that for the most part, all of you are wrong. Read the fine print which is listed in most Psychic Websites, establishments or places on the internet..."FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY" At what point after spending countless thousands of dollars will you grasp the concept that Psychics are entertainers, not experts... Believe it or not, they are NOT God, and no they do not always have 100% viable solutions to your problems. You pay for a service, not the answer. The service is that someone is giving you their honest impression of a situation. That is what you pay for, be it delivered live, on a phone or in email. Psychics in Kasamba(and other organizations) are victimized by the set up of the feedback system. Its brilliant from the part of Kasamba, as it allows for the clients to control their psychic, which then removes the responsibility OFF of Kasamba and their staff...thus the 5 star system. Problem with that system is that if you happen to be a psychic working with in any website offering this system, you immediately are faced with the choice of either... 1. Giving your client what they want to hear, because any other answer will result in a negative form of feedback or 1 star, etc. or 2. Tell them the truth and hope they are honest and will give you the proper feedback for your services.(but after attempting this a few times and getting a neg for giving the wrong answer, you usually move back to option one) Now just give your heads a shake for one minute here.... If you are faced with that choice and your rent is due, your kids are hungry and the only income you have coming in is from such places, what would you share with YOUR clients? You already know what you would do...so get honest with yourself. Now before you go off on a bender and get completely angry about being ripped off.... It is my view that the Psychics are at an unfair advantage from the demanding, and ignorant clients who feel that if the 'answer' isn't what they wanted to hear, they have a right to neg the psychic. If the Psychics are not granted the same opportunity back, it is called manipulation, and you as clients already know, you manipulate your favorite psychics every day just so that someone can pat you on the back and tell you everything is going to be alright....well it isn't alright. This entire Rip Off report is a Rip off, as anyone can post anything they like, with out valid proof on any person they find is not meeting their expectations. It is ridiculous and allows for further manipulation and victimization to any and all psychics out there. If you have a report, then proof should be required in order to file a claim. As there is no proof on either side, then all claims should be removed. My recommendation to psychics...get your own website and put your energy into marketing yourself outside of these giant organizations that not only victimize you, but manipulate your time, energy and clientelle. You CAN make it out there, just trust in yourself and your gift. Most of you came into this feild honestly, and really do want to help people, so I recommend you work outside of those organizations, you will be happier, and so will your clients. -An Honest Psychic Psychic Online U.S.A.


Thanks for the list

#27Consumer Comment

Sat, October 27, 2007

Thank you for your list of your good experiences and bad experiences. I have NOT had alot of readings on kas so cannot comment on alot of the experts on your list. I agree with you about Shoshone very sweet person, seems like she really cares and is not in this for the money. What she has predicted for me has actually happened. I also agree with you about Amber Humphreys being very sweet. Unfortunately in my case what Amber Humphreys predicted did not happen. I'm guessing that some experts connect better with some clients then others. My advise to anyone wanting to use an expert on kas is to not use them ALOT. You could use your money for other things like going out and having a good time, getting your hair or nails done, buying new clothes and other things to make you feel good. Perth


Karen can be nice!!

#28Consumer Comment

Wed, October 24, 2007

wow Karen, I didn't think you could talk like that! I appreciate that post very much too- it's always good to let other clients know- HOW they really work and WHAT you get after having several of readings- NOTHING- NADA- NIENTE. I always moved on, from having readings on there, from having hope regarding this person, from believing every BS they told me, from Kas at all- I will never go back there. BUT- I won't let them work further without any consequence ripping people off!! We are making the difference Karen! Can't you see that? It's just intelligent to DO something, to ACT- then if not- who would do it??? There is an urge to bring things to the light as soon as possible.


thanx you for the list!

#29Consumer Comment

Wed, October 24, 2007

It is very helpful for following customers!! You did a great work by making them public- I wish I would have seen REAL ratings before I got addicted.... Your experience also reminds me (and I am sure others as well) on my own time at Kas. I had some readings with your experts as well and I can say that you are right- predictions NEVER pan out for me too- and I am glad that I am not the only one.


North Carolina,
Great Post

#30Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 24, 2007

I really appreciate your post here (although you state you wont be back to read). It was very honest and extremely sincere. I respect the fact that you have turned your back on this situation and have decided to move on and put it behind you for the past is the past. I respect the fact that you are not out here with a torch lit ranting and raving screaming "off with their heads". I respect the fact that you recognized your addiction and tell others to seek help if they cannot move past these kind of awful experiences. I respect the fact that you are rational in your thoughts and your choice to move on and not continue to live in the emotional hell of your experience. I respect the fact that you have not come out of this extremely bitter but more knowledgable about yourself. I respect the fact that you have not jumped on the bandwagon as many on here who are playing the "victim" to death. I respect your intelligence. Good Luck and God Bless!


My fake readings were the exact same

#31Consumer Comment

Wed, October 24, 2007

In my own report, I started to do exactly what you did and list all of the fake readers and why, but I was too tired--there were too many of them. THANK YOU for taking the time to post this information. Hopefully, the "psychic" part of Kasamba will be shut down soon by the FTC (federal trade commission).


Psychics Kasamba

#32Consumer Comment

Wed, October 24, 2007

Hi, To be honest the psychics on Kasamba are 98% FAKE!! I used to get readings from people who love to tell fairy tales to people, thank god, I didnt used to many of them! There is one psychic who is honest, straightforward and has qualities which are beyond extraordinary, when I found this psychic I knew that she was the one: Powerful Visions; this lady has been 100% accurate from the beginning, my very first reading, I was sceptical in the beginning, but when I took up her advice and followed it on my path, everything just happened the way she saw it! and I have had readings only from her, I tried the rest, but sadly most of them were fake. it's better not to have readings from to many people and not to often, it will only make you more confused and it's a waste of your money! Regards,

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