  • Report:  #1011499

Complaint Review: Khaled Helmy - San Diego California

Reported By:
lupe 1 - San Diego, California, USA

Khaled Helmy
2555 Camino Del Rio suite 208 San Diego 92108 San Diego, 92108 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This man preys on women online, coffee shops you name it !!! He has been known to use social networking sites to meet women. He is a manipulative sweet talking CON, Religious or he thinks! He will say ANYTHING! And I mean ANYTHING to get the woman to fall for him. He will buy them lavish gifts and spend a lot of money on them to gain their trust. He will fly anywhere he travels a lot with his excuse of work. He will also take her to wherever he wants to spend a good time. However he is only using them for his own selfish sexual pleasures. He will make them feel as though they are special and treat them like a queen. For awhile anyways. He is married with children and lives in San Diego and works in San Diego. He is a COMPULSIVE LIAR and a CHEAT! The Epitome of a LOW LIFE LOSER! WATCH OUT GIRLS!!!! He will destroy your heart, mind and soul!! And in the End when you can no longer handle his manipulative using ways, he will make you feel like crap and make you feel like YOU are the one to BLAME. If you see him STEER CLEAR!!! 
Read more at http://www.cheaterville.com/?page=cheaters&id=20971#wswU26ViFPOTTKbR.99 

*He claims to have worked for experian but he never did. He worked for mossy auto group and got fired! He is a liar and a cheater, he claims to have experience in business over 15 years online but he has only been doing fake credit repair for the past 4 years, check his background before you trust this man. He is a bad bad person that cheats on his wife and family!

10 Updates & Rebuttals


Looks like they gotcha

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, April 11, 2014



San Diego,
I don't know about his problems with the ladies in his personal life, but in his professional life he is a crook

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, February 27, 2014

 I do not know anything about Khaled's personal life which is what seems to be the issue here.  But I did hire Khaled and United Credit Partners to help me fix my credit after I lost my job and job and my home.  He was hired to increase my credit score and help my situation financially.  I was told by Khaled this process generally takes a year.  Well, it has been TWO years.  TWO YEARS!  My credit score still stands as it was.  I have called UCP, emailed, etc.  No response.  Today I called again and the business number is out of service.  No calls, no emails, no information whatsoever that their business was closing.  He took $3000 from me.  I was down and out and looking to UCP for HELP and instead got conned.  Shame on you Khaled and UCP.  I have contacted the District Attorneys office San Diego and will be officially filing my complaint. 


Santa Monica,
I guess the lady who posted the original story was right!!!

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, December 17, 2013

Hello readers, I just found out not to long ago and confirmed it today, Khaled is indeed a con artist and is being prosectued for fraud. I would have never guessed in a million years (I defended the woman's post on his business, because I thought he was a legit businessman, just bad with women) I guess I was wrong.

Now, I am happy that he accused me of the things he did, because that ended our relationship! I dodged a bullet, thank God! Here is the yelp reviews on his business: yelp.com/biz/united-credit-partners-san-diego If for some reason this site does not let me post the link, please look up United Credit Partners yelp reviews. 

Since Khaled accused me and placed my name into this, I have to respond and defend myself (because everytime you google my name, this comes up, thanks alot). This site will NOT remove his rebuttal which contains my first and last name. I have contacted them numerous times and no success. Anyhow, all I can say is he should have trusted me as I was telling the truth, but how can a person like him trust anyone anyhow??????


The end.


Santa Monica,

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, July 02, 2013

I was not going to post a conclusion to this story, but I thought to myself, I have to. As Mr. Helmy finally decided to finally show up to court, the judge granted me the restraining order, in which I knew would happen. Not only did Khaled lie and say I showed up to his house and work numerous times (that was a lie) he also filed a response and attatched pages of text messages from someone else saying they were from me, all of which can be traced. Not to mention he brought a "witness" that he did not even use. I'm assuming the "witness" was going to lie for Khaled? Really, not smart and the judge saw it. Honestly, the truth is liars never win. Khaled took an oath in court and still lied, he should have just stayed home as he wasted a 2-3 hour drive.

To make matters worse, he is still accusing me for the origination of this story. Wow, what a complete idiot! Then, he told the judge I want something I can't have, which was him. Really, no I don't. I am way to good for him. From what time has told me, he is a bad person and lies alot. Also, he accuses others of being just like him, which is what he did to me. I am simply not interested in overweight candy coated scum. So let it be known that there is truth to this story that was posted on Khaled and I am validating it with my own personal experiences with him. One day Khaled will realize what he did to me and many other women was wrong. It must be hard to be a man of business and lack common sense and logic, I am glad its not me.  I am happy I am not with a loser anymore!

Disclaimer: This rebuttal is not directed towards Khaled Helmy in any way. I am posting this rebuttal for the readers and consumers only. He claims that I originally wrote this story as a personal attack on him which is not true.


Santa Monica,
Lastly, To Set the Record Straight

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, May 12, 2013

Sorry for my long drawn out post everyone ( I guess this is why Im a journalism major)! But, I dont think its right to lie on Khaled (even though of what he did, I still have a heart). So just to set the record straight, I was with Khaled for one year, and I know for a fact that he's never been bad or faulty in business (just his personal life). I never knew he worked for experian ( if he told me, I forgot) but I do know he worked for mossy nissan because he sent me there for an oil change after calling his friend who works there. 

I have to set the record straight because I don't like it when people make things up on others (even if they may deserve it). If you are going to come onto a site like this, you better come with the truth because you place everyones livlihood at risk. Even though, I will never get an apology for what he accused me of (July 4th and recently) I will still verify that Khaled's company is fully legit. 

I have been searching and I have found many post by this Lupe1 person degrating his business, so I want to comment (degrade his character not his business). I used to assist and do work for him, so I know for a fact that he is not running a fraud company. I am not sure about mossy nissan either but dont think he got fired because he sent me there last year for my oil change. OK, I'm done responding, pehaps I should write a book or something! Just remember whatever you post online will go viral and end up on numerous sites (which is not fair) so be careful on what you post online. Gnite.


Santa Monica,
More to add

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, May 07, 2013

This is marce80 again posting an update on this story, still waiting to be 'Sued' but nothing yet. I am wondering if Khaled smart enough to have these reports investigated (probably not). This man see others in the eyes of himself (the world is out to get me mentality). I can almost 100% gauranteee that I wont even recieve an apology after he figures out it wasnt me who generated these reports. However, I am happy this woman did this to him. I always told him that karma will get him after he wrongfully accused me of doing bad things on him.

What gets me is how he retaliated by fraudently shutting off my power, then posting a live escort ad openly iniviting men to come over to where my son and I live, with the intent to harm me. I can't wait to get into a court room, this man has no remorse and is blind. Truly, I feel sorry for him and I wish I didnt waste my money on buying him nice things during the holiday just to show my appreciation of things he did to help me (even though in reality, he did me wrong). I just wanted him to believe me not be hateful towards me and now its resulted to this.

I feel bad for his wife and children. He is stuck in an unhappy marriage but still, this is no way to treat women period. Khaled has failed truly failed. I hope he is still seeing a counselor and that he will recieve some better guidance in his life. Honestly, I used to still love him until he accused me of more things then retaliated the way that he did.

By the way I found other complaints (almost the same report on this site) on 

(((REDACTED))) (I have responded to this report as well, this is where I first learned that he was posted).


I always said to myself, there is no way anyone ever gets away with lying or cheating someone or harmfully doing those who live you wrong. It has came to pass. By the way, you cant sue the site (duh), this site is legally here for this very reason, to post or respond on people like Khaled and I am simply responding.


Santa Monica,
My Further Comments and Issues Regarding This Matter

#8Consumer Comment

Fri, May 03, 2013

Hello, this is Jeanette O**** again, the one being accused of creating a posting on Khaled Helmy. I wanted to add to this, even more information that is relevant to this case. Since this happened, he has placed the blame on me, just like he blamed me for doing bad things on him with a certain person (still waiting for my lie detector test and justice for what this man put me through).

On March 22nd, Khaled in retaliation to these reports on him(which I did not create) has taken revenge upon me. He has posted my pictures including my home address and telephone number on an escorting site, and n that same very day, he fraudantly called or had someone else call and pretend they were me and shut off my electricity! Not only did I endure countless phone calls to my Iphone from many guys, I was afraid to come home for the first 2 nights because I wasnt sure who was in my parking lot (because he placed my home address and unit # on the ad).

My son and I had to stay wth one of my classmates, I just wanted to be safe, the calls kept coming in. Funny because Khaled isnt very smart, he did both of these things to me on the same day. Still, I have not retaliated against him. I did send him an email asking why he would do this to me, I got no reply. Now, since coming across this Rip Off report 3 days ago, I realized that he is blaming me for this and has seeked revenge on me and is threatning to sue me. I wish someone can help me to prove to him that I never created this story, and with criminal or civil investigation, this can be done.

Khaled has always blamed me for things I have NOT done but this has gone to far. I am paying for things I did not do. All I did was give to him and treat him with respect, even though he did not deserve it. I chose to give him my trust after falling in love with him and now i am paying the price still (almost a whole year later). Now, I honeslty dont believe in lying or defaming someones character (even if they deserve it) Karma usaully takes care of it on its own (less work for me).

Whenever someone really does someone wrong who loves them and they intentially harm them, they will always endure Karma. Thats why I would never try to hurt anyone after they hurt me, I just sit back and watch. I WANT THAT COURT DATE ASAP. I am waiting for this man to file. This will be my last posting on this report. Every report that comes up on Goolge, I will state my story. Its not fair that I have to endure this and I will not rest until he sees I am and was telling the truth.

Justice is important to me 100% but retaliating and revenge has never been my cup of tea ( he thinks in his head that Im revengeful but I am not, I am far from it, I may talk but I will never ever revenge, especially to this degree) mainly because of Karma and Ive never ever been in toruble and I dont intend to. If anyone can help me please respond, Thank you


Santa Monica,
Do your research before accusing me

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, May 02, 2013

My name is Jeanette and I am writing a second rebuttal in addition to the one I wrote in clss yesterday. Khaled is claiming that I wrote this post on him in which I did not. For one, this isnt my style. For two, even though he did me wrong in the end (SEVERELY) I dont have the heart to slander him. You dont do things like that to someome you loved. However, I am quite sure he pissed off many women which he used. I am hoping that there will be a lawsuit like he says, because I have so many things to say. Also, I hope that someone smart (apparently not him) will trace these reports right down to the ISP address ( yes you can do this).I will be suppying evidence of pictures of text and emails to further support my claim. He has since then taken revenge on my by posting things about me online, but still I dont revenge against him, I can save that for court. This man has falsley accused me on numerous occasions and U cant wait ti finally get a solid chance to prove him wrong, this would be the day I dream about and have cried and loss sleep over. Its always been my nature to try and fix things (Im a Pisces) this is what we do. Even though, he didny deaserve my reasoning or efforts, I still gave and gave and tried to fix the situiation. Now, hes backlashing me on postings that I have not even created!!!!! I just dont understand. Take me to court, give me a lie detector test and you wil find out that you are WRONG. The woman who posted on him cleaerly hates is guts, and I dont blame her but I cant imagine that she was treated worse than me in the end (I will not discuss details). I am a single mon ful-time student, ex-military, and no, I dont have family or anything I am alone and yes, I wished things were different between us and no, I am not perfect. However, this is not my doing. PLEASE WAKE UP AND QUIT SLANDERING ME. Futhermore, I never ever ever cheated on this man, I loved him with all of my heart and always wanted ONLY HIS attention.


Santa Monica,
I am not the one who posted this info another woman did

#10General Comment

Wed, May 01, 2013

    My relationship with Khaled Helmy ended in July of 2012, a few months after he helped me move to Santa Monica. I found a report on him on a site called Cheaterville 3 months later. I DID NOT make that report, another woman did and I will take a lie detector test to prove it. That same report is here on this site. You will see my comments on this woman's story which clearly proves that I DID NOT create any stories on this guy. Yes, he left me but he left me by accusing me of something I did not do. He initailly lied to me about being married, but then he moved out and I continued to see him. AFter learning that he WAS NOT going to get a real divorce, is when he started acting funny towards me and we were arguing about it. I attend Cal State University Northridge in which I was going to move back to San Diego with him and leave my education. Luckily, I started asking questions about his divorce so in reality, I saved myself and my son. I did anything to make him see that I was telling the truth. I went above and beyond and even offered to take a lie detector test, which in he initially offered it to begin with. The funny thing is, he refused to give me the test! His excuse is that he would be mad at what he may find, I practically was trying to force him to give me it but he refused. I have saved every email and almost every text from this man. Since then, he has posted my pics, phone number and my HOME address on escorting sites, in which I have filed an online criminal investigation and notifed the cops. I wish there would be a lawsuit, because this man has done nothing but lied and cheated. I have spent countless days depressed over this and heart broken. I have nothing to lie about. Go to the Cheaterville website and look up his name. You will see the lady who posted this story, then you will see me long drawn out replies Every story has 2 sides however, his side is wrong and he should not get away with anything he has done. 


khaled helmy

san diego,
United States of America
Defamation of Character

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, March 13, 2013

I think It is clear from reading this report that the "victim" is an ex-girlfriend that will do anything to hurt me because I do not want to be with her.  Her name is Jeanette Orallo and she now lives in Santa Monica, she claims to be a model and has done some modeling.  The reason I broke up with Jeanette was an infidelity issue on her side, she has since taken to prostitution and can be found on various sites.  It's unfortunately really and I pray she gets out of that life style.  I wish her well for her and her son's sake.  I am however, filing an Defamation of Character law suit against Jeanette and this very same website.
As far as my company is involved I am certain it is clear that this is a personal attack originally placed on cheaterville, we will be glad to provide references from many clients and affiliates that will validate our work and the fact that we are a legitimate credit repair company.
As far as who I have worked for, I worked for both Mossy Auto group and Experian, verifiable.  My years of experience also verifiable.  I resigned in good standing from both Mossy and Experian and will be glad to prove it.

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