  • Report:  #936265

Complaint Review: KIRBY ROBINSON - Internet

Reported By:
Beatrice - los angeles, California, USA

Los Angeles, California Internet, United States of America
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Kirby Robinson is a deranged lunatic masquerading as a Christian "Man of God" and it is a sin to all sweet loving Christians everywhere what this man does to people and when he gets his demonic claws in you.. he does not let go. 

I have known Kirby Robinson for four years.  He is obsessed with hating Television Psychic Chip Coffey and Kirby was constantly asking me to share my story of betrayal by Chip Coffey and I always said NO but recently I agreed to do so because of the unreal cyber bullying I have endured for years by Chip and his friends Tammy Alenduff and Tanila Price which started up again when I fostered for yet another depraved individual Animal Rescue fraud Kimberly Glasnapp and her deranged partner in crime Barbara Evans from Jamestown, New York.

I posted my first blog in what was to be a series with the intention of HEALING THE PAST and Kirby hijacked the thread and started posting arrest records of a child molester that Chip Coffey has worked with.  I said this has nothing to do with my story and I also stated that I doubt very much that Chip Coffey knew of the man's record. 

Kirby made a lot of promises and he calls himself a "Man of his Word" and I am not going to get into it here but this is the where he crossed the line of decency and this man must be exposed for being a vicious liar.

The reason I am writing this report is the following.

I was banned for 30 days from posting on Facebook because I posted a Herb Ritts photo of a young Cindy Crawford and a man on the beach.  A beautiful artistic nude with nothing showing and it was flagged and I was banned from posting for 30 days and this is what this pig Kirby Robinson wrote on his blog.

This sick b*****d says I posted kiddie porn.  I mean what a disgusting vile accusation.   I am in total shock right now.  I cannot even believe that this man pretended to be my friend for four years to get to Chip Coffey and when I realized he was just using me to hurt Chip Coffey even more . . . I pulled the plug on the blog and now he has turned on me with a vengeance and this man has no moral fiber or sense of decency whatsoever.


it was kiddie porn she posted on FB

this might explain a few things

eyeontheparanormal said...

X report this to FB they get upset if people try to post if they are banned they can match up IPs

The Kiddie porn capital of the US is located in the valley in LA

she lives in the valley

she says she has not been with a man for 12 year

1 + 1 =?

I have included screen shots from Kirby's post and here is a link to the thread itself.


7 Updates & Rebuttals


los angeles,
Man of God Kirby Robinson writes

#2Author of original report

Wed, September 05, 2012

September 4, 2012 5:39 PM

eyeontheparanormal said...

OL GODLESS BEA you can post all you want and I do not care you can go BLAH BLAH BLAH all you want about your fake gifts you can claim I will pay for my actions at the hands of your GODLESS ONE and your spirt guides heads up my GOD is smarter and is above your tiny lesser GODLESS ones

pretty sad you make upa story about a 5150 you never was in clinic how low can you go

are working night and day on I BE CRAZY the best of hate comments from a fake love GODLESS ONE

Now for anyone with critical thinking ability . . . would you "make up" being put on a 5150 which I did not even know what that was until it happened.  In fact ask anyone, "Do you know what a 5150 is?" and unless they or someone they know has been put on a three day hold, they will say NO.

And this man of god decided I was lying because he actually "investigated" (as in he is stalking me) and he could not find a record of it.  Whose crazy?

It was quite an experience and I actually was able to counsel a few people including a couple of the staff.  One day I hope to help these people since I was there and what made me sad is the lack of love and compassion shown by most of the staff.  Everyone there is just drugged and they all have a vacant empty look in their eyes and it was really sad actually.  A lot could be done to improve the welfare of these people and maybe one day I will be in a position to do so.

And now apparently Kirby is writing a book of all the times I told him and others to go f*k themselves.


los angeles,
This is what I deal with daily by several people and just me

#3Author of original report

Wed, September 05, 2012

This is what a sick b*tch Barbara is  . . she stalks me all over the place and she wrote the following on Kirby Robinson's blog "Eye on the Paranormal".  

Bullies want to objectify their victims and treat them like they have no feelings and dehumanize them so they all call me (Kirby included) "IT" instead of "She" and Beast or Beasty or Beazilla instead of my name Bea or Beatrice.  

These are all adults not kids . . . and Kirby who preaches the Bible all day has joined in a most vicious way which is why I posted this ROR.    This "Christian" has completely forgotten the love that Jesus stood for and is just as bad as the rest.   
midnightangel6660 said...

    another sign of just how stupid the beasty is.
    it posted on my thread on compl;aints board i need to stop stalking it.
    after it wrote a whole crap load of crap and i called it on it.
    i also called it on the stuff
    it put up on the new ror on kirby and also stated that would be my 1st and last post
    it actuly has the cahonies to put some outrageous lies on it
    to bait me all i did was laugh.
    iam suprised it can pick its nose without an instruction manual

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los angeles,
Midnight Angel is Barbara Evans

#4Author of original report

Tue, September 04, 2012

She is a truly deranged illiterate sociopath who wishes death on me daily, writes endless false reports such as that I read for her and that I charged her credit card for $300 as well as numerous blogs that I am stalking her. 

And yes . . . she gets seizures and I did write . .. I hope the next one is her last. 

And yet she wishes death on me constantly and somehow it is not the same thing . . .


los angeles,
Kirby, it is you that needs to stop being a cyberbully and liar!

#5Author of original report

Tue, September 04, 2012

This is what I wrote to Kirby on his blog in March of 2011

Beatrice Marot said...

Dear Kirby, 

I think it is time for you to move on from Chip Coffey don't you? You two have been in a pissing contest since the whole Kelly Ryan episode and that was in mid-2008. He ruined my life purposefully and methodically but he never did anything to you personally like he did me.

I had let the whole thing go until Chip and his ugly Co-Hort in bullying crime Tammy Alenduff started up once again a few months ago blaming me for a young lady who created a "Chip Coffey is a fake and a bully" page on Facebook. As you can see, I never post anonymously but Chip does it all the time and both he and Tammy use fake names like Renegade, The Terminator, Speaks the truth to name a few.

May I advise that you just move on to something else. At this point, it is just a major waste of time. Chip is a successful con and there have been better ones before him and will be after him. C'est la vie. I have forgiven him but I will never forget. He committed emotional rape in my case and that is not easy to forget . . . however forgiveness is a gift I give myself.

March 25, 2011 7:28 AM 

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los angeles,
And I was right again . . .

#6Author of original report

Tue, September 04, 2012

I knew Kirby would not post my posts but that does not stop "Man of God" and "Man of His Word" as he likes to call himself to lie about it and say that I have not posted for awhile and I could be on a slow boat to China . . . when he knows that I tried to post . . .

And here is what man of god Kirby Robinson thought of Tammy and Tanila on August 3rd when I was contacted by the Dr. Phil Show
From: Kirby Robinson [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 6:03 PM
To: bea
Subject: RE: Something I posted just now that I would like to share with you

Dear Bea,
That's excellent news. But ABSOLUTELY tell NO ONE about this until you've taped the show, if it reaches that stage. Chip's vicious b*tches and Chip himself will do anything they can do to torpedo this from happening. And knowing Chip's ego, he'll offer himself to go on that show as proof of a valid psychic. I feel this in my gut as strong as anything I've felt when I used to give readings. Maintain silence and once the appearance has been taped and in the can then you go public with it.

Blessings from Kirby Robinson
Nothing Escapes the Eye on the Paranormal
Books by Kirby Robinson

Report Attachments

midnight angel

New York,
United States of America

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, September 04, 2012

what an unreal crock of crap . this will ber my only post on this thread everything  bea posted is nothing but crap from begining to end yes kirby put the blog  on moderate bea was told to stopposting and just switched to goddess bea .

she said very nasty things to temprance as well as the rest of us she wished i would die during a seizure humm wonder what she . would think if after i crossed over i decided to stick around and go poltergist on her just a thought now i leave you to stew in your hate i have a screen shot of my  resopnce so you cant twist it bea


los angeles,

#8Author of original report

Tue, September 04, 2012

AND THAT IS HIS SIDE ... so to achieve that he has been deleting all my posts and leaving all of the haters posts  . . . makes sense.  Kirby is trying to make me look like a stalker and he is using all of the women that have been stalking me for years to achieve that goal.  He is a man of god so is allowed to do whatever he wants because god told him to. 

The funniest part is that my stalkers Tanila Price and Tammy Alenduff are very good friends of Kirby's number one target and that is psychic Chip Coffey but as long as Kirby is hating on me . . . it's all good with them as that is how deranged and crazy Tammy and Tanila are . . . that they can put aside the fact that Kirby has literally been bullying, stalking and harassing their good friend Chip Coffey for four years as evidenced on his blog Eye on the Paranormal but as long as he is hating on me . . . it's all good.

In October of 2011 a woman name Kimberly Glasnapp whom I fostered two dogs for and long story short I found out she was a con artist and chip in thief and in order to discredit me she scoured the web and found all the false ripoff reports written by Chip, Tammy and Tanila and she compiled several vicious blogs about me and Psychic Kid Chip Coffey himself called her to coach her and he and Tammy and Tanila friended her on Facebook and started cyber bullying me all over again.

Kimberly was busted for animal rescue fraud last week for posting kittens on her Facebook page she claimed she found in an alley and she set up a chip in and the kittens were actually pictures she stole from a rescue in Atlanta and that rescue recognized the pictures and Kimberly is now blacklisted and will be facing charges.  But that is no big deal to the cyber bullies.  They have swept it under the rug and continue to cyber bully me with blog after blog of lies and hate and twisted out of context b.s.

In December of 2011, after Kimberly created several false Ripoff Reports, I really lost it when she wrote a ROR under the name of Joey (her daughter's boyfriend at the time) claiming that I took a dying veterans life savings and upon reading that, I was so upset, I called 911 and I didn't know what to say when they answered and I blurted out, "I'm going to kill myself." 

The police came two hours later and I told them I did not want to kill myself but that I am dealing with unreal cyber bullies and it hurts so much but by law they had to take me on a three day hold and I explained to the Doctors that I have been dealing with unrelenting hatred, lies and twisted truth that has been thrown at me for years by the same group of people.

And now for the latest betrayal of my friendship, Kirby Robinson, a man I was nothing but kind to for the last four years has jumped on board because I refused to let him use me to further his goal of getting Chip Coffey to post on his blog.  Kirby wanted to mediate a truce between Chip and myself and I posted on Kirby's timeline, "Chip does not need to apologize as I forgave him a long time ago."  Kirby immediately deleted the post and blocked me and has now completely turned his man of god wrath on me.  It is beyond shocking and hurtful and I just sit here and say WTF but calling me a pedophile and claiming that I posted Child Porn on Facebook and writing that I must be a pedophile because I choose to be celibate and live in the valley!!!!!!?????

Again, WTF . . . sorry but that is sick sick sick. 

Today, Kirby has the audacity to ask me on his public blog to prove that I was taken on a 5150 because he cannot find any record of it.  Kirby is now focusing his wrath on me because I made the big mistake of agreeing to tell my story on his blog and when he reneged on every single promise he made of the conditions I asked for and he hijacked the thread and started posting arrest records of child molesters Chip has worked with . . . I was like, "What does this have to do with my story?" and I pulled the plug and now he has turned on me like a viper . . . and is doing to me what he has done to Chip Coffey for years.   He is trying to ruin my reputation and is trying to make me out to be a stalker and his goal again is to get Chip Coffey to come to his blog.  


I keep answering the posts trashing me for the record in case I have to go to court for defamation and Kirby immediately deletes them but not before I copy them for continuity because instead of going the legal route, I am taking this nightmare and turning it into a comedy, but just in case I have to go the legal route, I will be ready with all the evidence I need.

From Eye on the Paranormal

Goddess Bea said...

You do realize that I do have copies of all my posts in context with the rest don't you Kirby?

You gotta love this unbiased, one sided, out of context, twisted truth provided by man of god Kirby Robinson.

This is man of god type journalism.

Reporter X so sorry that you can't find too much dish on me. I'm not a criminal and I don't rip people off and I am a wonderful person but you guys just don't bring out the best in me. I wonder why.

I wonder how any of you would feel to be betrayed and then attacked by the people you trusted and thought had your back.

Your compassion and kindness is overwhelming. I am sure your readers are impressed at how nice you all are and how man of godly Kirby is.

I am just so mean and awful Even all of my feedback is fake because I just sit all day and make dozens of profiles to give my compliments.

Yeah, that's it.


There you go Kirby!  Comment moderation.  Good job.

We would not want your readers to think that you are unfair or one sided or want to manipulate the facts and the truth or anything like that.

Now Kirby, I will be praying for you today and asking god to open your heart to the divine unconditional love that is god so that maybe you can take your passion and energy and direct it in a more positive way.

It is really too bad you chose this route.  I was hoping that I was wrong about you but that's what happens when you don't listen to the voice of god and instead come from anger and hurt and that is where I was coming from so I got exactly what I put out there didn't I? 

And I really get slammed because as a teacher and healer and voice of the goddess I should know better.

But being human is fraught with imperfections and I am no exception, but I don't betray my friends and I don't lie.   I don't gang up on people and group cyber bully others. 

I stand alone but I have Jesus right by side energetically the last few days and he gives me so much strength, inner peace and joy that it allows me to proceed and to know that there is a higher purpose for all of this... and there is.

Now it's up to you.  You can continue your vendetta because it will just be incorporated into my show or you can find your heart and your compassion again and spend the rest of your life focusing on the light cuz I think if I may say so focusing on the dark has gotten to you and you have forgotten who you really are. 

That happens to people who go after demons, ghosts and other nasty entities which is why I stay away from all things paranormal, ghosts, demons etc . . . angels and the spiritual beings in heaven are so much more fun. 

Jesus was kind of bummed that you took down all those beautiful visions people have had of him but again now that I took the time to compile them, I will put them on my blog for the world to enjoy. 

Even Fred was soothed by the imagery of our beloved Jesus who came to this world to love and to teach others to love. 

Maybe you need to take a time out and sit with J.C. and SEE what I SEE. (Kirby is going blind)

Take care Kirby and give my love to Temperance, Aanica and X

Much love and light to you my former friend.

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