Purchsed product "L'cor Gold Paris, Regenerating Night Cream". I thought the product was from the REAL Parisian skin care boutique "L'Core Paris" since packaging and the ingredients look almost identical. I purchased the product under a "luxury/designer product" auction.
The seller "Luxury cosmetics claimed that the product retails for $399.00. In actuality the product is not sold at any store and only on Amazon and eBay and for less than $30-$40.00. I contacted the seller to see what retail stores carried this designer/ luxury product so I can look up the price and was told that the website was down and I cannot look up the product. I have taken a picture of this email and the deceitful description of product. I would never have purchased this product had I known it really was not designer or luxury and that it had been mislabeled. I also don't think it's fair that people are purchasing this product on Amazon, eBay, and tophatter and with out knowing that it really is not luxury or designer product and that it's not sold at the store.
Lakeland,#2Consumer Comment
Fri, February 19, 2016
I myself looked at both websites & they are completely different. They do have similarities as far as what is in the product. So far my mom who is 63yo has tried the 24 gold eye serum and a sample of the diamond line. She LOVED IT. She is very picky with what she finds that actually work. I believe that this is in fact a newer line maybe trying to accomplish what L'core has been able to succeed in. If you dont enjoy their product just dont buy it again. But dont get upset cause you thought you were buying a $1,200 product for a lot less than $100. And if someone buys it from their website for $1,200 then i congratulate them. No one is forced to pay more. I do believe he should change the prices to a bit more than the auctions so he can make more sales but getting one purchase for $1,200 must be awesome for them. I congratulate them on a fine product.
Lior Gold Paris
Van Nuys ,#3REBUTTAL Owner of company
Tue, December 22, 2015
To Whom It May Concern,
I believe this may be a case in which two completely differenet companies were mistakened for each other. The customer purchased from Luxury Cosmetics, claiming that they assumed that the Lior Gold brand was actualy the brand L'core, the customer admits to this. The customer claims that the products are identical, which is without a doubt not true, as can be seen through the websites:
L'core Paris: www.lcoreparis.com
Lior Gold Paris: www.liorgold.com
Customer claims that the retail value of Lior Gold was taken from Lcore, which is bogus as well considering they are two different brands with two different appearances and are indeed not identical at all.
Please help me clarify the mistakened identity of one brand for another. The customer was simply unhappy with their purchase and there was no deceiving as claimed by the customer.
Lior Gold does not in any attempt try to deceive or play off to be another brand.
Thank you very much for your attention to this matter. I really appreciate it.
thank you.