  • Report:  #1202275

Complaint Review: Larry Bakman - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
bttlecmdr1123 - Los Angeles, California,

Larry Bakman
Los Angeles, California, USA
(310) 553-5512
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Larry Bakman. host of Judge Judy's new show Hot Bench accused of Domestic Violence. Failure to pay Child Support and has over $400,000 in tax liens

This fall Judge Judy and CBS have produced a show called Hot Bench which portrays an attorney by the name of Lany Bakman as an actual Judge. He is not a judge in real life, this is a fictitious roll created for entertainment. Mr. Bakman is a lawyer in California that has been involved in a plethora of shenanigans to say the least. Now in TV land he is playing a judge but he is not a real judge in real life -he never has been and let's hope he never will be. In reality, he was a judge pro term who served part time in the Van Nuys Courthouse and could make no real legal decisions. This is unnerving itself because Mr. Bakman has a very long and Publicly documented history of what our society considers to be inappropriate behavior. How did this happen? Mr. Bakman has the advantage of friends in high places. Mr. Bakman is a skilled attorney that uses his knowledge of the legal system to play by a different set of rules. He certainly isn't held to the same standard or rules that you and I have to abide by. Mr. Bakman has been investigated by the police, he has been prosecuted by the district attorneys office in Los Angeles and he has documented professional miscount as a lawyer that was sustained by the California State Bar. He was charged with not paying child support as a criminal act... Just keep reading... ALL true and all available to you and everyone else thanks to the Freedom of Information Act.

Yes, I guess you could say a lot of things are possible in the imaginary world of television but I don't think Judge Judy and the producers of Hot Bench actually looked into who Mr. Bakman really is. Its sad to think that television has sunk to a new level and lower standards because anyone utilizing the Freedom of Information Act can easily see Mr. Bakman's Issues. Certainly CBS and the producers of Hot Bench have the ability to easily check on everything in the information age. All facts can be easily verified through police reports, court records and tax records - public records on file for anyone to see. In 1994, Bakman was accused of slapping and throwing his girlfriend against the wall. This case was documented in LAPD report DR#9408-11582. The case was referred to the Los Angeles City Attorney's office for a hearing to resolve the matter. Bakman's girlfriend then recanted her statement and mysteriously the case just went away. This case is a matter of public record, which could easily be looked up by anybody. In modern times, anyone would be prosecuted because the laws have changed so that battered women no longer have to go through the torments that they had to endure prior to changes of the law after the highly publicized O.J. Simpson and Nicole Brown Simpson domestic violence case. Let me tell you about a case that didn't go away. In Bakman's marriages he was ordered to pay child support by a real judge. He did not comply with that order by the real judge, which in a lot of ways became his downfall. When he failed to pay child support.the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office filed a criminal complaint charging Larry Bakman with failure to pay child support. This criminal complaint is a matter of public record where Larry Bakman was charged with 166(a)(4)PC.case number LAA95R03924-01. Bakman's children are adults now but the District Attorney's office still maintains liens over his real estate because he never paid those accounts up to date. Court records reveal he reached a deal to avoid a criminal conviction but then he never followed through with the agreement. I can think of nothing more disgusting than a man who father's children but will not support them, but I guess CBS and the sponsors of Hot Bench don't really care about such matters. Mr. Bakman bas been disciplined by the State Bar of California on two occasions. In both cases Mr. Bakman admitted he obtained funds from clients and did not do the work that he was paid to do. You can look this up on the website on the State Bar of California. You would have to do a little bit more work to actually request the actual facts from the State Bar that apparently CBS didn't care about or didn't know about.

That said. why would you portray a man as a judge who has been disciplined by the State Bar? After all, what would happen if you pushed your significant other into a wall, you didn't pay your taxes or the most shocking you didnt pay for your own children and avoided paying child support? Who knows maybe CBS would hire you. But most likely you and I would find ourselves being fined and in jail.Larry Bakman's State Bar of California Discipline Record for Professional Misconduct 4/3/2006 Private reproval, public disclosure 05-0-02729 6/19/1997 Private reproval, public disclosure 94-0-11303 PRIVATE REPROVAL is defined: Attorney found culpable of professional misconduct, but no period of suspension imposed. If private reprove is imposed after formal charges are filed,discipline is reported on the State Bar's web page and is disclosed to the public upon request. Attorney may be required to pass the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) and/or comply with conditions similar to probation. Everything I list here is a matter of public record. In addition to 55 lawsuits alleging improprieties related to money and his clients, among others, Bakman has documented $400,000 worth of Federal Tax Liens related to the IRS and the State Tax Franchise Board. This too is a matter of public information and these tax liens have been assigned to his personal property (to include his home) along with his child support payments that are in arrears. Of course the general public knows nothing about this when they see Mr. Bakman endorsed by such a popular figure as Judge Judy. Like I said he has friends in high places. He doesn't have to play by the same set of rules that you and I do. I highly doubt anyone looked into his background prior to hiring him because I'm sure that no CBS sponsor would have wanted their products name associated with somebody who has been accused of such sorted accusations. But in all of this, its just not one person, it's a history of action and because Mr. Bakman knows the law he is able to wiggle out of these jams that keep reoccurring. A 25-year plus history of problems. The public should be made aware of who Larry Bakman really is. Shame on CBS and Judge Judy for trying to portray him as a respectable judge when it's plain and simple to see who he is through documents available to anyone in the public.

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