These people called me 2 different weeks back to back. The first time I already knew they were on some bull s**t bc they told me they emailed me. I said nope I didnt get an email. They ended the conversation with theyre going to resend the email. This morning they called again. I just politely listened to the man. He caught my attention when he told me his name was John Johnson and gave e a number for Mark Brown. If yu ask me those or too simple of names. Who names their kid John Johnson but their english is so broken. Anyway< this person read off all my information. When do they do that? Bank Info and all.. Nope, Ive found a fraud. I knew it was bull when he said Im approved for 3000 installment loan paying 121 for the next 3 years. In all actuality I wanted to jump on that but lets be realistic. Hopefully they cant do too much to anyone. Just be careful