  • Report:  #989650

Complaint Review: Leonard Yakir Photography Brooklyn NY - Brooklyn New York

Reported By:
Wedding Photographer Leonard Yakir - White Plains, New York, United States of America

Leonard Yakir Photography Brooklyn NY
573 10th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11215 Brooklyn, 11215 New York, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
To all future photography clients, Please read this before you engage the service of Leonard Yakir Photography.  Leonard Yakir of Leonard Yakir Photography, is a Con Man, Thief and Extorter. 

Leonard Yakir, of Leonard Yakir Photography, with a last known address of: 573 10th Street Brooklyn, NY 11215 was retained to provide a wedding photography package.  Mr. Yakir, (father of Violinist, Sara Yakir), never delivered the package, per the terms of the contract, extorted us out of more money than we were obligated to pay him, and repeatedly ignored our demands to complete and deliver the package, after he was paid in full.  Today, Laonard Yakir, hides behind the guise of a keyboard and computer, like the coward that he is, attempting extort for additional money.   

The contracted amount for the entire wedding package was $3,666.00.  The total amount of payments made to Mr. Leonard Yakir was $4,665.80, nearly $1,000.00 greater than the contracted amount.

Upon the completion of the wedding shoot (our wedding day), Leonard Yakir, repeatedly made excuses as to why he would need to delay the delivery of our wedding package.  Namely, his then wife, Susan Knightly Yakir, had become ill apparently will Cancer and he needed to care for his wife, who  has since divorced Leonard Yakir. Being the considerate, understanding and compassionate human beings that we are, we extended him the courtesy and agreed to his delay to deliver the wedding package for approximately one- year. (albums, etc.).

We began contacting Mr. Yakir by telephone to complete the wedding package, because he had not contacted us.  Leonard Yakir, failed to return telephone calls and voice mail messages left for him.  When we finally got in touch with him, he was vague and evasive.  He stated that his wife was getting better, however, he had been busy traveling with his daughter Sara Yakir, on Violin Tournaments, nationally and internationally.    He also insisted that we send him more money, despite the fact that he had not lifted a finger since the day of the wedding shoot.  Not the best record keepers at the time, we continued to send Mr. Yakir payments via American Express.  

The fact is that we recently learned after reviewing our American Express credit card  payments to Mr. Yakir, of Leonard Yakir Photography, that we had paid Mr. Yakir in full for the package, within approximately 17-months of his completing the wedding shoot.  Still he demanded more money, despite the fact that we actually sent him nearly $1,000.00 over the contracted amount due to Leonard Yakir's misrepresentations and deception.  

As time went on, Mr. Yakir continued to ignore these customers requests to complete their wedding package.  Yakir, continually demanded more money, although we owed him nothing more.  In addition, he made us out to be bad customers, (although we paid him in full and paid him well above the contracted amount).  Leonard Yakir, continued to use the excuse that he had been very busy traveling with his Violinist daughter, Ms. Sara Yakir. Throughout we were stood up for appointments to meet with Yakir and lied to.

There came a time that we went to Leonard Yakirs home and office address of: 573 10th Street Brooklyn, NY 11215 (a four family Brownstone that Leonard Yakir owns). We spoke to his tenants, whom advised us that he had move out and that no one knew where he resided Nd that he only stops by the buidling to pick up rent checls.

Upon contacting Leonard Yakir, he once again, not to our surprise, was slow to respond.  Leonard Yakir had gotten all of our money and now had no motivation to deliver our wedding package.  

Today, Leonard Yakir outrageously, claims that we "Abandoned" our wedding package and that he will not paginate the photos.  He further demands an additional $750.00 in payments sent to him via Pay Pal, before he releases; "What he has."   Yakir, refuses to respond to or acknowledge all of the documentation (evidence) that we have sent to him, including American Express Statements, totaling $4,665.80 in payments to him.  He refuses to honor his contract.  He now calls my husband (who sent him payments totaling $4,665.80 in American Express Credit Card payments).   Leonard Yakir, refuses to meet with us or tell us where we can find him.  Leonard Yakir believes that we should merely send him more money through Pay Pal, which we disagree with completely.  

Furthermore, Leonard Yakir continues to hold (against our will) our raw wedding video, lent to him by Videographer, David Kreiswirth of BQ Video.  Yakir was lent the raw video, (which was also paid for in full) for the sole purpose of creating stills out of roughly 7-crucial still pictures that he missed as a wedding photographer.  

Leonard Yakir is holding our wedding photography package hostage and continues to  extort more money out of us, although he was paid in full and well above the amount owed to him.

Our recommendation to prospective Brides and Grooms seeking a reputable wedding photographer, to stay away from Leonard Yakir aka Leonard Yakir Photography, as he is a Con Man and a Scam Artist, who continues to hold our precious wedding photographs hostage.

2 Updates & Rebuttals

Leonard Yakir

New York,
Leonard Yakir Photographer a Thief? You Decide!

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, February 03, 2016

                            Leonard Yakir of Leonard Yakir Photography, THIEF? You be the judge!  


(New York, NY) February 03, 2016 - A bride who paid Leonard Yakir for her wedding pictures in full in 1999, some 17-years after the fact is still without her wedding albums. Leonard Yakir, Thief? You be the judge!

Now Leonard Yakir wants the bride to sign a release that states; "There was a mutual misunderstanding," which caused the delays. "I refuse to let this predetor Leonard Yakir drag me down into the mud.  The only misunderstanding was his, and I think that it was more than a misunderstanding, I believe that it was thievery and deception and a ploy to continue to extort me for more money. 

"The contracted amount for the entire wedding package was $3,666.00.  The total amount of payments made to Mr. Leonard Yakir was $4,665.80, nearly $1,000.00 greater than the contracted amount," those are the facts, according to the bride, who believes that Leonard Yakir is a thief.  "He took my money and took advantage of me, that is Leonard Yakir's legacy."

"I believe and there is a consensus that Leonard Yakir is a sick, evil, thief who enjoys defrauding female clients." In 2013, the complaintant hired a White Plains, New York attorney, to obtain her property, but still has not taken possession.

"I liken this course of events to someone being held for ransom," said Yakir's client. "Yakir is holding my property hostage." She added that Leonard Yakir, took her money, convinced her to pay an additional $1,000.00 at one point (which she did pay an additional $1,000.00 Yakir), to be subjected to additional extortion attempts for more money.  "He just refused to give me my property." She added, he repeatedly cited being too busy to produce my albums due to traveling with his daughter Sara Hadley Yakir to violin tournaments. "He used this excuse repeatedly and for years and years."

Leonard Yakirs victim added; "He also called the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on me after I reported him on Rip Off Report, which they (the FBI) immediately dismissed his complaint as outrageous after I told the FBI, that I was the victim, who overpaid this scum of the earth, Yakir by $1,000.00."

Leonard Yakir also has refused to deliver the physical "Wedding Albums," as part of the proposed settlement that has been in the works since 2013. Yakirs former client adds; "Leonard Yakir was paid in excess of the contractual agreement, promptly. He never delivered my property and he is trying to shove me into a corner by making me lie about the the entire matter, something I refuse to do, so he can save face and make me look like some poor accountant of money and our contractual agreement."

The Bride reports that her father died in 2005, prior to seeing her wedding albums. And her mother is getting up there in age and she fears the same for her mom. "Yakir has to explain to everyone that he comes into contact with, his justification for ripping off a bride who in good faith paid him in full," the distraught bride added.

"I have every intention of constantly updating the status of my stolen wedding photography property, on Rip Off Report." She added; "Leonard yakir will be going straight to hell, where even Satan will spit in his face when he gets there." In furtherance, the Bride added; "If you are considering any type of business relationship with Leonard Yakir, I strongly urge you to run in the other direction and do not hand him your money, because in my experience Leonard Yakir is a thief, conman and extortionist.I just don't want anyone else to ever have to be subjected to Leonard Yakir's shenanigans, rip off ploys and thievery." 



Wedding Photographer Leonard Yakir

White Plains,
New York,
Violinist Sara Hadley Yakir's Douche Bag Father Leonard Yakir of Leonard Yakir Photography Continues To Hold Wedding Brides Wedding Photography Package For Ransom & Refuses to Honor the Contract.

#3Author of original report

Tue, March 05, 2013

Leonard Yakir's Wedding Photography Client Leonard Yakir Photography The Disgraceful and Pathetic Father of Violinist Sara Hadley Yakir Leonard Yakir Photography Shyster, Scammer, Stole My Money , lyphoto.smugmug.com/, New York 

September 04, 2013 - Brooklyn, New York --- UPDATE: Leonard Yakir Photography of 573 10th Street Brooklyn, NY 11215 who is also the Shyster, d****e, Lowlife, Con Man, Thief, and Father of Violinist Sara Hadley Yakir, continues to hold my wedding photography materials for ransom and hostage.

He knows very well that he can avoid compelling me to post these factual and unfortunate comments, by merely honoring his contractual obligation to me and delivering my wedding photography materials, yet he continues to be a pathetic, arrogant, stubborn little runt, at everyones expense, including his laughable Violinist daughter Sara Hadley Yakir, whom Yakir repeatedly used as an excuse for not delivering my wedding package over the years, citing traveling with daughter Sara on Violin Tournaments.

Huhh! Using my money to travel the globe like big shots playing the violin.  Imagine this! 

To refresh and update your memory on the facts, in 1999, I retained Leonard Yakir of Leonard Yakir Photography  to shoot my wedding and deliver materials including albums.  Despite the fact that payment was made in full and an additional $1,000.00 above the contracted amount for a grand sum of payments totaling $4,665.80.

Leonard Yakir, a short little Jewish man who hides under a baseball cap (like Bernie Madoff once did) and behind the guise of his computer keyboard, repeatedly lied to me and extorted me when he demanded more payments be sent to him, this despite the fact that he was paid well over anything I owed him. 

He has and continues to extort, be evasive, unethical, and a modern day swindler.

Over the years, and long after Leonard Yakir had been paid well above the contracted amount, he repeatedly used the excuse that he was traveling internationally with his daughter, Sara Hadley Yakir, on Violin tournaments. 

See these links of the Swindler's daughter Sara Hadley Yakir playing the Violin that that this bride paid for.  on YouTube. And Sara Hadley Yakir is in my and many opinions a subpar Violinist and in the opinion of others too  Yes that's right she is not very good.   She has been traveling the world and the country with her dead beat father Leonard Yakir, through the ill-gotten finances that I paid to her father for my wedding photography package, as far as I am concerned.  How many others are there out there who paid Sara Hadley Yakir's d****ebag father.  

Sara Hadley Yakir's You Tube Links:


Here is the UPDATE on the continuing SAGA of thief Leonard Yakir and the bride that he ripped off:

My attorney and a former Bronx Prosecutor, contacted Leonard Yakir, demanding our material.  Yakir stated that he would send "what he has" of the wedding material.  IMAGINE THIS?

He then stated that he refuses to deliver the wedding albums, despite the fact that I paid him $1,000.00 over the contracted amount.

This cheap bum Leonard Yakir, then demanded that I send him shipping and handling. Imagine this creep Leonard Yakir wants me to send him shipping and handling after I paid him $1,000.00 over the contracted amount.

Finally, piece of Dog Feces Leonard Yakir then demanded that any information that I have posted on the internet be removed before he sends me my wedding material. And his daughter Sara Hadley Yakir is not too far behind, because the proverbial apple does not fall from the tree. Sara hadley Yakir's daddy is a d****e bag, scam artist, who preys on bridal customers, who pay him in full and then refuses to deliver the merchandise.

I told him NO to his ridiculous demands.

d****e Bag Leonard Yakir and Parent of Violinist Sara Hadley Yakir still holds my wedding material unlawfully, for ransom and against my will.

Buyer Beware! If you are considering contracting the services of Leonard Yakir Photography, who is also known as (aka) "Yak Yak" and "Yakey," and " Yakster," whether it be for wedding, commercial, Bar & Bat Mitzvah, etc. 

And Leonard Yakir, if you are reading this, I hope that you get run over by a bus the next time that you crawl out of what ever rat hole that you live in and then go straight to hell.  I Hope for the very worst for you.  Feelings that I have never had about anyone.

For you Violinist, Sara Hadley Yakir, you must know that your father is a bad man, a shyster and a modern day thug who victimized of all people, a wedding bride.  All of your friends and associates and contemporaries in the Violinist circles will know that your violin and your traveling to tournaments was financed by a wedding photography client that your father too unfair advantage of and stole my money.

May God have mercy on both of your soles. When you do bad things to good people, it comes full cycle and bites you in the a*s.  You'll see what I mean.

Another update coming soon.  Stay tuned to Rip Off Watch!    

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