  • Report:  #1500963

Complaint Review: Les Henzie - Lake Country BC

Reported By:
Chris - Lake Country, BC, Canada

Les Henzie
7097 Glenmore Road Lake Country, V4V1L7 BC, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Last year we hired Les Henzie of K.O.A.D. Construction to build our house.


After the final draw, we found out that Les had spent all of our money, was $100,000 over budget, that he wasn't a licensed builder, that he "bought" home warranty from someone unknown to us for $25,000 of our money for the build, lied about WCB fees to cover up the payment until we confronted him about WCB not being a percentage of the build cost like he tried to tell us.


He also estimated nearly every cost wrong, and the house took over 5 months longer than he promised. He chose several things without consulting us, the front door we didn't pick showed up randomly and sat in a pile of dirt for a month or more until I told him to install it because there were rodents running around inside the house, he promised to arrange a replacement door we liked, but he wouldn't ever actually do it or refund the money of the door (or garage doors) we didn't want. He had some story about what a good deal he got on the garage doors from some guy and would never replace them with ones we chose as well.


He also told us all kinds of stories about why he was over budget, the more we asked, the more his story changed.


He also paid his company (that's owned by him and his partner) about $90,000 out of the project (about what the project was over budget by) on top of the 11% contractor fee that he admitted was "pure profit" for him for his work, that said he could never justify what he actually did for that money, it was never discussed with us and when we asked for documentation he just got mad and claimed we lost the email where he already sent it to us.


This has obviously been a nightmare for us to deal with financially, not a day goes by that don't wish we chose someone else to build our house.

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