  • Report:  #92170

Complaint Review: Lexero - Yasny - Cydcor - Taylorsville Utah

Reported By:
- Murray, Utah,

Lexero - Yasny - Cydcor
960 West Levoy Dr. Suite #220 Taylorsville, 84123 Utah, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Yasny aka Cydcor, is expanding into Utah (among other states)under the name "Lexero". What a deceptive marketing scam. They advertize heavily to recruit off the internet. The Job postings say "Account Executive", "PR & Advertizing" or "Intern". I thought it was strange that Lexero doesn't have a web site and when I interviewed with Alex Forero he said he moved from San Diego which goes along with many of the other postings made here on this site. I also found out that the position is was just a B2B sales job for a phone company (also noted by other rip-off complaints) and not the "Internship" or "Account Executive" or "Marketing Management" Positions.

They would not tell me how the pay worked which was also a red flag. In the interview I was only given vague responses to my questions and was told to come back tommorrow for a full day training program (where everything would be explained). I kept pressing to know why they couldn't tell me about the pay and they only said "everyone gets paid differently here".

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They never mentioned anything about "Yasny" untill I repeatedly pressed them for more information on what Lexero is. These companies are expanding by changing their name so no one can find out who or what they are. I also noticed the only information on (www.yasnygroups.com)is really vague. I had no idea that it was purely commissioned sales. They also mentioned that almost everyone in their company is really young. Thanks to the information I researched that went along with the other complaints I found here I will not show up for my second interview with Yasny aka Lexero aka Cydcor!

Becareful. Who knows when they'll change their name or what they'll change it to next?


Murray, Utah

4 Updates & Rebuttals


It's the carrot, Carlos...the carrot...

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, February 10, 2005

Hey Carlos, good to hear from you again. I hope everything is well with you and the family. Hows the lil peanut doing? Is he pimpin and stealin cars yet? ;) It's not as simple as common sense when choosing the to work for Cydcor. You remember some of the offices we worked; some of the people we worked with. There were people who couldn't sell a glass of water to a man in the desert. The only reason they did it was A. It's only 8 months. I can sell for 8 months. B. These people are way cooler than my last job. All of a sudden, it's 8 months later. You still can't sell, you're in debt, you've moved across the country, you've got no insurance if you break your neck, you've got nothing but a great attitude, a great work ethic and one lousy leader on your team. Is it worth it in the long run? I don't come on here and rebut Cydcor because I'm obsessed. I come on here and rebut Cydcor because they are parasitic and hurt more people than they help. That's the bottom line with me. They hurt more people than they help. You've known me like few others have, Carlos. You know I don't put up with that kind of crap. So, you can think that I'm a dork for not letting this go, but two years in this business still haunts me. Anyway, I hope everything is going well with you.


Melinda, You're on the fast track to management

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, October 22, 2004

Let's dissect your post. There are two sides to every story. We are outsourced sales and marketing firm our clients have hired us to represent them in the small to medium business demographic. We have had a very positive response from our clients and at their request we are now trying to expand into as many markets as possible. In order to do this we need to train mangers from the ground up. --The above is straight out of Cydcor University. Word for word explanation of the business. Countless recital on a daily basis creates this definition of Cydcor. Nothing to see here....back to Melinda The entry level position is by no means a sexy position; our account reps go to businesses and market/sale our client's products/services. Many of the complaints posted were posted by people that have larger egos than work ethic. --Here we go with the ad hominem attacks. A common, albeit ineffective debate tactic is to glaze over the substance of the argument (deceptive hiring practices) and attack the character of the person making the argument, in a thinly veiled attempt to reduce the credibility of the argument. The complaining think that they deserve to start in management simply because they have a degree, are working on a degree or know someone with a degree. --Apparently there are two types of people in the world. Those who will do anything for the almighty dollar, and those who have ego-driven entitlement issues. Once again, it's not the complaint that is being addressed but the complainer....back to Melinda. We offer ambitious individuals a chance to join management in 6 months to a year, and the people who couldn't get over themselves long enough to earn it keep running their mouths and are blaming our organization for their failure. --Melinda, did you say join management IN 6 months to a year, or did you say join management FOR 6 months to a year? In my 2 years in the field, I documented more offices closing than I saw opening. Many times I would celebrate opening a new office one month, only to close the same office a few months later...back to Melinda. It is as simple as this; some people are more comfortable being managed while others actually have the motivation and discipline become more than an employee, which is why 3% of American's have 90% of the money. Don't blame us because you are average. --This point I fully endorse. In my experience, Cydcor is a microcosm of American capitalism itself. 3% of the people in the system make it into management. 3% of the managers stay open for a year. 3% of those managers make it to Regional Director. So what's 3% of 3% of 3%? It's .0027% That is the probability of success for someone entering into the system to become a regional manager (where the real money is). To the hard working-motivated people who have been extended interest by our organization and have read the reports by former employees, -- translation- Everyone who comes in for an interiew. To you I say this: Your decision to remain mediocre will not set us back in the least but if you have a desire to be more than an employee and are result driven then why are you wasting your time reading what failures, to say the least, have salaciously "reported." --Because knowledge is power and if there are truly two sides to every story, then I'd better listen to something other than what was fed to me on the car ride back from the field. --Oh, and I couldn't pass this up... salacious, adj. Appealing to or stimulating sexual desire; lascivious. also, Lustful; bawdy. To those of you that have used rip off reports as a scapegoat for your lack of talent, the least you could do is use some tack and finesse. Your choice of wording makes you look socially inept and inbred. --Pure, unfiltered ad hominem attack...followed by... I wish you the best in your future endeavors, thank you for the laughs. --Insincere and condescending remarks meant to bring ones self back above the fray. Marcus, although very flattering your interest in Alex is ill-fated, I hope you one day find a man that reciprocates your advances. --One more personal attack just to make sure any remaining credibility is rebuffed. Melinda how do you respond to: 1. Cydcor uses deceptive hiring practices. 2. Offices are wrought with sexual harrasment. 3. No one makes money in the field, few make money in management. 4. Offices open and close like a revolving door. 5. Cydcor HQ controls all of a manager's money for them. For the sake of educating the inept and inbred, could you define: 1. Manager Re-Train (i.e. what SaraBeth King of Yasny went on in Baltimore). 2. 4 Impulse Factors as they are used in Days of Observations (especially Fear of Loss). 3. The Hub (especially how much control they have of your money and who can spend your money besides yourself). 4. Road-trips (especially how they are used to "lock-in" juicy new guys--they can't quit when they're hundreds of miles from home). Oh and Melinda, give Alex a shout out from 3-ball. He'll know who you're talking about.


Don't blame us because you are average.

#4UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 21, 2004

There are two sides to every story. We are outsourced sales and marketing firm our clients have hired us to represent them in the small to medium business demographic. We have had a very positive response from our clients and at their request we are now trying to expand into as many markets as possible. In order to do this we need to train mangers from the ground up. The entry level position is by no means a sexy position; our account reps go to businesses and market/sale our client's products/services. Many of the complaints posted were posted by people that have larger egos than work ethic. The complaining think that they deserve to start in management simply because they have a degree, are working on a degree or know someone with a degree. We offer ambitious individuals a chance to join management in 6 months to a year, and the people who couldn't get over themselves long enough to earn it keep running their mouths and are blaming our organization for their failure. It is as simple as this; some people are more comfortable being managed while others actually have the motivation and discipline become more than an employee, which is why 3% of American's have 90% of the money. Don't blame us because you are average. To the hard working-motivated people who have been extended interest by our organization and have read the reports by former employees, To you I say this: Your decision to remain mediocre will not set us back in the least but if you have a desire to be more than an employee and are result driven then why are you wasting your time reading what failures, to say the least, have salaciously "reported." To those of you that have used rip off reports as a scapegoat for your lack of talent, the least you could do is use some tack and finesse. Your choice of wording makes you look socially inept and inbred. I wish you the best in your future endeavors, thank you for the laughs. Marcus, although very flattering your interest in Alex is ill-fated, I hope you one day find a man that reciprocates your advances.


San Diego,
Alex is a lying piece of crap like the rest of them!

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 20, 2004

Alex Forero was working under the infamous crook (and recently broke) Sara Beth King in San Diego. He lies about everything so it shouldn't come as much of a surprise as to what a scumbag he is he's a product of his environment. Alex is simply a spawn of the group of liars that came out of San Diego... He's just a well-dressed megalomaniac who did not tell me (or anyone else) 1 word of truth in the entire time that I knew him. People like him are cockroaches and will forever be living a lie to themselves and more importantly to the people that they trick. He gets off' on tricking people, he more or less said that to me personally. Alex wakes up on a different side of the bed than most people because he lies right to your face with no guilt and will steal. In fact, that piece of s**t stole money from me personally. I did the work and he collected $$$ from my work saying he would pay me half or my portion... remember the SBC lines you took credit from me for Alex!?! b*****d took it all... Alex, if you're reading this, YOU KNOW ME and we both know the lies you gave me so don't sugarcoat a goddamn thing! The typical response would be that I didn't work hard enough, whatever. I smelled a rat quick and I left being smarter than most of the people there. Where are they now? Don't worry about me... I'm doing more than good for myself financially and you are stuck Utah selling more lies to innocent people. In life, I truly wish you nothing but failure and misery punctuated only by moments of financial desperation and repressed homosexual tendencies. Rot in hell,

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