Other phone numbers: 1-800-546-5797, 1-949-823-3000, 1-949-823-1398, 1-206-322-9002.
Other addresses: 1201 3rd Avenue, Suite 900, Seattle Washington 98101
Also: 18582 Peller Avenue, Irvine California 92612
I bought a Linksys Router at my local Radio Shack store a few years ago, plus I paid one of their sales clerks $25 to come out to my house and set it up for me, while I took notes. The router worked OK for a few years, with a few glitches. That was when I called their “tech support.” More later. When my external modem failed, my ISP, AT&T checked it out and said they would send me a new one, which they did. After calling AT&T again to help me get the new external modem set up, they told me that I would have to call Linksys to get the router set up again. After going through the Linksys non-support “tech support” line previously, I tried to set up the router myself, instead, using the software that came with the router. Now the router WON’T WORK. I can get Internet service direct through the wires furnished by AT&T, but I CAN’T GO WIRELESS! Meaning that, the second computer (sitting here next to the main one I use all the time) and the laptop in the other room, won’t receive any signal or Internet from the router!
Non-functioning router with corrupt software alleging to have "world class tech support" but in fact having no tech support whatsoever. Numerous calls to the tech support line which they tout as "Award Winning Tech Support" went unanswered totaling an unconscionable average hold time of over 3 hours and also being hung-up on. They said the router was "out of warranty!" They provide a for-profit-only live chat on their web page! This is a major-scam company selling defective equipment and offering no recourse whatsoever. If you buy from Cisco LinkSys you will simply be out the amount of money you spend and no refund in sight. The promises made on the packing are entirely erroneous. Unless you having money to waste and enjoy being insulted, stay clear of all products from this company: Cisco LinkSys.
Go on Google and search for problems with Network Magic and you will see for yourself the problems with this software.
Before you buy this product you need to ask yourself an important question:
Since they clearly cannot maintain their own software, which search info will verify, how will they support and maintain your wireless network with a reliable and stable product?
They can't. Don't buy this product. If you want to dispute this, do the search like I suggest on Google and you will see the nightmares.
If you still don't believe me, go ahead and buy it and see. Buy Linksys if you enjoy days on the phone with undertrained tech support hold, hang up, no return calls.
Thank you, Rip-off Report, for doing a GREAT job of telling us about all these scams! No other website, whether BBB, government, or "watchdog group" is doing this well, and MANY of them will REMOVE a report under pressure, or for money! Government agencies need votes and money to keep operating! BBB agencies need approval of the community and business leaders plus money to keep operating! Remember the saying: "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!"
Don't send any money in advance FOR ANYTHING! In the long run, by searching the Internet, you can probably find other ways to get the job done, usually for FREE or low-cost!
With Rip-off Report, all the reports are in one place, easily searched. With Better Business Bureaus, Attorneys General, and other consumer "watchdog" groups, I have to hunt all over the country, state by state, city by city, and it takes HOURS to do this. With Rip-off Report, I do one simple search, it usually gives me alternate names and addresses used by "con artists" and "scam artists," and it even shows me other reports sent in by victims all over! Great job!
Keep up the good work!