  • Report:  #500106

Complaint Review: Lisa Markowicz - Troy Michigan

Reported By:
Equal Rights To All - Walled Lake, Michigan, USA

Lisa Markowicz
2980 Parliament Troy, Michigan, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Lisa Markowicz provides fake residential address so that children may attend Birmingham Schools.  I think that pretty much says it all.  Birmingham Schools, reported as being one of the better and more affluent school districts in the state, has a closed admission policy.  So Lisa Markowicz, gets the idea to provide an address to the school district stating that she lives in the district.

In addition, she attempts to play it off to both fathers of her children that she must PAY tuition and request money from them both.  Quite simply summarized, FRAUD on two separate levels.  Stay tuned, there's always more coming with this con-artist.

22 Updates & Rebuttals

Try Harder

United States of America
Kirk Huddleston LOSES in Macomb County.

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, June 14, 2011

On  June 6th 2011 Mr. Kirk Huddleston lost his Def/Slander case in Macomb County Michigan.  Mr. Huddleston was sued by Utica Attorney John Temrowski ( The one and only) for Def/Slander.  The case # is 2010-005044-NZ.   The party was given $250,000.00 in damages b/c this guy or better referred to by the court as a callous Coward slandered a family business on the internet.  Can you say Karma????  I told his ex-wife Lisa Markowicz Huddleston that I was going to run this son of a b***h's a*s up a flag pole and thats exactly what happened.   
    Judge James Biernat Jr. was appauled at what was written on all of the examples that I brought in of Mr. Huddlestons work.  While he was so busy trying to slander my family name and businesses I kept my cool long enough to know that this idiot was to much of a p***y to show his face in the court room.  Not only was this guy running like a chicken when his wife filed for divorce in Feb of 2007 everytime I tried to serve him ,but he did it this time as well.   The guys on every dating sight known to man and or pervert and when she decides to get out of the marriage you'd think he'd be happy yet ran like a leopard to avoid being served ( must have been the tax return he lied about).   This time it was a little more difficult but well worthit.  
    I'm going to financially choke this guy like the chicken he is for what he wrote but no matter what its personal satisfaction just knowing he has to pay the $ to even file it in a Bankruptcy in 2016 LOL!
This would make 3 times this guy couldn't manage his affairs ( uhhhummm no pun intended) or his finances.  He lives off his wife who unfortunately has been nothing but a menace to the whole situation as well.  She called me in December and was crying to me how her husband walked out on her.  Though this didn't surprise his ex-wife at all to her it was simply 'typical' of the guy I actually almost dropped a tear for her sake and I don't even know why.  
    Lets not forget that he supposably was deceased according to his "mail" that came back to my office but I too soon found out No such luck.  You think this grown p***y would have learned by now that it just does you NO good whatsoever.  In January he lost visitation of his now young son for exactly this kind of behavior.  Like I've said many times before he simply has nothing better to do with his time and how happy can he be in his 'marriage' to spend so much time on me and others not named here.   All I can say is "Thanks Buddy"!!!!!!!!  I will be mailing this judgement out to people I am sure will appreciate it, businesses he's put an act on for and future victims I can see coming his way.
                                           He's Toast!!!!!!!!!!!!!! J.T.T


Royal Oak,
Help. Please.

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, August 02, 2010

Is this woman related to Alexandra Markowicz?  I'm trying to follow the whole thing.  I did hear from friends at school that the mother was a Jumbo sized J-Lo and some of the comments written kind of sound like it's her. 



#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, March 31, 2010

You're joking right?

Scuba D.

Los Angeles,
be glad she's gone

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, February 13, 2010

just be glad this b*ch is gone.  it sounds like you got remarried and shes bitter. its not hard to figure out.  were you her first love/boyfriend?  because it sure sounds that way.  she also sounds like a control freak which makes it worse for you.  i have ran into similar women.

i have two kids myself.  if you didn't care about your kid you probably wouldnt have even felt the need to vent. but she thinks that you are still into her because she hasnt let go.  i dont see anything that would point out to you being a bad father but this b***h obviously sees that insult as your hot button.  shes not doing your kid any favors.  im just telling you from experience dont let her push your buttons.  good luck man.


Done!! Kirk Huddleston turned in to the Police.

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 06, 2009

This matter was brought to the attention of the Wixom Police Department
in the city where Kirk Huddleston resides. Officer Stephen Ross was
present and filed a CFS# 09-17866.  It was then put in the hands of
Corporal Jerry Hall of the Birmingham police dept. where we reside #


I'm not worried about it.

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, December 05, 2009

You're over doing it.....just a little Kirk.

Miss Pac Man

Walled Lake,
Spelling errors?????

#8Consumer Comment

Fri, December 04, 2009

I believe it was one of the rebuttalors (if that's a word) or it might have been you since we really don't know who wrote what, that said " when one starts to resort to pointing out grammar errors is when their argument is losing steam."  So both my husband and I will take that comment as meaning that your argument is beginning to lose steam.

Anyone can file a police report.  You're the best at it.  I hardly see this one as being any different.  But stay tuned all, for the J-Lo Butt Defamation of Character case 2009.  Maybe you can spend $10,000 to win $1.  It's like your kids are ever going to get into college anyways.  The attorneys' kids will go to college but yours won't have the money. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL



#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, December 04, 2009

Gee Kirk, You can spell the word opportunity correctly but you can't spell the word genius. 

Miss Pac Man

Walled Lake,
The Liar has filed a report, wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, December 03, 2009

Good luck Lisa,


Make sure they review all of my report that I just filed on 12-2/3-09. They can review all of that information BEFORE they begin their investigation.  We welcome the opportunity to prove whom is the REAL liar in this whole ordeal. 



#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, December 03, 2009

This matter was brought to the attention of the Wixom Police Department in the city where Kirk Huddleston resides. Officer Stephen Ross was present and filed a CFS# 09-17866.  It was then put in the hands of Corporal Jerry Hall of the Birmingham police dept. where we reside # 09-14894.  


Sounds like a lot of explaining

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, November 30, 2009

How many times have we all heard this one before?  Someone hurt this woman's little baby so she decides to blame it on the guy that broke her heart or got divorced from.    Police don't get involved on civil cases.  And by what I have read from by YOUR comments, I certainly wouldn't try and pretend to be innocent by any means.  I'm certainly not taking sides but no matter what police department you go to, you MAY get them to make a phone call and tell this 'big bad man' to stop harassing this so-called innocent little girl but that's as far as this will go.

Treat people right and you shouldn't have to worry about how others treat you in return.  There is no way that every thing said about you is completely untrue.  Learn to take some responsibility for your actions in life.  You certainly don't impress me as being any Mother of the Year.

Just how many kids do you have and how many fathers?  Just where is the problem coming from? 


Kirk Huddleston to be turned in Dec 2nd 2009

#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, November 28, 2009

You are welcome to visit the "blog" that Kirk Huddleston wrote on my daughter Alexandra Markowicz, go ahead and google her name and you will find what Kirk has written about a 16 year old girl.  I am sure besides some of the phone calls I have recieved by concerned parents of my daughters friends mainly you will see now why she was so upset.  I was told NOT to do anything until I could get down to the station.  I don't know what will or will not come out of this but I know one thing, for anyone to think for a second I would let this idiot treat my daughter or my son like this and get away with it they would have to be completely ignorant.   You are welcome to notice the Parliament address that he has also put on there "another thing that agrivated the situation" by a police dept that seemed to want to do their job. I am a single mom raising 2 kids.  Birmingham Schools were well aware where my son and daughter resided and understood when we were moving by my landlord and to send them to different schools for 3 weeks would only be to my yougests' detriment in learning a routine. 

They have been wonderful to both my kids and its amazing how I am very active in the Elementary school yet never had one of these parents "approach me" that is because they don't exist.  Notice the part where my daughter has been simply "Alex" Nicks sister for the last 2 years and this guy has her returning as the long lost grand daughter holding her fingers up in the parking lot like Edward Scissorhands.

I could easily have sent my children to any school district that I wanted to, but I felt Birmingham would serve them the best, and the rest is up to them.  They need to strive and try for excellence and do the best job they can, that is all I can ask of them.  They have great teachers, a staff that truly cares, and is helping to groom them into the type of person I would like to see them become.

It was my Seaholm teenage daughter Alex Markowicz whom Kirk slammed after  he was done with me and moved on to her, when I recieved a call from a school official that was so concerned how she was going to "deal" with this I was more impressed than ever. My 16 and 11 year old have more common sense than this guy would know in a lifetime.  For mine and Kirks young son, I try to keep Nicholas out of this as much as possible but he can't help but get wind of the things that his father does and its sad when you can tell he almost feels "responsible" because they are related.  I tell him on a daily basis he is a product of him he is not HIM, thank God!

He deals with it very well and knows that you don't choose your parents so you make the best of what you have, this kind of behavior is nothing knew to either of my children.  The comments made to me were that this person is sick, unstable, viscious, and cruel........but to the three of us it is simply (Kirk).

I have a planned visit with the Wixom Police Dept. on Wed. Dec 2nd 2009 at the advice of an attorney I spoke with he told me YOU DEAL WITH WIXOM!!!  so that is what I will do. No disrespect to the Birmingham Dept. but after 2 years I am going do whatever I need to so that this can be put to an end, my daughters and my name is taken of R.O.R. and Google.   Thanks for your concern.



Another example

#14Consumer Comment

Wed, November 11, 2009

High and mighty.  Birmingham schools.  Who made this woman think that the world owes her a living.  Does this woman have a job or is her job just having babies?

Tar Heel

North Carolina,
Lisa is crazy, good-bye

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, October 21, 2009

I've heard a lot of retoric back and forth. Now grandma speaks. She sounds sane and she sounds like a grandma. From my experiences, grandmas don't lie.

So it's official, Lisa is crazy. Can anyone say Lorainna Bobbit or Susan Smith?

Tar Heel

North Carolina,
The whole situation is crazy

#16General Comment

Wed, October 21, 2009

There's clearly some lying going on here, so who knows which side is giving the truth.  I don't think the guy would get this mad, much less start this whole thing, if he didn't think he was given a raw deal.  When I hear parts about false police reports for child abuse, domestic violence, and killing a kid's pet, then I can kind of see where the problems stem.  That's a lot of accusations with NO convictions. Domestic violence is usually very easy to convict.  How many times did he say she has filed domestic violence against him and former boyfriends??????  And she's doesn't convince me as being the shy, fragile, innocent and abused-type to me.

I think she's a control freak and he hates being controlled.  If you take that, then add in the false accusations, I don't think you have to be a genius to figure the rest out.  The rest is all a bunch of dirty laundry. 

She ought to wake up and smell the coffee.  She has a kid (or kids) with a father that wants to be there and spend time with his son and she just wants to stir up a bunch of drama.  He needs to control his temper.  The stuff he has said about her, whether it's true or not, he is going to regret just for the simple fact that it is his kid's mother.

You really do need to extract a lot of the information that is in there.  I know I saw at least one link, where she claimed to be someone else but then still had her name and city on the report.  So she either made the report by herself, which kind of makes sense with all of the false reports she likes to make to begin with, or she had someone sit down under her account right in front of her and put in their two cents. And she accuses him of false reports on this site.  So she is either correct or trying to have her fabricated reports overlooked and directed back at him.  Either way, I dismiss a lot of what I am reading.  It's hard to believe so many people have found this.  This site is not easy to pick up new stories unless you are looking for something or someone in specific.

Brad Van Becelaere

Lisa Markowicz

#17Consumer Comment

Tue, October 20, 2009

I went to high school with Lisa.  She was a freak back then.  I can certainly see she still is.  I seem to remember the whole family being a little weird.  

It's really funny to here about some of the people that actually got married and others that didn't.  She's one that I would have guessed wouldn't have gotten married.

Mr. Mom

They talked about this case on a Birmingham Public Access Channel the other day

#18General Comment

Tue, October 20, 2009

I googled the name when I heard about this on a public access channel the other day.  This lady makes me furious.  One false report and the father should get custody of the child.  I give the man credit for pushing the issue.

This is quickly becoming an epidemic in Michigan.  Parents play the FOC, particularly women.  Why is this man working two jobs, never getting to see his son, while she lives off of the income of two fathers and lives in Birmingham?  I would be mad too.


Walled Lake,
Alexandra is doing well I see

#19Author of original report

Tue, October 20, 2009

Wow!  I see that she has a lot of friends.  I know you said she was the most popular and prettiest girl in school but I had no idea.  She certainly is popular.

Crazy Guy

One wacky woman

#20Consumer Comment

Sat, October 17, 2009

So you want to sling mud?  I'll sling mud.  I have nothing to lose, Lisa.  You lied about me from the minute you filed a divorce so I have no more shame.  Let's first start to put some names out there.  Tell your family how you got me going and just didn't know when to stop. 

Let's start with ole' Richard Markowicz nailing his own brothers wife, Evelyn Markowicz for 20 years while he was married to Marietta Markowicz.  Or how about Mark Markowicz building a house for Tina Woodward, aka Tina Rudder, aka Tina Markowicz and while he's building her a house, as a married man he buys her a nice pair of breasts.  But then Tina wasn't happy with those breasts so her bought her some bigger ones.   Or how about the affair she had that Mark still doesn't know about?  Or we can talk about the IRS going after Mark Markowicz and Marietta Markowicz both at one time for tax evasion?  Should I go on?  How about Audrey Markowicz telling you how she got sick to her stomach when she had to sleep with Ricardo Markowicz?  I can go on. How about your cousin, David Markowicz going to prison from stealing bonds from his dad, Eugene Markowicz, and god knows what else?  How about Marietta calling me up calling me up SIX months after we got married and bought our first new home?  YOU moved out of the house and signed a lease on an apartment after MY parents co-signed on a home for us, which we bought for zero down.  And after 9-11 the value dropped tremendously. And your mother calls me and starts an argument about where was your EQUITY.  That was all-time the dumbest comment I have ever heard.  Other than the time that she tried to explain to me and my parents that you were suffering from POST-partem syndrom WHILE you were carrying our son.  That was #2 dumbest thing I've ever heard.

You have told so many lies about me from day one, that I don't care any more. Personally, I never cared about what anyone thought about me with the exception of my son. But you've lied to him so much that it's going to take years of psychotherapy to fix what you've done to him. Any woman that tells a little boy that his father killed his dog is a sick woman.   I know, you're family is close with the Italian mafia and I better watch my back.  Bring it on, baby.

Did I make sure that all of your buddies at Beaumont know that you don't own any underwear and never have?....which is not a pretty site.   I don't know what more you want.  You need to understand what a 'divorce' means.  It seems to me that Nicholas was a happy little boy when I was around.  When you get a divorce, you don't have the right to break into your ex-husband's email or check his parents and savings account out any more.  Or do a background check on his new wife. 

I don't know what your problem in life is but it's not my problem any more. Hell, even John Temrowski told my attorney in court last time that you needed a psychological exam.  The truth be known, I probably do too but mine is all stress related and it will pass.  Right now, I'm venting.


No, she lives off of her brother and my husband

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, October 15, 2009

She doesn't live on welfare or social security, far from it.  She lives off of her brother, and my husband and his parents.  You don't know how sick and tired I am of hearing this woman's name.  My husband is a great father but this woman has put us through so much hell.  Her biggest trick was the last one where she managed to call the police, Child Protective Services, and lie to them both by telling them that my husband 'hit' his son.  I was standing right there and he did NOTHING.  This was all an elaborate scheme to keep him for one lousy weekend that was supposed to be a weekend with his dad, which have become few and far in between.

Long story short, She quickly found out that no one would back her story after my husband filed a motion to see his son after she denied him visitation for 3 weeks.  She was so afraid to face the wrath and possible jail from the judge that she hired an attorney to represent her in court and hopefully keep her out of jail.

Anyone out there would understand how a father MIGHT consider chucking it all after dealing with this woman for even a short period of time.  It's a shame because their son is a very nice little boy but the mother has taught him all of her nasty little tricks, lies about his father, teaches him to have no respect for anyone.  I just can't believe how a man can go from being this wonderful father that worshiped everything his son did to someone that has simply lost their desire simply because of one woman making his life a nightmare.  If she could only see how much her own son is hurting inside, she would try to encourage a relationship.  

She even went to the trouble of breaking into his email and trying to make me think he was having an affair with another woman.  Thanks to my son, we were able to find out the truth.  I just can't believe that the idiots out in Macomb county would let this woman have custody of a child. Her daughter, from ANOTHER father, has already turned into such a troublemaker, you would think she would want to do better with this one.

There are bad fathers and there are bad mothers.  This woman even makes the bad mothers look good.

Lawrence C

Rochester Hills,
LOL. She's not on welfare

#22Consumer Comment

Thu, October 15, 2009

She's not on welfare.  My wife works with her, she's just crazy.   She's just some bitter divorcee that has too much time on her hands.  I think she's crazy but I really wonder if there's more to it with this lady.

I live in Rochester but I know Birmingham. It's all doctors and lawyers.  This lady would stand out like a sore thumb in Birmingham.  My wife said she's a really big woman that wears clothes with her fat hanging out.  Between that and acting like the crazy lady from Fatal Attraction, I don't think that boy has a chance in life.


Go Wolverines

Taxpayers should be appalled

#23Consumer Comment

Fri, October 09, 2009

I live in Birmingham.  I don't have any children but I pay Birmingham taxes and people like this tick me off.  I even have an issue with 'renters' going to Birmingham schools.  With the economy so bad a lot of home owners are renting out their homes.  Well the renters don't pay taxes and they shouldn't be allowed to have their kids go to Birmingham schools as well.

I've heard this woman's name somewhere.  I wish I could put my finger on where I've heard her name or if it's just one of those names that I think I know.  I'm sure she won't be so cocky now that half the district will know her name and how she is basically embezzling tax payer dollars.

Is this woman on welfare or social security too?

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