  • Report:  #67142

Complaint Review: Maria Guadalupe (Shirley) Corbin - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
- Medford, Oregon,

Maria Guadalupe (Shirley) Corbin
Los Angeles County Los Angeles, 90040 California, U.S.A.
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PRIMARY_SUSPECT_NAME: Maria Guadalupe (Shirley) Corbin PRIMARY_SUSPECT_Sex: Female PRIMARY_SUSPECT_Race: Hispanic PRIMARY_SUSPECT_Height: 5'5" PRIMARY_SUSPECT_Weight: 140 PRIMARY_SUSPECT_Info: Maria Guadalupe (Shirley) Corbin has long blonde hair, speaks fluent spanish/english, SSN# ((ROR REDACTED)), Lives in Los Angeles County, but current address is unknown. Suspect is married with a child from a previous marriage, and is going through financial trouble with the IRS. Maria is known to have a violent temper. PRIMARY_SUSPECT_Place_Of_Frequency: Child Support Services Department at 5701 South Eastern Avenue, STE 201, Commerce, CA 90040- phone 323-725-0918 and the WELFARE OFFICE, obviously. PRIMARY_SUSPECT_Vehicle_Info: don't know, but as of 5/2002, she still owed $18,700 on whatever vehicle she has. SECOND_SUSPECT_NAME: MARJORIE BODDEN SECOND_SUSPECT_Sex: Female SECOND_SUSPECT_Info: Suspect #2 is a Child Support Services Department worker at 5701 South Eastern Avenue, STE 201, Commerce, CA 90040 - phone 323-725-0918 KnownLocation: Los Angeles County type of crime: welfare fraud Additional Crimes: Additional crime of PURGERY on MARJORIE BODDEN's part. MARJORIE BODDEN entered a DECLARATION dated 5/6/2002 with the Los Angeles Superior Court, for case # BL0034130 (Shirley vs. Shirley). The DECLARATION stated "According to the records of the Department of Public Social Services, the custodian of the minor chidl(ren) is receiving Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) on their behalf and has, by operation of law, assigned all right to past and present support to the County of Los Angeles." There is no way Maria Guadalupe (Shirley) Corbin can receive TANF benefits. She makes well over the legal limit to qualify for such assistance. Maria Guadalupe (Shirley) Corbin GROSSES $51,000 annually and gets paid an hourly rate of $20.60/hour. If Maria was and/or is fraudulently receiving welfare money (TANF) to supplement her income, I hope justice is served upon her and/or MARJORIE BODDEN . Both suspects may be in cahoots together in falsifying documents or income records in order to receive welfare benefits. CrimeAddress: Child Support Services Dept. 5701 South Eastern Avenue, STE 201, Crime City: Commerce, CA Crime County: Los Angeles State of CRIME: California Crime Location Zip Code: 90040-2924 Crime Date: 5/6/2002 and ongoing Best Method of Approach: Take them to court and try them if they are found guilty, make them serve jailtime or pay fines, whichever is applicable. Maria Guadalupe (Shirley) Corbin is known to have a violent temper. Caution should be exercised if approaching her in person. Crime M.O.: There are children present that may be affected by Maria Guadalupe (Shirley) Corbin's criminal activity. Dustin Ryan Shirley born 8/28/86 is Maria's son and currently resides with her. Maria will not allow me to see my son and has not allowed me any contact with him in over 3 years. She constantly moves around and changes her phone number. She is a greedy, money-hungry person. She falsly accused me of making $6000 a month (I make 1/4 of that) and submitted records to the courts in Los Angeles and now they are garnishing my wages to the tune of nearly $1200/month to supplement her income so she could pay her IRS bill of $5000 and Franchise Tax Board bill of $700. She is also claiming 6 dependents, stating "I need to claim 6 in order to bring home enough money" Whatever THAT means. What is enough money for you, MARIA? Could I possibly see Dusty before he goes to college? Terry Medford, Oregon


1 Updates & Rebuttals


Third-Party Perspective

#2General Comment

Sat, June 28, 2014

Original report submitter is someone we know well. He complained he was viewed as a "dadbeat dad" even though he owned bicycles costing thousands of dollars and, to the best of our knowledge, did not pay support for his own son. We don't know the detailed facts of his breakup with Maria, but do recall his complaints that he was responsible for thousands of dollars of unpaid child-support.

You can form your own opinion of his character starting with his "service to his country": he served several years in federal/military prison in Fort Leavenworth for his role in drug trafficking on active duty while stationed in Germany.

He also collaborated with his older brother in what some people would describe as exploitation of their elderly mother. In fact, the report submitter objected to legal protetction of his own mother and wrote a letter to the probate court that criticized his own sister for wanting to protect their mother. His letter, in support of the older brother's objection of the petition to protect their mother, went so far as to object to his sister's petition for conservatorship because she only wanted the best elder care available. Yes, he actually complained that the best care available was too good for their elderly mother disagnosed with dementia from advanced Alzheimer's.

Was it exploitation? You can form your own opinion. If arranging a mortgage for an 83-year old woman with advanced dementia to buy a house she could never pay for so he could live in it, taking a 'stipend' for caring for his own mother in the house she is paying for, spending virtually all her money and then having the original report submitter dump her in what is likley the the lowest cost board and care home on his way out of town fits your definition of exploitation, then you can call it that.

These are reflections of the type of person the original report submitter was and still is. We don't know Maria well but I do know the character of the original submitter and consider his complaint, in the context of his moral character, to be deceptive and untruthful.



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