Hi there out of the blue I get this letter from Singapore saying she was Marie Callas and she had had a flash of intutition that I was to get $420000 dollars by the middle of next month and she just had to tell me about it. After reading the letter I was supposed to send her $60 Australian with details of my birth date and where I was born. I had to respond very quickly too, within 24 hours or I will miss out. If I was in any way unsatisfied with this reading I could send it back with in 180 days of receiving it and get a full refund. This money had to be sent to France.
Curious I sent the money and was sent back a plain horoscope for the next six months which came from New Zealand and with no contact details on it should I be unsatisfied with the reading. When it came there was no mention of the $420000 I should have won with her help because the reading arrived after the special date and had no mention of the money I was supposed to have won with her help.
The reading it self was very vague and could mean anything. I would be better off going by the local newspapers for my daily horoscope! The letter was also addressed to Mr and as I am a Mrs that irked me some what. Okay I thought I will use the numbers she cited as lucky. As yet nothing there.
A month later I got another letter with another request for $60 and this time it had a "lucky orange card with numbers on it that I had to leave under the bed, the dining table and under the front door so that she could work out which was the lucky ones for me. This one I ignored.
This was followed up with another letter this time again with the 24 hours hurry up that for $60 I would make a wish and it will come true, Marie will perform 3 telepathic action on my behalf on a specified date and and most importantly I would be come one of the Initiated by which she would send me the Seven secrets of the Initiated that will 1)have an amazing impact on someone close to me, 2) enter a period of prosperity, with a inner voice being my guide 3) news from far off that will make a big difference to the life she nows I lead now that is not always happy, 4) how to revitalize myself by tapping into cosmic energy with her help, 5) no one will be able to lie to me and I will be able to read their thoughts and 6) I will have the power to change the future by influencing destiny. Six things were mentioned for the Seven secrets of the initiated. Don't know what the seventh one is.
If I did this,{send her the $60} and she did all she promised then I am to then send her a portion of any monies won over and above my normal income based on the unexpected income that she has helped me gain by making me one of the "Initiated". This I have to do in the next 90 days after receiving the secrets of the Initiated. I have been assured that if in 180 days after receiving the secrets if I am not happy with them I can get my money back.
Gosh it just sounds so reasonable...!!!!??????
I wonder if I don't respond what the next letter will promise?
Mind you a month later I received another letter also from Singapore but for the The Swiss Institute for Holistic Living that rambles about a Committee of Cryptologists and a guy called Baron von Graatz who needs to stop writing with an fountain pen as he has made a lot of messes just over bits that are important for my attention and for $75 will send me a Krypton bracelet that I have to wear all the time and when 'm not wearing it has to be kept in a red envelope{ supplied} with a lucky document that will fulfill my deepest desires. Oh and please respond in 48 hours or you will miss out.....Send monies to Switzerland in the convient self addressed envelope.
I wonder if these two are related? Just curious as to why I am being targeted with this stuff. I will send the horoscope stuff back and see if I get my money back and any more stuff like this will be fire lighters from now on.
Hope this will help you all out there to aviod the pitfalls of snail mail.
Cheers Pat