  • Report:  #1063283

Complaint Review: Market Place Homes - Livonia Michigan

Reported By:
blincoln - Volo, Illinois,

Market Place Homes
17197 Laurel Park Drive Livonia, 48152 Michigan, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Leased a town home in Illinois a little over a year ago. Before signing the lease i asked about several points one being lawncare. The response was that "since its a town home there is an association and the homeowner would be responsible for that" meaning I (the renter) was not responsible for lawncare. We moved in. After a few weeks the lawn began to grow so i started emailing several people at marketplace homes. I got no response from the person i was emailing so i tried the address of someone else that i worked with when singing the lease. After a lot of back and forth where i first had to show them the original emails to prove that they were responsible for lawn care and a few more unanswered emails i was told to hire someone and have them contact Market Place Homes to make arrangements for payment. As far as i knew i was done but a few weeks later the landscaper stopped showing up. When i called him he tells me hes never been paid. So again im emailing and calling to get this resolved. He reluctantly begins cutting the lawn again until a few weeks later when he stops and tells me he hasnt been paid. None of the emails i sent asking about status were ever responded to. To this day i don't know if hes ever been paid because he wont take my calls and Market Place Homes never responded about the issue. A couple of months ago my lease ended. I emailed asking what the status with a new lease was and got a short "ill take a look at this" email and no response after that. A month or two go by with no response until I get an email warning me that my neighbors are complaining about my lawn and that "I" should mow it. I sent a response reminding them that "THEY" are responsible for the lawn and that "I" would not be getting involved with it this year. At the end of summer last year i sent an email stating that i would not get involved this year. After forwarding the dozens of emails from last year to the new contact at Market Place Homes i get an email telling me that my lease is up and that the rent would be raised $200 + i would have to agree to maintaining the lawn myself. The rent increase was based on a bogus comparison with a property in my area that has twice the square footage/rooms of the Town House i am renting. No "we are sorry for the mess we created let us fix this for you". Instead they changed the terms of the original agreement and told me "tough luck". I don't have any other complaints. I'm rarely home because i travel for work and my rent is automatically withdrawn so there aren't any issues there. There was only 1 issue and Market Place Homes dropped the ball then tried to punish me instead of resolving the issue they created. I am so glad i didn't have any real issues at this place. I can't even imagine what its like to have real problems while waiting for Market Place Homes to resolve them. Now i have to absorbe the cost of moving to a new place. I wonder what they tell the home owner when asked why the tenant moved. Stay very far away from this company.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Response above is incorrect

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, July 03, 2013

I have email correspondences that backup every claim made in the original report. If anyone is interested please contact me and I will forward the information to you.

The lease agreement (i have that too) does state that the resident is responsible for lawn care. After reading the lease I contacted Marketplace homes via email asking about that and several other points I didn't agree with in the lease. The response about lawn care was:

Me: 'Item 11. "Lawn and landscape care". Am I responsible for this? Isn't there an association that takes care of this?"

Marketplace Employee: "Item 11: Yes, this is a townhome, and there is an association that takes care of the grounds.  The homeowner pays the townhouse fee, you do not."

Had the Marketplace Homes employee said "You are responsible for the lawn" I would have had the choice to not rent the townhouse or rent it and accept that I would be responsible for it. I asked them to hire someone or reduce my rent enough to cover costs and I would hire a landscaper myself. Their response to me all last year was "we don’t have anyone, we made a mistake, and we can’t reduce your rent". Their response should have been "we are sorry for this and we will make it right."

The Marketplace Homes employee instead said that the homeowner is responsible for it. I have dozens of emails that document the nightmare of me trying to get them to respond to me and then to respond to the landscaper that I had to find and then me trying to get them to pay the landscaper. I still don’t know if he ever got paid. Marketplace homes never responded to me. The landscaper won’t return my calls so I assume he didn’t get paid.

So does the email statement made by the Marketplace homes act as a legal addendum/change to the lease? If so then Marketplace homes did not honor their end of the lease agreement. If the email statement is not a legal change then a Marketplace homes employee lied to me or made a mistake and waited a year to resolve it. Either way Marketplace Homes made a mistake and chose not to resolve it.

At no point did Marketplace homes attempt to work with me. The only interaction I had with them was me asking them “what’s going on?” and them saying “we will get back to you” or “we can’t fix it” followed by weeks of no response until I again send them an email asking “what’s going on?”  Last year at the end of summer I sent an email stating that I would not be involved in lawn care this year (2013). I received no response until this year when they had the nerve to tell me that neighbors were complaining and that I should "mow my lawn".  This is when I contacted them and told them I wasn’t going to get sucked into this again and reminded them  (by forwarding every single email to them) about their responsibility to take care of the lawn.

The part about me getting a "great value" and the rents "rising" might have held water if they did it before the lawn issue came up months later. My lease ended months ago. I contacted Marketplace homes before it was over asking "when will I get a new lease". The response I got was "We would send a new lease.  I’ll check with the Renewals Manager on the lease, and if the homeowner has renewed yet." That was March 19 2013. Several months passed with no response.

I chose not to renew because Marketplace homes dropped the ball during the first lease. At no point did they try and resolve the issue. The only effort anyone at marketplace homes made to resolve this issue was to raise my rent $200 based on an incorrect market comparison with a home that has twice the square footage. I have PDF files of these comparison homes. One is a large single family home compared to a similar sized townhome with my address. The home with my address doesn’t really exist.

It’s a mistake or purposely faked (not by market place homes. It has existed online for over a year. I remember seeing it when I was originally looking to rent my townhouse).  I informed them of their mistake about this also and never received a response.  They also asked me to sign a new lease assuming responsibility for the lawn. The $200 increase would have been fine or I might have agreed to lawn care but when they hit me with both I decided I wasn’t going to stand for anymore terrible customer service.

Ripoff Reports is NOT meant to punish companies and cost them money. It’s here to help other consumers avoid issues like the one I ran into. If a report here ends up costing businesses money...it’s their own fault. Lawn care at my residence was $140 a month. $140 X 6 months is $840 a year. Seems like a VERY small amount of money to lose a tenant over. Their response here instead of an “I’m sorry that happened” I get accused me of not being honest.

The response to this report is so far off the mark that I wonder if the person who responded knew any of the real/related facts. If they didn't then they should do more research before responding to reports or sending me threatening emails. If they did have the facts it appears that they ignored them.  I withheld employee names last time and this time even though the responder chose not to extend that courtesy to me.  I created a new user name with my full name. The next time I find a false response here I will be posting every email I have ever sent to or received from Marketplace homes in its entirety so that everyone can see what (and how much) actually took place including the email I got from the CEO tonight.

If you think my description of their handling of this issue sounds crazy just wait until you read the play by play. Stay very far away from this company. Who wants to bet whether or not I will get my security deposit back? I have to hire a contractor, photographer and cleaning company and get notarized statements from them to take with me to court if they refuse to refund it. At the end of all this it will cost me apx $3500 in moving expenses and I MIGHT get my security deposit back or end up spending at least that much in legal fees to pursue it.



#3UPDATE Employee

Wed, July 03, 2013

Obviously, we are sorry to hear from an unsatisfied customer.  However, we did nothing wrong in this situation.  Mr. Burks' lease clearly states that he must "perform all routine maintenance and upkeep of the Premises and pay costs associated with such including, but not limited to, lawn and landscape care, snow and ice removal…"  Therefore, we are in no way responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the lawn/landscape at Mr. Burks' home.  Nevertheless, we tried working with him and even paid for lawn and landscape care ourselves, even though not required to.  Regarding his rental increase, Mr. Burks was able to rent this home at a great value and, as the rental market continues to thrive, rents in that area continue to rise.  We gave Mr. Burks the opportunity to renew at a higher rate and he chose not to.

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