Riverdale,#2Author of original report
Thu, November 09, 2006
The rest of the story is that I ripped the check up at the bank and handed it to the teller to throw it away. I had no intentions of trying to defraud anyone on purpose
White Plains NY 10606,#3REBUTTAL Individual responds
Wed, November 08, 2006
Hi Kathy I got a similar check also from Masco Contractor Services and yes I was happy to see $4880.00 come out of the sky and have my bank account up some but yes I have called up the bank first to see that it wasn't some fraudulent check and looked up Masco on the Internet but however I was smart to rip up that check after investigating this on this Rip Off Website. If I had deposited that check and it cleared in my bank then Masco Contractor would have reported it lost or stolen or counterfeited and I would have in the long run had to pay the bank back that money or more. The point is no Lottery that you didn't enter pays you that much money out of the sky for nothing unless theres a risky crooked catch. The real Masco didn't write this check. Some Fence company con artist rip off scammers did it and they did it with their computers and they send you money telling you to send phony taxes to them via Western Union and say you will get tons more when in reality lose tons more and if you took that 4 grand and ran then you would have lost more in some ways of them adn Masco reporting that money lost or stolen. What my wish is, is that the Better Business Bureau and Bad Business Bureau and FBI catch up with those people soon.
San Antonio,#4Consumer Comment
Wed, November 08, 2006
I know we're not getting the whole story. I know you're leaving out all the good parts. "I was told this was a fraudulent check and if I ever received any other letters of this nature that I should just throw it out". You didn't by chance just deposit the check anyway? Even after being told it was no good. Why were you arrested? If not for trying to pass a forged and fictitious check? The amazing part is people blame the company who's check has been ripped off. It all boils down to this british lottery scam of which there are hundreds of posts on this site. Masco didn't send you the counterfeit check, the lottery did. So why blame them?