  • Report:  #1343753

Complaint Review: Media 360 / Sticky Media - Scottsdale Arizona

Reported By:
Jimmy Travis - Blue Springs, Alabama, USA

Media 360 / Sticky Media
8541 E. Anderson Drive - Suite 102 Scottsdale, 85255 Arizona, USA
8800 N. Gainey Center Dr.
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In March 2016 I received a call from a Chocolate Milk Media representative that was calling in response to a search I had performed while seeking to consider franchise business opportunities for extra income. They begin to explain an opportunity to invest in a company called Media 360 aka: Sticky Media. They had explained that in this company each investor would invest in digital monitors that display ads in select locations for the purpose of making a cash flow from a percentage of the ad values.

The way it was explained each monitor holds up to 200 ads that sell of anywhere from 50 to 200 dollars each and the investor would them receive 20% of the sales. You buy into a network of screens in each sector. I was told by Jason the owner of Chocolate Milk Media that my screens would be placed in the dispensories in Denver, Colorado in a 2000 screen market. He explained that the profits from all 2000 screens would then be divided up between all the investors. I was told that it was not a get rich quick scheme but a good way to make a couple hundred dollars a month extra.

I was very reluctant in signing up and requested to speak to some other investors before signing on. It just didn't feel right to me, but after speaking to several others on the phone I decided to give it a try. And that's when the run around began!

They next put me in contact with a company called Flexbuy that was responsible for securing my $10,000.00 loan for the initial investment. I was given three different lending sources and chose Avant Bank. Avant bank approved me and wired my $10,000 into my account. Then I was instructed to take 3 months of payments out and send in the rest because it would take 4 months to get set up and start receiving a cash flow from the investment. 

After I wired the $8992.76 to Chocolate Milk Media they then put me in contact with Les at Media 360 to set up my screens and get me started making money. I talked to Les and he was ready to get started. However, he decided that I couldn't be in the dispensories because he felt that the new business with Union Taxi would be a better money making opportunity for my screens. 

We talked several times and I was told to get ready to make some money because the payments would start coming in July. I waited and nothing came. I then started to get skeptical and called to see if Les realy worked at Media 360 only to find out that he really did work there. 

After the call in I then received a call from a man by the name of Reid Johnson who identified himself as the C.F.O. of Sticky Media. Finally, I thought I was going to get somewhere with this and get things going. Here I,ve been talking to Les for 4 months and still haven't made any money. The only thing I had to this point was a monthly payment of $335. 

He said he would get with Les and try and get to the bottom of the issue and low and behold I received a call from Les, who up until this time has been non-responsive. Les then apologized and said he had been out of the country and that's why he hadn't called. He then told me he wasn't quite ready because he had to crunch the numbers for this new mall going in that he wanted to place my screens in. Again, it's a better opportunity and more money for me! Right! 

I then confronted him on the issue nad emailed Reid because all they were giving me was the run around. I explained that before he left the country I was already supposed to be making money and now we have to wait again for the next opportunity. He brushed it off as usual and tried to sell me on the fact that it was in my best interest...

At that point I had had enough and felt it was time to show my cards and stand tall ready for a battle. I sent Reid an email explaining to him that I had almost all the telephone conversations with Les recorded as well as the emails saved. In addition I informed him that I would relinquish the evidence to the BBB, Attorney General's Office, and FBI to press fraudulent charges against his company. Then I sent him a copy of the messages so he could listen to them himself thinking this might get his attention and make him want to correct the problem with Les and get the ball rolling for me. 

Unfortunately, he did no such thing. He had no interest in making things right with me and then denied any involvment wit Chocolate Milk Media. He explained in an email that he didn't even know who Jason was and that they received no contribution from me and didn't owe me any screens. He explained that my deal was with Chocolate Milk Media and not Media 360. 

In the midst of all the debacle with Les I had talked to my initial contact at Chocolate Milk Media, Leslie. She informed me that she had taken another job because Jason has to shut the office down and work from home for finacial reasons.

The funniest part of all this is that right after I showed my hand and reveiled my plan to Reid I all the sudden received a call from Jason at Chocolate Milk Media and the office was back up and running. We then had several phone conversations (all recorded of course) and he made a promise to sell my screens and return my money in full. The last conversation I had with Jason was around 11/16/2016. He was in New York and going to get me my money back as soon as he returned to the office after the holiday.

That's the last time I have spoken to Jason and now he incognito. He has become non-responsive. I have talked to Leslie though and she said she would relay the message that I needed to speak with him, but he still has yet to call.

So here I am supporting a 7 person home with 5 children, working full time, not gonna have Christmas presents, and at times struggling to buy groceries because I made a bad deal with a scam pair of scam companies. All the while their going to enjoy Christmas and never skip a beat. Life is good!

This is a bait and switch scam operation! They played me from day 1 and I am pretty sure that come January 1st I am going to have to hire an attorney and sue them to get my money back. Hopefully though, with all the evidence, it won't cost me anything but time. 

** IT'S A SCAM ** IT'S A SCAM ** IT'S A SCAM ** 


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