  • Report:  #1077299

Complaint Review: MEDICREDIT INC. - internet Internet

Reported By:
Justice Seeker SPEAK IT - Anywhere, Georgia,

221 Bolivar Street, Jefferson City, MO 65101 internet, Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

“Extortion:   Black’s Law Dictionary, Revised Fourth Edition:  Extortion.  Unlawful obtaining of money from another.  People v. Parkinson, 181 Misc. 603, 41,N.Y.S.2d 331, 334.  . . . . . Term applies to persons who exact money either for the performance of a duty, the prevention of injury, or the exercise of influence, and covers the obtaining of money or other property by operating on fear or creduility, or by promise to conceal the crimes of others.”….

Above you will find the definition of Extortion as defined by Black’s law dictionary.  Have you ever received a letter that instilled fear in you, that if you didn’t pay it, they would harm your credit?


Most people have, and that is the “policy” they operate under.  If you have paid any bill that you did not owe in the past or are facing that right now, then please reflect on the following before paying or calling an attorney – “You be the judge”.

Weigh the facts. 

These are the facts presented before the people, for the people, by the people and of the people. – You be the jury, to determine if fear and intimidation was intended. 

I submit before the people that I have a near perfect credit score.  I submit before the people I pay most of my bills the day they arrive in my mailbox.  I submit before the people that I have reviewed all of my EOB’s (explanation of benefits) from both of my insurance providers – Fact:  I am double insured – which means except for a small deductible here and there, I owe nothing after the first quarter.

I submit before the people that I received no bills, statements or other communication demanding monies from ANY provider before receiving the attached collection letter.

I submit before the people that what I am presenting before you is factually true to the best of my knowledge, so help me God.

Fact:  I am disabled and sleep about 3 hours during the day; my disability affects my eyes, and the more letters I have to write against corrupt collection agencies; the less time I have before corneal transplants will become a necessity– so this malicious and unnecessary harassment is only bringing permanent harm to my major organs.

Fact:  I received the attached letter on August 16, 2013. (didacted for identity theft purposes).

Fact:  The local post office has not, and so far has not responded to my request, now months old, to be reasonably accommodated, under the ADA, so I can’t check my mail often, but this time I just had a feeling (see comment related to character assassination).

Fact:  When I checked my voicemail on Monday, August 19th, 4 of the 5 voicemails were from this company “threatening to collect on me, take my monies” yet I did not receive the letter until late in the day on Friday.  We keep the Sabbath, no work to be done.  The company is closed on Sundays.

 I submit before the people that I have been a target of a campaign of character assassination to include my credit.  I believe this threatening letter, was meant to instill fear in me, and to cause me harm, by spending over 14 hours of research and writing to send just the first letter, to dispute a claim less than $200.  But I submit before the people, that my research shows they do this every day, in every town, to include sending these type of letters even to law enforcement. 

Fact:  I and my spouse have personally spoken to them – they too are receiving these letters.  Why?  Because you see, people with certain levels of authority, if they lose their credit, they lose their job.  So these letters are meant not only to threaten their credit, but their ability to keep their jobs.

Now, the people, are my jury, a jury of the people, by the people, and for the people; I ask you, is this type of letter – extortion?  Would it instill fear in you?  Especially, if it could cost you your security clearances and your job?   Please note, this writer was forced to not hire a decorated 15 year war veteran several years ago, because although a stellar life, man, father, and citizen, had had his credit ruined because of letters like the one attached.  So is the attached letter, extortion?  Character assassination?  Or just doing business?   If just doing business, please define your definition – thank you. 

This same type of tactic; a campaign of intimidation aimed at our veterans. It is to our shame that we allow our heroes, who risked their lives for the people, to be treated with such open contempt.  Are these collection agency companies **fragging?  Again you, the people decide.  You are the jury. 

I, One of the people, by the people, and for the people; rest my case.

 . . . . see next report.  (note: may not be on the same company) hint:   it will be probably be a report on Labcorp Corporation of America.

** Fragging is a term used by war veterans, being shot in the back by people you thought were on your side. 


See attached "photo" upload of letter.

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