The Fraud Chick
Ethics,#2Consumer Suggestion
Sat, August 30, 2003
Robert, Public businesses can fire anyone they like. You dont enjoy whistle-blower status that government employees enjoy. I wonder why the company waited one week to fire you if it was for questioning the child labor? Your story is interesting but it seems that there are pieces missing. Make sure you have your ducks in a row before you go to the mattresses.
Waldorf,#3Consumer Suggestion
Fri, August 29, 2003
There are a few things that baffle me. First, as for your unemployment, there is no way you could have collected for a week, no matter what. With DLLR, you must have worked (as many jobs as needed, etc) for at least 6 to 9 months. They would give you unemployment because of those past employers, not this one. There would be no need for them to neither protest your filing, nor would there be compensation benefits hearing or benefits held due to them protesting. The only way there was a hold on your benefits/application would be because of past employers over the last 6 to 9 months protesting, not a company where you were employed for a week, you just cant collect on them for one week of work. Sorry, thats just the way it is. It also takes about a month to receive and benefits to begin with. I do believe that something was very wrong with this employer, only I have to ask some questions. First, where is this childs parent? Most state laws will not allow a child to work until the age of 14 or 16 (depending on the state) and anyone under 18 has a work curfew of 11 PM or 12 AM (again, this depends on the state). All that being said, there are somethings that you can do at this point. First, find out if this child is still working at this company, if so, call child welfare, theyll love to hear about child labor. Then I guess well find out were the parents are. Second, do contact OHSA, there is another organization on a state level that is pretty much the same as OSHA but will be state involved only, DLLR, DLLRs Wage & Hour Division and your state health department. These all would be a good place to start. No one has the right to make a child work, especially without any pay and they should all go to jail for this. You also mentioned asking the owner for a pink slip. Send a certified letter, return recite requested, and to the owners attention. On this letter put in bold letters: RE: Employment of (your name). Then on the next line write (again in bold letters) First Request for written termination excuse. The DLLRs Wage & Hour Division have strong holdings for the employer to send this information when requested by the former employee(s). In this letter, give them a reasonable amount of time to reply, usually 10 to 30 days and let them know up front that will send a copy of this letter to DLLRs Wage & Hour Division and file a complaint if you do not have a copy of the written reason within this time frame. If you dont hear back, file another complaint. But, make sure you send them a copy of the signed Certified letter recite. Good Luck!