  • Report:  #248684

Complaint Review: Moore Motivation - Kaufman Texas

Reported By:
- Kaufman, Texas,

Moore Motivation
7728 CR 4095 Kaufman, 75142 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This is more of a beware notice to other residents in the Kaufman area. We had a family move in several years ago that by all appearances seems normal and has a Home Based Business.

I met an individual & his wife that seemed likeable and based on our converasation had things in common. They mentioned the had a side business and were looking to expand. I being very entreprenural, was willing to look at what they had going on.

After going to a non-descript meeting about this business opportunity. I met a very charismatic couple that based on first appearances seem friendly and honest. Come to find out this was a Quixtar MLM recruiting meeting, they could have just come out and stated this, if we are talking honesty here & no cloak and dagger. I am sure it is done this way to make sure someone shows up.

Everyone has heard about Amway/Quixtar (yes they are one & the same) for years. One is the older traditional door to door & the other is internet based that Amway moved in 1999.

After learning more and realizing this is a pyramid scheme & it is with a hidden tools business that no one tells you about that only the upper pins(kingpins that have developed a group) benefit from and outlandish unsubstantiated claims of wealth. After having some background info pulled on this couple I find that they have filed bankruptcy in Alaska before, never paid creditors, recently had a home repossesed, left Alaska because they need fresh meat as they have burned through the market in Alaska after many years of ripping people off.

In this so called business, to succeed you have to be part of the core (means you buy all products, be on the books and tapes program) or be blackballed. This guy has an ego bigger than Texas and a ruthless nature to get rid of anyone that threatens his position of power. The reach of this madman Jeff Moore and his wife Andrea Moore extends more than on the business side. They prey on individuals looking for friendship and that are easily taken advantage of or trusting souls. These people serve them and believe they are serving God by doing so. They had several familes follow them from Alaska.

Part of the program is you have to council upline. I believe that a mentorship program is a good thing. But not when it comes to you should have your wife wear a dress (if she would like to I am ok with that), how men should dress, should you buy a car, should you buy a house. The problem is that you have the fox guarding the hen house. They will tell you that it is in their best interest for you to succeed and that you should save up to pay cash for everything (they are financed to the teeth themselves). The reason for this is they want a hand in controlling how you spend your money & want it spent through their business at a profit to them.

They use an effective method of brainwashing people. There are several methods used, sleep depravation (constant meetings that go into the very late hours after you get off work), seperation from family (people are with you or against you), seperation from the world (no TV, News, selected books and tapes)

I think this couple sincerely believes the lies they tell people. To top this off Jeff Moore thinks he is a self proclaimed profit & is a gun fanatic?? You gotta be kidding me. I have some guns but don't carry one everywhere I go, as well as my wife. They have associations around the Dallas area & with a Pastor Bacon out of Arlington, also a member of this organization, I would heavily scrutinize this church. The Moore's draw people to them to lend credibility to their business and to their legitimacy as religious leaders. They look to sponsor prominent individuals such as doctors, pastors, lawyers(they don't get many of these, they hate lawyers) business owners, etc..

All I can say is that don't be the sucker. Do your own research before becoming associated with these individuals or this organization. Make sure you know what you are getting into and recognize a cult for what it is.

I am sure the Moore's would have some cooked up justifcation for their actions, more likely Andrea as she is the brains. But nothing can justify the manipulation and interferance into other peoples lives, finances under the pretense of a business. If you want to operate a business (granted a MLM, Pyramid) do so, If you want to open a legitimate church do so. But we have had our Waco and you can take you happy Cult loving butt out of our State and back where you came from. I am sure Alaska and its residents are waiting with baited breath for you to come back.


Kaufman, Texas

16 Updates & Rebuttals


Amway/Quixtar is a SCAM

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, January 23, 2015

These scam artists are just one of many who operate within the Amway illegal pyramid. An illegal pyramid is where there is little to no retail selling. Amway's own 2006 report showed that number to be 3.4%, which is actually inflated, because they also teach people how to cheat, by falsifying records. Amway is also a RICO fraud, as 10X or more profit comes from the tools (various meetings, books, CDs, websites, voice mail, etc.) compared to the Amway products. For many more details and backup documentation to the above facts, see www.StopTheAmwayToolScam.wordpress.com


United States of America
The Moores

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, November 07, 2012

I knew the Moores for quite some time in the 80s and 90s when I was in Amway, and I've gotta say, having spent quite a bit of time in business "under" them, the claims in this report are baseless.  They are a wonderful and supportive couple and tremendous business leaders.

Although I moved on from that business to pursue other interests, I would still highly recommend it to anyone looking for a way to make their own way in the world and take control of their financial future- a lot of us need that option right about now.

There's nothing cultish about this couple or the way they do business, and anyone who says otherwise is speaking from ignorance, fear, or some other nefarious motivation.

All my best to Jeff and Andrea.

Alaskan Hunter


#4Consumer Comment

Tue, April 12, 2011

Just thought I would submit an update on where the Moore's have landed in the MLM world.

They are not part of a group called "Leadership Team Development" ..  A link of this group is here..

The Moore's are still listed under Executive Dimond's on the Amway Wiki site.  Truth is they have not qualified at this level since the 90's.    Not sure how they are presenting themselves today.

Another good link is this one on common lie's told by MLM recruiters..

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Alaskan Hunter

Wow Is Jeff Still Around??

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, October 28, 2009

In reading this report after having spent close to seven years in association with Jeff Moore and ILD, yes I said seven.  I myself can't believe I was sucked in for that long.  I am in total agreement with Doug's report.

With any business when you have the human element you have to worry about greed, motives, etc..  To those that think joining a get rich quick scheme is the ticket.. good luck, it doesn't work like that otherwise everyone would be doing it. 

Back to Moore Motivation, I have been to the men's meetings, to the Moore's house at big lake and I can go on and on.  The short of it is you should realize Jeff Moore is chosen and that he is completely beyond reproach.  From his viewpoint if you are not with him (agree with every hair-brained idea he has) you are against him and he will flush you out of the business.  You need to understand you are in his business when you are down-line from him, whether directly sponsored or not and not in your own business.  Smoke and mirrors..  With that said, I did extract alot of good out of the business and the associations I made.

The friends I made in the business are mostly still friends today.  The thing most all of us have in common is that we all no longer associate with Jeff & Andrea.  Some are still active in the business but have moved over to Humphrey's organization because Jeff is whacked out.  Can sooo many people be wrong??  I understand that he is part of a new group out of the east coast somewhere due to Jack picking Humphrey over him to lead ILD.. sorry don't know the name..

As far as the last rebuttal, success is different for everyone.  I have had financial and other success's in my life but failures as well.  Saying that everyone is complaining because they were not successful in Amway/Quixtar or do something other than whine, is just a way of sweeping it under the carpet.  The bulk of what Doug put out there is completely valid.

Congratulations Doug for doing something that I myself didn't think to do and that is warn people of the inherit danger of giving someone like Jeff influence in your life.  Doug's post was a warning and one people should take to heart.

Seeing people build a group and start doing quite well in Amway/Quixtar.  Then for them to get cross ways with Jeff making them a threat to him because you can't have a different point of view than him.  And then seen him tear them down because of his own immaturity.   That is why I left the business.  How could I in good conscience build a business built on people and relationships and allow a whack job to have the ability to destroy my financial well being in the event I disagree with them. 

I as well as quite a few other people I know are very happy the Moore's were called to go to Texas, by Andrea's vision.  I wish I would have saved the VM I got on that one, I could post it for you.  I wish them all the best so they will see no need to return.   Sorry Doug, there all yours now.. enjoy..

jake huotari

Amway re butt


Mon, August 31, 2009

I think all thee people who are opposed to Jeff Moore or Amway are missinformed in fact I would venture to guess none of you have succeded in any endeavor in life. People who whine about thier lack of ambition compared to the abundance of ambition displayed in those around you, need to take a look in the mirror. Quit complaining and do something.

I have built a very succesful Amway Global business and I have also built a very succesful home remodel business. I have a wife and two very good kids who love and appreciate having a husband/ father who has the guts to actually do something instead of complaining.

 I can not see the difference between any business endeavor that is legit.            Hard work x smart work = results. Prove me wrong. Broke mentality will never get you rich, it is like trying to stick a square peg in a round hole...grab a hammer and some safty glasses. Its goona get messy. Proper thought process leads to proper results. Square peg square hole. easy peasy champ.

 Amway has been around for more than 50 years. It is privately held and is debt free. That says more than 99.9% of all your "jobs" or employers. A true Texan would not complain he would man up and and quit acting like a child. I would like to put you and 10 of your friends and me and 10 of my Amway friends and see who lives a happier life. Who do you think complains more, who do you think lives better, who do you think is more productive with their time.

I am waiting for a response to my challenge.

It is always well done as opposed to well said...DO something.


South Carolina,

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, September 28, 2008

Guys, great job posting all these reports. Last year (2007) quixtar lawsuit was over a million dollars. Quixtar ripped off a lot of people and in the state of california the judge ordered quixtar to pay one individual about 6000 a month for life for all the lies and misleading acts. You can see the lawsuits in most of the court websites. I encourage you all to do another thing and that is go to the state attorney or someone who knows about the laws in your state like a lawyer, but someone who is better. I encourage you to put this company with that persob and explain the problems. You know that false advertising can put you in jail for a long time plus a huge fine. So instead of putting reports on ripoff report, go do as I said in the above. I am willing to stop this company and I need a lot of people who can help.


South Carolina,

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, September 28, 2008

Guys, great job posting all these reports. Last year (2007) quixtar lawsuit was over a million dollars. Quixtar ripped off a lot of people and in the state of california the judge ordered quixtar to pay one individual about 6000 a month for life for all the lies and misleading acts. You can see the lawsuits in most of the court websites. I encourage you all to do another thing and that is go to the state attorney or someone who knows about the laws in your state like a lawyer, but someone who is better. I encourage you to put this company with that persob and explain the problems. You know that false advertising can put you in jail for a long time plus a huge fine. So instead of putting reports on ripoff report, go do as I said in the above. I am willing to stop this company and I need a lot of people who can help.


South Carolina,

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, September 28, 2008

Guys, great job posting all these reports. Last year (2007) quixtar lawsuit was over a million dollars. Quixtar ripped off a lot of people and in the state of california the judge ordered quixtar to pay one individual about 6000 a month for life for all the lies and misleading acts. You can see the lawsuits in most of the court websites. I encourage you all to do another thing and that is go to the state attorney or someone who knows about the laws in your state like a lawyer, but someone who is better. I encourage you to put this company with that persob and explain the problems. You know that false advertising can put you in jail for a long time plus a huge fine. So instead of putting reports on ripoff report, go do as I said in the above. I am willing to stop this company and I need a lot of people who can help.


South Carolina,

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, September 28, 2008

Guys, great job posting all these reports. Last year (2007) quixtar lawsuit was over a million dollars. Quixtar ripped off a lot of people and in the state of california the judge ordered quixtar to pay one individual about 6000 a month for life for all the lies and misleading acts. You can see the lawsuits in most of the court websites. I encourage you all to do another thing and that is go to the state attorney or someone who knows about the laws in your state like a lawyer, but someone who is better. I encourage you to put this company with that persob and explain the problems. You know that false advertising can put you in jail for a long time plus a huge fine. So instead of putting reports on ripoff report, go do as I said in the above. I am willing to stop this company and I need a lot of people who can help.


A note from someone with firsthand knowledge of the Moore Organization

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, September 18, 2008

I can't say that I was surprised to see that the first result for a google search for Moore Motivation comes up with this Rip Off Report. I was in the Moore "downline" for about two years. I can personally attest to some of the things stated above. Jeff definitely uses the business meetings to spout his outrageous religious and political views. As for the concealed hand guns, you have to at least wonder about a grown man who feels the need to not only carry a gun every where he goes, but also has the need to hide it from everyone while he does so. Jeff actually believes that the Earth is only about 7,000 years old and doesn't seem to believe in dinosaurs. He also thinks that women and girls should not play sports or do other "un-ladylike" things. Once, our group was going to go for a jog. Jeff didn't think that it was "appropriate" for the women in our group to jog with us. Now I don't understand why he thought we couldn't run a few miles in mixed company, but one gets the feeling that he thinks that all the single women in the group are just there paying their dues until they can find a man to run the businesses for them. This all goes towards the Rip Off alert. In most, if not all, MLM's the rip-off is usually not the actual business, it's the materials they want you to buy to help you run the business. In this case, it's books, tapes or cd's, and seminars. The quixtar business model does not really allow a person's "upline" to make a significant amount of money off of them until they themselves are making money, so the books and tapes and such are an easy way for the uplines to start making money from their downlines right away. I actually don't have a problem with the Quixtar system. It has a valid structure, most of the products are excellent and people can make LOTS of money at it. Be advised that you really have to have the GREED or the NEED to make it work. You have to think of nothing else but your business. And that's the problem. The books and tapes and meetings and seminars are filled with nothing but goofy religious views, outdated political ideas, and lots and lots and lots of GREED. You think that you are getting valuable business information, but what you are really paying for is your own brainwashing. I was flat-out told by my upline that he wasn't going to work with anyone that didn't by all the tapes, all the books, go to all the meetins and seminars and such... They have to have to doing it their way and only their way or they don't even want to talk to you. So, if you are looking for a home based business, Quixtar is probably the simplest and the cheapest. I think that you can sign up for under $200, and yearly dues are under $50. BUT, figure it out yourself. Go at your own pace. DO NOT waste money on books and cd's and seminars. Don't go to anything that cost money. Definitely do not drive long distances or fly to any meetings or seminars. A complete waste of money. The sole purpose of the those types of meetings is to show you all the bling and greed and to get you excited so you'll keep at it for a couple more months. So, like the guy says "run, don't walk" away from the Moore organization and any other "education" organizations for MLM's.

Quixtar Guy

My Response to the Coward named Justin dissing ROR and Doug!!!!

#12Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 09, 2008

Justin, First of all you are an uninformed moron that has been brainwashed into a business cult called Quixtar AKA: AMWAY. Remember? The business cult that also preaches Jesus and Prosperity at the same time. Second, you also put down this site. I don't appreciate that one bit! When you attack ROR, you are attacking the years of consumer advocacy that Ed worked so diligently on, so the public would have a forum to voice their concerns of being ripped off and expose scams. Moore Motivation and others like them, peddle this Quixtar scam to unsuspecting victims and encourage the new recruits to purchase the tapes, videos and pay to go to out of town events and conventions. These events install more brain washing into the minds of the unsuspecting victims. They hear people talk about getting rich, mansions, nice cars and more. This Quixtar crap cost people a fortune and the average Quixtar guy is maybe making $1,400 a year from the scam, but yet the recruits are to blindly purchase products from the Quixtar website. They are encouraged to by their up-line. Most of the guys your seeing at those events are making money from the tapes and videos they get to sell there and speaking fees paid to them. That is where they make their bank roll, and they are scamming people to do it. I hate to break it to you but very few people in life actually get rich quick, the few I have heard of are those that win the lottery. That is the only get rich quick I am aware of. JUSTIN, it is a SCAM! GIVE YOUR HEAD A SHAKE!! GET IT IN YOUR HEAD, QUIXTAR IS A SCAM!! Moore Motivation is a scam!!! Justin please don't post on here anymore, the scam is up, the truth has been told. Doug never slandered you, Moore Motivation paid for you to come on here and try to do some damage control. No matter how many times Moor Motivation tries to log on as some else, the game is up. Everyone knows Justin that Quixtar is a scam and business cult!!!!! I would also be careful Justin that Doug doesn't sue you and Moore Motivation for libel and defamation. Doug is a good man. Thank you Doug for taking the courage to face cowards like Moore Motivation and Justin by going public with what you learned. Doug is a true Texan. Watch the Dateline report on youtube, search "Quixtar Scam." This is shocking what these crooks are doing to unsuspecting people.


direct response to dougs complaint on moore motivation

#13Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 04, 2008

dougs complaint about moore motivation does not follow rip off reports guidelines and should be removed if this web site is to have any credibility. he obviously used rumors and speculation without any fact involved. involved in a cult? really? for real? are you sure? for a fact? carries a gun? since when did that become a crime? i used to work with someone who had a concealed weapon permit. i think doug is a bit unhinged as evidenced by his allergic reaction to a harmless business presentation. the problem with the internet is that any fool can blog or file stupid reports and compaints without any more than a fool notion. i have been involved in amway/quixtar for 25 years and can attest to the positive effects of the whole system. i have purchased some of jeff and andrea moores motivational materials some years back and i feel i recieved great benefit from it. i also have purchased zig ziglars motivational stuff and dave ramsey and napolean hill and norman vincent peal. i feel that i recieved some help from all of them. jeff moore wouldnt know my name but he showed a great kindness to me some years back and i have never forgot it. there was no compensation he could have recieved as i was involved in another business which had nothing to do with him or moore motivation. it was simply an act of kindness and interest to help me personally. i vehemently disagree with the person calling dave a great texan. please. i certainly wouldnt label anything about doug as great. i did notice that in jeff and andrea moores response they were perplexed that doug would say such things having never talked to them. real men would never set out to slander someone so frivolously. doug isnt man enough to be a texan- it is just his geographical location. can you ever imagine sam houston calling someone like doug a great texan? sam houston once beat a man in the street with his cane for slandering his name and reputation. doug could use some of the same medicine to learn some manners and quit himself like a man. shame on you doug! the report was not true, not fair, slanderous, petty, impetuos and childish. you arent fit to stand on texas soil. sincerely, justin

Quixtar Guy

Here's how I Handle the Quixtar Pitch!

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, January 07, 2008

I have had the phone call out of the blue, usually someone I haven't heard from in a long time, or back from the days I was in high school. They pretend that they are calling to see how I am doing. You then find out in the conversation that the real reason they are calling is to pitch you for Quixtar (Amway). They don't usually tell me this right away, they usually say that there is a "Fantastic Business Opportunity" that they would like to share with me. They want me to attend a meeting with them or a meeting with them and their sponsor, so I can fully understand the opportunity, and they rather not discuss it all on the phone. They go onto say it is easier for me to understand in person (the set up or first meeting). You see I don't let them get away with the word games. I ask them what is this? They try hard to dodge me and not be upfront. I then ask them if it is Amway. I then tell them that in my opinion Amway is saturated in the market place, so why would I want to pitch it? They usually come back with the meeting with them personally to understand the opportunity. I tell them, "Hey we are on the phone now, what is this all about, what is it you need of me?" Once they start feeling pinned a bit and realize I am getting ready to hang up, they then discuss the opportunities on the internet, and I can shop online, my friends, etc. They go onto say I can use my id # to purchase as well. Then the items purchased online through my id can be volume for me and I can make so much, etc. I then tell them what is stopping me from setting up my own online shopping site, why do I need Quixtar (Amway)? They then start dropping names of people I have never heard of, so and so will be in town on Friday, he just flew in from Hawaii, etc. They then insist on me meeting with them and their upline for a more private one on one meeting so I can see the opportunities. I then tell these people calling me, "Look, I could make more money running a hot-dog stand on my own with the time and energy I would have to put into going to your meetings, buying tapes and motivational videos; and not only that if I don't want to buy all my products through Amway, I don't need some shmuch in my upline calling me and giving me attitude and asking why I am not doing more, etc. I then tell them, "I am also really hurt that you used our friendship as a means to trick me into being pitched for amway, then the small talk when you ask me how things are going, you don't really care do you? Why have I not heard from you all this time and out of no where your my best bud and have this opportunity of a life time for me?" They at this point start trying to back paddle, they will deny it, but remember what was the reason for the call, are they really my friend or are they pretending to so I will sign up? I then tell them, "Look, I have been to your meetings, I have heard the speaker get everyone pumped up, I have seen the videos, heard the tapes, but I do not think Quixtar is the opportunity for me, I have no desire to be involved in Amway or to have any part of it. I also resent that fact that you called me like we are the best of buds and you wanted to know how I am doing after all these years, and it was all really about you trying to pitch me." That usually does the job, the odd one calls back again for a second round, that is when I get even more firm with them and tell them, "I was nice the first time, I am not interested in your Amway thing." The time and energy of even dealing with the phone calls from these Quixtar People makes me feel ripped off! Thanks Doug for the post on here and the heads up! You are a true Texan.


Jeff and Andera Moore response

#15Consumer Comment

Sun, January 06, 2008

I also have known Jeff and Andera Moore; I was sadden to read the report that I stumbled onto by accident. I Have known these people for many years, and I have not seen any of the things that the Person who wrote the bad press about them. I have not seen or heard from them for many years, outside of when I would talk to mutual friends and would ask how they were and never a bad word. I first meet Jeff when he came to work for All Seasons General Contractors. I was president at the time. That was in Alaska and he served us well. At the time he started in the Amway business and did very well and did not hear anybody complain. To the contrary there where many people who praised them for their help. In moving down to Washington Lost track of Jeff for sometime and then meet him at some meetings that I went to. I did not see any hidden agenda in any of the meeting I went to. I became a member under him and did not do the business as it should be done so was not successful. I was in the construction business in Washington and had several employees. I do not see any difference to the business that he was promoting then what I was doing, in the fact that I would subcontract out much of my work and so some of those people would also subcontract with others. I do not belong to Amway or Quixtar, However do look for buys online at Quixtar as they are llike any business and may have a deal. I will buy where the best deal is, that is the free market way. I got into this habit as a contractor, and it only makes sense. enough said. As far as I know I read their rebuttal and it is all true. Jeff and Andrea built this business from scratch and I give them credit and know them as honest People. Many people in Alaska loved them as we did. As for the name calling from this guy that wrote the report, I would say grow up and do some more research. I hope they have a wonderful life in their new home in Texas. Lowell ****


Run, don't walk!

#16Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 05, 2007

The rebuttal by the owners was professional and well thought-out. However, I have to agree with Doug's conclusion that the owners "believe their own lies." Whether or not Quixtar meets the legal definition of a pyramid scheme, it is nonetheless a pyramid scheme in the commonly accepted definition of the term. The same dangers are present whether or not the company has structured itself as to straddle the line of "pyramid scheme." And, in all reality, Quixtar probably does meet the legal definition of a pyramid scheme. The only problem is that nobody has taken the time to prove it. This is largely because an individual involved in litigation against Quixtar can't afford the fees associated with proving that Quixtar meets the definition. But the legal definition of a product-based pyramid scheme is an organization wherein less than 70% of sales, by revenue, are made to persons who are not a part of the organization. I defy any Quixtar rep to show that at least 70% of the company's sales are made to outside consumers. Quixtar products are over-priced. On the average, a Quixtar product costs roughly 30% more than its retail counterpart. The motivational materials are bogus. They are presented in the guise of business and marketing education, but are nothing more than testimonials and blatant fallacies. The only business advice presented is some of the most HORRIBLE advice anyone could give. The motivational materials are pushed heavily because, once a downline gets too bloated, the upline can no longer make any money from the PV/BV system. Don't believe me? Take the time to understand the commission structure, plot out a business projection, and see how your commissions dwindle as your business increases. The average IBO earns about $115 per month. If so may as 10% of IBOs are earning even a minimum wage income, the remaining 90% are averaging about $26 per month. Subtract from that the cost of motivational materials, meetings, conventions, start-up costs, the costs associated with paying inflated prices for products, and other business related expenses, and it's clear that the vast majority of IBOs are LOSING money.

Jeff And Andrea Moore

Jeff and Andrea Moore, Moore Motivation, Quixtar Business Legitimate - Not a Ripoff

#17REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, October 05, 2007

Wow! Someone is getting some wrong information! Let us help set the record straight. We did move to Kaufman three years ago, we do have a large Quixtar business that we operate out of our home. We are happy to hear that we appear friendly and honest. People who know us well will tell you we are just that. Our parents started us in this business years ago and we have not done anything else since 1987. We have also helped many other people develop primary and secondary incomes. We recommend people show the marketing concept to prospective business associates personally before they invite them to a meeting so there is no misunderstanding about what they will be coming to see. This avoids confusion and the cloak and dagger feeling you experienced. Our apologies, but we're sure the people who invited you had only the best intentions. Amway did make way for Quixtar in 1999 but will be recombined and renamed within the next 18 months. It is not a pyramid scheme, pyramid schemes are illegal. Check with the Better Business Bureau for details. We have never filed bankruptcy, we have paid any and all creditors, our home was not repossessed. This information is simply not true. We did give an office building back to the bank several years ago due to a zoning block to make way for a Home Depot that needed our land. We regret that it happened, we were blindsided, but are wiser and about 500k lighter for the experience. We are not financed to the teeth, we are also not debt free but are working toward that end. Read some of Dave Ramsey's stuff and you will know what we recommend and try to follow ourselves. We have books and CD's available through our training system. There is a small override paid to Platinums and above on any profits. This is not a secret, and commonly explained in our initial presentation. We have never blackballed anyone; we work with people who want to build a legitimate home business. We have patterns and tips that work and we recommend these patterns. They include such things as how to dress for success, good hygiene, and don't eat a bunch of garlic right before a presentation. We do not prey on anyone and no one serves us thinking they are serving God. This is simply ludicrous. We attend a mainstream protestant church with Pastor Bacon in Mesquite, not Arlington. Pastor Bacon is not a member of our Quixtar business. We are only self proclaimed sinners saved by grace. We do enjoy shooting, are members of the NRA and the GOA. We enjoy hunting, fishing, playing pool and old fashion gospel music. It's sad when such American things together can sound to someone like a cult. We have been back to Alaska since moving to Texas, we have many good friends there and still do quite a bit of business in the state. We hope to have addressed all the issues other than the name calling. We have to say we are surprised by this whole fabricated complaint as we don't know who this is or why we were not addressed personally. We are easy to find. Sincerely Jeff and Andrea Moore Moore Motivation

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