  • Report:  #1439909

Complaint Review: Music Xray - New York NY

Reported By:
Gordon - Melbourne, Australia

Music Xray
25 Broadway Fl 9 New York, 10004-1058 NY, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I started using Music Xray back in 2011, and apart from always walking away with a considerably lighetr wallet than I started, I never really had any negative experiences, apart from being selected by a time wasting MIP who found too dificult to even respond upon me being selected.

Fast forward to mid Sept of 2017 when I decided to revisit Music Xray and paid for diagnostics on a track I'd recently finished, just to get an idea of it's potential (or lack thereof), and to cut a long story short, 8 months later I'm still waiting for my 5 MIP ratings (only 4) and 20 fan reviews (only 18).

To be fair, this ISN'T the reason i'm filing this report, 4-5 MIP ratings out of 5 and 18 fan reviews out of a possible 20 gave me all the information I needed to know in redards to the aforementioned song.

Now fast forward to the middle of March 2018, where I decided to create an entirely new account for the purposes of testing a new project, and initial feedback seemed positive with one MIP even selecting the track for a 13 week radio promo, which now appears to be a scam in itself, with the MIP in question having a bunch of dead-end sites and social media platforms that haven't been updated since Sept 2017 and basically run by bots.

After an initial flurry of activity on my new track, the fan participation now stagnates at 12 listeners after a month, which tells me their listener interaction/participation within this genre (rock) is extremly low.

The thing that really set alarm bells off for me was when I tried contacting support regarding why Music Xray email notifications kept turning up in my inbox even after I had disabled them in the setting GIU. In the past contacting support which was a fairly simple process via the online chat module (now defunct), but now you have to go through a convoluted process of aqquiring some sort of password, and then wait for a response so you can hopefully open a support ticket. 

After two attempts to contact support, I've finally come to the conclusion that Music Xray is now running on autopilot. They're basically just sitting back and watching musicians hard-earned money roll through the door, but God forbid you ever want to reach out for whatever reason, they're just not interested in conversation, only your money.

 I don't think Music Xray is a scam in the fact that the industry professionals for the most part seem fairly legit (not all), but I do think it's a scam in the fact that they tack on a ridiculous submission fee and do absolutely NOTHING in regards to helping the very people who are keeping their busness alive, you the musician.

Why would you fork over your hard earned dollars to people who can't even take 5 minutes out of their day to dignify you with a simple email response? 

The answer is, you shouldn't. Avoid this company like the plague. If you're writing good music, the industry will find you. Don't pin your hopes on a dying platform. R.I.P Music Xray, you've seen the last of my cash.


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