I purchased a handbag from this person through ebay. Her auction had three pictures-which were not close-ups, but she advertised the hadbag as AUTHENTIC and offered a money back guarantee to guarantee authenticity. The seller chrged $24 for shipping yet took two weeks to mail the bag. The bag was received and was immediatelty discovered to be FAKE. Not just FAKE, but a very BAD copy.
I immediatelty contacted the seller through the email address that I had, buit received NO reposnse. I have sent this seller e-mails every day, but get no response. I tried calling the seller on the telephone number that I have, but the number has been disconnected. The seller shipped the purse from a different state and address than where we sent the money order.
This seller is a CROOK and has clearly defrauded me. She is no longer an authorized seller on ebay, which tells me that they have something else on her. I am sick because we sent this thief almost $500. She would only accept a money order or cashiers check for the bag. I need to know what my recourse is. We have contacted a few authorities and I have filed a complaint with the Internet Fraud group. I am just extremely angry!