  • Report:  #405065

Complaint Review: National Enterprise Systems - NES - Solon Ohio

Reported By:
- Citrus Heights, California,

National Enterprise Systems - NES
www.nes1.com Solon, Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am one of the many here and elsewhere that have been treated terribly by this company and it's employees. I've spoken to many different NES employees since the first week of November 2008 and the verbal abuse, unrealistic payment expectations, FDCPA violations - just repeat over and over. The one person on here who was able to "settle" within 3 to 4 weeks probably had a debt less than $2K and was fortunate enough to have the cash on hand. I think the majority of us are not in that category.

I sent a letter to them, certified with return-receipt requested on Saturday, December 13, 2008. As of today, December 26, I've not yet received the return-receipt so I don't know if the letter was accepted by NES. The letter requested a final settlement amount in writing (on the phone, the debt amount changes depending on their mood at the time, i.e. add on "legal fees" or take away for settlement - now I have no idea how much they want me to pay) and a reasonable payment plan which included my ability to pay them $500 per month with cashier's check or money order. I stated in the letter that under legal advice, I refuse to provide them my personal checking routing/checking number. I also had to demand that they stop calling any telephone numbers other than my one number that they originally had in my file. They've been calling my parent (I lived with 12 years ago) and another number, and my work. They are legally able to call around to try to find you, however, they found me immediately with my cell number and my correct address, so the "searching" for me by calling other numbers is totally illegal at this point. Plus, I have called them many times and have been hung up on when I've asked for first/last names, when I've asked them to remove other phone numbers, etc.

In the letter, I "cc'd" the Federal Trade Commission, Attorney General for the State of Ohio, as well as the Attorney General of my state. Immediately after printing out my letter I went to the websites of each above listed agency and filed online complaints against this terrible, inhumane company. This company has literally hundreds of pending lawsuits against them and of course very high numbers of complaints at the BBB website. Don't let them turn you into a wreck. I'll update if I get anywhere with my complaints and if I finally get that return-receipt.

Pj west

Citrus Heights, California


6 Updates & Rebuttals


To ex-employee of NES

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, May 31, 2009

Mr. Smith. Are you interested in testifying against NES? If so, contact me. NES has been running roughshod over consumers too long. The only way to stop the practice is to hit them where it hurts (their pocket). Your testimony would be most helpful. Please contact me by email. If you possess the knowledge indicated, I will arrange to take your sworn statement.



#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, May 23, 2009

Everything you say about this company is true. They represent themselves as federal agents... legal litigators... they will say and do anything to get the money. When you are first trained they teach you the FDCPA laws ... but once you get on to the floor and actually start making calls, you are told to forget about what you learned in training. I was one of the few who didnt "beat people up" for their money and still did well working for them. Other people did well by pretending to be federal agents, police officers, and lawyers. Since I am a former employee it seems that they dont try to contact me and I have a recent account in there. They know I coul verifiy everything and know how to take them own. The president of the company and his two sons actually enforce the bad behavior. No matter what they say, they walk around and watch and listen to EVERY word you tell people and stand there and smile when you get a big payment. They pressure you to get banking information.."set the check up now" the most common thing they tell their employees. If you dont set the check up you can get repremanded. To be honest it is all about how much money you set up... not how much money is actually good. Its set up on a fee contigency...you make 20k in fees a month you take home about 3k in a bonus check the next month... so it doesnt matter if a check comes back the month after its put through... you already got your bonus check. I have heard about a lot of people trying to get this company in trouble and shut down, but nobody ever gets anywhere. Please contact me if anything changes with that. I apologize any of you had to go through dealing with them....I witnessed everything you are saying and NOBODY should ever have to deal with that!

Pj west

Citrus Heights,
Update: Response from Ohio AG

#4Author of original report

Mon, January 05, 2009

I received a response of the AG's office of Ohio today. I have two accounts that went to NES, but NES only discussed one, the 2nd of the two that has only been with NES Since December 4. Due to this, NES replied that they had only been contacting me since December 5. This is true for this ONE account, but my complaint covered both and their first communication with me was the first week of November! So, of course they disputed that contact. Ridiculous. Due to my certified letter, NES told the AG's office that they have ceased in telephone contact with me. This I'm thankful for. Now to see if they send me mail... (will update). Now the fun part: NES stated to the Ohio AG's office that they do NOT own my account and they are trying to collect for Arrow Financial Services. This is very interesting (and disturbing) because I was in contact with Arrow (6 calls I made to them) to have them reclaim the debt since NES refused to accept payments. Arrow stated to me (in one very long conversation) they could not do that since the account was now owned by NES. So, NES and/or Arrow are lying about who owns my accounts! What's a person to do when these collection agencies are tag teaming us? NES also stated in the letter that "The employee's (NES) description of their activities with regard to (my) account differs from what (I) sets forth in her complaint." Well, of course it does. What are they going to say to the AG? "Yeah, we treated her like crap, we admit it." Then it went on about how they're all trained in FDCPA, blah blah. I am still wanting to pay my debts. I am still wondering how that is going to happen. I think next step is to contact Arrow via letter. Other ideas?

Pj west

Citrus Heights,
Update: Return Receipt Received

#5Author of original report

Wed, December 31, 2008

I received the signed return-receipt from NES, so I know they got my letter. I have not received a call from them since December 18 (the day they received the letter). I received an e-mail response from the Ohio AG's office from the complaint I filed on December 12. They were actually pretty quick to respond. The e-mail stated they are contacting NES to try to get them to "mediate" with me on my complaint. I don't expect NES will do so, but I'll keep you posted.

Pj west

Citrus Heights,
In Reply to Robert

#6Author of original report

Tue, December 30, 2008

Robert, thanks for the tips and information. I did indeed sign the letter, as most correspondence means nothing if not signed by the originator. If they are slimey enough to use that signature I'll definitely be seeking damages down the road. They provided a letter with the 30-day notice that stated the debt. I don't dispute the debt, I do owe it, and it's less than a year old. I think my big goof was what you stated about them providing me the payment plan. I do realize that there is no violation if they don't accept a payment plan, but it is a violation of common sense (idiots... $500 a month is better than nada). I wanted what I thought was reasonable to be put on paper for use in court later if it came to that. I really don't care if I'm not provided a lower "settlement". I owe the money even though I'm very aware they bought my debt for far less. I just want to pay it off for chrissake now that I am able. I'm really po'd at the original creditor (and Arrow Financial) for sending my debt to these scabs so quickly. Arrow had the debt for 7 business days before selling off to NES. Arrow got the debt from WAMU. I did state that I would only make any payments by cashier's check or money order (I reviewed my original letter). I don't think the complaints were premature. I did consult legal advice first. They committed many FDCPA violations against me already, but it wasn't just for my sake, but for everyone still to come in this terrible economy that will be put through the ringer by this abusive, family-run "business".


Good and Bad...

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, December 26, 2008

Okay you have done several things correctly, but may have also done just as many things incorrectly. You sent a Certified Letter w/Return Receipt on Saturday December 13th this was good. But, hopefully you did not sign the letter. If you did there is a possibility that they would scan your signature and put it on other documents. It is highly illegal if they get caught, but with computers and technology today it is quite possible, and hard for you to disprove. You should not have asked THEM for a reasonable payment plan. If you didn't, you needed to first request Debt Validation which would provide that in fact you owed the debt. It also would have put a specific amount in writing from them. If they can't prove that you owe the debt they can't collect. Once they returned that YOU could then give them what YOU want to pay as a payment plan. You said you told them you refuse to give them access to your personal account. This is good, however you should have made it clear that payment would be by Money Order. Again, don't give them options. You told them they can not contact you by phone, also good. Depending on the age of the debt they may no longer even legally be able to collect the debt. This is why, hopefully you did some research on your debt and the Statute of Limitations before you sent the letter. As for FDCPA violations, you can not be harrassed. However, there is no violations for "unrealistic payment expectations". From what you have written everything is verbal, and you don't have proof that they received the written request yet. While they will take them, the complaints to the other agencies may have been a bit premature.

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