I had recieved a 2007 Nissan altima as a gift from an adoptive family of my son I gave up for adoption at 16 yrs. old.
which made this very sentimental to me so i kept full coverage on my car because it was all i had for giving my son away.
December 2015 it was all I could do to get my insurance paid, yet the Good Lord made it possible on December for me to get my disabilty check of 546.00 and I paid the insurance bill sent to me dated December18, 2015 for 125.67 in which was the same ampount I had paid faithfully for 4 yrs. on December 31st 2015 due by January 9, 2016. So i praised God it was paid early then I was hit and ran off the road totalling my car on the 21st in Beckley Virginia, I panicked being away from home and there was three angelic teenagers that pulled over and offered to drive me home. Still in shock when I called in my claim I was told that Tonya Waters had taken it upon herslf to take off my collision in the phone call i requested her to take off a Driver. when I went to ask Mr. Herman personally he leaned back in hois seat and told me I wasnt a million dollar claim and they were a billion dollar indusrty I have tried to reach this company for 16 months no response, so they use thier money against an indigent woman who had a car that meant a billion dollars to her.
Lakisha Conover North Carolina