I have been attacked by NATIVE CITIZEN NEWS NETWORK and there gang of Al Qaeda wontabees SLANDER, LIABLE, and IDENTITY THIEVERY, is the normal way of doing business with these people they have given them self new name so as to not get LEGAL PAPER SERVED . NAME LIKE BUCKINGHAM DONKEY RIDER , KOKIPA SUNKSKA AKA LEE WHITEHORES , WANAGI WHITE AKA TY WHITE, CANTE LUTA AKA LASHAE YOUNG , AND ROY ROBERTSON AKA DOMINQUE VANTELL LONGHUNT , O and there all one family that work togater to attack other people . When you go on there site you will never see any real photo of the head personal whit do these BUMBA CLOT have to hide . I have found out that BUCKINHAM DONKEY RIDER is a ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT and does not wont his real face showed do to U.S. IMMIGRATION and NATURALIZATION SERVICE ISSUES . this group has ISSUES