  • Report:  #855374

Complaint Review: Neo Tech Discovery - Henderson NV; Grove City OH; Dalls TX Nevada

Reported By:
Sarah - greenwich, Connecticut, U.S.A.

Neo Tech Discovery
?? Dallas Texas Henderson NV; Grove City OH; Dalls TX, 89015 Nevada, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
For some pathetic and ridiculous reason, Neo Tech Discovery (AKA: Nouvo Tech; Novo Tech;  & their various other names, they also still use), REPEATEDLY keeps sending me same, lame "introductory" letters (how they found me, special etc; add nauseum) along with, their piddley "Greatest Kept Secrets" 56 pg. booklet (free).....  Upon recieving this supossed "life changing" lines of BS stories (which are boring and too fabricated to believe, albeit, it does make for marginally ok fiction story writing) --this 56 pg. booklet, that is-- had an invoice for me to pay for their "Neo Tech Discovery" Maual ("neo tech power & neo-tech advantages...for unlimited prosperity,happiness & romantic love") I am "supposed to have, in order to learn the Neo Tech way etc...".

To date; March 17, 2012: I had received another (it's now 37 so far) "introduction letter" of how they found me etc... to send for their free (same crap) booklet, 3 days ago. This time, though they consistently used the same mailing envelopes, they're using different return mailing addresses.  I've even received these mailings where the OUTSIDE of their mailer envelope (the envelope that would be addressed & mailed to a prospective customer) would show one mailing return address for the company yet, the inside envelope they enclosed within shows different return mailing address for them.

Since 2002 through March 2012 (so far), I've been sent these same mailers to 'send away for free booklet', then upon receipt of that free booklet, asking for money (250.00 USD--if miss the 'deadline' to order; if sent within designated 'time frame' it's 140.00 USD), to AGAIN buy the same exact Neo Tech Discovery Manual (book), each time.  

Unfortunately, I made same mistake as many had also here by, purchasing this Neo Tech Discovery Manual, first time I received this "introductory letter" to send for their free 56 pg booklet of supposed "secrets", in 2002.  As with the 56 pg booklet (enclosed with their order form to call, fax, mail in order "before deadline" of course, for this SAME exact NT Manual, again), it was 100% deceptive as was the NT manual in it's claims and (I still have the exact mailer with their inserts of "garanteed claims" & the 56 pg booklet and, their original letter sent), the feats they claimed to have (and, how others can) accomplished,  etc;.   I also was sent 2 of these large NT Manuals, despite fact I (stupidly) specifically ordered one.

I was charged twice without my knowledge or consent. I called over the phone (all kinds of dumb assed excuses is what I got instead of my refund and credit back to my card, for 2nd book I returned) to get my refund , to no avail. I was never refunded for the 2nd NT Manual, I had returned.  I called my card company and did a charge back (took long time) and, eventually was refunded--by my card company.  I also wanted to return my original one. I was given such a difficult time & numerous excuses again, that I just took the loss of $140.00. Too bad I didn't have a fire place, manual would've probably burned nicely in there for 30 or so, minutes.

Amazing, they're too disorganized (in their files & record keeping, etc;) to notice they keep mailing out this same exact garbage, to the same person, repeatedly.  I'm sure I'm not the only one they've done this to, either.

Basically, it's the same rehashed nonsense from a border lined certifiable man (mentally challanged) who seemed to know how to sell a load of crap, for continual profits he's made (now, his 'extended family & others', currently gain from) for himself.  So, save your money: the free booklet with the enclosed inserts, the "intro" letter, the NT Discovery Manual etc... none, are even worth the ink and paper it's written on.   Why these idiots still send this crap (same exact
junk each time) to same people repeatedly, is ridiculous and stupid. Like I need another piece of junk mail to dump in the recycle trash?! There are "no secrets, etc..." wake up & get real! It's all BS!
Save your money!

I stumbled accross something online earlier, before wrote this, that stated "Frank R Wallace, was killed by auto accident ("someone ran into him which caused his untimely death")".  It does make me wonder if it was really an "accident". Seems far more probable as deliberate attempt on his life which, would've resulted from the vehicular homicide. It sure wouldn't surprise me at all. .. Nonetheless, doesn't concern me what happened to him or how he died--deliberate or otherwise.  He didn't give a d**n about deliberately deceiving the many countless customers and ripping them off, so ....... .

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