  • Report:  #744258

Complaint Review: Nitro Planes - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
Steve - Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S.A.

Nitro Planes
Los Angeles, California, United States of America
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Our son works for minimum wage at the local grocery store. He saved up $160 to purchase a RTF (Ready to Fly). He purchased with his own cash, waited a week for it to get here via UPS and then spent an hour putting it together. He then went outside with my wife and I and took the plane off on the road. He flew it for about 20 seconds and the wings collapsed and the plane took a nose dive. I called tech support, waited on hold for 30 mins and never got anyone. I used their online chat and was told I could buy a new wing myself. It was $22.00 and $12.00 to ship it. Then my son would need to wait another week and pay more money for something that wasn't his fault. These guys have poor customer service and don't care about you, they just want your cash. Here is my entire chat with tech support.

Chat InformationPlease wait for a site operator to respond. You are number '2' in queue. A Customer Service Representative will be with you as soon as one becomes available.

Chat InformationYou are now chatting with 'danny'

danny: Hello, how may I assist you?

Mike: Hi Danny, my 16 year old son ordered his plane, got it today and put it together. An hour later when we were outside he took it off and went into the air. 30 seconds later when turning the winds just collapsed and broke in half. So we would like to get a new set of wings sent to us over night or simply return the item.

Mike: wings not winds

danny: May I have your order number or zip code please?

Mike: Moment

danny: Sure

Mike: 67934524847

danny: I will be right with you.

Mike: ty

danny: Mr. Johnson?

Mike: Yes

danny: Thank you

danny: So the main wing came off during flight?

Mike: Well no, the wing was secured

Mike: He took off

Mike: It went up

Mike: Banked

Mike: and then when he was banking the wings sorta folded up

Mike: Like they collapsed

Mike: It was only one side

Mike: But it broke, it was airplane failure tho not pilot error. He was in a normal bank and it just went.

Mike: The issue is he spent his own money on the plane from working, waiting all week, it got here and broke a few seconds into flight.

Mike: He has a cheap $60 plastic plane that has never had any issues, so he is a bit upset.

danny: So the only damage is the wing?

Mike: The wing and the parts on the wing, after it collapsed it fell about 100 feet. Let me get him to double check everything else.

Mike: He says the entire wing on top and the front piece where the propeller is attached is bent from the hit.

danny: Unfortunately we do not warranty any crashed items, or any damages that were accrued from usage

Mike: Ok so what about the top wing that just collapsed?

danny: http://www.nitroplanes.com/93a603-02-mainwingset.html

Mike: Ummm the crash was not our fault

danny: The wings are available for purchase through that link

Mike: Why would we pay for it?

Mike: It took off and just collapsed

Mike: Do you have an owner around I can speak with our manager?

Mike: or

danny: Unfortunately I do not as this is chat, however I can tell you that they will tell you the same thing.  We do not warranty any items that were damaged during usage

Mike: kk fine, I did actually video tape what happened and I have this chat saved, I'll post it to warn everyone ahead of time.

Mike: Thanks for your time. =)

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