  • Report:  #996217

Complaint Review: Pamela Susan Arnold Davis - Hackettstown New Jersey

Reported By:
Jennifer - Mechanicsville, Maryland, United States of America

Pamela Susan Arnold Davis
403 East Stiger Street, Hackettstown, NJ 07840 Hackettstown, 07840 New Jersey, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
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Pamela Susan Arnold Davis is delusional; she lies when the truth would do her more good.  

You and your friends band together and get all their friends to write fake reviews.

Words of a fellow Face book friend:
The terrorist tactics they employ against AC4h's critics on a regular basis are totally unbecoming of a 501c3 nonprofit and reminiscent of the Sicilian Mafia in its heyday, with the exception of murder. Cyber bullying, stalking and harassment of people at home and work is just part of their modus operandi. On Facebook, where AC4h posts the broker program horses and solicits funds, using brutal emotional ploys to get bleeding hearts to empty out their bank accounts ("Sorry to say, but this beautiful boy didn't make it, so we are rolling his funds over to other horses in need"), people are threatened and blocked if they have the temerity to question Christy and/or her associates.

Their latest tactic? Engaging in blitz attacks on people's walls on Face book, and reporting posts they find offensive en masse, which results in the attacked party being logged off repeatedly by FB. 

Pamela Davis - [email protected]
Cheryl Hanna - [email protected] 
Horsehelping [email protected]
Christy Sheidy, AC4H - [email protected]
barbara vieira - [email protected]
Judith Vanderkay [email protected]
Colleen Cramblet - [email protected]
Beth Hill Ross- bethofneer [email protected] 
Lisa Drahorad - [email protected]



It is apparent that Pam Davis has many alias'  She is able to still stalk my wall even after I blocked her and all her associates.   She insinuates that I have many alias' when the reverse is the truth.  I have my Farm rescue page and my personal page.    SHe has had alias' such as Susan Arnold and Pamela Purella. 

Pam fancies herself a great advocate for horses.  She tries to portray herself as a knowledgable horsewoman.  Not too far in the distant past she claimed to be rescuing a Mustang and posted information about him.  To date, since that claim we have heard nothing about this.  It was a story she most likely made up.  

She recently Posted on her wall about the owner ship of a horse and claimed that it lived its entire life happily with her since it was a yearling and it passed at the age of 30yrs.  I had to think about the comments she had made to me when she was one of my facebook friends (before I blocked her) that she couldn't afford to feed her bull dogs, and a bit about her horse ownership history.  

I was curious and called AQHA requesting information on the horse Wils Harla Leo.  THey couldn't find it in their records at first.   So I sent AQHA what information that was given to me about this horse in an email, at their request.  It was sent in a separate letter along with some other business I was taking care of with AQHA and asked for a written reply.  

They included in their reply in the first two paragraphs, personal information pertaining only to me and some rescues I saved earlier last year.   I merely blurred out that info and posted the truth about the horse Wil's Harla Leo having the last owner of record as someone other than Pamela Susan Arnold Davis.  
As I expected more lies from her.  You can't believe anything she says.  She will twist the truth and she will herself forge and modify information and present it as factual.  

I will post a sceenshot of a statement I made on my wall.  (mind you she is blocked) and in a short time she had copied and pasted said statement and modified it in the yahoo group where she bashes many different people.   I will show you that screen shot in comparison.  

She posted two rip off reports on me and the rescue I run.  Lying fluidly throughout both, for the purpose of being vindictive.  Making claims saying I modified official AQHA documents.  etc...  

And for the purpose of making my case of her incessant need to lie, I will post the screen shot of the conversation on her wall about lying about the horses ownership and having said horse until it died at the ripe old age of 30 from lyme disease.  IF she in fact owed the horse, she certainly did not own it until the day it passed.  Lying is so much her nature, that the mear little details like selling said horse at the age of 23 as it appears in her post of the AQHA ownership summary, mean nothing to her.  She lives in a fantasy world and hides behind the anonymity of the internet, to get her pleasure.  

She goes out of her way to point her finger at people and her motivation for living is engulfed by this behavior. It seems like her motivation for living is to do harm to others.  It goes to testify to the quality of her morality.  However, this may be symptomatic of a underlying mental disorder. 

So yes I would like to portray her as a liar, but I think delusional is probably more appropriate. 
Pam, I will leave you in your delusions of grandeur.  Be careful not to hurt yourself. 
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5 Updates & Rebuttals


Photo ID

#2General Comment

Sun, February 09, 2014

 The photo in the Pamela Susan Arnold Davis complaint is not of her, it is someone else, put there by Pamela Susan Arnold Davis. 



#3Author of original report

Tue, April 30, 2013

Another Chance 4 Horses




#4Author of original report

Tue, April 30, 2013



Well well well!! would ya take a look at this.   WHO IS NEXT??  


New Jersey,
United States of America
Jennifer Hurry has finally been exposed for the animal neglector she is

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, February 22, 2013

Jennifer Hurry/Verdant Pastures Rescue- Horses seized, Commissioner Larry Jarboe (R), who represents northern St. Marys, was notified and drove past the property on Finch Court. It
looked to me like were looking at a "HORSE CONCENTRATION CAMP" words of a ST. Mary's Commissioner regarding Jennifer Hurry's horses on the property she rents.

Horses were taken from Jennifer Hurry for neglect and abuse as well as many other violations concerning zoning ordinances for horses. She has been posing as a horse rescue for years and has lied to the public stating she is a 501c3 collecting monies from unsuspecting hard working people...
Finally justice for the animals from that criminal. Wonder where all the donations went?? Certainly did not go to her  horses. Jennifer certainly doesn't look underfed...People that donate better ask where there donations went. She most likey used them to fed her face and her living expenses..Jennifer thinks very highly of herself and her horse sense... always bragging how much she knows, putting her spin on it. I guess it didn't work.

She has no farm or rescue as she states only a round pen...and a tree. Zoned Residential Not even an acre of land. Poor horses...and that three legged pony... No shelter for the horses either...She always trashes others for their rescues..Jennifer's favorite play ground on FB is AC4H Fraud and Abuse page. She also lives with a convicted animal abuser Sally Schrock, just Google her name. Sally is a scam artist she also abused and neglected her animals.

Has to be pretty bad if the Commissioner said it was a "horse concentration camp". She has been stalking and abusing minor children on FB as well and her son is a convicted and registered sex offender. Karma has prevailed..see attached news article from the somednews.com article.


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New Jersey,
United States of America
Sally Schrock and Jennifer Hurry on a smear campaign against AC4H and it's supporters

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, January 14, 2013

Sally Shrock and Jennifer Hurry have been on a terror campaign to destroy AC4H and it's supporters for years now. And especially Pam Davis because she is an ardent supporter of the rescue. This type of harassment has been going on for for over three years now and Jennifer seems to be the ringleader along with Sally Schrock to defame and libel AC4H.Sally and Jennifer have never had any experience with AC4H, or donated to the rescue and Sally Schrock is a convicted animal abuser and she resides with Jennifer Hurry in MD. (Seems to me this is Sally doing the talking, the verbiage is the same.) Both have many aliases, as shown in the links below.  Sally was turned down for a horse she tried to adopt because she was homeless and living in a van out side her home, she lost her home to foreclosure and her animals were severely neglected and seized from AC. She plead guilty in court for animal abuse and neglect. These links are the facts folks! 
















http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-159055:14pmLisa DrahoradWait that first KMBC link does not work hold on5:14pmLisa DrahoradSally claims she is victim of romance scam!

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