  • Report:  #846989

Complaint Review: Paulette Raymond - Halifax Nova Scotia

Reported By:
Connie - Falmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

Paulette Raymond
6048 Pepperell St. Halifax, B3H 2N7 Nova Scotia, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Paulette Raymond has committed child support fraud for the last twenty years.
She received substantial spousal support and child support from my husband, her ex, at the time of the divorce. He has paid close to a million dollars ($1,000,000) in support of that family. Twenty years later and the adult children's whereabouts are withheld and kept a secret. He has nothing to show for it.

She received child support on unearned income called punitive income, the most expensive, fraudulent private boarding school tuition ($20K per student) for two students who had already quit school and didn't attend full time at this corrupt, trolling for cash, Landmark East Boarding School in  Wolfville, NS, secret, fake medical reports made up by a quack, non receipted medical expenses, University tuition, years of University enrolled, student  side trips around the world,  missing children, drop outs who left the province, withholding information, withholding facts, withholding the children/adults and non co-operation in anything to do with the children's access to their father and his family.

The judge ordered both parents to pay for William's own apartment, unsupervised, as he was only  working part time as a dishwasher. That was OK with him. He refused to look for full time employment. He was not attending school or college. He was not looking for work. He was not mentally disabled.

When William Harris, a high school drop out, finally reached the age of majority in 2005. We went to court to terminate child support. No way! Paulette Raymond gave  the Chief Justice Joseph Kennedy a secret document that we never saw or had an opportunity to respond to. She's asking for $10 K in surety.  She was hoping to get $10K out of us for her defense lawyer in the assault charge.
The corrupt judge orderd the Dad to pay $10K surety before neither he nor anyone else would hear his case to terminated child support for a missing adult man.

A few days before, Paulette Raymond had assaulted me, while I carried out my duty  of serving her legal papers. Her daughter, Emily Harris begged me not to call the cops and then ripped up the legal papers that I had just served her mother. Raymond avoided service at all costs. She previously threw the  papers back at the other process servers. She is abusive and violent and thinks she can control who serves her by attacking them and me.

Cops wouldn't arrest her. She lied to cops and told them I had assaulted her. That's a lie!
She went on to collect fraudulent child support for 5 years, for a missing adult man. To this day, we do not know if he is dead or alive. No judge would terminate child support. Canadian judges are systematically, unconstitutional, cruel, abusive and tortuous. They discriminate against fathers. The always support the mother while torturing the father.

We made many applications to rescind the $10K and terminate child support. We were denied in Supreme court and in Appeals court. We filed with the Supreme Court of Canada. All courts denied our claim. No judge would order the legal termination  of child support even when child support was no longer being paid. What?
All true.

Finally Raymond wrote a letter to the Maintenance Enforcement and terminated our court ordered child support and hers. Only she didn't have to go to court, show change of circumstances, refund our money, divulge the whereabouts of the missing adult man or complete the Interrogatories which she failed to complete for the last ten years.

Now, she is turning to me. She managed to completely destroy the family.  Now after there are no court applications she is trying to file a vexatious litigant claim against me. I am not a litigator. I am not a party to any proceedings.

She has now  attempted ten times in court and been denied, orally and by court orders. I just learned that she filed an exparte motion with the NS Court of Appeals and wanted a hearing without the respondents.  She was denied.  SNEAKY!

We want a vexatious litigant order against her. WE want costs and damages.
We want our money back.
We want to know where the adult children are. We want to see them.

We want criminal charges for fraud, extortion, theft and conspiracy filed against her and we want her prosecuted.
She is a chronic liar and a psychopath.
The judges are corrupt.
The adult children are nowhere to be found and are obviously conspiring with their mother.

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