  • Report:  #1248616

Complaint Review: paypal - Internet

Reported By:
charlottew585 - sacramento, California, USA

Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

O.k, here goe's the story. I got scammed on ebay. I bought a piece of property on ebay and seller won't return my money, because the property was not as described in auction ad and over the phone, so I demanded my money back from seller.

Well, they fled with my money and no deed to show for it. They are now in Nevada at a casino hotel gambling my money away. Their address is listed in ellenton, florida, but now they are skipping around the country, so I can't sue them, but that's partly o.k. I'm ruining their reputation with different companies.

First of all in the auction ad,  ebay put ebay buyer protection on this item and also whatever ebay has buyer protection on, paypal doe's on that same item also. 

I made an agreement with seller on property to pay for it in atleast 3 installments and paying directly through ebay button, did not let me pay in installments, so I went directly through paypal to pay seller, so after the scamming, I find out by ebay that it is not covered, because I didn't pay directly through ebay site. I'm thinking what's the difference how I do it, because when you hit ebay button "buy it now button", it directs you to your paypal account anyway to do the transaction.


Then paypal tells me that I am not protected through  them because it was a real estate transaction. I'm going to back track on my story, because it will make more sense. Before I bought the property, I called ebay to make sure that it was covered. They told me also that it was covered by paypal, because it was not considered a real estate transaction, because seller listed in "house and gardens", not listed on ebay under real estate, so ebay said thats why I have paypal protection. 


Paypal declined the buyer protection, because they said it was a real estate transaction. Are you people seeing the loophole I got them on? They have to provide me buyer protection, because of where it was listed at and that's also why ebay put that this item has buyer protection, because it was not listed on ebay under real estate. Are you all seeing what I am seeing? Ebay and paypal do not cover real estate transactions, when listed under real estate, but this property was not listed under real estate and that's why they put the ebay buyer protection on this particular piece of property listed under house and gardens. Go into ebay, type in search engine real estate, then look for the Ebay buyer protection emblem. You won't see it, but I'm going to copy the auction ad on ebay that I looked at and there it is the ebay buyer protection on the auction ad. I also talked with ebay and paypal both and specifically asked if ebay has buyer protection on an item, then paypal will have the same protection on the same item, right? Both of them, ebay and paypal said yes. I got their names and I.D numbers(representatives of both ebay and paypal in telling me this. I tell you I have an excellent lawsuit. I just wish I could find a lawyer that would take me, to take on paypal and maybe even ebay. Any lawyer that doe's not see the great potential of winning, they aren't so smart, especially to pass this up. They can make alot of money off both these mult-million dollar companies.

I think I have an excellent lawsuit and a very quick open and closed court case. These are multi-million dollar companies that have tons of money. Well, I couldn't get the auction to download to page so will have to contact this website for further instructions.

I just wanted my money back and protection if something went wrong, now I want to go after paypal for all the emotional suffering this has put me through. I was already depressed and this put me into a much deeper depression, distraught and alot of emotional distress. I can't sleep or eat much and very worried about my future, because this is going to make me homeless.


Why this is going to make me homeless, you are probably thinking? Well, I'll tell you. I am low income, on SSI Disability and 99 percent of the apts where I live tell me I don't qualify income wise to rent their apts and low-income housing is a very long waiting list. I have already been waiting over 2 1/2 years, was living in my van during this time and then my van broke down, so friend is temporarily letting me stay at their place, but I have to be out soon. Anyway, the low-income housing apts that I applied at all tell me that nobody every moves out of these places unless they die. So guess how long I could be waiting? Alot longer than 2-3 years!

I bought this property for a place to live and after buying property in Michigan(I live in California), the sellers told me that back of house collapsed and city deemed it unlivable. I believe the back of this house was collapsed in the back of it all along and sellers lied to me and lied in the auction ad and auction  said the house was a fixer upper, but that the house was refurbished and in excellent condition. I don't call the back of the house collapsing in excellent condition and they tell me this after I bought the house and that's why I demanded my money back from sellers.

I bought this property and did a stupid thing, but I want people to understand why I made such a rash, stupid decision. I was living out of my van mentioned above already for 2 1/2 years, before that sleeping in the wilderness, scared half to death I was going to be killed by someone or an animal like wolf or coyote, dealing with tons of skunks, that scared me. I don't have relatives to turn to, plus I tried the renting a room and felt very un at ease uncomfortable, not to mention the people were crazy. I tried the shelter thing, which turned out to be a nightmare. I was around ghetto gutter trash trying to make my life a living hell. Atleast in my van I had a piece of mind some of the time.

For anyone that says go live in a shelter, you should try it yourself and I guarantee you won't last long in those kind of places, staying there I mean. 

Like I was saying, I have to be out of friends place soon and made a rash decison to get a roof over my head, property was cheap($3000., I paid and lost $2250. paying the sellers) and around what I could afford and didn't realize I might of had other options at the time.

I can't sue the sellers, because they are jumping around the country, so I can't sue them and I found out that they scammed someone else, because paypal told me, so why did paypal let me make payments to them if they knew this and had record of it?


 My van is broken down, and it would of taken me in gas around $1200. for trip to Michigan both ways and your probably thinking why didn't I buy property in California, because real estate in California is sky high and way beyond my reach. Even if I found a property where you make mortgage payments, I wouldn't qualify. I already tried.

I can't find a lawyer to take my case, because i don't have much money, but any lawyer that may possibly read this has immense potential to make alot of money off of sueing paypal, because of what i explained above. This is an easy open and shut case. I have not been able to find a pro bono lawyer at all and I don't understand why paypal can't be made to pay legal fee's in the lawsuit, they should pay all the legal fee's.

I have been though so freaky much, I don't need this to happen to me. I sometimes feel like I'm going to crack, because I can't take much more of these problems in this life. I don't deserve this to happen to me or any of the other stuff for that matter. I am not a drug addict or mentall ill, but I'll tell you it sure makes me want to get drunk at times to ease the emotional pain this is all putting me through. I am an old lady that should not have to go through all this, it is absolutely absurd! I am also somewhat educated, just not in real estate. I never ever bought a property before and didn't know the right way to do the due diligence thing. I didn't know what I was supposed to do and I was in a real hurry as you should understand from my explanation above.

I am going to try to post the auction ad for proof, if this site will let me copy and paste it. I saved it to my computer and hopefull it will work. Thandks for reading and hopefull something good will happen to me out of all this, pray for me, I need it desperately. I feel like crying all the time, because sometime's life just sucks!

I used my bank debit card for transaction not a credit card, so I don't know if that is also protected from this federal law listed below. I'm going to answer no the using credit card, because a debit bank card is not actually a credit card and I'm putting this here to answer the question below.

P.s, scroll down and look at auction ad at the description and look at the emblem that say ebay money back guarantee, which is ebay buyer protection and paypal said to me that if ebay has buyer protection on item, then paypal also covers the item. Also scroll to the top and you'll see that it was listed under "house and gardens". I'm going to try to get auction ad in the area where you post pictures, but don't know if it will take.

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