I was is a situation where I needed money quickly was told via a friend! about PLS Loan Store on 87th street qualify for $1400.decline and say I just would borrow $500.00
Pay loan for several payments missed 1 one payment and was told thay could refiance but my amount would change to $650.00 so I would be taking out of collection.
Went to pay the loan installment amount ,but since I was late a few days and also couldn't pay my installment refiance again THIS TIME I would now have to pay back $2,200.00 and some change WHAT.
This loan was orginally $500.00 no more no less.I went too the Store on 11/17/09 attempted to make arrangements to pay back the loan at a reasonable rate, was told this was all they could do for me was what they stated early.Installment amount of 291.00 every 2 weeks[12 payments] or pay back in full $981.00 for a $500.00 LOAN