The company is a total scam. They called and made me believe that they were part of Elite Team. They had a sense of urgency in charging the fee and establishing the contract.
I asked for credentials and references and was told that all the successful clients of Elite Team were using their services - and referred me to Elite Team's website.
They sounded totally legitimate, only to later find out that it was a total scam. When I approached Elite team I was told that they were an affilliate and that they didn't have any control over what Prime Corporate Services does.
They're totally misleading and deceptive in their business practice. It ended up costing me a whole lot in taxes on a buiness that wasn't even generating any income.
To this day I'm still having to pay for the cost of this scam. Don't trust them, they're excellent in selling you over the phone, but not very forthcoming on details, they lie by ommission.