  • Report:  #1253718

Complaint Review: Psychic Christopher Golden - Beverley Hills California

Reported By:
Jessica S. - Alabama, USA

Psychic Christopher Golden
9107 Wilshire Blvd #450 Beverley Hills, 90210 California, USA
+1 310-598-3747
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

PSYCHIC CHRISTOPHER GOLDEN IS A FRAUD AND SCAMMER WHO HAS ROBBED MANY VULNERABLE PEOPLE OUT OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. I am talking about the personal letter he sends out to potential clients, claiming that he has a connection with them. He asks for their location and names to avoid sending it to people in the same location. I have concrete evidence to prove that all those emails are similarly identical word for word and copied and pasted into these different emails. The free evaluation form is a clever trick to con people into believing that he can help them. The personal letter he sends out is generic and applies to the majority of people going through relationship problems. Ever heard of the Barnum effect?

I am shocked and appalled to know that he has been doing this for the past 2 years. He has been literally robbing people of their own money. He has manipulated people into thinking that he can help them when the truth is he can't. Furthermore, recent complaints have been identified with him on the Better Business Bureau: bbb.org/losangelessiliconvalley/business-reviews/psychics/beverly-hills-psychic-christopher-golden-in-beverly-hills-ca-258128/complaints#breakdown.
It is fair enough that he has a no refund policy for results (as I do believe that individual results vary) but to mislead people into thinking that he can help them? Especially vulnerable people who are hoping to reconnect with their partner on false pretences? The truth is I do not know if metaphysical healing works because it is an intangible service. However, it appears that Christopher Golden does not possess this skill. Statistics have shown that people do reunite with their exes, without metaphysical healing so there could be a possibility that these people who have reunited is not a result of his service (since it is obvious that it is false and misleading).
If you dig hard enough, there are bad reviews of him on multiple forums that requires a membership to log in. Christopher himself is unable to log into these due to IP address recording (where the moderator would know that he is trying to intervene). There are people who have been robbed of thousands of dollars. This is no different to robbing the bank or stealing money from somebody's bag.
How can a psychic really be a psychic if he sends the same personal evaluation email to a majority of his clients, word for word. A true psychic would know exact details, something which only the person involved would know about, not generic assumptions.
Also, his websites do expire, I am not talking about his main website but multiple websites which he has created for false advertising. For example, the Spiritual.Foundation.
This website no longer exists, he created the forum to create an illusion so that people will believe that he is a caring, unpretentious soul when in reality, he is creating one of the biggest scams in psychic history.
So why does Christopher Golden sends the same email (as part of the free evaluation form, which he supposedly states is personal and only applies to the individual involved?).
Below is an extract of what he sent me, and I also have evidence that he has sent the SAME MESSAGE to multiple people around the world.
Hi Jessica –
Thank you for your patience as I have looked into the circumstances surrounding your situation. I’ve meditated on this and connected with your Spirit Guides. And I do believe I can help.
What has been revealed is that there is mutual love in your life. It’s mutual. You need to tune out anyone who tells you otherwise, including (and especially) your own self-doubt. The feeling is real and, in spite of him being hot and cold and confused, the feeling is in fact mutual.
You are not obsessed and this is not all in your head.  The feeling between you is uncommon and it’s real and I feel it’s worth fighting for. Trust that feeling or you will not forgive yourself.
Where I see a real problem is that you are being true to your feelings while Vincent is not being true to his feelings.  You can’t have a relationship with someone who can’t keep their heart open and won’t listen to their heart.  It’s like hitting your head up against a wall. However, it does not have to be like that. I will do my best to explain why…
So bear with me as what I’m typing right now is just a flow of consciousness, based on the psychic hits I’m getting…
You are, without a doubt, in his heart. You’re in his thoughts. But he’s not letting you in.  He is putting distance between you. And the reason why he’s creating this distance is not because of a lack of love.
Fear is what he’s listening to instead of his heart. He’s in his head and he’s stuck. 
There is nothing you can say to break this pattern. Words are not enough to fix this. There are plenty of things you could say to make things worse, of course. I strongly advise that, for now, you do not try to reach out to him and discuss feelings, relationship stuff, etc.  That will make him close up even more. He is closed and he needs to open. And there are ways to open him.
Let me try to be a little more specific…
What I see is that you appear to him in his sleep. This happens often. There are days where the dream is real enough that he is thinking about you strongly when he wakes up. I pick up that he’s woken up in the middle of the night, thinking about you.  This is good. However, in his waking hours, he is holding back how he feels about you.
Trust your heart. You are meant to be together, but not like this. The tragedy here is that you have the right ingredients for a fulfilling relationship together, but there are some serious obstacles that must be removed in order for that to manifest.  Otherwise, you’re not going to be able to let go - and you’re not going to be able to move forward either. What I feel is that you’re between a rock and a hard place.
When I see what’s stopping him from opening his heart I actually feel badly for him because I see the past trauma that has made him get stuck like this. I also feel badly for you because your heart is wide open and you’re not getting back what you are willing to give. 
You pierced his heart in a way that no one else has. Trust that – even when he tries to hide it or deny it. You understand him in a way that no one else does, which I feel you know intuitively. And the potential for this bond to be a lot more is huge. 
Mistakes were made, but ultimately, big picture, the real obstacle here is that conflict between his fear-based mind and his suppressed heart. His history has a lot to do with why his heart won’t stay open and why he won’t listen to it and be true to what his heart is telling him.  There’s been too much pain and disappointment and betrayal in his past. He needs to heal from that, so that he won’t betray his own feelings. 
This can blossom into a relationship which evolves and where both of you are getting what you need. Or this whole situation can implode. I feel I can help you.
I’m feeling a strong connection to you, so this is kind of turning into a long letter - I’m going to wrap this up. I see where other approaches have failed and why they have failed. Again, I really want to caution you about doing anything to try and fix by talking to him about it. I know that it’s hard to do nothing, but for now, that is my advice. Do nothing until I have initiated some psychic healing. The situation is delicate and requires a precise approach, in order to bring resolution and to bring about a strong commitment that lasts.
I feel you really have a good nature, a sweet nature and you give a lot - but you don’t always get back what you give. In fact too often that is what happens.  I’m sorry for the pain you’ve had to go through and I want to help you get out of that pattern. This whole thing is weighing you down when it should be filling you up with positive energy. That’s what love should bring. And frankly he’s cheating himself by not fully acknowledging what you can have together. 
To recognize something is to see what was always already there.  This recognition can happen for him with the right shift in his consciousness. I feel I can bring about that shift in consciousness, if you and I work together on this. Specifically, psychic healing is the answer.
Another thing, I feel a sadness as I tune in because you’re not yourself, you've sort of lost some of your spark - drained.  This has been going on for too long. It's time to come back to your center now.  I want to bring you back to your center and I want to heal this relationship so that a stronger bond is established, one that will survive and grow.
This is not to say that there are no other problems of course, but I'm focusing what I feel strongly is the deal breaker here.  So long as you love someone who continues to bury the love he has for you, to suppress, to hold down feelings for you, there can be no long term, happy and fulfilling relationship.  It’s that simple. It takes two – and one of you is in denial about their feelings.  Fortunately that person is not you.  That means you are going through a lot of hurt however.  But until he opens his heart to the love, this relationship stagnant at best.  That’s probably an understatement.
What absolutely must happen is that psychic healing be done to open up his Heart Chakra.  Opening his Heart Chakra is what is required before you can have a stable, happy, positive, long term relationship.  And he has no idea how to do this on his own. 
In conclusion…
Know that another person is not the real obstacle. 
Bad advice influences from others is not the obstacle. 
The fact that he is in something of a crisis state, where the mind and the heart are at odds – THIS is the obstacle – the main obstacle anyway.
Psychic Healing to open the Heart Chakra can turn this all around.  This is what I do best and I know a solvable situation when I see one.  This is a situation that I feel strongly I can resolve for you, if that is what you wish.
Here is why opening up his Heart Chakra will work...  
The feelings of love for you (although largely suppressed) will eventually come the surface, as I open his heart.  
Once those feelings hover near the surface for a while, they become undeniable to him.  
When the feelings are undeniable then the mind will not be able to hold the feelings down.  At that point we are halfway out of the woods.  
Once his mind and heart are on the same page, so to speak, my role will be mostly advisory, as I walk you through the final stages of reconciliation.
So, assuming you want my help, you and I will keep in contact (mostly by email) as you start to notice a change in this love dynamic. I will advise you on what to say and what not to say, just yet.  It will be critical that you follow my guidance at this fragile stage in the process.  
When you are at last being pursued (and that is exactly what will happen) and speaking candidly about feelings - we are not done.  Please remember that and keep in touch with me.  
I estimate it will take 2-3 weeks to see results.  He will not know this is happening - although I feel so strongly that his soul longs to be healed. I can feel it.  It is a deep longing.  Your connection can really grow and blossom.  
No one has the ability to inspire love in his heart the way that you do. Don’t’ let appearances fool you.  Trust what you know in your heart as the heart never lies. 
In the meantime, be careful not to confuse impulse with intuition.  What you have tried in the past has worked against you, even though you meant well.  This needs to be handled properly or you will not have another chance to get it right.
One last thing. You have qualities and quirks that he has been looking for almost all his life.  A shift in consciousness will allow him to see that more clearly. His present state of consciousness is too foggy. He actually felt the same way as you, and it terrified him.  That’s actually a good sign. 
I’m sorry this has turned into such a long letter.  If what I have said resonates for you, then the next step is for me to begin a process of psychic healing. Specifically, I want to open his heart chakra up to you. This requires time and energy on my part, but you should see results in about 2 to 3 weeks.
I have taken the liberty of preparing an invoice for what this will cost.  Just click on the link below:  
Once you cover the invoice (for my time and energy to commit to this) I will email you some instructions and get started on this right away.  Then let's follow up by email in 2-3 days.  Click and follow the prompts.  You do not need a PayPal account to complete this.
I look forward to solving your relationship problem once and for all and having a follow up session with you once we are done.  I feel so strongly that this relationship is worth fighting for and that this approach is what it takes to make it happen.  I hope you love him enough to be willing to take a bold leap of faith.
As I have often said, if your love is not worth everything, it is worth nothing at all.  I really feel like you’ve got something here with Vincent. We just need to make it right.
All the best, 
Psychic Christopher Golden
I would suggest anyone who seek his services to try and run a test if you don't believe me. Try sending more than 20 free evaluation forms, with different information and different email addresses then we will see whether he can actually come up with a different message each time because after thorough investigation, it has become apparent that he has send the same email word for word to numerous people.

33 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Not a scammer

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, October 27, 2018

 A couple of days ago I got a free evalution from Chris and it was pretty much spot on. I didnt give him much details about my situation. Now knowing that he is expensive I then asked him what his fees were. I told his at the moment being unemployed I couldn't afford it but once I could I wanted to get things started. If he was a scammer why would he respond with this... "Here's the thing, in looking at your situation I know that if we spoke, I would be recommending services that will cost a few hundred dollars. I would rather you save your money. And I'd rather be upfront and not drain you financially."


New York,
New York,
United States
Article I found about these reviews...

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, October 15, 2018

The Gypsy Assault on Beverly Hills Psychics

The local psychics in Beverly Hills are under attack. The reason? They are perceived to have taken away business from the Gypsy family that has traditionally held that territory for themselves. What is worse is that these non-Gypsy psychics are online, with their own websites. And this is where they are really paying the price.

How did this happen? In the days before the internet, people who refer to themselves as “Gyspies” or “The Roma People” controlled most of the storefront fortune telling business. They had an understanding, among each other, not to intrude on another family’s territory. Most of these families were good and honest people, just making a living. Others were well, shady.

As technology changed everyone’s lives over recent decades it also changed the multibillion dollar Psychic Industry. Businesses such as Keen.com and PsychicSource.com and CaliforniaPsychics.com just to name a few, came to monopolize this business. And on the internet they came to monopolize the “key word” called “psychic”. Some of the traditional store front, brick and mortar psychic shops created websites, while others failed to move with the times and kept to their traditions. And the perfect storm was already forming.

Certain psychics who were unable or unwilling to open up a psychic shop, found clients online. Some did not need a physical fortune telling store and others were quite simply afraid to open one, fearing the potential Gypsy backlash. Incidentally there is a new program on HuLu called “Shut Eye” which exposes exactly that.

So, here’s how things came to a head…

The very affluent community of Beverly Hills, home to the rich and famous, is sort of choked off on all sides by psychic shops belonging to certain Gypsy families. This can be seen using a Google map and looking down, as if from the sky, at the fortune tellers offering walk-in appointments, for palm readings, Tarot Card readings and love advice.

The major streets, the veins and arteries, going in and out of Beverly Hills 90210, used to be spoken for by Gypsy fortune tellers, each controlling their own territory. But over time a handful of online operators started identifying themselves as “Beverly Hills Psychics”. And, as you can probably imagine, this was going create a problem, sooner or later. After all, who gets to say whose territory the internet belongs to? And this new breed, the online psychics, they did not play by the traditional Gypsy rules. They put up websites and soon many of them showed up on a different kind of radar – one that matters more these days – the first few pages of Google.

It may have taken some of the traditional Gypsies a long time to finally strike back, but strike back they did. Just ask “Psychic Advisor Priscilla”. The exact same negative review about her is posted on the following websites:

  • Rip Off Report
  • ScamBook
  • Complaints Board
  • OutScam
  • Pissed Consumer

The report accuses her of sending out an email, attempting to scam a potential customer out of a lot of money. It even posts the alleged email. She has written a rebuttal claiming that no such email went out. And here is why I know she is telling the truth. That same report was posted for these other Beverly Hills Psychics as well:

  • Hollywood Psychic Gallery
  • Psychic Alana
  • Beverly Hills Psychic Gigi
  • Psychic on Doheny
  • Melrose Psychic
  • Psychic Christopher Golden   * * *
  • BeverlyHillsPsychic.com
  • Psychic Briana
  • The Psychic of Beverly Hills
  • Psychic Savantace
  • The Psychic Twins
  • Psychic Beverly Grove
  • Tarot by Tammy
  • Beverly Hills Psychic Hope
  • Psychic Love Specialist Angela
  • Psychic Angelina Lovejoy of Beverly Hills
  • Psychic Diane Solvano

All the above listed psychics have received similar or the exact same review. Coincidence? Skeptics, who don’t believe in psychic phenomenon, insist that every coincidence has a logical explanation. And this time they are right. The short list above (there are others) all encroached on territory that crooked Gypsy families believe are theirs. And they are paying the price for it.

Brandy of “Hollywood Psychic Gallery” made a statement online that they never sent out any such email. They do not have a client named “Jessica” whom the email is addressed to. They say that they have since been contacted by numerous attorneys, asking for large legal fees to save their online reputation. They even came right out and said that these negative reviews were posted by a competitor.

According to Psychic Advisor Priscilla, “I believe I was framed. This is not who I am or what I represent. Whoever is playing this sick joke it’s not fair. It messes with people’s feelings. I have worked hard to help people throughout their darkest days and brought them back to greater days. This review is absolutely not accurate.”

I reached out to some of the other psychics on the list. Some would talk to me, but most not on the record as they feared reprisal. In closing let me say this: Whatever you think about psychics, that they are real or not real, this problem is bigger than what happens to psychics in Beverly Hills. This problem is going on all over the country and all over the world. Many brick and mortar businesses have not kept up with the times and established a strong online presence. And among them are a few bad apples. Rather than stepping up to compete, they would rather try to shoot down those shining stars in their industry, that are getting all of the attention.

Some say that the business of America is business. And, perhaps in some ironic sort of way, the psychics of Beverly Hills have shown us exactly what the future holds.





New York,
United States
this guy is totally nuts yet brilliant... but still a scammer

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, October 09, 2018

 the only thing this man is good at is putting on one heck of a show... I mean props to him for covering his scam so well with all these fake sites he had made to back himself and make him look legit... truth is. you pay him to schedule your appointment and then he never calls... wanna prove it too... go to his website and ask him a question for free.. I did from multiple emails and was rather relieved to find out that with his help my sister and the neighbors dog will have a wonderful lasting relationship if we pay him to help... I mean come on... so thankful I have buyer protection so I get my money back... you better hope you do too if you give this fake any money!


Everything he told me came true

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, January 25, 2016

Nothing in these reports resonates for me. My readings from him have always been spot on. Someone clearly has an agenda.

I think its ridiculous to think that a competitor would, whille trashing someone online, also give a pitch for their own services. Just because the person who wrote this is not telling you where to go instead does not mean they are not trying to take a Beverly Hills psychic down.

Imagine if you were wanting to make a name for yourself as a Beverly Hills psychic. Google that. Google Beverly Hills psychic. Imagine you want to come up and one person in particular keeps getting mentioned, page after page after page. 

Then consider that this industry is full of scammers and frauds. That does not mean that they all are or that Chris is. But is it conceivable that a competitor would keep working on trying to tarnish the reputation of the top dog?

Chris hasn't done anything wrong. This is a witch hunt with an agenda.  No concerned citizen would keep posting these things, over and over and over. There is an agenda here.  That is the part which anyone can see.


#6Author of original report

Sun, January 24, 2016

There is no reason for me to do this. I am not getting any money from this. I am not a competitor. Usually competitors would advertise their services yet no one even knows who I am. I am not even who CG is saying I am.

This guy is simply a scammer. The banks have his records. The authorities are investigating him but these things take time. With psychics, it is also a harder case to build. People should use their intuition here. He has a lot of negative reviews for someone who claims to be so accurate and to have thousands of happy clients.

Also, that website with the prices were obviously created after I posted my rebuttal. This guy is clearly a fraud and he advertises because his client base is not as big as he claims, otherwise his business would be based on word of mouth.

When you speak to him, ask him for specific details and don't reveal anything. Ask him about past events only you can confirm or even future predictions. This guy can not do either. He gives generalised statements. When you ask him why your ex isn't coming back yet he says to give it some time. I wonder why he gave the refunds after the letter was posted instead of just helping people reunite with their exes? Clearly because he can't do it and the exes who do come back, they were going to come back anyways, without his intervention.

He will keep luring you in because you are desperate, he will say things to make it seem like you are so close to reuniting with your ex. He is a fraud, a scammer, and he will definitely get angry if you issue a paypal dispute because there have been a few before.

Thumbtack can not verify all reviews and none except for one was listed as verified when I was investigating this. Thumbtack has confirmed this. Why else do you think he deleted his thumbtack account?

Any logical person can see his poor attempts and his followers too. Negative reviews are plenty online. Proceed with caution with this fraud, he is trying to scam people at their most vulnerable state. He even admitted to me in his email that his followers pay him tens of thousands?



West Hollywood ,
Naysayers Full Frontal Attack

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, January 21, 2016

There are a big cluster of these, all around the same time, about the same guy, saying the same thing.  Let's use some logic:

He's been in business for quite a while, so why the sudden flurry of attacks?  Could it be that someone has an ulterior motive?  I think so and I think it's obvious.

Anyone who thinks they are exposing Chris is fooling themselves. His prices are right out in the open at:


His media coverage is provable.

Anyone can pick up a copy of the book, "The Top 100 Psychics" and find him there.

You can write to Thumtack and they will confirm he was "Best Psychic in Beverly Hills 2015".

You can verify the quotes from Playboy and The Wall Street Journal and Huffington Post as well.

You can even get a reading from him and determine for yourself whether you feel he does have real, authentic psychic powers. Notice that your experience will not match what is being described in these competitor attacks.

That's all for now. I trust that the reader can separte fact from fiction and know an attack on a brand when they see one.


#8Author of original report

Tue, January 19, 2016

CG is a scammer, fraud and liar. Lies after lies after lies. He has more unhappy clients than happy ones. His reviews are fake. None of his reviews can be verified. That stupid comment about how all his reviews on his websites are monitored....are you freaking kidding me??? THat is the most outrageous lie.

He is a scammer because he will keep giving you excuses as to why there are obstacles along the process. It's so that he can scam vulnerable people who want to reunite with their exes.

Below is an email he will send to state why his metaphysical healing is not working so that you can send him more money. When it suddenly gets into the thousands and thousands and it still doesn't work he will keep bringing up more and more excuses and then raise your hopes up by saying it's all so close. At first, the costs will be $400, then $600 and then over 1k and then continue until people realise that they have been scammed and by then it's too late. They are ashamed to come forward because at the end of the day who wants to acknowledge that they have been scammed by a so called psychic?

Below is an email he sends out to clients:

I've been meditating on this. Here is what I'm getting... The heart Chakra is opening too slowly.  I feel that the reason for this is that there are too many karmic obstacles.  What this means specifically is that the karmic patterns in your life, which we sort of touched upon when we spoke before, are turning out to be a big obstacle. 


Everyone has good karma and bad karma.  Karma is not a moral law, rather it is the Universal law of cause and effect, or action and reaction.  In other words, you didn't do anything wrong. However, there is an imbalance and too much negative karma has found its way into your relationship dynamic. This is a problem which I feel strongly requires a specific approach.


The best analogy I can use for why this is an issue now and not sooner is to make the comparison to a doctor.  Even finest surgeon can do a scan and then and x-ray, before operating, only to find something else once in surgery.  I feel that is what’s happening here. Specifically, this is what your Spirit Guides are revealing to me at this time.  I am seeing that your negative karmic patterns are holding back the process of opening the heart Chakra.


The options are pretty simple.  One is to continue to be patient – and of course that is free.  The other is for us to expand the scope of the work I’m doing.  This requires some sacrifice and commitment.  That said, if I could do Karmic healing work, I do feel this would dramatically speed things up.  Not only would it stop you from being blocked in several areas of your life, but it would resolve this relationship issue much, much faster. The benefits will pay off for a long time, but in the more immediate sense this will remove what is clearly holding your relationship back from healing.


If you are committed enough to this person to move forward with Karma Work, please use the link I created below to cover this using PayPal.  I will get started on this new round of work immediately, which means I’ll be working on your case at least twice a day, re-routing negative karmic patterns and working directly with your Spirit Guides.  Please know that I have never left a client hanging, ever.  And I’m committed to seeing this through no matter what.  So if you are unable to commit 100 percent at this time, I will still keep working for you and I will give 100 percent. The Universe responds to what ever you project towards it - it reflects it back at you, both positive and negative.  That said, if you want me to add Karma Work to what I’m doing, which I do highly recommend, then please use the link below.


Please email me after you have taken care of this and I will get started immediately.



and there are more emails to come :) The ones whose exes do come back, it's pure coincidence because statistics have shown that quite a few exes do reunite after a time.

There were paypal disputes against him, I have evidence of this :)

The banks have his records so if you want a refund within 3 months, go ahead and ask your bank for it, they will refund you.

He is being investigated, I have proof that there are outstanding claims made against him.

Search up the Better Business Bureau, the complaints are similiar to his negative reviews. For such a so called best psychic in LA, he sure has a few BBB complaints. Seriously, he's not even famous!!! He's not on the news, his articles are self written and he is clearly no where near as famous as the celebrity psychics we see on TV all the time.

He considers me a threat because I am telling the truth. Because if I wasn't why even bother disputing me?

I will be posting more of his emails so he can continue to come forward with more lies. Some of his past and existing clients will know what I am talking about here. The thing is, this guy is trying to distract any potential clients by saying that there is another competitor. I am not whoever he claims me to be and he clearly knows it but yet he's still getting his people to post those rebuttals and what a coincidence, using my name too :)

Anyone with logical thinking will be able to see through these fraudulent methods.


Katie Lucantonio / Psychic Angelina Lovejoy

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, January 14, 2016

Well apparently Psychic Angelina Lovejoy of Bevelry Hills is actually Katie Lucantonio of Australia - Just like all the other rebuttals said, where people were trying to attack Chris.  I found the video Alex made to be very enlightening.


Katie Lucantonio using a picture of a famous model taken from the Wikipedia page for Melanie Chandra (I doubt she got permission as who would want someone using their picture and saying they're an online psychic?) And she has the nerve to write a negative review of Chris?

I found out she was stealing his intellectual property of another psychic and exploiting it commercially.  What does that mean?  It means she had copied the content off of his website and put it on hers.  And this is of course psychic Christopher Golden I'm talking about. He said he had to ask her more than once to stop using it. He also said he "refuses to go negative". Well let me do it for ya, hon.

Katie wanted Chris to loan her $80k or find her $80k to help her finish building her house. His assistnat put up a video showing the actual screenshot of that email and then got fired by Chris for doing it.  When he declined, she sent another email, which you can find the screenshot for online, where she said her family is mafia (I doubt it as I've read all of these RRs now) and that she would destory him. Destory him if she does not get $80k USD?

Well there's a problem with the review system on the net these days. People can try to do that. People can threaten people with emails and say they are in the mafia and will destory people? This is insane!

I asked Alex what she means by that and he says she claims she wil do whatever she has to to destroy Chris reputation. Well, we'll see about that, if that's true or not. But there are her threats right there to see in the videos.

Psychic Angelina Lovejoy of Beverly Hills is Katie Lucantonio of Australia.  If you go to the WhoIs.net website and enter her site: www.PsychicReading.chat you will find that it is owned and operated by, you guesed it, Katie Lucantonio. I did it myself and I also copied it from the videos. I have everything now.

If she starts bashing Chris using her real name, as a former stuent of his, then I will know she really meant it about the $80k but I think when she said her family was mafia that was probably just some sort of bluff.  But who can be sure? All I know are the facts that I can prove. She said her family was mafia, she said he has to give her $80k USD and she said she will destroy him. Draw your own conclusions people.

I think it's wrong to try to make people think you are a psychic in Beverly Hills when in fact you live in a rural area in Australia. It's probably not illegal but it is deceptive. Expecially when people trust you with their problems.  According to her LinkedIn page, works as like a Building Inspector for the county over there in Australia.

I think all this blackmail and bullying has got to stop.  But mostly I don't like it that Psychic Angelina Lovejoy has turned out to be this Katie Lucantonio. And I don't like seeing Chris being messed with by anyone.


Beverly Hills,
Honest Psychic Practice

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, January 13, 2016

I do not write "abusive" emails.

I have nothing to hide.  Although I would rather that my proprietary information not be made public, as pretend psychics will likely adopt parts of it in order to seem authentic. 

There is no one filing a PayPal claim. 

No one's bank is coming after me.

My bank is not citing any irregularities. 

The Fedreral Trade Commission has not cited me for any of my online reviews (and they monitor this stuff, espeicially in certain industries and this includes psychics).

I will continue to service my clients.  Attacks from "Jessica" will likely continue and I will just answer the accusations as they come.

I've been written about in The Wall Street Journal (write to them and ask for a copy of both articles) The Huffington Post, Playboy Magazine and listed in "The Top 100 Psychics". 

Someone as visible as I am, no the internet, were they running some sort of scam, would be in prison by now.  Common sense.


Still a fraud!

#11Author of original report

Tue, January 12, 2016

In my opinion, this guy is still a fraud. His poor attempts to refute my statements and even as far to attempt to get someone to use my name to file rebuttals to other ripoff reports to make it seem like I have changed my mind. Furthermore, he sends me an abusive email to blame me for posting that letter. If he had nothing to hide, posting that letter would have done no damage. The issue here is that he sent the SAME LETTER to clients, misleading them, making them think that he understood their situation when in fact he just sent out a generalised letter which would have applied to anyone going through a break up.

His refund policy? That's to cover up for his scamming behaviour. He will definitely tell you there are problems after the refund period is over. Think and use your intuition. Typical scamming behaviour is saying that there are obstables along the way and requesting for more money. He doesn't even give any proof that he is actually using metaphysical healing. No proof whatsoever. Why would you pay for something where he can't even produce a video to show that he is doing something. He doesn't even need to show his face.

I do believe that past, existing clients would know what I am talking about here. His emails are short and he takes forever to reply to them but he sends me long emails to abuse me. Does this make sense? Taking ages to reply to clients but yet he replies to me instantly? Shouldn't your clients be your top priority? If I am only bluffing why am I even a threat? Common sense will prevail here.


Beverly Hills,
I Operate an Honest Psychic Practice

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, January 04, 2016

The person posting these negative reviews has said, with regard to me and my employees, "If he keeps pushing me I will continue to post more of his letters" or something that that affect.  Please note that the letter posted starts off by saying, in the first paragraph, "If this letter feels like a form letter, that's because it is".  

An instructions letter is a form letter.  I have nothing to hide.  Although I would rather that my proprietary information not be made public, as pretend psychics will likely adopt parts of it in order to seem authentic.  

Note that there is no one filing a PayPal claim. 

No one's bank is coming after me.

My bank is not citing any irregularities. 

The Fedreral Trade Commission has not cited me for any of my online reviews (and they monitor this stuff, espeicially in certain industries and this includes psychics).

I'd like to emphasize again (and research this if you like) that most psychics are not very psychic when it comes to our own life.  I'm not sure why this is, but I think it's because it's too subjective.  Our own bias overshadows any kind of psychic insight.  So that said, I don't know how long this "Jessica" cause will continue their crusade against my practice. But it would appear that there is no end in site.  They will post accusations and I will post my responses.

If you want to know what a psychic scam looks like, look up "Ashara Love Spells".  There is, no kidding, a picture of her holding an enormous glass trophy, stating that she has won "best spell caster three years in a row".  Why wasn't I invited to the Best Spell Caster Awards.  That would have been rather amusing to attend.  Maybe it's because it does not exist.

I knew that when my article about why Love Spells are a scam was published, there would be some blowback. But this one I did not see coming.  Since September there has been wave after wave of attacks on me.  I'm taking a lot of enemy fire right now.

Ignorning this is not smart. Engaging in it looks petty. What to do?  I will continue to protect my reputation indefinately.

But more importantly, I will continue to service my clients.  Attacks will likely continue and I will just answer the accusations as they come.

Someone as visible as I am, no the internet, were they running some sort of scam, would be in prison by now.  Common sense.

Instead, I've been written about in The Wall Street Journal (write to them and ask for a copy of both articles) The Huffington Post, Playboy Magazine and listed in "The Top 100 Psychics". 

Weigh that against 2 people calling themselves "Jessica" and the reader can decide what conclusion they want to draw from that.





More lies!

#13Author of original report

Mon, January 04, 2016

Every time I thought I will let this go I get an email with more lies.

I seriously do not know how one can live with themselves.

There have been people who have been scammed period. Some do not want to go forward because it's past the refund period and some are just down right too ashamed because of the nature of this. They just want to let go.

I find it hard to believe that the FTC monitors EVERY SINGLE review on everyone's website. Do you? I am not going to even bother refuting that lie. Btw, why have the thumbtack reviews never been addressed? Also, noticed how the google reviews reduced in numbers? Because I sent an email to google to state that they are not legitimate reviews :)

Also, why has he til this day never addressed why the same letter was sent out? Or why his services had failed? He's not on a winning streak. If he was, he wouldn't need to keep sending more invoices and say that more work needs to be done. he's not accurate and he's definitely not good at reunited people.

However, to prove to CG I am a real person in contact with past clients I will post one of his instructions letters. Now if I wasn't someone who read his correspondence to these people how would I have obtained these I wonder? They were sent to me by previous clients. I also have more emails where he makes claims that he won't fail :) but why is it that the ones who have come to me have never reunited with their exes either I wonder.

Hi -

I'm glad you decided to move forward and take steps to tilt the future in your favor.  Here is what you need to do:
Stay positive.  Entertaining negative thoughts makes this process take longer.  Consciousness affects form.  So if you find yourself going down that road, of fear, anxiety, regret, etc. catch yourself and instead, visualize the outcome you desire.  Really visualize it, as in daydream.  This alone is not enough to bring about the outcome, but it sure makes my job easier and that means faster results for you.
Do not use any other psychics while we are working together.  No love spells, candle work, affirmations, Chakra work, Reiki, nothing.  This interferes with the work I'm doing and can actually derail everything, or at the very least slow it down.  We don't want too many cooks in the kitchen.
- Do not "help".  Do nothing to try to seduce, lure, push, etc.  I think you know this already, but such moves will work against what I am doing.  Please avoid monitoring this person online as it works against this process in terms of Karma.  And whatever you do, avoid an argument at all costs.
- The nature of this work is Karmic.  Please keep what we are doing to yourself.  Do not speak of this to others.  Energy Work is confidential and the more eyes you put on it, the more it will lose its potential power.  I really cannot emphasize this strongly enough.  Please help keep this energy focused and contained by not talking about the Energy Work with anyone.  We need to protect this process as observation affects what is being observed - and there is even science to back this up.
- If you are not presently in contact, DO NOT be the one to initiate contact.  This includes Facebook, texting, etc.  Whatever you do, check your motives.  If the purpose is to help or to get a read on how this person feels about you - don't do it.
- Feel free to contact me at will for updates.  The best way to reach me is by email and not by phone.
If you get the feeling that you are having conversations with me, in your head, do not be alarmed.  This is actually quite common - however please do bring this to my attention.
Now, a few things about the type of work I am doing... I generally use Remote Kundalini Psychic Healing.  You may personally feel some of the effects of this, or not.  Everyone is different.  But if you start to feel a very noticeable change, in any of the following, please let me know:
- A sudden spike in energy or a speediness.
- Craving for spicy foods
- Spike in libido
- More talkative than usual
- Tingling in the palms of your hands
- Very strange dreams
None of these signs are cause for alarm.  But if you do experience them, please let me know at once.  Nothing in life is guaranteed, including my work.  I do not offer refunds as the cost is for my time and not for outcomes.  But I do guarantee that I will not stop working on your case until it is resolved, as long as you remain supportable.  Also, I never suggest anything which I do not personally feel will be beneficial and effective.  I have an ego, like everyone else, and I don't like to fail.  So you have my commitment that I will work on your situation every day and not stop until the problem is resolved.  Please remember that the best and fastest way to get a hold of me is by email.
Thanks :)
Psychic Christopher Golden
Hi -
I will get started on the metaphysical work we discussed, but I wanted you to read these instructions as we move forward.  This is a standard letter with instructions I send out to everyone whom I'm working with that has a case like yours.  So if this feels like a form letter - it is ;)  Here is what you need to do:
Remember, what we are working towards is greater fulfillment in your life. We are working on the improvement of your Spiritual Condition ultimately. And this is really a collaboration. There is a lot I can do to help you, but it is absolutely critical that you be receptive and supportable and that you really want this, deep down in your heart. If you find any obstacles within yourself, where you find that part of you does not want to improve, you need to let me know, because I am here to help you. I am here to support you as your Spiritual Adviser, but I can only support you if you are supportable. So here are some pointers...

Stay positive.  Entertaining negative thoughts makes this process take longer.  Consciousness affects form.  So if you find yourself going down that road, of fear, anxiety, regret, etc. catch yourself and instead, visualize the outcome you desire.  Really visualize it, as in daydream.  This alone is not enough to bring about the outcome, but it sure makes my job easier and that means faster results for you. Remember, consciousness is key.  Ultimately the way we get results is by changing consciousness.  Whether it is your consciousness or someone else's, the entire Universe exists on a platform of non-local consciousness, and even when a tiny pebble is dropped into a pond, it changes the entire pond.
Negative thoughts are are poison to the work that we do - Giving yourself over to such negativity automatically creates obstacles and delays.  It is like throwing mud on the very floor that you are cleaning. One can only spot clean so many times, before the entire floor has to be washed completely, from the beginning.  We will want to avoid that.
                          -  A WORD OF ADVICE ON HOW TO REMAIN POSITIVE:  If you find yourself having anxiety or difficulty waiting, remind yourself how much you care about this person and remember that this pain of waiting and uncertainty is just one of the many things you are willing to go through, because you love this person that much.  Suffering is one thing, but unnecessary suffering is unbearable.  You can avoid this.  When you know what you are suffering for, it stops being suffering at all.  The poet Rumi said, "Gamble everything for love, if you are a true human being".  Remember the one you love the most is the one you are willing to do anything for.
Do not use any other psychics while we are working together.  Too many cooks in the kitchen.  No love spells, candle work, affirmations, Chakra work, Reiki, nothing.  This interferes with the work I'm doing and can actually derail everything, or at the very least slow it down.  If I have to undo someone else's work, there could be an additional expense involved.  So best to avoid that from the onset.
- Do not "help".  Do nothing to try to seduce, lure, push, etc.  I think you know this already, but such moves will work against what I am doing.  Please avoid monitoring this person online as it works against this process in terms of Karma.  If you are presently not speaking, DO NOT INITIATE CONTACT while I'm doing this work (unless I instruct you otherwise).  Do not try to get their friends involved or to lobby for you.  In short, the less you do to help, the faster I can deliver results.  It is critical that you keep your side of the street clean, in terms of Karma.  And whatever you do, avoid an argument at all costs.
- The nature of this work is Karmic.  Please keep what we are doing to yourself.  Do not speak of this to others.  Energy Work is secret and the more eyes you put on it, the more it will lose its potential power.  If you talk to others, or post about this work on a forum, the power of what we are doing could evaporate.  Even posting something positive online, before the work is done, can derail the process.   I really cannot emphasize this strongly enough.  Please help keep this energy focused and contained by not talking about the Energy Work with anyone - no exceptions.  We need to protect this process as observation affects what is being observed - and there is even science to back this up (the "observer effect").  Observing a thing changes it.  We cannot have outside observers if we are to succeed at this together.
- If you are not presently in contact, DO NOT be the one to initiate contact.  This includes Facebook, texting, etc.  Whatever you do, check your motives.  If the purpose is to help or to get a read on how this person feels about you - don't do it.  This is the most common mistake some people make.  Don't let it be yours. Do not monitor the other person on social media.  I can only help you if you follow all of the instructions.
- Contact me for updates by email - not the phone.  If you don't hear back from me, check your email spam folder.  I do not ignore emails - ever.  However, if you are seeking reassurance and I don't email you back immediately, please do not assume the worst and post something negative online.  If you post negative feedback online you will forfeit our working relationship entirely.  I do not make exceptions for this rule.  I return all emails - always.  I never ignore a client, ever.  I have never abandoned a client and I am not going to abandon you.  Please remember that the best way to reach me is by email and not by phone.  If you need to reach me by online chat or phone urgently, you can always try Psychics.CHAT and see if I am available.  
I would also ask that you not send multiple emails, as emails are answered in the order of priority. Flooding the inbox with email pushes your email address to the spam folder - and that's not good for you or me. In fact, it is more likely that none of your messages get to me at all if you do this.  I realize how emotionally invested you are in this process.  And I am invested in doing everything in my power to help you bring about a resolution, ASAP.  However, seeking constant reassurance is both karmically and consciously counter productive.  In fact, it's the same as prevailing upon your partner to tell them that they love you 20 times a day.  I can negotiate within the laws of karma, but I cannot change the basic law of karma anymore than I can change gravity.  Unconsciously and telepathically your partner may psychically feel this pressure and it will push them further away, thus, sabotaging our work together.  So with all due love and respect, I ask you from the start to avoid the temptation to sort of chomp at the bit.  Patience is difficult, but it is essential.
If you get the feeling that you are having conversations with me, in your head, do not be alarmed.  This is actually quite common - however please do bring this to my attention.
Now, a few things about the type of work I am doing... I generally use Remote Kundalini Psychic Healing.  You may personally feel some of the effects of this, or not.  Everyone is different.  But if you start to feel a very noticeable change, in any of the following, please let me know:
- A sudden spike in energy or a speediness.
- Craving for spicy foods
- Spike in libido
- Feelings of déjà vu
- More talkative than usual
- Tingling in the palms of your hands
- Very strange dreams
None of these signs are cause for alarm.  But if you do experience them, please let me know at once - by email.  Nothing in life is guaranteed, including my work.  As noted in the disclaimer, which appears at the bottom of every single page on my website, I do not offer refunds.  The cost is for my time and not for outcomes.  If you post anything online about the work we are doing, and break the code of secrecy, I will stop working with you.  I do guarantee that I will not stop working on your case until it is resolved, as long as you remain supportable.  I never suggest anything which I do not personally feel will be beneficial and effective.  Your happiness matters.  And my own karma and reputation matter to me.  I have an ego, like everyone else, and I don't like to fail.  I like the winning streak I'm on and I want to stay on it.  So you have my commitment that I will work on your situation every day and not stop until the problem is resolved.  Please remember that the best and fastest way to get a hold of me is by email at: [email protected] and not by phone. If you need to reach me by online chat or phone urgently, you can always try Psychics.CHAT and see if I am available.  
If you wish to book a Psychic Reading with me by phone, please go to: Psychic.Menu to reserve a time slot using my online calendar.
I am fully committed to the success of our work together.  I will match your level of dedication and - provided you remain supportable - I will support you every step of the way.  
Thanks :)

Psychic Christopher Golden
so there are way more emails but if CG keeps pushing me I will happily post them online :)


Beverly Hills,
"Jessica" is not a person but a cause

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, January 03, 2016

Ideally I would prefer to ignore all of these reports, but a few points should be responded to, rather than being left unchallenged:

- The emails shown in the video are real.  I have copies of them.  One came to [email protected] and the other came to [email protected] thus they appear slightly different.  I have kept copies, of course, should this issue escalate into a full legal dispute.

- The Federal Trade Commission has very strict rules about testimonials, for any business.  Businesses that host reveiws on their own websites must keep records of how they received those reviews, such as emails.  As for sites that host reviews for businesses, they are also required to spot check them.  What this means is that they will occassionally email the person who posted the review and ask them to prove that they are a real client or customer.  This keeps them in compliance with the FTC.  If the same person posts more than one review, they have methods by which they can detect this.

- As for the assertion that I am doing something illegal and that PayPal and the banks should be notified. Obviously PayPal has a record of every transaction, going back for many years. If there was something suspicious or irregular going on, they would have investigated and cancelled my account.  The same holds true for banks.  If my bank looked at my account actiivty and felt that it was irregular or suspicious they would have severed ties a long time ago

- This assertion that there are a whole bunch of dissatisfied former clients, conspiring to go to the authorities and report me is ridiculous.  If there were anyone who is a real legitimate client who was unhappy, first they would let me know.  If they felt that did not yield the results they were looking for, they would most likely filed a PayPal claim.  I have ZERO PayPal claims.  None.  When I log into PayPal there is absoluely zero outstanding issues or disputes.  Finally, one can go to their own bank and file a dispute, which ultimately becomes a PayPal dispute.  Again, there are ZERO PayPal disputes.

- "Jessica" is not a person but a cause.  This name represents more than one person and the person posting as Jessica can tell you that they are not a client. I started receiving emails from someone claiming to be this "Jessica" back in September. They did not file a PayPal dispute, did not claim to be a client and had no actual demands.  Rather, there have been a flurry of threats. I stand by my original assertions.

- I run an honest psychic practice.  The psychic industry is frowned upon unfortunately and therefore heavily regulated. We follow ALL laws and are compliant with all rules and acceptable business practicies which any reputable e-commerce entity must abide by.  More importantly, consistent with my own deeply held religious beliefs, I operate a psycihc practice based on love, designed to help people to find love, to recover lost love or to improve the love relationships in their lives. Nothing in our life is more important than love and love is the guiding force in my life and therefore the guiding force at Psychic90210.com

More lies!!!! CG is not a man of integrity!!!

#15Author of original report

Sun, January 03, 2016

So whoever has been posting the rebuttals as Jessica S....Hmm I wonder whether that really is pure concidence or the works of CG to distract the reader. Just my speculation I guess I could be wrong but why not post a different name to not create confusion?

Also, the fact that CG has blamed on this on another person, stating that they are a competitor and want money for a venture. To the logical person, does this not sound off?

First of all, CG is not the only psychic in Beverly Hills and he is by no means the number 1 psychic in Beverly HIlls either. In fact, regardless of how famous he claims to be I have never heard of this guy until my friend got scammed and told me they got his details off the website and that top 100 psychic book. So i got curious and read the book myself and in it the authors explicity state that they by no means recommend those psychics. In fact, I read the news a fair bit and I have heard of many famous psychics...such as Psychic Twins, John Edwards, etc but CG? If he was so famous and so well known for his accuracy, why even bother with the reviews and advertising, would not his clients speak through word of mouth? I think anyone who wants to consider him need to think about that carefully. Did you have to search for him on the internet because you were heartbroken and wanted to reunite with your ex that you got sucked in by his general statements about anyone who is going through a heartbreak would want to hear? Why don't the even well known psychics bring up the excuse of a competitor attacking them? is that not the lamest excuse ever? Why would a competitor even attack someone by posting negative reviews and have you noticed that all the negative reviews have some element of truth? They simply state he requests for more money and any of his existing clients would know that. Why doesn't CG himself post the prices upfront but instead sends invoices for thousands of dollars and blame that things don't go right. He says he is doing metaphysical services but why not provide proof of that? If you're paying for something wouldn't you want proof that it's working? Or is he trying to manipulate you by saying that it's soooooo close but yet when he's meant to get results he sends more invoices requesting for more money. If that amount all of a sudden equates to tens of thousands of dollars....what does that suggest?

Secondly, CG knows for a fact that I am not who he claims me to be. In fact, he sent me an email acknowledging that and yet he still posts the rebuttals stating that I am this other psychic. Hmm, CG you've proven to me once again you are a dishonest man and I will happily post the email if you wish to dispute that too.

Thirdly, if he can post all that information about his former client...that just goes to show he's not a man of his word or integrity as on his website he explicitly states that he will not reveal your identity under any circumstances ever.

Pls read the below disclaimer available on his website:

DISCLAIMERS:  California Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance: I promise 100% privacy.  We understand the discreet nature of our clients personal lives. We have taken the necessary precautions to be in compliance with the California Online Privacy Protection Act. We therefore will not distribute your personal information to outside parties, ever, under any circumstances. 

In addition, if anyone actually saw that video he posted, um I must say CG you do a dodgey job of faking emails. The two emails are clearly different, with different profile pics and one email says addressed to 'me' but the other one 'Christopher Golden'. Also, those emails mean nothing as they were doctored by you.

Which brings me to another question, I find it hard to believe that anyone would be angry because you decide not to join in an 80k venture. Why an 80k venture? Out of all the excuses you could pull? Or maybe it's because you scammed someone out of 80k and now they want it back? For all existing and past clients.....when psychics charge for hundreds of dollars fair enough if they are accurate as the famous psychics list the prices on their websites but they it exceeds this amount drastically to tens of thousands....does this not sound suspicious? Think carefully.

Finally, CG you really need to start owning up to your mistakes. why have you not addressed the same letter being sent out? and pls dont say you dont know...every client you reply to there's always a history so you would have known and you did know. Please stop trying to lie any further and start refunding the poor innocent people back their money. Don't you have a heart? Your fake reviews says you have a heart and that you're compassionate but you have proven otherwise and that is what makes me believe that those reviews are fake.

Also, just wondering, why did your thumbtack reviews suddenly reduce in numbers and ultimately disappeared???? Just wondering you know since I know for a fact that Thumbtack can not verify reviews and they have no way of verifying it. When I was researching you you had 89 reviews on thumbtack but only 1 verified....hmm I wonder what that suggests? I wil let the reader decide.

PS. I also know you have been getting people to email me to get more info..I have that all in email...for those of you requesting more info, I am pausing the info for now because this fraud is trying to obtain it and unlike him, people's privacy are my utmost concern.

So pls pls guys, ask for your refund. The banks and paypal has his history. When he gets investigated how is it going to look when he is receiving thousands from people and sending more invoices because of obstacles. He can't even prove that he's doing the work and the reviews online can't even be verified. He just trying to manipulate people at their most vulnerable state. Ask him a question and see whether he can give you dates, name, anything specific to you and you only.

Why does he keep postponing the results...is it because he's trying to buy time so you can't get your refund? Is it because he wants more money from you? Typical scamming behaviour is asking for more money without results.


Jessica S.

Katie Lucantonio is behind this?

#16Consumer Comment

Fri, January 01, 2016

After speaking with someone at Mr. Golden's office I learned that he was asked to invest $80k into a real estate project by a former student and colleague.  He refused.  He also found out that this person was advertising herself to be a Beverly Hills psychic and put content from his website onto hers.  Her name is Psychic Angelina Lovejoy.  I did a Google search of her and found that her real name is Katie Lucantonio.

Apparently not only did she steal his intellectual property and exploit that commercially, but she told him that her family was mafia and that she was going to destroy him.

Here is the video I found:  https://vimeo.com/150454833

It's all there, actually screenshots of her warning him that she was going to destroy him.  It makes me have to re-think what I have been told by other people about Christopher Golden.  I feel like Katie Lucantonio wants him to give her $80k or else she is going to do his reputation harm.  

This is not right.  Just Google "Psychic Angelina Lovejoy" and you'll see what I mean.

Not only a fraud but a liar.

#17Author of original report

Thu, December 31, 2015

Clearly CG you are making yourself look more pathetic. You know I am not whoever you're claiming me to be and you know that I am not doing this because I am a competitor and I have your emails to me to prove it. Very funny. Please give a legitimate rebuttal. BTW you also never addressed why the same letters were sent out. You should address the issues not give lame excuses.

Psychic Christopher Golden

Beverly Hills,
Competitor Attack from "Psychic Angelina Lovejoy"

#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, December 29, 2015

Upon further investigation it was revealed that this flurry of attacks from a local competitor comes from Beverly Hills Psychic Angelina Lovejoy:


The irony here is that, while I am being called a "fake" this "Beverly Hills Psychic" actually resides in Australia.  A simple WhoIs search will yield that result.

There are unfortunately too many phonies in the psychic industry - and it is an industry.  Few people realize it's a $2.3 billion a year industry.  That said, that much money doesn't always bring out the best in people. Being in Beverly Hills does suggest that one has reached the top of their game, if they can hang on long enough to make a name for themselves.

A Google search for "Beverly Hills Psychic" shows that one psychic in particular seems to dominate the first few pages. As you might well imagine, not everyone is happy about that - especially a fake from Australia who wants you to believe they are a Beverly Hills psychic:


So, I do hope that this rebuttal gets approved.  It's only fair that, if my reputation is being attacked, that I be able to repsond, especially now that I have the knowledge of who, in their own words is "going to destroy" me.

This person recently threatened me saying that their family was mafia.  I have a copy of that email and a screenshot.

They are also using the photo of a well known model as their picture on their website, but without her permission.  If a psychic uses a stock photo, they should disclose that to their clients. And they should not deceive their clients about being from a prestigious place in order to drum up business, when in fact they are from a rural area of Australia and have a day job.  Not cool.

Anyway, I don't like to smear anyone publicly. But I will not stand by and have my reputation, or the reputations and livelihoods of the people who work for me be damaged or threatened either.

"Psychic Angelina Lovejoy" is a fraud.  I will not publish her real, legal name here because it's permament.  Everyone makes mistakes. If she can get in the right path, there is no reason to punish her for the rest of her life.

That said, if I continue to face public attacks, such as this one, I will publish her legal name.

Also forgot to add...

#19Author of original report

Sat, October 24, 2015

BTW I never posted those 2 bad reviews on thumbtack. I only ever posted my 1 review and your friend CG got them deleted. CG has a habit of getting people to post fake reviews but I do not. I also question the reliability of thumbtack reviews as I in fact have used his services which is evident via my review.

You tell me to stop making wild claims but it is in fact you Crystal that is doing it. CG has a habit of removing bad reviews and getting people to post crazy fake reviews so that people can not see his true colors. He monitors reviews constantly, takes ages to reply to his actual clients but when 1 bad review is posted he responds within hrs.

Common sense will prevail here...

All evidence still leads to scammer. Not a competitor, give me proof and stop making unsubstantiated claims.

#20Author of original report

Fri, October 23, 2015

Crystal - you stated that I think it is unethical that CG does not use his real name. Well, that is quite funny since I do not recall saying that. I read through all my rebuttals twice and no where in my arguments did I state it is unethical for him not to use his real name. Well I suppose I would not want to either if I am in the business of scamming people.

In fact, why would I even say that when I myself acknowledged that I have not used my real name.

Do you know why I know that your so called colleague/friend is not a psychic? Please read another email below he sent to another person.

Hello Annie –
Thank you for your patience as it has taken me a while to write this letter to you. I needed to wait for the answers to be revealed to me, given that I have had very little information to work with. That said, it has been made clear to me that your love is really something special. This is no ordinary connection between two people. This is a connection that is meant to be, but with forces of opposition getting in the way.
By that I do not mean that you or anyone else has been cursed. I don’t believe in curses. In all of my years of doing what I do, I have never seen any evidence that curses exist. But there most certainly are forces of opposition - and that is what is happening here.
I feel lead to tell you is that this is not all in your head. You are not obsessed and your feelings for Jason are not unhealthy. In fact, it’s quite the opposite – you need to listen to your heart and you need trust what is in your heart. Listening to what’s in your heart has allowed you to make it this far.
What I am writing to you now comes from a psychic technique called “automatic writing” and so I am just going to allow Spirit (or God or a Higher Power or whatever you prefer to call it) to speak through me now. I want to reveal to you how to find fulfillment with this man and bring your connection to a point where you can be together, without any outside interference. You are meant to be together and if you follow the guidance being provided for you now, I feel strongly that you will be together.
I feel lead to tell you that what is on the surface can often be deceiving. This includes other people and things said or not said. It’s also not something you did or didn’t do. Rather, the main obstacle here that I am seeing is him. Specifically, it is his perception. And his distorted perception is coming from his current state of consciousness. I will explain…
Future events are caused by a combination of fate, karma and free will. And all 3 play a part in what is going wrong here. I do not believe in spells and have no intention of manipulating his sense of free will. But I do feel very strongly that his distorted state of consciousness needs to become liberated, so that he can make decisions from his heart and not his mind.
In his heart he has feelings for you. But his mind has been hijacked by fear. That fear is based primarily on past trauma. It has nothing to do with you. This fear is the main obstacle here.
I wish to liberate him from that fear so that what is in his heart can become unleashed and he can be true to the full potential of what can exist between you. Based on many years of experience and the psychic hits I am receiving; I feel I can make this happen.

His actions and his words do not match up with what is buried in his heart.


That said, once I can get what is in his heart to be the cause of his words and his actions, you will experience a melting of two souls. You will still be your own person. He will still be his own person. But on a higher level of reality, your two souls will be as one. This is possible and I am willing to commit to this if you are. At the end of this letter I will explain what steps we will need to take to make that happen.


 We all have free will. But just as a person can become physically ill or mentally ill, we can become spiritually unhealthy as well. My goal in writing you this letter is to restore you both to full spiritual wellness – and what will come out of that is that you will be together.


 So let me tell you what I am seeing that is keeping that from happening right now, so that we can correct that and bring you together completely.


 There is a reason why you may be getting hot and cold messages from him. It’s almost like a Jekyll Hyde type of situation. When he acts or speaks from his fear-based mind he is cold. If he were to act or speak from his heart, he would acknowledge the special connection you have. It’s really that simple. Again, don’t let the outside circumstances distract you. These are surface manifestations, symptoms of a deeper problem. But the real problem is what I have just described.


 I am not clear as to what happened in his past. All I can seem to pick up is that life experiences have shown him that, if his heart starts to open too much, he retreats. And then his heart closes. This is what is happening here. So it’s as if alarm bells go off inside of his psyche - except that it’s a false alarm. I hope that makes sense because it’s very important that you get that.


 Since the center of the problem is his state of consciousness, then that is also where the solution is hiding. Experience has shown me that when you truly understand a question, you will find the answer hidden inside of that question. Given that the problem is that his heart will not open up and stay open, the solution is healing. Specifically, he must be healed in such a way that his heart will open and stay open. To put that in metaphysical terminology, we must open up his heart chakra.


 Right now it’s like there is a tug of war, between his mind and his heart. And the fear-based mind is winning. In order to reverse that, we must empower his heart. And in order to do that, we must heal the past trauma that has caused his heart to suddenly close, like a closed flower – or a closed fist - once he feels too vulnerable.


 I can see that this man thinks about you often. But it’s going to take a lot more than thinking to get his heart open to the point where he acts on his feelings.


Right now the only feeling he is really being true to is fear. Once he is being true to love, you will be united in a powerful way. You are, after all, the one person who is truly in his heart.


 There is a saying that “there can be no progress without sacrifice” as things that are valuable are worth fighting for. I recommend we do some spiritual healing to open up his heart chakra and bring him to you, body, mind, spirit and heart.


 Just because he is suppressing or burying his true feelings for you does not mean those feeling are not there. It just means those feelings are buried.

 I feel you really have a good nature, a sweet nature and you give a lot - but you don’t always get back what you give. In fact, too often that is what happens. I’m sorry for the pain you’ve had to go through and I want to help you get out of that pattern. This whole thing is weighing you down when it should be filling you up with positive energy. That’s what love should bring. And frankly he’s cheating himself by not fully acknowledging what you can have together.

To recognize something is to see what was always already there. This recognition can happen for him with the right shift in his consciousness. I feel I can bring about that shift in consciousness, if you and I work together on this. Specifically, Psychic Healing is the answer.


Another thing, I feel a sadness as I tune in because you’re not yourself, you've sort of lost some of your spark - drained. This has been going on for too long. It's time to come back to your center now. I want to bring you back to your center and I want to heal this relationship so that a stronger bond is established, one that will survive and grow.


In conclusion…


Know that another person is not the real obstacle.


Bad advice influences from others is not the obstacle.


 Simply put, he is caught in a spiritual crisis and psychic healing is the fastest way to bring him out of it.


 Here is why opening up his Heart Chakra will work...


 The feelings of love for you (although largely suppressed) will eventually come the surface, as I open his heart.


 Once those feelings hover near the surface for a while, they become undeniable to him.


 When the feelings are undeniable then the mind will not be able to hold the feelings down. At that point we are halfway out of the woods.


 Once his mind and heart are on the same page, so to speak, my role will be mostly advisory, as I walk you through the final stages of reconciliation.


 He will not know this is happening - although I feel so strongly that his soul longs to be healed. I can feel it. It is a deep longing. Your connection can really grow and blossom.


  In the meantime, be careful not to confuse impulse with intuition. What you have tried in the past has worked against you, even though you meant well. This needs to be handled properly or you will not have another chance to get it right.


 You are who he has been looking for all this time and, ironically and sadly, you are who he is not letting into his heart. Let us solve this dilemma together. A shift in consciousness will allow him to see that more clearly. His present state of consciousness is too foggy. He actually felt the same way as you, and it terrified him. That’s actually a good sign.


 Anyway, sorry for the long letter but this situation, after I meditated about it, really spoke to me. Trust God. And if that concept is too foreign, or if you have problems with the religious establishment, then simply trust in a Higher Power. It will be a Higher Power that will allow the Psychic Healing I’m going to do for you to work. I feel it will take around 2-3 weeks to get this done.


 I have taken the liberty of preparing an invoice for what this will cost. Just click on the link below:




Once you cover the invoice (for my time and energy to commit to this) I will email you some instructions and get started on this right away. Then let's follow up by email in 2-3 days. Click and follow the prompts. You do not need a PayPal account to complete this.


 I look forward to solving your relationship problem once and for all and having a follow up session with you once we are done. I feel so strongly that this relationship is worth fighting for and that this approach is what it takes to make it happen. I hope you love Jason enough to be willing to take a bold leap of faith.


 As I have often said, if your love is not worth everything, it is worth nothing at all. I really feel like you’ve got something here. We just need to make it right.


 All the best,




Psychic Christopher Golden


[email protected]


Now correct me if I am wrong but this same letter, although not the same one I received...is quite similiar except that he has just reworded the situation.

For future potential clients of CG, please observe how he always states that your lover has a past which does not allow him to open up his heart....hmmmmm, that can apply to anyone.

Also, please note that whatever he sends back to you, NOTHING IS SPECIFIC TO YOUR SITUATION.

So back to what I was saying. He is not psychic because those 2 emails were sent from the same person...ME. Both using different names and may I also add I am not looking to reunite with an ex or lover and all names are fictional.

As to why I am doing this. There is a reason. He has scammed a dear friend of mine and after they confessed to me I read through all the emails and trust me I have clear evidence that this man is not who he claims to be or can do what he claims to do. In all the emails he asks for more money, he can not give specific answers. In fact, he also did not call on the scheduled reading, claiming he had an emergency. This is a common pattern I have noticed in all negative reviews. Maybe that is why he decided to cancel the $75 initial reading.

I see he has also affiliated himself with a new website www.psychic.com. It appears he has a lot of connections. Anyone who goes and looks at this website can tell....it is filled with plenty of psychics at discounted prices...to the logical person what does this mean? Can all those psychics listed really possess this gift or does this sound like those gypsy stalls you see in tourist places...


I will let the reader decide...



West Hollywood ,
I question the motives of this report

#21Consumer Comment

Mon, September 21, 2015

The person who posted the original Rip Off Report is saying now that the rebuttals are fake.  Honey, I am a real person. I am not a client but a colleague who has known Chris for a very long time.  I stand by what I've said.  If you say that the rebuttals are fake, then who is being the deceptive one in this picture?  Who is being manipulative and trying to bend others to their will?  

I wonder what would make someone do what you are doing? If you don't believe in psychics and you find it unethical that Chris would not use his legal name and you find it absurd that a psychic could reuinite people, then why did you fill out his free online evaluation in the first place? That is awfully suspicious.  

And weeks later, you're still on a mission to destroy his reputation.  I see that you had posted 2 more reviews on Thumbtack. If you're curious as to why they removed those, Thumbtack does not remove reviews but with one exception. If you did not use his services through Thumbtack, they can delete your review whether it is positive or negative.  And I see that Google removed your tirade as well.

Rip Off Report will allow anyone to say anything, without any evidence. You can accuse anyone of anything and they will post it and never take it down under and circumstances.  So you have the perfect arena to bully Chris if that is something that makes you feel good and important and like you're a powerful person.

By the way, professional people who adopt a different name for their line of work run the gamit from the Warner Brothers to Rush Limbaugh. Many psychics use names as out there as "Moon Whisper" and "Rainbow".  I have been a practicing psychic for many years and my given first name is not Crystal.  I have my reasons for using that name and they're different from the reason Chris uses his psuedodym.  For me it puts me in the right head space.  For Chris he wants to have a private life as his professional life is very public.

I will keep coming back here to defend him as long as you keep attacking my friend. Chis is not someone who scams people as you have suggested. 

More importantly though hun you really need to take a look at yourself. You are riddled with contradictions. You say you believe that people who do what he does, reunite lovers using metaphysics, are a bunch of hooey.  And yet you say you went to him to have him to precisely this.  The whole thing makes no sense.  I don't know who you are but I do know that if you Google "Beverly Hills Psychics" Chris basically owns page one. Maybe you are a competitor.  

Psychic Christopher Golden - all evidence leads to scammer. For those who have been scammed please speak up and get your refund.

#22Author of original report

Mon, September 21, 2015

Please dispute via PayPal or card institution. This man is very clever. A classic example of a scammer is not asking for all payment upfront but stating that there are problems and obstacles. He can never give you specific information about your case. He gets people to write fake reviews and rebuttals. Think about it carefully, if he can really reunite you with your ex why wouldn't his celebrity clients promote him? Celebrities are known to be open about a lot of things including eating disorders and sexual abuse but not this? He has a clever marketing tactic but please guys use your intuition and common sense.

Someone with common sense will be able to see through these rebuttals!

#23Author of original report

Thu, September 17, 2015

Hannah - so it is ok for you to use a fake name for privacy reasons but I am not allowed too? I believe there is a word for that....double standards. It is funny how you now acknowledge he has a seizure, after what I told you. Probably should confirm with your psychic to make sure your fake rebuttal is correct.

Client83 - If psychic hits derail after false information then what is the purpose of being a psychic? A real psychic will be able to see the truth no matter what darling. Obviously, if I did not have concrete evidence I would not bother posting a report. No use posting if you don't have it but some people are ashamed of publicly admitting they have been been scammed because they want to reunite with their bf/gf or ex.


If he had nothing to hide, he would have just let my negative review stay there and dispute it. Instead, someone, the review for deleted and for those of you following this, you would know that the insane google reviews that followed mine was an attempt to make my review appear spammy.






#24General Comment

Tue, September 15, 2015

 Yes he did have a seizure Alex did let us know on the spiritual foundation site aswell and also Chris told me himself. And yes he went offline because he has been very busy with his clients aswell. Even though he is unwell, he will sometimes stop on the phone or emails but will always still continue with the healing work as promised for all his many clients that he has. Then he catches up on all his emails. The reason why he has probably not emailed you back is because you have been doing this. Also if you have not given your real name or your exs and you don't want to get your ex back as you claim you yourself have proved that you are doing it to test him as a competitor and your actual motive from the start was to ruin his credibility or else the names etc would have been genuine? You were not genuine from the start but someone who was very conniving. If you were not a comoetitor just trying to abuse Chris, why on earth would you waste your time trying to get an email off him and then get in touch with his assistant Alex amd then to top it off write a rip off report and try and fight your case. If you were a normal person and not a competitor, you would have just left the situation there and got on with your life. You know what say what you want but chris already has his genuine Clients who he can trust which is enough for him. That is probably why he has not reacted because he has so many clients and so many good reviews and a good reputation that he does not need to waste his time trying to convince you of his originality. Also to add you have not seen my name on Spiritual Foundation because i did not use my real name or picture on there for privacy reasons. You know Chris has always taught us to be loving and kind and no matter how people treat you to forgive them. So i will be nice to you and hope you all the best for the future and whatever your motives are. Just please don't do things like this it is not a nice thing to do. If someone did that to you how would that make you feel? Just think about it. Everyone has a heart, even you do, just think about how it would have made you feel if someone abused you all over the internet for the world to see... it would hurt. Take care.


I think you're bored

#25Consumer Comment

Tue, September 15, 2015


Honestly dude! I think you must be bored - doing a research on a psychic that "apparently" never worked for you is a bit cuckoo :p. So let me get this straight:

1) One day you had an epiphany that you should start investigating Christopher Golden - now, how did you find him and what was the purpose anyway? Surely, you were looking for some answers/insight . People do not JUST google psychics to test them and then post negative review - Your motive itself is very suspicious or You are bored indeed

2) Psychic hits will be derailed if you provide false information 

3) In my letter Chris DID mention that it would be better to talk over the phone to get the validation/verfication

4) Chris never demands money, people do it at their own free will 

5) I am glad I am not Vincent - I would not like to reunite with you :p





None of these rebuttals actually make sense!

#26Author of original report

Mon, September 14, 2015

I think a person with a bit of common sense will be able to see that the below rebuttals are suspicious and possibly an attempt made by someone to post fake rebuttals. I will do my best to refute the claims made my these people. However, my purpose is really to save others from being scammed out of hundreds and even thousands of dollars. That has always been the purpose of this report. To the people who posted these rebuttals. I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and believe they are real rebuttals, however, please note that everything can be tracked, including IP addresses ;)

Madhu - Your letter bears no resemblence to mine so that's fine. That doesn't change the fact that many others have received the same letter. His website now reveals how the evaluation forms are analysed but if you were really a true client you would know that that was never on his website prior to this ripoff report. Everything can be traced online, I can assure you and any editing of his websites can also be traced ;) There would be dates and records to show this so I know that for a fact that he only posted the answer after my ripoff report was posted and after I emailed his so called assistant Alex.

This is his Alex's response:

From: Psychic 90210 <psychic90210>

Date: Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 3:07 PM

Subject: Re: Jessica / Vincent (re-sent)

To: Jessica Smith <js1865014>

I'm going to, with your permission, forward this email thread to Chris.  I'm also going to find out who sent out the same letter to several people.  Give me a day or so to get to the bottom of this. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.  This is really bad.

Based on the email above, a person with resonable doubt would believe that this response implies that there is a flaw in the system. I didn't give him a chance to reply back to me and he still hasn't about how so many people could receive the same email. If Christopher Golden reviews the letter, as he claims, would he not know that the same letter was sent out to many people????

Another important fact Madhu, I am not destroying his reputation. If he has a great reputation, my ONE ripoff would not make a difference. It's common sense. However, if a so called psychic presents scammy behaviour, then others will start to question and relate to my ripoff report. Besides, anyone knows that to clear their name they can go through a arbritation procedure offered by the ripoff website ;) Maybe Christopher Golden needs to hire a new attorney to help him clear his name ;)

Furthermore, he got my thumbtack review, google review deleted. If anyone who is contemplating using his services, I would suggest reading/monitoring his websites and google reviews/thumbtack reviews on a daily basis for several months. Legitimate negative reviews get deleted within a day or so. Maybe that explains why he has so many positive reviews. Not only does he hire paid reviews but he hires people to post strange negative reviews so that they appear absurd and in that way the legitimate negative reviews are considered spam. Again, please note that all reviews can be tracked as well ;) And if we obtain the IP addresses of these reviews, I wonder who is sitting behind the computer ;) A paid reviewer perhaps.

Client83 - Maybe you're dyslexic? I thought you read my letter. If you did you would know that Christopher Golden NEVER suggested to call me to validate results. Pls read it again honey. He actually just sent me an invoice and implied that he knew my situation from the free evaluation I sent in. I am suggesting people to send multiple letters to make sure he is legitimate. If they are going to spend huge amounts of money, are they not entitled to test his accuracy? BTW he is not accurate. I do not have an ex named Vincent nor do I want to reunite with an ex ;) PSYCHIC MUCH? So to respond to your accusation, NO, I did not follow any instructions because I simply had no reason to.

Hannah- If you think your psychic is genuine, good for you. But correct me if I'm wrong. Alex (Golden's assistant) told me the website Spiritual Foundation was closed because CG is recovering from a seizure?

From: Psychic 90210 <psychic90210>

Date: Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 1:22 PM

Subject: Re: Pre-written message

To: Jessica Smith <js1865014>

I sent out an email to everyone and told them we were taking Spiritual Foundation down until Chris had recovered from his seizure.

I have also personally witnessed countless people being helped by Chris.

And yes, there are some negative reviews.  Every business has them. But I'd like to call your attention to the cluster of reviews that all popped up in 2013.  Notice these happened immediately after Chris gave an interview where he said that love spells are a scam.  Do you think that is a coincidence?


But now you're saying because he's so busy with thousands of existing and new clients. Now that is a bit contradicting ;) If you were part of the members of the forum I thought you would have received that email? BTW I have been reading that blog for months and I do not recall your name on the list or the comments.... and honey I totally believe in karma, 110%!! If CG has nothing to hide, why spam my google review? If his client base is soooo HUGE and they keep coming back, why bother with my review. I am only one person after all. KARMA SUCKS for those who are scamming people out of their hard earned money ;)

Crystal - I question your rebuttal. No one has anything bad to say EVER? No one is 100% and even CG himself acknowledged that on his website. You're funny.

The top 100 psychics book was published in 2014. Research for the book would have had to be done in 2013 I am assuming. Just because you're top 100 in 2014 does not mean you're top 100 in 2015. Besides, the authors themselves explicitly states that they DO NOT RECOMMEND any of those psychics in the beginning of the book. If he was named number 1 psychic in Beverly Hills would you kindly show me the link?

If he is your colleague, maybe you can ask him why he doesn't feel guilty for taking people's money under false pretenses or even offer refunds for taking thousands without any outcome. If he gives A LOT OF money to charity, surely offering refunds for those cases that don't work out would not make a difference since he claims to have a HIGH LEVEL OF ACCURACY.

To the reader, I would like to say, please please be cautious. Maybe you can test him, give him someone else' name you don't love in the evaluation form. When you speak to him on the phone ask him something very specific, something only you would know.

He tells people they shouldn't contact their ex in the letter because if they did, would they not know that he never woke up in the middle of the night dreaming about them? You're in a vulnerable state and he preys on that to you can give him money.

He will ask for more money and make up some excuse about why things failed. Typical scammy behaviour is asking for more money without results. Use your intuition.

Lastly, word of caution, anyone who posts fake rebuttals, know that your IP address can be tracked ;)



Bridgeport ,
Correction Needed

#27Consumer Comment

Sun, September 13, 2015

I read this letter several times and compared it to the letter I received from Chris recently.  It bares no resemblance.  Noting is similar.   Also, he explains how the letters are done on his site so theres no big mystery or secret there either.  This whole thing strikes me as malicious and possible defamation.  I hope Chris sues you although I doubt he will.  I contacted Alex and asked him what Chris is going to do and he said “nothing”.  This is really mean.  You are hurting a man’s reputation permanently here. Anything you put on this site will never go away.  It’s like a tattoo. 

Now from now on anyone who looks up Chris online will find someone saying he robs everyone and is running a scam.  That is so unfair that you get away with this. You make me sick.  Don’t you have anything else to do with your life from one day to the next? Or do you just wake up each morning and think of what you can do to feel powerful by hurting someone else and convincing yourself its for the greater good?  Tell yourself that you’re out to help people but really you’re trying to hurt someone because it makes you feel powerful and power is addictive. 


What a kerfuffle ! My letter not matching

#28Consumer Comment

Sat, September 12, 2015

 I'm not sure why these accusations about free evaluation forms are happening here as My letter was TOTALLY different . This is getting a bit out of control Jessica or whatever your name is . I suspect you failed to follow Chris's guidance and now you're spitting your dummy and having a go at him. Get a life lady! First, asking people to send you their letters is a bit out of order and I think you're getting a bit obsessed with your 'investigation'. Chris Sends a letter to his potential clients but he clearly states that he needs to talk to them over the phone to validate his points and that's when the REAL deal and validation happens. Sending emails to him under different names is again a bit off the trolley here. Instead of bashing him, perhaps it would be a better idea to talk to him over the phone to get rid of this 'obsession' . No more comments here. Seriously.


Chris Golden is Genuine!

#29General Comment

Sat, September 12, 2015

 Hi, i would just like to state that Chris Golden sent me an initial letter which was completely different to your letter - it resonated with me. Chris hit the nail on the head in the email. Also, spiritual foundation is proof that he had clients that trusted Chris as what he sent them resonated woth their email too otherwise if it was a scam they would not have comtinued to work with him. In addition to that Spiritual Foudation comment you wrote, it no longer exists at the moment because Chris is way too busy to post blogs as he has thousands of new and existing clients to deal with at the moment. He will be back on there when he has more time in his schedule. I too was on Spiritual Foundation and Chris always answered our questions and it was good. However, since Spiritual foundation has been offline (temporarily) Chris has never failed to reply to my emails for additional support. I am a client of his and have spoken to him on the phone plenty of times. I feel it is not nice to abuse him like this. You are trying to abuse his credibility but he has thousands of satisfied clients from all accross the world so whatever you do say will not make a difference to others as they all love Chris. He has a heart and he tried to help you as he sent you an initial letter completely different to what he sent me; infact yours was more thorough than mine so count yourself lucky instead of bashing him online. Please stop abusing someone like this. Remember what goes around comes around so please refrain ;)


West Hollywood ,
I have known Chris for years

#30Consumer Comment

Sat, September 12, 2015

Chris is a colleague of mine.  Every psychic in the LA area knows Christopher Golden, at least by reputation if not personally. I have known him for years and I have spoken to many of his clients over the years. I have never heard anything negative ever. No one has accused him of anything like this. Everyone has positive things to say.

Chris gives a lot of money to the causes his believes in, including taking care of our Veterans. He has helped a lot of people who did not have money to get over their depression. He is considered a spiritual teacher by hundreds of people all over the world. 

There are a lot of shady people working in the psychic world but Chris is not one of them. He is considered one of the best actually.  He was just named the #1 psychic in Beverly Hills and he was on the list of the top 100 psychics. You don't get there by screwing people over. You get there because enough people had glowing praise for you, so much that you are considered the best.

I don't know who this person is that is going around posting all these negative reviews about my friend, but I don't like it. Christopher Golden is an honest man and he is a kind and generous and good man with a huge heart. And it hurts me to see his name dragged through the mud like this.

He is still suspicious.

#31Author of original report

Sat, September 12, 2015

OK Manja, I am going to take your comment that he has helped you as true.

However, it doesn't change the fact that since I have posted my review, I am still receiving emails from others stating that they have received the same letter. Please explain to me why he would send out the same letter about their ex dreaming about them or even lying about how the letter is personal and only applies to them. Is that not considered misleading?

If he stated outright that the personal evaluation is a form letter and that he got others to help him put it together then I would not have a problem. Maybe not everyone receives the same letter but there are numerous who have received the same letter, believing it is unique and applies only to him. This is why they are believed into thinking he knows their personal situation. They are manipulated into spending money on his so called energy work based on false pretenses.

I am not out at him with a vengence, I simply what to help others and expose this lie about the personal evaluation.


Facts Corrected

#32Consumer Comment

Sat, September 12, 2015

I am not going to post the letter I got from Chris because it's private. But it's not the same or even similar to the one you posted.  It’s accurate though.  I will say this.  The amount he asked for was six hundred and it took 4 weeks for him to help me get my ex back. At the end of 4 weeks we talked on the phone twice so he could counsel me on how to manage the relationship and keep it on track.  After that, if I wanted to call him it was fifteen dollars a minute.  I know that’s a lot of money but on the other hand he did do what he said he was going to do and it did work.  So when you say he is ripping off all these people I seriously doubt that very much.  I think you need to be very careful what you accuse people of online, especially because what you say on this site they will never remove. That’s their policy.  Rip Off Report does not require proof of any allegation and they will never remove any accusations that are made on this site. So you are really going after this man’s reputation with a vengeance.  I am not using my real name because I value my privacy. But I will say that my experience does not match anything you’re saying and you’re saying that it’s the same for everyone. You should be less careless, even though you are obviously very mad.

Psychic Christopher Golden is still a fraud that has misled a lot of people.

#33Author of original report

Fri, September 11, 2015

Ok Sue/Nitin....fair enough, Christopher Golden sent you a different email. However, that email is indeed very generic, it can literally apply to many many people in a situation where they would want to reunite with the person they love.

Psychic Christopher Golden is a smart man, I can assure you that. The reason why there are few negative reports is that with the nature of the work he deals in (psychic industry, reunited with their ex), people may be hesitant to put forward a negative review because they are embarrassed of giving their full name, details as well as the aknowledgement that they have been scammed hundreds and thousands of dollars. After all, how many people would go forth and say that they were tricked by a psychic who said that they could bring back their ex? Going through a break up can be traumatizing enough already.

The few negative reviews (minus the obviously insane ones, which I suspect that Christopher Golden has hired other people to post to distract people from the real negative reviews) follow the same pattern. No call on initial reading due to alleged emergency, pay $400 to open heart chakra, extra money for energy work and more money with some excuse as time goes on. Then no email or contact afterwards??? I will let the reader decide using their own intuition regarding this.

ALSO, another thing which I find really suspicious is as soon as I post my negative review online regarding the same email being sent as part of the free evaluation, a few insane reviews (copying some of my email but adding in extra stuff such as the bible (please note that I am agnostic btw) to distract people from reading my real review. What's worse is this was his response on the crazy reviews afterwards...

Response from the ownerin the last week-

This is getting loonier by the hour. Yet another review, saying the same thing basically, but using a different name.

What is really surprising is that he failed to respond to my long legitimate review about sending the same pre-written message to more than one person, in fact, at this rate I believe it is more than 10 and counting (as I have received emails from other people after I posted my google review).

Fair enough if he wants to send the same pre-written message to others but he sends these messages telling people that it's personal and applies only to them. Not to mention in the email he specifically states that he is supposedly getting all these psychic hits and that's why he's typing such a long letter.

When I contact his office do you know what their response was?

On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 1:37 PM, Psychic 90210 <[email protected]> wrote:

I would not work for someone who is running a scam.  Would you like to know how the letters are processed?  Like an attorney, Chris has a number of boiler plates he uses to put together a letter, since the situations where he can help are generally one of maybe 5-6 situations.  He has in-house apprentice psychics who work for him.  They do a Tarot reading, based on what is filled out in the form.  If they feel the person can be helped that is forwarded to a more seasoned psychic who puts together a letter, based primarily on these boiler plates.  Then the letter is presented to Chris. If he feels it's right, the letter goes out.

Ok so he supposedly hires other psychics to help him with the evaluation email...HMMMMM. But yet he fails to tell his clients this or the fact that the evaluation is taken from a boiler plate....which by the way I have to add is a bit ridiculous...how many exes would dream about them and wake up in the middle of the night thinking about them? Wow it must be pure coincidence that the letter applies to 5-6 people exactly word for word...um Barnum effect I might add...common technique used by many psychics but also misleading because he convinces people that he knows their own unique situation. He sends the personal evaluation stating that it is PERSONAL, a free psychic evaluation that he personally types himself but now it's actually a few others that help him? For all we know, he might not even be psychic, which I would like to add, I don't even have an ex named Vincent, nor do I want to reunite with one...PSYCHIC FAIL LOL

Although, he sent you a different email Sue/Nitrin, that email alone does not prove anything to me. The email is generic, it can apply to everyone going through a breakup. People break up for a reason and if it was easy to bring everyone back there wouldn't be breakups and divorces in this world.

Psychic Christopher Golden is clever. He has an excuse for everything but I would encourage people to use their intuition and a bit of common sense when you research him thoroughly. Ignore the crazy reviews (such as the transgender one) but look at the few negative reviews that suggest he follows the same pattern. He doesn't call on initial reading, always asks for more money but never gives the full figure upfront. Furthermore, his common excuse of karmic obstables....HMMM.

I suspect the crazy reviews are his attempt to silence the real reviews. He stated that the negative reviews were immediately after his interview stating that love spells are a scam but love spells have always been known to be a scam. Everyone knows that the are based on supersitition, it's common sense guys! I also want to add that that interview was provided in the middle of 2013 and the negative and crazy reviews followed at the end of 2013...that's like half a year in between so I don't think that's a good enough excuse on his behalf.

He also threatens people with legal action on previous rip off reports....um guys it's a classic rebuttal from most scam psychics. It's a stupid threat made by most scam psychics.

Another thing I will add when doing further investigation, I noticed that the good reviews on google are mostly written by people who write like 9 reviews, 48 reviews, etc. I don't have evidence to confirm this but doesn't it seem like these are written by people who write paid reviews? Again, please investigate and use your own intuition here.

What also surprises me is that for someone who claims to have a high level of accuracy but he doesn't guarantee results or offer refunds for the few that don't work out...hmm is it because the failures outweighs the successes?

I really typed this ripoff letter because I want to prevent others from being scammed. Also, if Psychic Christopher Golden will refund all the people he's misled by sending them the same free evaluation emails I will happily retract my negative reviews but I know that that is something he'll never do because after thorough investigate I have come to my own conclusion that he is not a man of his integrity nor an honest man for that matter.

I hope by writing this report that I have at least helped even one more person from being scammed out of their hard earned money.




Letter not matching

#34Consumer Comment

Thu, September 10, 2015

My letter from Chris does not match the one you posted. I will copy it below. Your take on him is wrong.


Dear Sue –

Thank you for filling out the free psychic evaluation. I feel you have a difficult situation. Even though, under all of the layers of anger and resentment, I do feel there is still love there – the fact is that so much damage has been done, on both sides, that honestly to try to bring you back together can become very expensive.  Furthermore, we run a huge risk that even with metaphysical intervention, it could still take a long time to fix this. Please email me back if you want to discuss this, but I wanted to let you know upfront that this is a really tough case. 


You both have to change your perceptions.  With you this can be done through the advice that I provide. But with him, what this would require is a shift in his consciousness.  That takes a lot of work and, if you are serious about moving forward, then I want to discuss with you what I feel this will require.


I will wait to hear back from you.




Psychic Christopher Golden


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